> The most obvious difference between Haskell and F# is somewhat easy to infer from this graph: object oriented constructs. That is to say, OCaml pioneered the use of object oriented data structures in functional programming and F# is it’s direct descendant.
Uninsightful. OO in F# is unrelated to OO in OCaml.
Unfortunately, OCaml only has lightweight threads, and F# isn't very performant in a non-Windows environment. I'm not sure there's really a clear winner here.
Mono performs pretty good in comparison to Microsoft's runtime. The garbage collector still needs some work, but it would not surprise me if Mono becomes very competitive in the near future.
That is extremely interesting. I would also like to see a graph of the percentage of APIs implemented and some kind of metric for the amount of testing for each API.
Uninsightful. OO in F# is unrelated to OO in OCaml.