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Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (July 2019)
219 points by whoishiring on July 1, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 439 comments
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format:

  Willing to relocate:
Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.

Location: Somewhere in the Atlantic Rainforest, Bahia, Brazil

Remote: Yes, quite

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Skills: DevOps, reliability engineering, Linux system admin, SQL db admin, project management

Technologies: AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, whatever is needed

Programming: strong Python, Perl, C, some Ruby, Clojure, Go, others

Resume/CV: https://www.botz.org/cv

Email: jurgen@botz.org

I’m looking for a permanent (preferred) or contract remote DevOps/SRE position as an individual contributor or manager.

A long time ago, in a Silicon Valley far away, I was a hotshot IT/Ops engineer, manager, and even director, at several high-profile startups. Then I moved to Brazil and here I've been planting trees and raising chickens and practicing permaculture. I did keep a toe in tech and I have a really good Internet connection thanks to a 20m antenna tower I built myself. Now I have “saudade” for being a hacker, and I also need an income. So I’ve been polishing up my skills for a while, and now I’m ready to get to work!

Although located in Brazil, I am an EU citizen and have an address and bank account in Germany, which may facilitate hiring.

Hi, I did all the usual things - code, DS, DevOps, IoT, startups. And it was fun.

I'm now only interested in working on projects/with companies 100% committed to fighting, mitigating, understanding better, or delaying the climate crisis.

Will totally consider pro-bono, intern, part-time, or any other weird arrangement, to help the right product materialize.

Or die trying to.

  Location: N/A
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Everything sw engineers do, *except* mobile and blockchain
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: admin@idonthaveaninterestinggithub.com

I've been a Ruby developer since 2005. Prior to that I did a lot with ancient C, Objective-C and assembly. I'm looking for a Junior position programming Rust.

I know enough Rust to be useful, but not (yet) enough to architect a medium-sized green field project. However, I really like Rust and I aggressively pursue my interests, hence my desire to do it full-time for (less) pay.

So, if your company is doing enough with Rust that you'd like to offload some of the scut work, please contact me. I'm also open to gigs doing Ruby (with or without Rails) and I have the reverse-engineering skills and temperament to work on amazingly bad legacy code, but that would be pricey and fairly short-term.

Location: Albuquerque, NM, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: not now

Technologies: Rust, Ruby / Rails, reverse engineering (wrote clean-room code to run Macintosh software w/o Apple code)

GitHub: https://github.com/ctm

Résumé/CV: https://devctm.com

Email: clifford.t.matthews@gmail.com

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executor_(software)

Hey HN. I have worked for 10 years on my own projects (some of which are open source), and now I'm after my first "real" job.

This gave me a wide range of experience. I have worked on frontend, backend, infrastructure and security roles. I prefer working with backend and/or infrastructure, but I'd take a frontend job depending on the language.

Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil Remote: Yes (any timezone)

Willing to relocate: Not currently. I can spend 2-3 months per year on-site though.

Technologies: I have used a lot of different tools throughout the years. I'm listing the ones I'm most familiar with.

Elixir/Erlang (4y) Python (3y) PHP (3y) Clojure/CLJS (9m) Elm (2y) Vanilla JS + React (1y) Currently learning Go (2m)

AWS & GCP Ansible Postgresql Nginx FreeBSD & jails Linux & Docker Clickhouse

CV: I'll send it upon request.

Email: renatosmassaro@gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/renatomassaro

You'll hire me because you want your hardware to do something it doesn't, and I can write software to fix that.

I also help companies optimize their R&D plan and technical risks.

I managed a large engineering activity for a very well known company, doing the above but at scale. After serving my LargeCo time and in accordance with my vesting schedule, I'm now back to hands-on technical project work where I happily belong.


Location: EST timezone (varies from time to time)

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Software and system design for anything and everything embedded: from 8 bit ultra low power, to multiple Cortex-M MCUs, to Raspberry Pi and various SoMs, to Qualcomm MSM and up to specialized AI SoCs. RTOSes, Linux and Android low-level on MSM. C, C++, C#, Python, Unity, general DevOps and Docker. Wrote multiple (proprietary) Linux kernel drivers. Azure (generic and IoT). Lots of experience with image sensors and other electro-optics. Lots of experience with inertial sensors and motor control systems. Hardware and system design.

mail: roee rtcec com


Projects from the last 18 months: micro, in-body (yes) Bluetooth headset; data acquisition for 24GHz automotive radar system; development of a camera head featuring NIR and thermal channels, with active illumination (software + hardware on that); power management architecture and implementation for a sophisticated application specific acceleration IC; Bootloader for an in-patient blood pump device; Bluetooth and audio work on AOSP (Qualcomm MSM); Chromium modifications and optimizations for i.MX.

I just have to say, I am doing some low level automotive trickery on (and off) a PX3 SoC and the simple subtleness of your post is enlightening. Keep fighting the good fight, sir.

and I have to say your projects are hands down the most intriguing

15 years of experience delivering web and mobile applications. Full Stack. Full SDLC. I can build most things from scratch basically. Love creating rich JavaScript interfaces and automations that make everyday tasks simpler and more enjoyable. I also bring a wealth of knowledge on low-latency middleware APIs, NodeJS and SQL/NoSQL databases, as well as hands-on experience setting up build pipelines and test automation.

Location: Madrid, ES


Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies: JavaScript inside-out-back-to-front. ES6/7/2019, React, Vue.js, NodeJS Microservices / APIs, GIT, Docker, Docker compose, ECS, SQS, SNS, Lambda, AWS DevOps, Bash, Linux, Cross platform web apps. IoT interfaces with Electron. WebSockets. Some C++. IOS / Android with Cordova, LESS, Bootstrap, Pure, jQuery, Ext JS, Angular JS, Knockout, Onsen, HTML, CSS, some C#, .NET 3.5 and 4.0, Database Modelling, MSSQL, MySQL Databases, DynamoDB, MongoDB, Agile, Unit Testing, Jasmine, Mocha, Jest, TDD, CI, Build Automation, Ant, PhantomJS, API Design, JSON, OAuth, REST, JWT

Portfolio: http://desalasworks.com

JavaScript Optimization: https://desalasworks.com/article/javascript-performance-tech...

JavaScript Immutability: https://desalasworks.com/article/immutability-in-javascript-...

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sdesalas

Github: https://github.com/sdesalas

Email: steven [at] above portfolio

Leveraging a skillset unconventional to this forum, I can contribute concise, accurate, and logical writing to almost any component of any project, though preferably one that addresses a social, educational, and/or environmental cause. I'm a fast learner with a strong technical sense and highly developed analytical writing and thinking skills. Essays can be provided on request.

  Location: Chicago
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Not immediately
  Technologies: Analytical/technical writing, critical thinking, Linux, bash, git, html, Latex, SPSS, Salesforce (Languages: Lao, Sanskrit, Spanish, German)
  Résumé/CV: https://github.com/wmhorne/resume/blob/master/Horne-William_Resume.pdf
  Email: willmhorne a[t] gmail.com

Location: Seattle Remote: Sure Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Python 2.6 & 3.7, Django 1.6 & 1.8 & 2.1, Flask, SQLAlchemy, pytest, git, Mercurial, some Kubernetes and Docker. Willing and able to learn anything. Résumé/CV: Available on request Email: ceo at dagan.enterprises

I’m an experienced software dev who’s looking to get hired into his first dev management position. I’m a calm, empathetic, meticulous communicator with a shrewd sense of what’s important to succeed as a business. I love mentoring and teaching, so if you’ve got junior engineers with big ambitions, I can grow them into first-class developers. I’ve “grown up” in the startup world, so I have a knack for balancing competing priorities: reliability vs. shipping speed; team focus vs. bus-factor; work-life balance vs. business objectives; trust vs. oversight. I have the judgment that it takes to navigate these tensions and lead teams of happy developers that create quality software.

If all that sounds like a lot of hubris from someone with no formal management experience, just know that I deleted about fifty “I think”s and “people say”s from the above paragraph. That said, I do honestly and earnestly believe I’m qualified for a management role. My last company would agree; I spent years as the management “heir apparent” at my last job. Unfortunately, the timing was wrong when the position opened up (see: https://i.imgur.com/5lUjWzA.jpg), and I missed my chance. Now I’m on the lookout for a new opportunity.

I understand and appreciate that companies are reluctant to take a chance on an unproven manager. Your people are your most valuable resource, so it’s appropriate to be conservative about who you’ll entrust them to. All I can do is invite you to vet me as thoroughly as you’d like. You’ll find that my temperament and skills are well-suited for the role.

PS: I want to do management as my full-time job, so dev lead, sorta-manager-but-also-IC, or "we'll hire you as an SDE and then re-evaluate in X months" offers will be politely declined :)

Location - San Francisco or Oakland.

Remote - Prefer working here in the SF Bay Area, though I do like WFH days.

Willing to relocate - No! I'm a Bay Area native and I'm here to stay!

Technologies - Principal Java + Cloud specialist. I like Spring, REST, and the AWS stack.

Email - luke.for.jobs@gmail.com

Résumé/CV - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YEBfUnBOvATHl_z18uc9KnGT...

  Location: Atlanta, GA
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Probably not (lucrative offers may entice me
  Technologies: C, Swift, iOS, macOS, Linux, Docker, k8s, istio
  Résumé/CV: Available upon request
  Email: shon [dot] frazier <at> google's premier free email service
Open to W-2, 1099, or C2C

I'm probably leaning toward backend SWE, SRE, and/or DevOps for my next role. If you want something built from scratch, have something cobbled together that needs work, or something pristine that requires documentation and maintenance, then I'm probably interested.

Most recently, I've worked on a C#/.NET Core based REST API; immediately prior to that, the iOS Honeywell Home app - adding features and managing internal releases.

I want to automate everything. I want to make simple, testable widgets that can be combined into reliable complex gadgets. I've SWE'd for over two decades, I've SRE'd at the last three companies. I can speak SQL pretty well (whether embedding SQLite, or using a PostgreSQL server.) I tend to understand systems and can get up to speed rather quickly by reading reference material and code. I'm intrigued by LLVM. I'm building a hobby project involving VMs in TypeScript and Electron.

    Remote: Remote only
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Distributed systems, K8s, Java, Rust, 
    Typescript, React, DevOps, Objective C, and many more things
    CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mamadou-bobo-diallo-ba644a15/
    Email: exilire2vie @G(oogle)mail.com
Senior Engineer, soon to be ex-Googler looking for a new job that offers a remote working arrangement for someone living outside the US.

