Yeah, I hate to say it, but my first thought was: "Is there no one at the FBI who has ever heard of a CDN or S3 or even Imgur to upload static assets to?" The issue at hand isn't a national emergency (because the attacks happened a few days ago with the suspects apparently quiet) but one of these days, they'll need a more robust way to disseminate info.
While these photos and video are the opposite of confidential, I am not the least bit surprised that the FBI wants to keep the FBI's data on the FBI's servers given the nature of their business.
The website is public. There's nothing keeping them from having using a CDN or other caching service or, better yet, setting up their own caching servers to handle the load better.
Wrong - it may look like a bad c&p, but if you go to and check the link on the right hand side, it is, in fact correct. The servers are just struggling right now with the assets, now mine are cached it loads instantly.
That's not the point. The public should be able to get the information directly from the FBI's website without it being filtered through the media. You'd think the FBI would be able to setup some server caching to handle traffic spikes to their website.
Edit: Here's one of the responses I got while trying to load the FBI website
ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the requested URL the following error was encountered:
Footprint did not receive any data for this request. Footprint 4.8/FPMCP Generated Thu, 18 Apr 2013 21:42:44 GMT by (Footprint 4.8/FPMCP)