It's a good argument. If "everyone else does it" wasn't an effective argument against changing names, "oceanography" would've been rightfully renamed to "oceanology" by now.
You're the one who tried to make my post about the literal incorrectness of calling amd64 "x64" in a thread that also references Alpha, which is the correct usage of "x64", seem silly by saying that I'm referring to computers incorrectly because I'm referring to electronic computers, not human computers.
Now you want to pretend it's not an attempt at pedantry? I'm not sure why you WANT to be an asshole, but either disagree with me TECHNICALLY (that is, point out how "x64" is NOT and never was a reference to Alpha, and show evidence how "x64" somehow has always referred to amd64 outside of Windows-centric circles, and we can discuss that), or admit you're trying to be as wise-ass and don't be pedantic then get upset about me supposedly accusing you of being pedantic.
In other words, what do you really think you're bringing to the discussion? If you don't like when people point out incorrectness, then just say so.
There's a time and a place for making incorrect generalizations. Technical people shouldn't make incorrect generalizations when talking about technical things.
The point is that in a discussion that includes Alpha, "x64" obviously isn't clear. Doubling down with "but everyone does it" isn't a good look.