I have 12 years experience under my belt:

1) Funded my own company and lead it to an exit, not a big one, but a profitable one nonetheless.

2) Worked for a couple of years for start-ups in the Bay area as an early employee and grew successful engineering teams.

3) Joined Google 3 years ago on one of the 1+ billion users product.

I am now looking to join a team either as a Senior Software Engineer or a Senior SRE/DevOps. The right fit for me would be a lean engineering team that values meaningful work and meaningful relationships.

I have worked and solved some very hard problems over the years and am very autonomous. If this sounds like something you are looking for, please reach out. I am currently in the US, but if all goes well, I'll be making a move in 2 weeks.

Here's a hardware and software developer who gets along well with most people. Calm, good at listening and easy to work with (assuming honesty is appreciated).

11 years of experience in various R&D environments (in the Netherlands): aerospace, medical devices, oil & gas and more.

  Type of contract: freelance (I'm able to subcontract to other freelancers for larger projects)
  Location: anywhere (current location: Portugal). I hold EU passports.
  Remote: preferably
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: PCB design (electronics hardware), product failure root cause analysis, mechanical design (CATIAv5), 3D printing, embedded programming (C, C++), hardware testing, product prototyping, Python, Delphi, Labview, Java, (embedded) Linux single board computers.
  Human languages: mother tongues Dutch & French, fluent in English, fluent in spoken Spanish, intermediate Portuguese and German.
  Résumé/CV: will email it to you
  Email: g@megahard.pro
I don't do business with recruiting agencies, communication from recruiting agencies will be ignored.

Location: Dallas, TX

Remote: Maybe

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Full Stack Developer (Python/Flask, PHP, Hybrid Mobile Development with Apache Cordova & JavaScript, a little Native Development with Java/Android & Swift/iOS)

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-pedersen-a54a87b6/

Email: chris@topherpedersen.com

Currently looking for an entry level junior developer position. At the moment I'm working part-time as an instructor teaching kids to code at theCoderSchool, and also working on my own startup, MoneyPhone-- a personal finance application which I built to solve my own personal financial woes. I just launched MoneyPhone on the Google Play Store about a week ago, so it's still a little ugly, but the project is coming along quite nicely! Check it out if you're interested. Thanks! [Coming to iOS soon]


Hi. I've been building platforms and teams for over 15 years initially as a developer, architect and consultant (10 years) for everything from tiny startups to huge multi-nationals, but more recently as VP of Engineering and Head of Technology for series A/B startups.

My approach to any role is heavily guided by enabling high performance delivery through continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous improvement, measurable quality, automation and servant leadership.

I'm looking to join a fully remote friendly team with the opportunity to learn from each other so you if have an opportunity you think might be suitable please get in touch.

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: GCP, AWS, Azure, JS, C#, Go, Python, SQL, NoSQL, GCP, AWS, Azure and many more

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/admcpr/

Email: hnh@admcpr.com

Blog: https://admcpr.com

  Location: New York
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Possibly
  Technologies: SequenceL (massively multi-threaded C++), J, python, unix tools & shell scripting, BSD/Linux, bhyve & libvirt/qemu, kernel hacking
  Résumé/CV: available on request
  Email: admin@utsc.io
I have been coding professionally for almost 20 years. Most recently I have worked in HPC using the now disappeared language SequenceL, which is compiled to multi-threaded C++ or OpenCL. I have comprehensive knowledge of UNIX type systems, and have been involved peripherally with DragonflyBSD. As a new father I am looking for remote work, but would consider a commute into NYC and possibly even relocation within North America. I have dual citizenship, USA/Canada. I am not interested in working in fintech or on any cryptocurrency related projects. My preference is science over commerce.

Location: Minneapolis/St Paul

Remote: sure

Relocate: no

Technologies: Python and R for scientific/numerical/financial computing. Practical experience with SQL, Ruby on Rails, and Javascript; similarly with Docker, AWS.

Strong mathematical background: math PhD in algebraic geometry after math BS at Caltech, with more recent work focusing on applications of topology to evolution of financial networks and public health networks. Topological data analysis, applied alg geom, dimension reduction techniques like SVD, eigen-anything -- that's my jam. I also love data visualization to tell a mathematical story to both technical and non-technical folks, tuning the difficulty level to the audience.

I'm looking to learn from a great team in machine learning.

LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaisa-taipale-2630256/

email: username at gmail

Full Stack Team Lead with 12 years years experience, a habit of reading through protocols and hobby coding (with vi on Linux). Looking for challenging problems to solve.

  Location: Toronto, Canada
  Remote: Yes, prefer on site.
  Willing to relocate: Yes, Eastern US preferred.
    Python (ETL, Web, performance tuning, memory management, asyncio)
    JavaScript (D3, Vue, Webpack, Grunt, CoffeeScript)
    PostgreSQL (performance tuning, ETL), CI/CD (via Gitlab, for Python, Javascript, Qlik, using Docker)
    Web (WebSockets, pushState, localStorage)
    Qlik (app, mashup and extension development, performance tuning).
  Résumé/CV: Available on Request. Check out my blog: https://llvllatrix.wordpress.com/. range(n) is a good read.
  Email: thereisnocowlevel@gmail.com
Ask me about my autographed Laptop.

Location: NYC; Remote: Yes; Willing to relocate: Yes;


* Primarily python for scientific/numerical programming (numpy, scipy)

* Strong machine learning background (pandas, scikit-learn, imblearn, Tensorflow)

* Experience in text analysis, topic modelling, LSA with NLP( gensim, NLTK, spacy)

* SQL and distributed systems (Hadoop, AWS) experience

* Some experience with web programming in Flask and javascript

* I have a background in Astronomy (Ph.D.) and Data Science and am looking for work that has a strong focus on successfully building and executing machine learning pipelines but I'm open to data science/data engineering generalist roles as well. (A combination of the two would be ideal!)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/nityamd/nityamd.github.io/blob/master/cv/...

Email: nityamd@gmail.com

Location: Boston, MA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Haskell, R, C/C++/C#; machine learning and general statistics

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-max-alexander-8940469/

Email: w.max.alexander@gmail.com

Master's degree in computer science and 5 years of experience in bioinformatics. Particular experience in data processing and analysis workflows for proteomic mass spectrometry experiments, but interested in other "omic" technologies. Also interested in deep learning and other advanced machine learning applications in the biotech space.

Open to either full-time employment (starting late summer or fall '19) or consulting opportunities.

(Note, due to upcoming travel I may be slow/unable to respond to email until July 7th.)

Location: Boston, MA (flexible)

Remote: Prefer on-site

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C, C++, Golang, Java, SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, Electron, Angular, Unix, Linux, MATLAB, LTspice, Altium, LATEX, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Django, Soldering, Breadboarding, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, CNC Milling, Circuit Design, CAD, Woodworking, Oscillosopes, Logic Analyzers

Resume/CV: https://www.matansilver.com/resume/

Email: silver.m@husky.neu.edu

I'm a candidate for a Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering (concentration in Communications, Control, and Signal Processing), set to graduate next May. My education is primarily in hardware, but I also have experience in software fields like backend-web and native desktop app development.

Location: Norwalk, CT (New York City commute)

Remote: Maybe, but prefer direct interaction

Willing to relocate: Yes (Esp. Scottsdale, AZ or Bentonville, AR)

Skills: relations management with a strong technology foundation, project management, communications, UX and financial systems design, equities trading xp, licensed insurance agent

Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP (WordPress), JS (ES6+, React/Redux, Node.js), Python (Numpy, Pandas), OpenCV, SQL, 3D Printing, Photoshop, LAMP, Linux, currently learning ML basics

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/billskidd

Email: wpskidd AT gmail

About: Currently an Arranging Funeral Director. Dying to get back to full-time technology immersion and looking to help teams of good people achieve great things!

Location: London

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AWS / Kubernetes / Terraform / Golang / Python / Jenkins and more

Skills: CKA ( Certified Kubernetes Administrator ) and years of Operations / Cloud / Infrastructure As Code

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lcrisci | CV on demand via email / LinkedIn

Email: laurent(at)crisci.io

I'm actively looking for a DevOps / SRE contract role where I will be able to help you with my extensive experience around operations. Kubernetes will be at the center of any new project which I will join and I can help you do the right decisions around it. Contact me directly on LinkedIn/Email for a Zoom call today or whenever suits you.

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Stimulus, Elm

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz....

Email: lleolin@fastmail.fm

I have been using Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino and Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

    Location: Minneapolis, MN
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: Unlikely but possible
      Programming (PHP, Python, Racket, PowerShell, JavaScript, 
        SQLite, commercial BASIC (yes, really, and recently too), Vim)
      Web Publishing & Dev (HTML, CSS, Apache, MySQL, PostegreSQL, MariaDB, 
        Microsoft IIS and SQL Server, Textpattern, Ghost, WordPress) 
      Windows/Linux network admin (Ansible, Active Directory, Windows Server, 
        Terminal Server, CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian, shell scripting, Linode, 
        DigitalOcean, Joyent, AWS, SonicWall, Untangle, Ubiquiti, VPN management)
      Hosted and on-prem Exchange admin
      VoIP admin & procurement
      Apple DEP and MDM
      Print publishing (LaTeX, CreateSpace, InDesign)
      Source control systems (Git, Fossil, SVN)
      Bookkeeping, financial reporting (double-entry bookkeeping, Wind2 FMS, 
        Deltek, PeachTree, Quickbooks, scripting to automate accounting tasks)
      HR (ADP, Paychex, 401k and health insurance administration)
      Residential construction (rough and trim carpentry, siding, roofing, tile, 
        concrete flatwork, cabinetry, window replacement, project management and 
        accounting, formerly licensed GC)
      Engineering document management (AutoCAD, BuzzSaw/BIM 360, WoodCAD, SolidWorks)
    Resume/CV/website: on request
    Email: joeld@protonmail.com
I would prefer a stable position with long-term responsibility for operations.

I'm an experience full-stack software engineer, specializing in data engineering and data science. I'd like to work on something that helps address climate change or other major problems.

Location: San Francisco Remote: Maybe Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Tensorflow, PyTorch, Python, C, C++, Ruby, Solidity, Erlang, Docker, Javascript, React, Rails, AWS, Docker, R Résumé/CV: For the last 8 months or so, I've been focusing on organizing and getting politicians to stop taking money from the oil industry and talk about climate change. Among other things, I helped get Kamala Harris to sign a pledge not to take money from the fossil fuel industry.

