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HyperShell X Outdoor PowerSuit Exoskeleton (hypershell.tech)
112 points by danboarder 3 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

Some insight into how it works: This is what's called a "hip exoskeleton". The motors assist you in raising your leg -- hip extension. That's all they do.

The elderly are somewhat aided by this sort of thing, and it can help people hike over uphill slopes and flat land, but it's not magic -- and as it doesn't assist with knee extension, it's not much help if you plan on climbing lots of stairs.

These things have been popular in China for years, and HyperShell, which is headquartered in China and shares tech with DJI, is a slick Western-facing wrapper over those core designs.

> The motors assist you in raising your leg -- hip extension. That's all they do.

Raising your leg is hip flexion.

Also this device seems to help in both directions: (from their specs page, maybe an awkward translation)

> As demonstrated on the product page, the Hypershell simultaneously drives two sets of leg levers, creating smooth and natural movements in both directions.

> The system produces two forces: one to assist in lifting the leg and another to aid in pushing the leg forward.

> Raising your leg is hip flexion.

Oh, shoot, you're right. Thanks for the correction.

> The system produces two forces: one to assist in lifting the leg and another to aid in pushing the leg forward.

If that's the case, then this model must assist in hip flexion and extension -- helping you raise one leg as it gently pushes back on the other to drive you forward.

It would certainly lower the metabolic cost of walking, but I'm not sure of the magnitude of the effect.

Does anyone make one that also helps with knee movement?

The Japanese company Cyberdyne makes several, e.g.:

> https://www.cyberdyne.jp/english/products/LowerLimb_medical....

But what Cyberdyne makes is, emphatically, not for hiking or for work. That one at the link is a very bulky, very slow, very expensive medical exoskeleton.

When it comes to commercially-available powered devices, the Chinese favor hip exoskeletons and, more rarely, upper-body industrial exoskeletons. Check these out:

> https://kenqingkeji.com/gongyewuliu.html

There are also passive (unpowered) systems that assist with grounding weight, and these necessarily extend all the way to the foot:

> https://kenqingkeji.com/product_details/19.html

Arcteryx and the US (ex-Google) company Skip are different -- they're working on models that appear to favor the knee rather than the hip. See:

> https://blog.arcteryx.com/news/arcteryx-and-skip-partner-to-...

I don't know if this is commercially available yet, though.

TIL medical exoskeletons. Neat.

I want gear that can also resist. Akin to wearing weights on ankles. Like the DNSYS's "aqua mode" mentioned elsethread. But for the whole body.

Such an exoskeleton could help astronauts maintain strength and muscle mass, right?

Then the astronaut could also be passively "working out" while doing other tasks.

Further, imagine simulating swimming, burpees, stair climbs, body weight exercises, whatever, while floating in space. That'd be cool.

That was my first thought: if you're putting mechanically-assisted extra force on the thigh, then that's translating through the knee.

Which seems fine as long as you're operating within knee tolerances (for a given age), but seems dicey if boosted to superhuman levels.

There was another brand that went through Kickstarter recently:


I have one of their units. It definitely assists with hiking in the standard modes and the "aqua mode" on the device does increase resistance. As an able-bodied person who hikes for sport, I don't tend to use it much. Though I sometimes throw it on with aqua mode for some added resistance for smaller hikes.

I have one too. Yeah it was more of a curiosity purchase.

How much different is aqua mode from a weighted vest?

Aqua mode really feels like walking through water. It has that same level of resistance on your legs.

I don't believe a weighted vest provides that same feel, but I'm not entirely sure how they differ either.

That's pretty cool, I didn't know this type of stuff was available to consumers. The reviews on their site seem really enthusiastic, lots of older folks and mobility-restricted folks seem extremely pleased with the product and post action videos. Can't wait to see where this technology goes by the time I need it.

Perhaps, but FakeGuard flags the site for me for the following reasons:

-Poor rating from customers

- Multiple eCommerce scam experiences detected

- Poor customer service

I'm aware this isn't a full body suit but I can't help but remember the scene from Iron Man 2 where one of the alternate suits does a full 180 with an operator inside it.

"I'd like to point out that that pilot survived"

17.5 km range. So five miles out and five miles back. So like a three hour hike. Anyone should be able to do that without a friction-burn- causing Roboleg attachment.

I guess if it meant I could bring my paraplegic neighbor hiking it would be cool.

I got one on the kickstarter, for my wife.

She was in a coma. Unlike the movies, you don't usually just "wake up" from a coma. She'll never recover, and she used to love to walk in the park rather than be wheeled around it. Now she can again.

