In the general case? The failure to compile with -fsplit-stack when that's necessary for whatever your requirements are. The failure to enable the stack protector when ... pretty much always.
For this particular CVE? I'm not clear. Possibly none. The writeup didn't provide sufficient detail and I haven't bothered to wade through the code. There may well be a reason recursion won't work here but it certainly isn't general.
I'd be curious to know in this case why resource limits couldn't be enforced for the recursive implementation but could be for the iterative one.
For this particular CVE? I'm not clear. Possibly none. The writeup didn't provide sufficient detail and I haven't bothered to wade through the code. There may well be a reason recursion won't work here but it certainly isn't general.
I'd be curious to know in this case why resource limits couldn't be enforced for the recursive implementation but could be for the iterative one.