Prior to that, I created a website for generating clothing patterns using generative adversarial networks. I had some success trading cryptocurrency. I coded a Ethereum DAPP, but I never launched due to regulatory issues. I had tried applying image recognition to grading coins and it kinda worked, but I found out the coin grading system is kinda rigged.

I've also worked at major web companies applying natural language processing, doing internationalization, client/server architectures, and web development. You can see more at https://www.linkedin.com/in/gershon-bialer-3ba7174/.

Email: gershon.bialer@gmail.com

Location: Boston, MA (and the surrounding Metropolitan Statistical Area)

Remote: Yes please! (if possible)

Willing to relocate: No. (though I could be convinced, if you're doing something really cool with types and functional programming)

Technologies: OCaml, F#, Haskell, Coq, Racket, Rust, Swift, C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React (including Native), C, Python/Django, Ruby/Rails, Elixir/Phoenix, PowerShell, Docker, Terraform, AWS, Git, Bash, Emacs.

Résumé: https://nomadicmonadic.files.wordpress.com/2019/07/cv-scrubb...

Email: bea@klebe.blog

Hi, I'm Beatrix. I'm a college dropout with a passion for strong formal definitions of software correctness and functional programming. My personal platform is macOS and I'm a Unix enthusiast. I currently work on desktop Windows technologies with C# but I am a ravenous learner who reads constantly and will quickly get up to speed with any tool you throw at me if I don't already know it. (there's always a pretty good chance I've at least dabbled) I also have professional experience with full-stack web development and test automation for continuous integration and deployment. I spend most of my free time learning more about dependent types, type systems, and strongly typed functional programming.

  Location: NY but planning to relocate (see below)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes - OR, WA, Fukuoka Japan, (CA only if it's a very good fit)
    spouse is a Japanese citizen; I can do low level conversational Japanese
  Technologies: JavaScript, React, React Native, Redux, Storybook, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Linux
  Résumé/CV: https://lovescomputers.com/resume/
  Email: ho.yin.cheng at lovescomputers.com
Most recently was a lead instructor at a development bootcamp teaching full stack (RoR/React). Ideally looking to continue in the education space as that is my passion, but am open to any industry. A lot of what I know is self-taught as I have a non-traditional background/career path. I took a very long hiatus from any sort of development to pursue teaching. However, I am now hoping to find the right company to reboot my career and work on production systems.

The best way to get me to open up is to ask me about my home server that I've been working on as a hobby for the past decade. If you'd like to see some of what I did as a lead instructor, you can check out this page: https://lovescomputers.com/portfolio/flatiron-school-instruc...

Location: Greater New York

Remote: Yes (Remote Only)

Willing to relocate: No


    • Web: ReactJs | ES6/7 | TypeScript | Redux | Node.js | Express.js | AngularJs | HTML5 | Bootstrap

    • Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework

    • Data: SQL Server | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB

    • Cloud: AWS | Azure | Docker | S3 | EC2 | SQS | SNS | RDS

    • Packages & Tools: Axios | GraphQL | Redux | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Sitecore
Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com Résumé/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/

Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/

Github: https://github.com/rasikjain

Experienced (15+ years) Software Engineer & Architect with experience in FULL-STACK applications in React.js / TypeScript / C# / AWS / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud.

Location: Bay Area / San Francisco / San Mateo Remote: not preferred Willing to relocate: Yes, Seattle & other

Technologies: You are looking for a Data Scientist who is a star with R or maybe a Dev who is a wiz with PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Ruby, Python, React Native…well unfortunately that isn’t me. But as you have already “command F” to here for one of those terms, stay for another 17 seconds.

You also need someone who can properly represent your up and coming product to potential clients, create marketing materials that drive home your value, run user testing, and generally make sure fires are put out …and work on processes so fewer fires happen.

I cofounded a small startup, made some mistakes with it and learned from them. Previously I ran experiential marketing deployments in the field. Just got back to the US a few weeks ago and now looking to devote my skills and towards creating and enhancing value for a company. Willing to do a deep dive and learn. Travel is ok.

If you/your company is hiring for Business Development, Customer Success, Product Management, Operations, then check out my profile. You get dedicated & hungry coworker and maybe your company gives you that sweet referral bonus money

Linkedin: http://bit.ly/generalist2019

Email: my full name (from linkedin) @ gmail

(feel free to reach out even if not directly hiring)

A few more keywords: product, marketing, sales, advocate

I'm a Senior Software Engineer experienced in a wide range of technologies, like embedded systems, system modeling, web, databases, networking, etc. My passion is to create things that help people all over the world. Love to solve complex problems.

The primary programming language is Python, but also have experience with JavaScript, PHP, Perl, C/C++, Clojure. Studied a little bit Go, Rust, D, and other not very popular languages. Have experience with embedded systems like STM32 or ESP8266 for home IoT automation.

Have extensive knowledge about how NAND (Flash) memory works. Have done many system models of SSD, especially in Python with the help of Cython, numpy, and C. Have experience with Linux Kernel Hacking, especially in the block layer.

Also have some experience with Frontend: AngularJs, VueJs.

  Location: Belarus (Europe)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Flask, Django, MongoDB, Linux, VueJs. Linux Kernel Hacking, 
    NAND, Flash storage internals, System modeling (Python, Cython, numpy, C), embedded software.
  Résumé/CV: Available on request.
  Email: libbkmz.dev+hiring < ат > gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-plenne/

Currently, I'm working as a technology consultant for data integration and data analysis startup, leading a small team.

Therefore, I have a lot contact with the customer and try to realize his vision for the renewal of his it infrastructure in the cloud. There is some lift and shift of legacy code involved and also a lot of talking and teaching other providers how to transform their apps to become cloud native. And a little bit of programming.

Before that I was in a project working with a telecommunication company to help create an overview of their upgrading process of low-level telecommunication infrastructure for the hole country. In short move a way from Excel to a grafana based dashboard solution with event driven Automation.

At first, I worked for a consulting firm developing their own software for trading at the energy market. There I helped developing a algorithm trading platform and a Backtesting software solution based in java.

I prefer backend development happy to interact with customers in BtoB settings and in my free time I'm currently learning go

Location: Germany

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: shmaybe, depends on the location

Technologies: * Infrastructure:kubernetes, docker, Linux * Programming language: java, python, go, ruby, C++ * Databases: SQL, Cassandra, elastic search (I know it's not a database but everybody using it as such)

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: azak.azkaran@protonmail.com

Location: Thousand Oaks, CA (Los Angeles area - up to Santa Barbara)

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: for the right job, yes

Technologies: C#, .NET 1.1 to CORE 2.2+, ASP.NET, MVC & Webforms, Javascript / Typescript, HTML/CSS, Azure & AWS DevOps, Java familiarity, SQL (SQL Server / postgres)

CV: By request - I have 15+ years development experience primarily in the Microsoft Stack. Looking to make the leap to Java maybe. Biggest accomplishment: lead developer and architect on a $45m/yr ecommerce site.

Email: odorousrex@yahoo.com

  Location: San Francisco / Taipei (Currently Bali)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Facebook Ads, Youtube Ads, Adwords, Native Ads, Retargetting, Landing Pages, Shopify, CRO, Copywriting, Email Marketing, SEO, Outreach, Instagram Growth, Product Sourcing/Developement, Vendor Relationships/Packing, Ecommerce Project Management, Head of Growth/CMO
  Résumé/CV: Upon Request
  Email: mr.obrien.michael@gmail.com

Location: Vancouver BC, Canada

Remote: Remote strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: probably not, but ask

Technologies: Python, Go, Linux, AWS. Interested in Rust.

Might work on Java, Kotlin or Scala code. Fullstack experience, but prefer backend and scripting.

Résumé/CV: http://lpolzer.com/cv (not mobile-ready yet, sorry)

Email: polzer@fastmail.com

Looking for remote contract or freelance work, but generally open to other opportunities.

I specialize in backend and scripting work, and have worked on a wide variety of projects over a span of more than 15 years. I can ramp up to new tech and environments quickly. My last gig was as a software engineer at Amazon Vancouver for 20 months. I speak German and English. I get work done, and can also communicate with customers to refine requirements. I am honest, and I'm trying to be a fair and decent person at all times.

Note: please definitely do not contact me if your vetting process includes "whiteboard" style coding or take-home challenges, or more than one technical discussion round. My preferred hiring process consists of a "getting to know" chat and a quick review of my sample code, taking no longer than a week. Also, no low-ball offers please, I generally charge above market average.

Thanks for reading! Looking forward to your messages. :-)

Location: NYC

Remote: 2-3 days a week for most of the year, 4-6 week stretches during some of the year.

Willing to relocate: No


  - 2.5 years Web Fullstack, leaning towards backend (React/GraphQL/Rails/postgreSQL)
  - 5 years ad-hoc Ruby systems (CLI, Sinatra, postgreSQL)
  - 15 years IT/DevOps (Microsoft Server, bare metal linux, bash, AWS, Heroku, CircleCI, Sentry)
  - 3 years Project Management / Team Leadership
  - 3 companies started, 3 plugs pulled
  - side projects involving machine learning (neuroevolution), data stores (node/express), goal setting and coaching (Rails/React Native)
Résumé/CV/Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rickgormannyc/

I'm a second-career software developer with a CS background who previously worked in IT in both academic and startup environments. I made the shift over to full-time software development in 2017 and I'm looking to grow in the role of an independent contributor.

My long-term mission is to build a company that helps students in non-technical communities gain apprenticeships in the technology field.

Currently, I'm looking to join a company with a mission that helps people lead fitter, healthier, happier lives, or a company that supports entrepreneurs or small businesses. I enjoy building out APIs and connecting with external APIs, dealing with algorithmic challenges, and writing clean, understandable code.

Location: Nashville TN

Remote: Very strongly preferred. We have deep roots here, and Nashville traffic is worse every day.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server, RabbitMQ, Entity Framework, NHibernate, Dapper (I'm strong in all these, but adaptable to most any approach on the .NET stack especially, as I've been using it since the beta).

Résumé/CV: My LinkedIn page covers the day job stuff pretty well (https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamwgant/). However, I'm also half of a reasonable sized software development podcast (Complete Developer Podcast - https://completedeveloperpodcast.com/), which we've been doing weekly for almost 4 years. In addition to that, I have a book coming out through APress in August, and have done a number of conference talks and the like. I'm really wanting to either 1) get involved with a more scrappy, smaller company that doesn't consider software a cost center, or 2) get into a role that includes more writing, teaching, and mentoring of developers in addition to just coding.