It was worth it. To me and to her.

you should start a youtube channel to review exoskeletons

I'd rather suggest they enjoy life instead.

some people enjoy creating things

I don't think you have to be paraplegic to have a condition that prevents you from enjoying an invigorating hike. If this gets more people who aren't in perfect health out and exercising, what an incredible win.

How is a hike "invigorating", if you need mechanical assist to do it? You don't have to climb a mountain. You can have a walk in the local park.

I need glasses to see and still find sight invigorating.

I love cycling. Even without electric assist I find using mechanical advantage invigorating.

No one is forcing an exoskeleton or ebike on you. Why can’t you be happy for the people whose mobility it improves? What have you lost by their gain?

Same way ebike cycling can be invigorating.

It lowers the barrier for entry, doesn't prevent effort

Because “invigorating” is relative to one’s own capabilities.

There is also quite a lot in between “climb a mountain” and a “walk in the local park”.

One of the positive results of having the option to engage mechanical assistance is pushing myself beyond what I thought I am capable of, and surprising myself by not needing the assistance at any point. It improves the safety of pushing the envelope, for example I'm not going to risk attempting 30 miles if I think my limit is 20 miles unless I have a way to safely return if I can't do so under my own muscle-power

Though the battery is only 400g, so you could easily carry 3kg of spare batteries and extend that range significantly (at the expense of payload). You'd still come out way ahead.

It means this kind of technologies used to have sky-high prices because it was primarily used in the medical field. Now, as a consumer product, it's available for just $799.00, a huge shift in accessibility.

It's supposed to allow you to carry 30kg more than you could without it. Not many people could carry somebody else for 10 miles, but a lot more could with 30kg of assistance.

> 17.5 km range measured at 4 km/h in 30% Eco mode. Actual range may vary due to factors like temperature, altitude, and assistance level.

Probably a third of that at max power usage/support capacity.

Imagine being able to get a 10 mile farther than you could without the roboleg.

But then you’d have to carry it back.

Not if you used it to carry another one! It's just exoskeletons all the way down.

My use case would be closer to Baron Harkonnen's suspensors. There may be a greater market for exoskeletons for the disabled than for athletes. And far more insurance dollars to capture. And then there's the potential to create more disabled athletes. I live next to a designated wilderness area that you have to be quite fit to enjoy. I hope when mechanical suits become available the will be legal to use there, making these places accessible to more of us.

Mixed feelings here about designated wilderness being trampled by heavy "cyborgs".

They'll likely do less trail damage than shod horses and donkeys.

Apalled at the lack of empathy around here. This is clearly a solution for people with affected mobility. Just imagine that one last hike with your grandfather.

Yeah I don't get it. People used to YELL the same things at me when I was an early adopter of e-mountain bikes (now they are everywhere). What people don't realize, I find, is you get the same amount of exercise but over much greater distances. On my e-bike I routinely travel 60 miles in a day -- that's just not possible for me without being a full-time professional biker or whatever. I would totally use something like this just to go farther for the same amount of effort (and safety, I'm 47 etc etc) but while hiking. It would be awesome!

We ban e-bikes on many trails in Colorado, and I'm really glad we do:

1) MTB trails are high-maintenance. People riding more miles on heavier bikes means more wear and tear.

2) Their higher speed messes with the flow of traffic. In Colorado, I don't have to step off the trail much to let folks pass from behind. When I ride in other places that allow ebikes, it's pretty obnoxious to be letting them by.

3) They allow inexperienced folks deeper in the back-country. I had to go on a rescue with my S&R crew to assist a dehydrated e-bike rider with a dead battery 25 miles back to the trailhead. It was a very long day. People who go that far out are usually in far better shape and better prepared than the average rider.

4) They let less skilled riders on more difficult trails. This means brake bumps before the berms, trail widening, and ride-arounds appearing next to intimidating features.

No attack on you personally, I've ridden them extensively to train for downhill races and completely understand they can make the sport a lot more fun without having to grind the fitness aspect. However, myself and most other folks I come across in MTB, rescue, and trail building communities see some major systemic issues with their increased adoption.

I'm providing this perspective here because I think it's very relevant to the discussion on exoskeletons' potential impact on outdoor recreation. More hikers putting in more miles when they could get the same level of exercise staying on more beginner-friendly trails causes problems.

I do love the aspect of letting folks who would otherwise be unable to participate in these pursuits enjoy them, but I think Colorado's policy of limiting electrical assist to high-traffic beginner trails for bikes would be well adapted to hiking if these become a thing.

Thank you for this!

