Hi! I've been building a debugger on my nights and weekends because it's fun, and I personally need a better debugger for my work. GDB and LLDB pain me greatly; we can and will do better!
As explained in the README, it's still very early-days and it's not ready for use yet, but check back often because it's improving all the time!
Check out https://calabro.io/uscope for a more detailed explanation.
Thanks for taking a look!
quote from https://calabro.io/uscope
Of course gdb, lldb have their problems (e.g. smashing tui with app output, what can be easily fixed, or very very very very long tab-tab completion, and crashing of course), but I dont know anything better. I am forced to use visual studio at work and its debugger really sucks - it can't even compare strings in conditional breakpoint, it cant even skip all std::function / std::bind garbage to let me step in callback, it can't watch evaluated expressions. Probably it can evaluate exprs (immediate window?), but there are very little guides about this.
So, gdb is winner for me now. rr (record-repeat)[0] also looks very nice, but it require hardware support(((
[0] https://rr-project.org/