Email: williamwgant@yahoo.com

Location: Germany, Bavaria Remote: Yes, occasional on-site meet-ups or retreats are welcome

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, MySQL, PostgreSQL, JSON API, Sidekiq, Redis, AWS, Heroku, RSpec

Email: seniorrubyengineer@gmail.com

Senior Ruby Engineer with more than twelve years of profound knowledge in building web applications based on Ruby on Rails at scale (>10M users, >20M daily requests). Strong focus on performance optimization (algorithms, SQL optimization, scaling), site reliability (monitoring, debugging, bug fixing) and maintenance/refactoring of huge, legacy Rails applications (major Rails updates, extracting services).

Looking for a Tech Lead role in a team of about 8-16 developers or a CTO position in a startup in an early stage. I like to work autonomously and pro-actively on hard and difficult tasks. I mentor juniors and train my teammates to make good architecture and design decisions. A co-worker once called my a wizard: A deep thinker who doesn't need guidance with magical results. I prefer to not being micro-managed nor to be put on the critical path. But to have the freedom and trust to choose what next steps to take to make your applications better for your customers and the development environment more appealing to the team.

• Creative technologist and AI enthusiast, currently working on machine learning projects and taking Jeremy Howard’s excellent Fastai course.

• Familiar with artificial intelligence concepts, architectures, terminology, and techniques.

• Excel at creative problem solving and finding novel uses for new technology.

• Seeking evangelist, community manager, growth hacker, business development, or other role.

• Good people skills and talent at both identifying and growing networks of influencers

• Diverse abilities including award-winning content background and track record of applying innovative techniques to social media, e-commerce, and other fields.

• In New York, but open for new opportunities both in the U.S. and abroad.

Ask me about the time I acted in a Jackie Chan movie!

    - Location: New York
    - Remote: Yes and on-site works as well
    - Willing to relocate: Yes, and have experience working abroad
    - Technologies: Python, Fastai, Core ML, Turi Create, familiarity with machine learning production and deployment as well as emerging platforms and services including Gradient, Crestle, Runway, Render.com, and Google App Engine. Enjoy building datasets and creating machine learning projects from start to finish
    - Résumé/CV: available upon request
    - Email: nat@nyism.com

Location: Uruguay, South America (GMT-3) Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, but depends on where

Technologies: iOS (Swift, Objective-C), some Javascript (Node/Express), some HTML, some CSS, Git, a bit of MongoDB, Sketch (I have a good eye for design)

Portfolio: http://pabloepiscopo.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-epíscopo-12889831/

Resume: https://bit.ly/2GCEnTn

Proud of: http://getrecordify.com

Dribbble: http://dribbble.com

Email: pabloepi14@gmail.com

Hey, hello! My name is Pablo, I'm based in Uruguay (GMT-3) tho I like to live here and there from time to time while working remotely. I had been an iOS engineer for the last 7 years and a self-taught product designer for the last 3 years. I never saw myself as a person that only know how to complete tasks, but more of a product person, an explorer, an experimenter, a constant learner. There's so much more than just coding and a nice UI when it comes to mobile apps. From recognizing an opportunity and understanding the customer’s need, to users segmentation, how to market the app, understanding how people use it, and App Store Optimization which is a whole different thing. An end-to-end process that I love.

Location: Minneapolis, MN.

Remote: No.

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: Java, Spring, Apache Kafka, AWS Lambdas, JavaScript, NodeJS. Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL,MySQL, DB2.

Resume: Upon request

Email: talakola.yagna@gmail.com

Proficient in design and development of distributed systems.Efficient in using multi-threaded capabilities in Java to consume real-time message feeds using Kafka. Dealt with both no-sql and sql systems to process and query large data sets. Enjoy solving problems in a collaborative environment.

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Remote: Preferred, but on-site is fine

Willing to relocate: No

Resume/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/suri-samson

Email: sjsamson86 at gmail d0t com

Technologies: Computing Infrastructure (Servers, Networking, Storage), GNU/Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, VMware, OpenStack, CI/CD, Distributed Systems

About me: I'm a Bay Area native and lifelong technologist. Built my first computer when I was 8, got exposed UNIX/Linux systems and installed Red Hat Linux and Slackware in late 1900s, which sparked my interest in technology and set me on the path I am on. Experience and skills in the Systems/Infra/DevOps/SRE space, from the physical layer (data center/computer hardware) up to supporting apps. Recent years focused on the emerging cloud native computing stack, helping software developers and organizations be successful with it, and solving problems. I have many areas of interest, and am interested in applying a Systems and Infrastructure approach and skillset into various other industries and verticals like transportation, energy, agriculture, etc.

With a background in games and computer graphics, I've recently been working on developer tools, CAD software, data visualization, mobile and web development.

I've gotten to like building stuff with web technologies and have been specializing in building tools with three.js for a few years now (web-based CAD tool, 3D printer simulation/config app, hard drive usage visualization).

Most of my professional work has been with startups, building ambitious new software from the ground up. I've got a good eye for design (especially as it relates to learnability and efficiency of use), solid fundamentals, and can communicate well.

Here's the most recent thing I designed and built (using three.js, Electron, and Rust): https://youtu.be/j-ANWHLvARM


Location: Tucson, AZ

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: for the right position

Technologies: javascript and other web tech, Java, Objective-C

Résumé/CV: http://symbolflux.com/resume.html

Portfolio: http://symbolflux.com/projects

Email: westoncb@gmail.com

Let's build something amazing together!

Hi, I'm Chris and I'm a Senior Software Engineer and formally a VP of Information Technology.

  Location: Los Angeles, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Go, Ruby+Rails, Java, PHP, Postgres/MySQL/MSSQL/Maria, Kubernetes, GCP, Pub/Sub, Redis, Docker, Load Balancers, TLS.
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n9BGwpNG_sEnIdGOm4LEDKTefB23xoJrcYGyw7bqn9E/edit?usp=sharing
  Email: hire-me-hn@wojno.com
  Edu: USC M.S. of Computer Science 2008 + B.S. Computer Science and Engineering 2007
I've written API micro-services in Go and Ruby+rails. Written PHP consumers. I've written OpenAPI specifications and implemented them in Go, created entity-relationship diagrams (ERD) and implemented them in SQL along with minimal and necessary indices. I've also created CI/CD pipelines in Jenkins and Google Cloud Build.

Mentored and trained small teams of developers. Hands-on leader of projects, large and small.

I love work that has a real impact on people's lives and would enjoy continuing to do that.

9+ years experience with mainly frontend development. Would be really interested in a role doing ClojureScript!

  Location: Wellington, New Zealand
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Possibly  to Vancouver (Have Canadian PR, New Zealand citizen) otherwise probably not
  Technologies: JavaScript, React, Vue, Node.js, html/css, UI
  CV/Résumé: Happy to email it
  Email: Jesse[@]okeydoke.net

  Location: Oklahoma City, OK, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Javascript, React, NodeJS, AngularJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Ruby, HTML, CSS, ReactNative, AWS, Azure, Heroku, C#, CAD, 3D Printing, Real Estate Investing
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YLi-EX0PcTTTSu0fk5ByYfsxgTqEQzSl/view?usp=sharing
  Email: kolbeypruitt@gmail.com

  Location: Europe CET +/- 1
  Remote: Yes, I also already have remote experience.
  Willing to relocate: No.
  Technologies: Web Full Stack (PHP, Python, C#, React, Vue, Js, Nginx, Jenkins etc...) and Android (Java/Kotlin)
  Résumé/CV: https://cv.masiero.io
  Email: simone a*t masiero.io
Some stuff I made for fun include https://hackertyper.net http://redditinvestigator.com https://borderwait.net https://riftkit.net

I am an experienced and dynamic developer with a strong passion for learning. I am looking for a company where I can solve real problems and continue growing while contributing in a meaningful way. I also love helping new developers and share my knowledge. If I am not familiar with some part of your stack, still shoot me an email, I am willing to learn pretty much anything!!

Location: Boston, MA Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere within Canada/USA

Technologies: iOS (Swift), Javascript (React/Node/Angular), Git, PostgreSQL, a bit of MongoDB, some React Native and HTML

Email: me@dominickhera.com

Portfolio: http://www.dominickhera.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominickhera/

Resume: http://bit.ly/dhResume

Professional iOS Apps worked on: http://bit.ly/DhAppExamples

I’m extremely passionate about software development and essentially spend every waking moment trying to learn or improve my skills more. At my current company, I initially came on as a Mobile Engineer but my desire for more lead me to taking on additional responsibilities and transitioning into a Full Stack Engineer in which I was developing additional backend api calls and features to interact with my company’s mobile platform.

  Location: Europe
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: For the right job, absolutely
  Technologies: iOS/watchOS/OS X apps with ObjC/Swift, Ruby, Rails, Android Java/Kotlin, React, TypeScript, JS/CSS, Node.js, ML (NLP/chatbots, classifiers), AWS
  Résumé/CV: Upon Request
  Email: constantine.lungu@gmail.com


Hi, I'm a BCS + 6 years of experience Apple Platforms developer (iOS main) who's recently pivoted to a full-stack position (technologies listed descendingly in order of proficiency). Interested in building all kinds of stuff, most importantly in a great team with folks you share with, learn from, and grow. I mainly evolved in a FinTech startup and eventually got promoted to lead a team of 12 people. Now working for a SV company that has an office in Europe (I'll be soon in SF for a couple of weeks). Besides typical software/apps I'm interested in computer graphics, audio engineering/producing, games and statistics/ML, got some UI/UX skills, basically everything which lets me be creative attracts me.

Location: Germany (Frankfurt/Heidelberg/Karlsruhe)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

I focus on solving your business problems. I have worked with many technologies in 12+ years in the software industry and 10+ years before that, and I am comfortable using whatever languages and tools necessary to help your business. Complex tasks are also welcome - I am able to involve other developers where necessary and manage the project.

Extensive experience in high-performance systems, fault tolerance, quality assurance, C/C++ tooling, automation.

Would love to work with companies that successfully scaled their business quickly (e.g. in the cloud) and are now looking at reducing costs to become profitable, speeding up their systems, or facing technical debt or security challenges.