I agree. I am still bitter from the time when I asked my buddy from the tourist club if I can join their ride on a road bikes on my emtb.

And he barely said that he is against it. He had no honesty and bravery to tell me he thinks this is "cheating" or smth. And he knows I am overweight and chronically ill, but he still thinks it is just a matter of training more etc.

Battery energy density has come a long way but I have a hard time believing a 400g battery can do much at 800w (even just peak) for long. Moving large masses like human bodies requires a lot of energy.

The ergonomics of this design look much less likely to snag and get in the way than other powered exoskeletons I've seen though. Replace the electrical motor and battery with a chemical energy system (internal combustion, or even just hydrogen peroxide decomposition on silver catalyst) and this could go a long way (but with higher response latency, much higher noise, and increased control complexity).

Much smaller batteries can do more a 3S lipo battery with 50C discharge rate that weighs probably around 100g can output about a kilowatt discharge without break a sweat.

This is what allows drones to be a thing.

The large DJI drones like the T40 are 4KW per rotor… https://www.dji.com/uk/mobile/t40/specs

I am not doubting the instantaneous output in power. Batteries have always been great at that. I am doubting the energy storage capacity and ability to output that power over time (energy). Humans are a lot heavier than flying quadcopters and quad and multi-copters almost universally don't last for more than ~30 minutes. High power but not much actual energy storage compared to chemical.

Weight seems more or less in line with a 4S 5000mAh 100C battery


Curious question, will it wear out your joints sooner?

You're only shifting the problem somewhere else!

Either your whole body gets capable of walking the distance, or you'll assist a part of it and wear out another part.

Kinda cool but needs arm assist, most menial tasks fail due to tiring upper body strength.

For example, unloading trucks, carrying plaster boards etc. I would kill to have one of these (for arms) the last time I unloaded 50 acoustic plasterboards @ 60kg each in the last office reno.

The truck driver gave me a hand and yeah he was a bit tired but me, I was dead. My bones hurt.

Festool sells an upper body exoskeleton for painters and sanders: https://www.festoolusa.com/products/exoskeleton/exoactive-ex...

This has higher output that my 750W peak, 500W sustained bike, and it gets applied at what is probably a better point in the gear train (pedals rather than hub) for optimum output when dealing with really steep hills.

Reminds me of those leg things you can equip onto Sam, to help him walk faster or carry more load, in Death Stranding.

We're always just a few years out from wacky Kojima world.

'How do I update the software on my exoskeleton?' is the fun line of the day I think; I bet that can be a pretty 'interesting' update. It's a lot cheaper than I was expecting. As someone getting achier as I age, I can see that type of thing might come in handy in a few more years.

I bet I could shred some serious kickflips with this thing.

Could be good to assist the disabled and elderly. Interested to see testing. Marketed like this as consumer product for enjoying nature, grotesque. So much wrong with garbage like this.

Wait, I'm curious about why you think it's "grotesque"?

Do you think it's just not useful as a consumer product for enjoying nature, and that they're conning their potential customers?

Or are you thinking something more along the lines of "this application waste, these _should_ be used to assist the disabled and elderly"?

In the latter case, I think your reaction is misplaced. If a piece of technology is useful to a small segment of the population, it's beneficial to them if it also gets adopted as consumer technology. I claim this because the price of the devices should fall as more of them are manufactured (Wright's Law).

Don’t skip leg day

One of the models claims to have a max speed assist of 20 km/h, which I find hard to believe.

Can this also be used for bed sports? Asking for a friend.

I would love to try it skiing and/or skinning uphill.


This is not a German company and just because a website has translations in your language it doesn't mean they need to adhere to your local laws.

But I agree that a company website without details about the address or just jurisdiction of the company seems fishy.

Looks like they are from ShangHai https://www.linkedin.com/company/hypershelltechnology/

Wix Site until January when they moved to Shopifake. Tons of these selling all kinds of products. Slick sites, great stories. Buy one and report back.

Who will? Why would LLM glitches make it better?

I meant that they (the shopifake shop designer) will iron out the grammar glitches that no llm would make as they get better at this.

i like how its made for rich people with loads of hype consumerism hiking gear so they can go LARP in the woods away from their email job for 3 hours, and not helping people with paralysis or the elderly. that's cool and good.

This is very cheap. I know people who have amputated limbs who are on a waitlist for basically charity to get 15k prosthetics. Insurance ain't covering that. Obviously this isn't the same, but if anyone needs the assistance, then this isn't out of budget.

I was thinking about how this is ideal for a small number of people but probably would cost north of (I was guessing) $100k for that market so we’re gonna increase the market to lazy people and drive down the cost

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