There was another article on Foxconn that was really good. The working conditions are absolute SHIT. No exaggeration. Despite being shit, the abuse at the factories is still better than a life of poverty. To you and I Chinese workers are treated like shit, but to them, it's better than before. And that's when it really hit me. As human beings, we like to climb UP, but not down, we like to ADD but not take away. We want MORE but never LESS. And as soon as a country stablizes and steps on it's feet, it's growth stops. There's no one to take advantage of. Everone has climbed up. And business is all about taking advantage of someone. This is a re-occuring theme in history.
I think this is what Americans need to understand the most.
China is the new America (in it's younger years, pollution, slaves, child labor, no rights, but lots of growth and opportunity), America is the new Europe. One day, everyone reading this will be dead, but rest assured China too, will stablize, be free, and then it will be Africa's turn.
There's another article that I can't seem to find that talks about this exact process. It takes time for a country the size of China to grow. People's living condition doesnt just suddently get better.
I see people complain about the working conditions when they're living in the US in their single family homes with 2 cars in the garage with boat loads of disposable incomes. They just dont understand the alternative of these giant factories is just no work or even worse jobs. Overtime, when these unskills people becomes more skills at what they do, they will have more options and things will naturally get better.
I think this is what Americans need to understand the most.
China is the new America (in it's younger years, pollution, slaves, child labor, no rights, but lots of growth and opportunity), America is the new Europe. One day, everyone reading this will be dead, but rest assured China too, will stablize, be free, and then it will be Africa's turn.