Technologies I have used in projects in the past year: C/C++, Python, Rust, SQL, Bash, Docker, K8S, Javascript, LLVM, build systems, compiler toolchains, Dash/Flask, Plotly, Pandas.

Résumé available on request. Also see https://stackoverflow.com/story/martinrichtarsky

Email: s /at/ martinien.de

Location: Prague, Czech Republic (US Citizen, native english speaker)

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Technologies: Swift, Obj-C, Kotlin, Java, React Native, Python, TypeScript

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UWVXIHRLLn_Fe_OS9NXu18y0hZt...

Email: anthony at mutable dot co (not a typo)

Experienced software engineer seeks new relationship in exchange for financial remuneration. Must love dogs!!

I'm a freelancer specializing in mobile app development. I've been working remotely for the last 5 years. My experience with mobile apps goes back to 2010 and most recently includes React Native, Kotlin and lots of Swift.


I'm interested in contract or full time remote work.

My background is in Enterprise software with Java, SQL and BI/Big Data. I've worked with Python on several projects, specifically on custom hardware with Bluetooth LE / GATT and for SDK development.

Looking for individual contributor or team lead role.

I'm an iOS developer with 6+ years of experience building apps for all Apple platforms. I'd like to work remotely from my home town in Edinburgh, where I've been working remotely for over a year now building apps in the social media and e-commerce space. You can see my linkedin profile here: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/kerr-marin-miller and my SO developer story here: https://stackoverflow.com/users/story/1027644

I'm interested in working on iOS but I'd also love the opportunity to get involved in backend technologies (python and go would be my preference, but open to anything). Get in touch!

  Location: Edinburgh, UK
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: iOS, Xcode, Swift, Objective-C, some python, some JavaScript
  Résumé/CV: Happy to email it
  Email: kerr@kerrmarin.com

  Location: Germany

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Sure

  Technologies: Mostly Rust currently (I wrote hunter: https://github.com/rabite0/hunter ), but I've also written a lot of Common Lisp, Shell Scripts, Linux administration, Microcontrollers. Haven't done any Web front-end stuff, it's very ugly in general.

  Email: rabite0@posteo.de

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: JavaScript, ES6+, Node.js, Koa(Express), React.js, Gatsby, GraphQL, Redux, D3.js, Wordpress, React Native, Webpack, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Heroku, Firebase, TypeScript and more.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ngTkTVeDaakyFxEmPyyqyMuKxD...

Email: mail@andrejgajdos.com

I am a freelance full-stack web developer with over six years of experience delivering software. I have worked for clients all around the world in many different industries. I have background in computer science and am able to create everything from small business websites to custom web applications.

Personal Website: https://andrejgajdos.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrejgajdos

Github: https://github.com/AndrejGajdos

Location: Vancouver

Remote: Preferred, not required.

Willing to relocate: Yes - worldwide.

Technologies: Elasticsearch, ELK stack, log consolidation, data modelling, security analysis, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Skype for Business, Cisco Call Manager, VoIP, product management, product/service creation, Powershell, basic Python (Improving fast)

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/temp-2019

Email: yvrjay at protonmail

I'm interested in opportunities involving security, data, and the cloud. Technically, I'm currently creating an Elasticsearch service and pipeline that ingests terabytes of logs per day. Logically, I'm trying to develop a data model that will work across multiple log types i.e. firewalls, routers, switches, databases, active directory, etc. All the while staying within budget and ensuring each team has the data they need for maximum productivity.

My experience has been as a systems administrator while creating products/services and rolling them out to enterprise scale clients. While at the same time, taking on roles as a product manager and technical account manager to evolve the product/service and ensure the clients needs are continuously met. I'm excited about opportunities to use my skills in regards to security within a cloud environment. Right now I'm much more interested in a position where I can grow my skillset than salary, location, or other factors. As such, I'm currently open to moving worldwide for the right opportunity.

Note 1: Interested in part time work, particularly in the security field.

Note 2: Open to technical recruiters reaching out to me.

Location: Seattle, WA (Bellevue) Remote: sure, why not Relocate: I guess, if the economics work... Statistics Ph.D., Caltech BSCS, 10 year Microsoft (Windows Server dev then Senior Quantitative Manager). I teach University of Washington's intro Statistical Software class (R, Python, SAS, etc.) Specialties within stats/machine learning: finanical risk (I'm a CFA and was on the FRM committee); bioinformatics (thesis and publications on statistical genetics); forecasting/optimization (current consulting work on long term adaptive capacity planning). Very into Bayesian computing and MCMC methods. Would like to build/lead a data science team; plenty of experience translating between business and numbers, keeping fellow nerds from over-complicating data science problems.

Consulting page: RedmondAnalytics.com Resume: https://sergeredmondanalytics.github.io/ra-public/Serge.pdf


I'm not a rocket scientist I'm a hacker

I built from scratch the entire stack of an IoT social network that has made front-page here at hacker news and went on to raise money and start Earth's first social internet-controlled devices community

I built from scratch world's second real-time sales coaching platform that listens to your sales calls to suggest critical things to say

I've been the tech lead and a large mobile gaming studio leading the design on scaling to support xx,xxx concurrent users

I've used the underlying IBM Watson engine to save a large health institution ~$50mm using NLP to detect diagnosis codes and published results in an informatics peer-reviewed journal

My specialty is early stage companies that need a "hacker" to quickly prototype, create MVP's, with relatively lasting design (next iteration is to think about making it robust)

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React.js, Vue.js, Node.js, Ruby-on-Rails, Elixir, Python, Java, Kubernetes, Go, GCP, AWS, Elasticsearch

Resume/CV: Described Above or go to linkedin.com/in/theodore-lee-6786b1b

Email: theo 825 / at / gmail

Open to contract roles

Location: Zelenodolsk, Russia

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: Not likely

Technologies: iOS, Mac OS X, Native, Obj-C, Swift, Cocoa

Résumé/CV: https://goo.gl/KNiR8j

GitHub: https://github.com/RafaelKayumov

Email: justpoc@gmail.com

5+ years of native development experience; 10+ apps pushed to App Store + couple of OS X apps.

5 years as a full stack dev, but I've increasingly moved lower down the stack. I'm interested in continuing that trend, even if it takes me out of web development. I've done some machine learning and optimization work in the past and would be interested in pursuing those opportunities as well.

I'm a fast learner and interested in pushing my boundaries. I'd love to be the least experienced person in the room - more opportunity for learning!

I'm self-taught (from books and practical exercise) and my degree is in philosophy, which I like to think leaves me in a good position to think creatively about problems and also communicate well.

  Location: Nashville, TN
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, maybe even preferred
  Technologies: Ruby, Clojure, Haskell, .NET (F#/C#), SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript/TypeScript, Linux, etc
  Interested-in Technologies: Rust, Forth, CL
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-roberts-ba598434
  Email: ryan at rtroberts dot com

Location: Penang, Malaysia

Remote: Not at this time

Willing to relocate: Yes, (to Central Europe and UK regions only)

Technologies: C, C++, C++-11/14, Python, IOT solutions (RESTfull & JSON), STL, Algorithms, Data-Structure, Design Patterns, UML modelling, Embedded System, Qt (4.x and 5.x)

Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/cv/kiranpuranik

Email: gkiranp@gmail.com

- Highly skilled and self-motivated software developer having 10 years of experience in Embedded software design and development for Firmware, Middleware and Applications.

- Hands-on experience in using wide range of analysis tools, performance tuning tools and development and debugging tools in embedded system and Internet Of Things (IOT); troubleshooting experience on embedded targets using oscilloscope and logic analyzer.

- Modern C++ 11/14 and Concurrent programming knowledge; experience in working on Safety Critical standards, such as IEC61508 and EN50128; fluency in implementing flexible solutions for frequent changes and easy maintenance.

  Location: Central
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes (Austin, Seattle, Denver, NYC, SF, Stockholm, Oslo)
  Technologies: Clojure, Python (Flask, Django), JVM, React.js (open to learn Go, Elixir, Rust, Scala)
  Misc: AWS, Azure, & hardware design experience (PCB)
  Email: j3elam at gmail
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elamjohn/

Software is play for me, so definitely willing to put in OT making something better.

UT Austin BSEE - understand hardware, but professionally a SWE. Full stack junior developer - C#, Django, Flask. I spend a lot of time learning langs like Clojure. Familiar with big data stacks like Hadoop, python for data science, and front end frameworks like React. Prefer back end data processing pipelines, but open to web/full stack. Available for side work, but seeking full-time. I prefer onsite work so I can learn from great engineers and have better feedback.

  Location: UK / EU
  Remote: Yes (Preferred)
  Willing to relocate: Happy to travel onsite or relocate for the first few months to keep project in motion 
  Technologies: iOS, Swift, Objective-C (native mobile developer)
  Resumé: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcijhk8fmjvicq0/curriculum_en_uk.pdf?dl=0
  Email: patryk . zoltowski at gmail.com
6-year experience in iOS both swift and objective-c. This is what I specialize with these days though I have previous background in Java backend development and I'm familiar with Python and C++ as well. Recently I tinker with React Native and OpenCV in my free time. I'm enthusiastic about new technologies and eager to find robust solution to technical problems. I'm flexible with adjusting to different timezone. Just recently available full-time. Don't hesitate to say hello to me and discuss your project.

Location: Valley City, ND

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#, Python, SQL

Resume: https://whitegreyblack.github.io/files/Sam_Whang_Resume.pdf

Email: sangwoowhang@gmail.com

2+ years in application development using C# and Python.

Looking for a position with a company that uses Python but open to working with other languages/technologies.

I'm an experienced iOS developer, comfortable working across platforms and leading small teams. I've shipped many apps to the App Store and Play Store, and filled a lot of roles along the way, but I'd like to focus my time on building a dedicated product or platform.

Always eager to take on new challenges and dive into the unknown! Looking for work that gets me "closer to the metal," compilers, frameworks.

Location: currently Canada, with roots and citizenship in the US

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Open to it, depending on location


    - iOS: Objective-C, Swift, deep knowledge of UIKit and Foundation
    - Android: Kotlin, Java 
    - also comfortable with JavaScript (Node), TypeScript (Node), Python, Ruby for backend stuff
Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wktYYZwg5NWMyTbv3JiFvZ0n...

Email: raymond dot edwards at gmail

Exploring for opportunities as a Technical Product Manager (Senior Engineering background in customer facing roles) but if you think there may be a strong fit in another role at your org, it doesn't hurt to chat!

