The solution to this problem is to make it not work. If there are various technological developments in the world that do and don't have porn, and if such were cases that the common denominator of failures were lack of smoothly graduated spectrum of contents without disruption from casual family safe content to hardcore pornography, the problem will correct itself.
Actually, it will happen naturally and eventually. Just look at Apple Vision Pro which still don't have VRChat support, and compare how deeply DOA it has been to other VR headsets that are clearly nowhere near as important. Or "Metaverse" that were all explicitly SFW.
This effect can even be seen in the Apple App Store itself. Who uses App Store? You flow into App Store through porn-enabled platforms, such as web or social media. No one browses App Store as a content. What does it not have? Pornography.
Actually, it will happen naturally and eventually. Just look at Apple Vision Pro which still don't have VRChat support, and compare how deeply DOA it has been to other VR headsets that are clearly nowhere near as important. Or "Metaverse" that were all explicitly SFW.
This effect can even be seen in the Apple App Store itself. Who uses App Store? You flow into App Store through porn-enabled platforms, such as web or social media. No one browses App Store as a content. What does it not have? Pornography.