The UK if I recall already has very strict libel laws, where you can accuse somebody of libel and they have the burden of proof to prove they didn't libel you, which is why authors leave England for the US like Christopher Hitchens did. David Irving wasted everybody's time abusing this law
Are these new laws even needed? Between the harsh libel and existing criminal laws on threatening what difference does this new law make except the slightly broad definition of "verbally abusive". I can think of a few The Exploited or Sex Pistols songs that will likely now be deemed verbally abusive towards the Queen.
Are these new laws even needed? Between the harsh libel and existing criminal laws on threatening what difference does this new law make except the slightly broad definition of "verbally abusive". I can think of a few The Exploited or Sex Pistols songs that will likely now be deemed verbally abusive towards the Queen.