Location: Vermont, USA

Remote: Yes, experience leading and hiring multinational remote teams

Willing to relocate: Yes, for the right opportunity

Technologies: On the engineering side, I'm strongest on the frontend (React and Angular most recently) but I've worked full stack both professionally and on my own projects (see resume for details) Tons of experience in enterprise developer support (wrangling our APIs and SDKs across countless stacks)

I have a few years under my belt of leading and hiring remote engineers, helping to scale a team from 10 to over 100. I'm passionate about enabling others to build successful careers.

Customer facing experience: In my first startup attempt I felt pain from a lack of experience talking to customers, so I took a role in Success and Support engineering to gain customer facing skills. I've now been working on honing my customer development skills and data driven product decision making.

I'm currently consulting with a few startups, providing guidance on their upcoming major product releases.

Résumé/CV: If the Google Drive link is still viewable, I'm still exploring options :-) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sN4vZek2ItiO-P_hY-N9aWJFFem...

Email: In my HN profile

Misc.: I'm most interested in technical B2B products (developer tools, data, other tooling), fintech, or health. I don't have any experience with blockchain/cyrpto.

  Location: Chile
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: Python, PHP, Node, Java, SQL, Docker, Vue/React, CSS/SASS/LESS
  Résumé/CV: via email
  Email: victor@vgr.cl
  Website/Portfolio: https://github.com/XzAeRo | https://stackoverflow.com/users/story/4848018
I've been working professionally for 5+ years, and have several more while working as student and researcher in computer science. I consider myself a Full-Stack developer with personal preferences towards backend and devops. I have tons of experience building projects from the ground-up (including team building, software architecture, and testing pipelines).

I have 1 year of corporate team-lead experience, and 2 years of leading my own software development company (which is running by itself at this point).

Looking for jobs ideally with a team-lead focus, or senior software engineering with options to move forward in team management.

Location: Central Virginia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not currently

I’m an entry level developer with skills in C++, Java, HTML, CSS, javascript, SQL, and Assembly. I’m one class away from an associates in Computer Science, and have completed all the core coursework for a CS Bachelors at James Madison University. I have extensive training in networking and security through the military.

I’ve worked with distributed teams in the past, where I taught myself Blueprints for Unreal Engine 4, animation through Maya, and how to establish an animation pipeline.

I’m open to travel, and possible relocation in the future.

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BrOevTFoHKkNk-JrkknQciojTFX... Technologies: C++, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, and Assembly

Git: https://github.com/SanguinemDracones

Email: nathan.paul.ramsay@gmail.com

Location: Bay Area

Remote: Yes, and I have extensive experience working remotely.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Senior full stack engineer and technical leader currently enjoying working with Go (Golang), Ruby on Rails, React, Next.js, and Kubernetes.

Résumé/CV: https://www.LukeHeuer.com/resume/a7o

Email: Luke@HeuerLabs.com

0x | San Francisco, CA | Full Time | ONSITE and REMOTE | NO AGENCIES PLEASE

0x is building the infrastructure for mainstream access to a trustless and decentralized exchange on a blockchain. Our team is working with Solidity, zk-STARKs, and some other innovative technologies that are at the cutting edge of blockchain/Web 3.0 development. Our ecosystem is growing and we’re looking for more voices, opinions, and perspectives to accomplish our goals.

Some Unique Aspects of Working at 0x: — Almost all the work we do is open-source and free-to-use — We are addressing a unique problem with potential to disrupt the legacy financial system and create a major shift in global commerce — We are one of the first companies to offer liquid digital assets as part of our compensation package — We are working on a rapidly evolving decentralized tech stack

We're actively looking for a product manager, as well as full stack and front end engineers to join us and our team in SF. You can apply for our open roles with the links below:

Software Engineer — Full Stack: https://boards.greenhouse.io/0x/jobs/4020199002

Software Engineer — Front End, Developer Experience: https://boards.greenhouse.io/0x/jobs/4134685002

Product Manager — Developer Experience: https://boards.greenhouse.io/0x/jobs/4117299002

Quantitative Software Engineer: https://boards.greenhouse.io/0x/jobs/4188024002

I believe the thread you are looking for is here:


Location: The Netherlands

Remote: Partly remote is usually preferred. A bit skeptical about full remote unless the team is able to stay connected well.

Willing to relocate: No, however I'd need continued visa sponsorship. Currently here as a highly skilled migrant.

Technologies: Mainly React Native (have been using for 4 years now) and mobile oriented full stack with lots of Javascript work. Apart from that NodeJS, C#, C++. Have spent a portion of my career in freelance projects (read: got projects and delivered them) as such have been able to work with different technologies. I am really interested in learning, as such definitely open to any polyglot environments.

Résumé/CV: Have 4 years of experience, always React Native, at times different technologies to support it (need backend, put NodeJS. Need to add a plugin to a music program, put C++, image processing? get me some CUDA etc) Have been in Netherlands for a year now, before it was in Turkey. Computer Science graduate.

Email: htkibar at gmail

  Location: Argentina
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Not for now
  Technologies: React, Node.js, Javascript, HTML/CSS/images, Bootstrap,
                Java, Python, Ruby/RoR, PHP, Linux, C, assembler, 
                shell scripting, Kubernetes, Docker, Google Cloud,
                MySQL, Android dev
  Resume/CV: Available upon request
  Email: diegojg2002 at hotmail dot com

I'm a very productive full stack developer working since the 90's.

During my career I mainly worked on frontend development, but also did DevOps, DBA and backend development.

I'm the perfect fit for any team that needs somebody who:

1. Choose the best tools and frameworks for a project.

2. Implements it or help a team to implement it following good practices and guidelines.

3. Solve difficult technical problems that any new or existing project has, quickly or within the day.

4. Knows almost all languages and frameworks and can quickly learn and adapt to anything new.

5. Delivers quality and readable code.

6. Works hard and is pragmatic.

Hello HN, I am a designer with engineering tendencies looking for full-time opportunities. The role I look for is often labelled as Interaction Designer/Creative Technologist/Design Technologist/UX Technologist/UX Engineer etc. My portfolio is : http://rohitg.in/portfolio/ ! Let me know :)

  Location: Currently in Spain (Indian national, so I would need visa support everywhere except India)
  Remote: No, but depends on the role.
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: AVR/ARM/Arduino/MSP430, KiCAD, Electronics Prototyping, Openframeworks, Processing, p5js,
                Touch Designer, Vuejs, HTML/CSS/javascript, Figma, Rhino, FabLab Tools, Mapbox-gl, Firebase, Nuxtjs
  Résumé/CV: http://rohitg.in/portfolio/
  Email: indiantinker[at]gmail.com

Location: San Fransisco South Bay Area

Remote: if it’s the right opportunity

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: JavaScript, C#, python, angular, angularjs, html, css, sass, git, Azure Devops

Résumé/CV: https://www.garrettlisti.com/media/garrettlisti.resume.pdf

Email: me@garrettisti.com

Howdy I’m Garrett! I’m a full stack developer looking for a full time opportunity. I am currently the lead developer of a distributed team working full stack on a internal function as a service platform. While most of my experience is using a Microsoft stack, I love to work on difficult problems with the right technology. I work hard and love to constantly read about and learn as much as I can about software engineering.

I am currently looking for a company that values clean code, hard work, with a user focus. I love to teach and mentor, but I am also looking to learn from strong leaders and contribute to a driven team.

  Location: N/A
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: #1 SwiftUI #2 Ruby #3 Go 
  Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/2xpo2M2 // I had a website but I got tired of updating it
  Email: hnwwtbh@pymorris.com
Me: "Indie Hacker for 15+ years. I learned to program “for fun“, back in middle school. I've done everything by myself the first years (code/UI/website/analytics/tests!). Good old days! I've studied for a few years also – mostly to please the parents – and worked for and with a few startups, before creating my own code/consulting business. I closed it after 3½ years and now I'm traveling looking for what's next! :)"

Also me: I'm lazy so this is my exact LinkedIn About Section (that I just updated) \o/

Obviously I've done a lot of things all those years. Nowadays I'm really focused on iOS/SwiftUI, but I'm open!

Location: Washington, DC | Northern Virginia

Remote: Yes (have remote work experience)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, PHP, Linux, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Python, Pandas, Selenium, Ansible

Résumé/CV: Available upon request.

Email: dctechj@gmail.com

I'm open to all positions or contracts.

I took a break to complete my degree a few years back. I have recently completed a small project, but I do have a coding resume gap after graduation (open to discussion) that I'm looking to close.

My work experience is focused in full stack web development and managing IT infrastructure. I am comfortable outside of this range and have worked on systems ranging from USB duplication automation, warehouse inventory systems, and 'complex' proprietary databases.

I enjoy working independently or with teams, and have experience developing practical solutions to problems. I am capable of quickly learning new tech on my own time, or absorbing knowledge by working with others.

Current side project: Building a web app using Flask for the backend and React for the frontend.

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Application programming (primarily in Python), Backend programming (mostly in Flask and Sanic), tool development (primary in Rust, Python, Go and C#), comfortable with command line scripting and tools (bash etc.) and several SQL dialects (RDBMSes like PostgreSQL, SQLite and MariaDB, TSDBs like InfluxDB, and caching solutions like Redis). Comfortable with *nix sysadmin, including webserver, database and configuration management, CI tools (Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Travis CI) and containerization (Docker, LXC etc).

Résumé/CV: Please email for CV.

Email: hnjobs@ave.zone

I'm a Python Developer, with strong DevOps and Linux system administration skills. I am fluent in English.

Most of my projects outside of work are FOSS. Check them out: https://gitlab.com/ao https://github.com/aveao

My gitlab is now https://gitlab.com/a , so please go to that link instead if you're interested.

I'm an experienced and hands-on engineering and product leader. I push production code regularly and have led multiple high impact, productive teams at early-stage startups in both engineering and product capacities.

Most recently, I was Co-founder and Head of Product and Engineering at a successful venture-funded startup. I now want to work on interesting projects with startups, mid-sized companies, or founders directly while I figure out my next adventure.

Please reach out if I can help you in any of the following ways:

- As a freelance/contract individual contributor. I am very proficient with Rails, JS, and React on modern web stacks. I've done some work with React Native as well and can pick it up fast.

- As a part-time Product or Engineering leader. This would ideally work if you are a sales/business-focused founder who needs someone to manage and propel the ship on the product/tech side. At my last startup, I took a SaaS product from a back of napkin sketch to software with dozens of business customers and in the process we raised funding. I can help with talking to customers, working with designers, product planning, roadmapping, and delivery, or help you hire your first team of engineers.

