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Profiling Python Like a Boss (zapier.com)
95 points by bryanh on Dec 2, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

The built-in profiler can be told to dump the results of the profile to a "pstats" file. A simple way to do this is to run your code under the module itself, as in:

  $ python -mcProfile -o foo.pstats foo.py
This will run your script (foo.py) inside of the profiler and save the profile to the file foo.pstats once the script is done.

Once you have a pstats file, you can do some interesting things with it. You can load it into an interactive pstats session with this:

  $ python -mpstats foo.pstats
This will allow you to sort and display the profile data in a number of ways.

You can also use the third-party gprof2dot script[1] to turn the pstats file into a GraphViz dot file, and thence into a visualization of your code's performance. For example:

  $ gprof2dot.py -f pstats foo.pstats | dot -Tpdf -o foo.pdf
That will turn your foo.pstats file into a PDF. I like the PDF format here because it is vectorized, renders quickly (more quickly than SVG, at least), and you can search for specific text in it (which is useful if you have a large profile and want to find a specific function).

[1] https://code.google.com/p/jrfonseca/wiki/Gprof2Dot

Runsnakerun[1] is another simple interactive GUI tool for visualizing .pstat files that I've used quite a bit in the past

[1] http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/runsnakerun/

If you're interested in reading the data with KCacheGrind, you can do that using pyprof2calltree: https://github.com/pwaller/pyprof2calltree

The result ends up looking like this: https://f.cloud.github.com/assets/150329/1570121/5713f02c-50...

A couple years ago at a company hackathon, I took this approach, and then just baked these same tools into the app directly.

Django middleware to turn on/off and collect & store the profile data, and then a developer interface to read the stored profiles and render in SVG using pydot.

If you're using Python to serve a website using Flask or Django, you need to take a look at:

https://github.com/phleet/flask_debugtoolbar_lineprofilerpan... (includes screenshot)

or https://github.com/dmclain/django-debug-toolbar-line-profile...

It provides a very intuitive way to figure out where, exactly, your view is slow. I know the Chrome and Firefox teams are both hard at work on building more robust profiling tools, but I would love to see them integrate something for JavaScript that's this easily accessible.

Sweet - always good to see people using my stuff in the wild :)

Another good walk through using Run Snake Run: https://speakerdeck.com/rwarren/a-brief-intro-to-profiling-i...

Run snake run is very easy to use , and powerfull. In my opinion it should have been part of the standard library.

You can also use a statistical/sampling profiler like https://github.com/bdarnell/plop. This is useful for getting profile data from a live server because it has much lower overhead than the other options and can be turned on and off while the application is running.

The most compelling example of profiling I ever saw was Iconfinder's use with Django: https://speakerdeck.com/nickbruun/lessons-learned-defying-jo....

The best sales pitch for profiling there is, perhaps. :)

Couldn't this code:

        def inner(func):
            def nothing(*args, **kwargs):
                return func(*args, **kwargs)
            return nothing
Be simplified to:

        def inner(func):
            return func

In my experience, the easiest way to analyze Python performance is with the %time, %timeit and %prun magic commands in IPython, an alternative Python shell that is far more powerful than the original.

With IPython, you can simply write:

  %time result = expensive_function()
and the time it takes to execute expensive_function() is printed out to the console. You can also directly substitute %timeit or %prun for %time to use loops for the timer or to invoke built-in profiler. No need to write any of your own boilerplate!

I use timers, saving the results in memory and dumping them occasionally then aggregating. Each timer has a category name (like sql query, or one of the many higher-level tasks in the app) plus optional argument (so the actual SQL query, or the thing that had some work performed on it). Each timer just saves min-max-avg time. In the aggregate view you can see that e.g. "foo'ing" took 20% above average Foo time this week after a new software release and can check that out.

For profiling, I've occasionally swapped out some key function with odd characteristics with one runs in a profile. So you can create a new Profiler instance, and patch your weird function to instead call profiler.runcall(func). After you've tested it a few times, you swap back to the old version and dump the stats.

If you have multiple proxying layers, multiple processes etc. a useful option is to make e.g. Apache save the request time in the main or another log file. This is the CustomLog %D option. Then you can easily find out that e.g. /foo/bar requests take so and so much on average, with 95% below this number, perhaps even doing real-time warning when they start to increase.

Op here, happy to answer any questions. These tools have helped us many times (from speeding up various Django extensions to some really complex code deep inside Zapier).

Good stuff. If you're going to indulge the optimization fetish, at least profile first! Corollary: learn to use gprof and/or your language's profiler, it pays off bigtime.

Question. It's been a while since I used them, but what happens when you use cProfile or kernprof in multithreaded / forking code? I vaguely recall wiring up a custom trace event logger via sys.settrace() to work around this.

I haven't a clue! That is an excellent question, most of our multiprocessing is done via some task based & message queue based map-reduce, so we've not needed to do process or thread profiling.

checkout this PyCon talk as well for profiling Python programs - http://pyvideo.org/video/1770/python-profiling

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