Hard to get more puritanical than "if you disagree with my opinion then you're morally repulsive". Not to mention that your argument implies that all traces of sex ought to be scrubbed from the entire Internet? And that that conclusion is the only moral one?
The term "puritanical" doesn't exclusively refer to the existence of or adherence to the Puritan religion, and when it does, the term is usually capitalized. From Dictionary.com:
puritanical [pyoor-i-tan-i-kuhl] adjective
1) very strict in moral or religious matters, often excessively so; rigidly austere.
2) Sometimes Puritanical. of, relating to, or characteristic of Puritans or Puritanism.
It is entirely possible within the parameters of commonly understood English parlance for Muslims, or any group, to be puritanical.
Things do not exist on a black and white basis but there are relevant gray scales to be considered:
It is quite different if we talk about removing any sort of text about body parts related to consensual sexual activities or if we try to censor hard pornography or illegal sexual acitivities. I personally find LLM producing sexual content as text rather irrelevant in the same way that you could go to a library or bookstore and buy a romance.
It is also quite different if your definition of kids goes all the way to 18 years. I don't want my kids not to encounter topics surrounding sex until the become legal adults. They absolutely have to learn about it, and be able to develop healthy relationships to their own body and sexuality and have insights that enable them to understand sexuality in others.
I want to protect my kids from harm, but there must be some balance with other aspects as well.
Millennials, who are now well into adulthood, grew up with easy and readily available access to porn. I know when I was in middle school it was everywhere. Kids would even hand out burned CDs of porn.
Please show the damage that it did to that generation. If you are "sky is blue" levels of correct, the evidence should be everywhere. So please, present it.
If there is no real evidence, reply with "So you are saying we should endorse porn for everyone" or some other strawman along those lines. Thanks.