- As a software development partner. I'm putting together a small, remote, distributed team of talented engineers and would love to take on projects that fall in my sweet spot - building products from the ground up and iterating rapidly based on customer feedback.

Location: SF bay area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, React/Redux, React Native, JS

Skills: Engineering, Product Planning/Management/Design, Rapid Prototyping

Full-time: No, looking for part-time contract/freelance/consulting opportunities

Email: in my profile

Location: Sarasota or Clearwater

Remote: Please

Willing to relocate: W central or SW Fla

Technologies: New product development; Embedded/firmware/bare metal or FreeRTOS; *nix/RF/crypto/; Kinetis KE Cortex M0+ & M4, Nordic Semi's M4 SOC, ST's M4 ARMs, Espressif's ESP8266, Microchip dsPIC; realtime; IAR, gcc via MCUXpresso & Kinetis Dev Studio & unix like systems;, MPLAB-X IDE; Embedded FreeBSD; Embedded Linux on for ex. Raspberry Pi / Broadcom BCM2837; gdb; clang; UML; debugging development prototype hardware; embedded HTTP server; grid support power generation systems; TCP and UDP over IP; Ethernet; power line communications; RS-485; RV-C CANBUS; Bluetooth LE; LoRA; Battery powered devices; storage scopes; visual studio; Java w/Android Studio; GNSS; NEMA cybersecurity and IoT council member. Licensed attorney & pilot (ASEL/IA); amateur radio extra class

Resume: Please request by email

Email: hginfla@gmail.com

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Leaning towards no for the start, maybe later based on mutual feeling. First preference is remote.

Technologies: Golang, Kubernetes, Certified Kubernetes Administrator(CKA). Picking up new technologies, tools, has never been a blocker for me.

Resume/CV: https://github.com/ipochi/resume/blob/master/ImranPochi-Resu...

Email: pochiimran@yahoo.co.in

Currently working as a freelancer/independent contractor remotely.

After 3 years of Java application development in PLM area. I moved into container and orchestration world 2 years ago and ever since have been steadily building up my knowledge around Kubernetes. Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification was one step towards that process.

Looking for opportunities in development of platform/infrastructure ecosystem on top of Kubernetes.

  Location: Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies (Strong experience): Linux userspace CLI (bash/dash, coreutils, util-linux, *etc.*), Android (up to 6ish), iOS (up to 10), C (gcc/clang/tcc), Objective-C, Java (openjdk 7/8), ELF spec (elf(5), readelf, objdump), network stack (ss/ip/tcpdump/*etc.*), revision control (git/svn/mercurial/darcs/*etc.*)
  Technologies (Light experience and strong interest): Haskell (stack/nix), scheme (guile), GuixSD, GNU/Hurd, seL4, linux kernel development, linker/loader (glibc), kernel profiling (perf/*etc.*), prolog (swi)
  Education: Masters in pure mathematics (algebraic geometry)
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Desired work: DevOps, Haskell development, Lisp development, embedded development
  Email: boexahgahk@wilsonb.com
  GitHub: https://github.com/xelxebar/
  Website: https://wilsonb.com/
I just exited a dead-end Ph.D. program in math, looking to get back into industry. The vast majority of my tech experience comes from my hobbying and tinkering around with programming and *nix systems since middle school, so my strengths and comfort lean heavily towards DevOps, despite having no employment experience there. I can see myself thriving in a group that manages high-performance, high-availability, and/or high-security systems.

My natural talents are with understanding existing systems. I seek out to deeply grok things. Perhaps because of this, I've been told that my ramp-up speed on new skills is quite fast. I'm also quite good at finding root causes of bugs.

On the development side, I'd really love to work in Haskell. My experience is limited, but in that I've found my background in abstract algebra to be quite useful. I'd jump on the chance to work with a team that is willing to mentor and support self-study.

I look forward to hearing from you!

   Location: Europe/SF
   Remote: yes
   Willing to relocate: open to discussion, but more 1 week every one or two months
   Technologies: low-level/embedded/C/assembly, AI scalability, custom implementation, large distributed systems (design+run)
   Résumé/CV: available upon request (TEAM of experienced devs)
   Email: remotecoreteam@gmail.com
We are a team of experienced/senior devs, specialized in low-level, largely distributed systems., with a proven track record in scaling-up startups. We love to make things scale, code close to metal, and play with insane amounts of data. We work well together and wish to continue doing so in new exciting projects, as our current startup is a tech success but a commercial fail. We are not an agency, we're open to acqui-hire and we are looking for only one customer for our team of 8 developers.

CTO with 22 years in IT, 11 years as CTO

  Role: CTO
  Location: Amsterdam, EU
  Remote: Yes / Optional (7 years remote experience)
  Relocate: Yes / Optional
  Résumé/CV: https://gaw.in/resume
  Email: hello at gaw.in

Languages: Ruby, Lua, SQL, Javascript, JSON, HAML, HTML, SASS, CSS, Applescript, XML, Python, R, PHP, Java, Go, Perl, C, Basic

Frameworks: Sinatra, LuaRocks, Riot.js, D3.js, Ruby on Rails, Django, Flask, Hugo, Jekyll

Version control: Git, SVN

Data: PostgreSQL, Redshift, Redis, Sidekiq, RabbitMQ, MySQL, Elastic, Mode Analytics

Deployment: Terraform, Ansible, Chef, Puppet

Cloud: AWS, OpenStack, CloudFoundry, Heroku

Editors: Vim, Atom, Microsoft Visual Code

Design: Sketch, Pixelmator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Operating Systems: OpenBSD (daily driver), macOS, FreeBSD, Solaris, Ubuntu Linux, iOS, Android, Windows


Location: Orlando, Florida

Remote: Yes (with experience)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Fullstack LAMP/LEMP (Vue.js, Laravel 5.x, Symfony 2.x, Drupal, PHP, MySQL, etc.)

Resume: I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and have been building web applications, and recently remotely, since 1999. The majority of my career has been full stack web application development in both the United States and also Europe.

I am the author of Mastering Laravel (Packt) and other peer reviewed publications, an invited speaker at phpDay, PHP UK, and founder of the Palermo PHP User Group. I hold a B.S. degree in Computing & Information Science-Saint Vincent College (Latrobe Pennsylvania). My research work includes biomedical informatics and machine translation.My native language is English, I speak fluent Italian, and I regularly travel.


Email: chrispecoraro@gmail.com


* Location: Atlanta, GA USA

* Remote: Yes

* Willing to relocate: No

* Technologies: Full stack developer and designer. PHP, Laravel, Javascript, ES6, React, jQuery, HTML/CSS, SASS, LESS, MySQL, AWS, Linux, Web APIs, RESTful APIs, WordPress

* Resume/CV: http://23andwalnut.com


15 years total programming experience, 10+ years building for the web, 5 years technology and strategy consulting. I provide full service software development and combine strategy, technology, and design to solve complex business challenges. Extensive experience taking projects from concept all the way through launch and have worked with clients of all sizes, from individuals and startups to multinational enterprise companies.


* Email: projects [at] 23andwalnut.com


Los Angeles Remote OK Relocation OK Primary technologies: Ruby (rails), Scala (spark), Javascript (react), DevOps (terraform / AWS). Resume/CV: Scraped from https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-barone-6919425/ Email: nicktbarone@gmail.com - use the word "decoct" so I can find you!

I'm looking for either Ruby/Spark jobs (full stack or data engineering), or "Solutions Architect" / "Customer Engineer" / "Developer Evangelist" positions. I'm a true generalist with people skills, and do well in chaotic and fast-paced environments. I've got a fair amount of startup experience under my belt, so I can also spot pitfalls that my prior companies have floundered in. Do-what-needs-doing attitude.

Location: Boulder / Denver, CO

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes, USA

Technologies: GraphQL, MySQL, C++ , Matlab, Mathematica, Python, Java, LateX, Atmega micro-controllers, Solidworks, Labview, NI Circuit Design Suite, Lathes, Mills, MIG/TIG welding, Pneumatic Tools, Micro Soldering, Nano-Optics, Spanish, Italian

Résumé/CV: http://heffern.net/rob/

Email: robert.heffern (at) gmail

I recently completed my MS in Bioengineering at the University of Colorado AMC with an emphasis on super-resolution nano-bio-optics. With my background in engineering and experience developing novel tools and designs, I am excited to help you develop bleeding edge products that improve both scientific research and lives. My 8+ years of experience in bioengineering, applied physics, and research makes me a good fit for your company, and I look forward to discussing the future with you.

I'm a somewhat recent grad looking for a role working on medical device testing/hardware QA. I'm experienced with embedded ARM and AVR microcontrollers and circuit design, as well as mechanical prototyping. I'm currently looking to move to either San Francisco or NYC within the next month or two.

  Location: Pittsburgh, PA
  Remote: no
  Willing to relocate: yes, actively looking to move to SF or NYC
  Technologies: embedded electronics (C++, Micropython, interfacing with SPI/I2C/UART, testing with JTAG/oscilloscope), mechanical design (Solidworks, Eagle, Fusion 360, 3D printing, CNCing), general Python and Unix/Linux skills, Matlab.
  Résumé/CV: http://www.mikeurich.com/pdfs/MichaelUrichResume.pdf
  Github: https://github.com/mike-u
  Email: mikeurich@protonmail.com


Location: Vilnius (Lithuania)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: .NET [Core] (C#, F#); ASP.NET; JVM (Clojure, Java, Scala); Python; AngularJS; Vue.js; React; iOS (Swift); AWS (wide range of services); databases: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Datomic, Couchbase, Redis, Event Store

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: contact[at]8bitstudio[dot]dev

We are a three-person full-stack highly professional development team with extensive experience in online advertising and fintech. We can consult on architectural problems, work as a discrete unit or a part of another team on implementing the solution.

Describe us your task, project or idea and we will provide a timely response with estimates and a plan. We offer very flexible rates and will help you with suggestions on how to best optimize the development effort.

