Feedback is more than welcome! Please get in touch on github. Let Peter, Louis and all the other developers know what can be done better. I know Peter is hard at work fixing some of the issues already identified here.
Also Igor mentioned above that they built this because they weren't happy with some things in slickgrid. Maybe he can do a blog post or documentation in the future comparing them.
As far as using Ember, the team works closely with the core developers but if you have ideas about how to use it more effectively I think everyone would welcome it. Ember is new and we're all learning (me especially cause I only get to play with it during hackathons. :p)
Also Igor mentioned above that they built this because they weren't happy with some things in slickgrid. Maybe he can do a blog post or documentation in the future comparing them.
As far as using Ember, the team works closely with the core developers but if you have ideas about how to use it more effectively I think everyone would welcome it. Ember is new and we're all learning (me especially cause I only get to play with it during hackathons. :p)