(Note the guy with the white polo hat on the left and his partner not far behind in khakis and black hat)
I'm a firm believer that crowdsourcing is going to find out the details on these guys much faster than a government agency trying to collect all this digital data and do it themselves.
First off, I completely fail to see the partner in khakis and black hat in this photo.
Second, the mirrored imgur photo is much smaller and compressed than the original photo to which the New York Times linked. If a crowd of people are attempting to identify an individual, it's unfortunate if many are looking at a suboptimal image. This should be a lesson NOT to use imgur for such a task. Just throw the original on S3 behind CloudFront.
(Note the guy with the white polo hat on the left and his partner not far behind in khakis and black hat)
I'm a firm believer that crowdsourcing is going to find out the details on these guys much faster than a government agency trying to collect all this digital data and do it themselves.