For contact details and other information please visit: https://www.8bitstudio.dev/

Location: Luxembourg Remote: Yes, only Willing to relocate: No Technologies: JS (ES6), Node.js, Typescript, Angular, React, HTML, CSS, also some Java, Php, and good devops / CI / cloud platforms skills Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guillaumemonnet/ Email: hi@255kb.com

Hi, my name is Guillaume, I am a passionate self-taught full stack developer (former lawyer). I did so many different things that I like to describe myself as a Swiss army knife. My main language is Javascript but in the past I also managed stacks on AWS or GCP, developed a small game in Unity, learned a little bit of machine learning (with Python), designed pixel perfect icons... What I would like: solve interesting problems within a great (remote) team.

Location: Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go/Golang, Java, JavaScript, Python, Node.js, ExpressJS, D3.js, React, Vue, Angular, Agile/Scrum, SQL/NoSQL Databases, CI/CD, containerization

Resume/CV: https://tinyurl.com/y2nt5y7m

Email: mvcatsifma@gmail.com

I am a pragmatic software engineer with over 15 years of experience in both remote and on-site roles, and my current focus is on development in Go. Over the past 10 years I have served as a consultant on several projects for leading Dutch companies in diverse industries as well as government entities. My technical background includes extensive work in Java and JavaScript including many of the most popular frameworks and libraries.

My primary interest is Go development projects on a remote basis. I am a native Dutch speaker with full professional proficiency in English and German.

  Location: Seattle, WA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Only in Greater Seattle Area
  Technologies: React, ES6, Typescript, CSS, SCSS, Angular
  Resume: https://jrobusto.github.io/resume/
  Email: joshuarobusto@gmail.com
Front-End Engineer with full-stack background, passionate about creating exceptional user experiences. Quick learner with experience in a fast-paced start-up environment. Open to both front-end and full-stack roles, with a preference for front-end and for a culture that values cross-discipline collaboration.

Resume: https://jrobusto.github.io/resume/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-robusto/

Location: Germany, work world-wide

Remote: Yes, remote-only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Keras/TensorFlow (recent arXiv models), Python, PySpark, mostly computer vision & large scale 3D processing and visualization


- manufacturing defect detection for automotive industry with Deep Learning (<2% real-world false positive rate)

- detecting crime in progress from pair-wise spatio-temporal relationships of human pose estimates in continuous video feed using time-distributed attention-enhanced ConvNet-RNNs

- 3D indoor reconstruction using SLAM, randomized non-linear optimization, semantic segmentation and depth estimation from mobile video feed (ensemble)

- Mobile traffic anomaly/fraud detection (GBT + discrete VRNN)

- Image content filtering using Deep Learning (DenseNet)

- Diagnosing lung diseases from X-Ray images (CheXNet), surpassing human level performance

- End-to-end self-driving car control (NVidia Dave2Net)

- Top 10 US school MS education; detailed CV upon request

Email: deepmodel (at) protonmail.com

Machine learning engineer, specialized in Explainable AI / ML

Recent Highlights:

* Implementation in Spark/Scala of treeinterpreter, currently used in production

* Participation to the FICO-Google Explainable Machine Learning Challenge

* Intuitive, visual data/signal explorer (work in progress, partial view at explicable.ml (the 3D view))

Location: Paris, France

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: for the right job, yes

Technologies: SHAP, RuleFit, Random Forest, Word2Vec, PCA, t-SNE, LSH, ROC, Scikit-Learn, Spark, Weka, Databricks, BigQuery, Hive, Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, AWS, Linux, Maven, Git, Java, Scala, Python, CAML, Elm, Javascript, Spring, Primefaces, d3.js

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benoitparis/

Github: https://github.com/benoitparis/

Email: benoit@explicable.ml

Location: Detroit, MI US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Languages : PHP, JavaScript/TypeScript, C/C++, Java, Golang, CSS, HTML, shell

Databases : MySQL, PostgresSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Redis, MongoDB

Tools/Frameworks : Laravel/CakePHP, VueJS/React, Android, React Native, Git, Docker

Familiar : CI/CD Tools, Linux, BSD, Ansible/Puppet, AWS/DigitalOcean/Azure

General : Software Development, Systems Admin, DevOps, Project Management

Résumé/CV: https://etbus.ch/resume.pdf

Email: me@etbus.ch

https://www.linkedin.com/in/etbusch | https://github.com/etbusch

Seeking a software engineering position with a focus on web technologies and product development where I can apply my generalist skillset.

Location: Connecticut

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Kind of - willing to split my week in the office and remote for opportunities in NYC or Boston


   Languages: C#, VB.Net, JavaScript, Python, SQL

   Frameworks/APIs: WPF, React, Material-UI, Node, Xamarin, Unity3D

   Database: MS SQL, postgresql, mongo

   Cloud: Azure mostly, with a sprinkling of AWS

   Operating Systems: Comfortable in all major OS's (windows, macOS, linux [use to be a huge BSD fan, too])
Résumé/CV: On request

Email: Scott.Vaverchak[at]gmail[dot]com

I have just over a decade of mostly C# development, with JS / React / Node being more recent (in the past 3 years). Really looking to broaden my skills - I have an interest in machine learning (hey, I love math) and I have been learning it on the side for the past 9 months. I would love a position where learning and exploring is encouraged.

Location: France/UK

Remote: Yes - normally all remote, but do spend time on client sites as needed

Willing to relocate: No - travel ok

Technologies: Cloud (AWS - most services, Azure), Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift, Big Data (Spark, Storm, Hadoop family, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Lucene, Solr), Kafka, Zookeeper, Java/Python

Resume/CV: By email only

Email: connect AT nonstopops.io

I'm a senior enterprise architect, specialising in designing and implementing complex, distributed systems that are highly performant and fault resistant.

I also do plenty of work in fixing existing systems that are in need of some help in these areas (recently: Big Data performance and tuning, AWS-based platform evaluation and refactoring, Docker/Openshift design, Cloud migration).

I am very hands-on and frequently do things like POC development, performance and tuning, etc. I also often end up leading teams for the full development lifecycle.

Software Developer for ~7 years. From Germany. Built up a joint venture at a bigger company and spent several years in IT consulting with mostly cutting edge tech stacks. I am used to projects with me working on the full stack. DevOps, backend to frontend not afraid of anything and dig down to the metal if it is needed. My best you get when I work on a node.js/Typescript backend and a React frontend. I am also proficient in working with stakeholders around a project.

I am interested and use backend architectures like DDD and have domain expertise from various fields.


  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: no

  Technologies: Javascript (7y) React (~5y), had real projects with Go/Java/PHP, experience with Docker/Kubernetes/Bluetooth

  Résumé/CV: More details after request

  Email: sekistner@gmail.com

   Location: Sydney, Australia
   Remote: Yes, preferably (I have a quiet home office and 100Mbit+ FTTH internet) 
   Willing to relocate: No
   Technologies:  C#/.NET, Powershell, Windows, Linux (Centos/Ubuntu), Ansible, Octopus Deploy, T-SQL, Redis, HAProxy, IIS, Elasticsearch/ELK, Graphite/Grafana, Zabbix, 
   Résumé/CV: Yes, email me. 
   Email: will@willhughes.me 
I have more than eighteen years of Software Dev experience in the Telecomms, Digital Agency, R&D and Travel industries. Most recently I worked in a small IT Operations ("Devops") team for a high traffic Hotel metasearch company managing their global infrastructure.

I'm looking for another job in the IT Operations space. Remote working would be a plus, but not required.

If you've got a role like this - please reach out.

Taking low-level software and hardware ideas from concept to product is what I enjoy working on.

I have been working remotely for the past 7 years where I have done everything from ultra-low-power implementation all the way to (with help of build-root) creating our own custom Linux image (kernel + filesystem).

I have had to travel overseas to setup assembly and EoL testing and have experience managing and planning software development schedules for myself and other (external resources)


Location: Mostly Central Time

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: embedded: 8/16/32-bit controllers ARM Cortex-M MCUs, ARM7DMI SoCs, ST, Infineon(automotive). RTOSes and event driven OSs, Linux (embedded and otherwise). C, C++, C#, javascript

I have expert knowledge of embedded network stacks, 802.15.4, Zigbee, Bluetooth, Zigbee and other proprietary wireless protocols. CoAP, Mqtt

I have written software for off-road vehicles, industrial automation, IoT devices

mail: pfi.melvin@gmailcom


I have been writing Ruby code since 2005, and been working with code for longer. Did some work with Erlang and I would like to write more Elixir. I have done production deployments on Kubernetes for 3 years, and have worked with infrastructure-as-code. I wrote my own tool that puts working with Kubernetes in dev and managing production clusters on a single interface (https://github.com/matsuri-rb/matsuri)

  Location: Phoenix, AZ, US
  Remote: Strongly preferred
  Willing to relocate: No, willing to travel
  Technologies: Ruby (Rails), Elixir, Kubernetes. Backend 
  server, Infra, and Devops
  Resume: Upon request
  Email: talktohosh at gmail.com
  Github: http://github.com/hosh

Location: Cambridge

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, to SF

Technologies: Python, C++, MongoDB, JS/React

Resume/CV: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~wpg23/cv.pdf

Email: wpg23@cam.ac.uk

I'm currently wrapping up my PhD at the University of Cambridge, and I'm looking for tech/research roles in San Francisco (my fiancé has a postdoc there). My PhD is in network science/bioinformatics, and my Master's is in physics, and I'm looking to apply the data science/problem solving skills I've obtained on some interesting real-world problems! My University webpage detailing my work is here: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/profiles/wpg23/

Location: San Francisco

Remote: Yes, though local preferred

Willing to relocate: NYC possible

Skills: Product management, UX design, user research, business development, corporate development, marketing

Email: dwyer.ed@gmail.com

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/neddwyer

Resume: on request

I'm an entrepreneur turned product manager. Experience in marketplaces (Elto - acquired by GoDaddy), 0-1 + 1-n situations (Director of Product @ GoDaddy), and building kick ass teams.

Most recently built a corporate card product at Spritz... and shut it down. Read the post-mortem here: https://medium.com/@nedwin/spritz-has-lost-its-fizz-94ba6806...

Now looking for a post product-market fit company where I can leverage my experience in product strategy + marketing + BD to build something great - fintech, B2B + SMB focus are a big plus.

  Location: San Francisco Bay Area, CA
  Remote: Sure, if possible
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Languages- JavaScript (ES6), Python 3, Go, Java, Dart, Bash
  Frameworks- Express, React, React Native, Flask, Flutter
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohan-p/
  Email: rohan dot pandey at gmail

Hi, I'm a self-taught programmer who's worked with early stage startups and done a lot of freelancing over the past few years.

Although most of my experience is in Full-stack and Cross-Platform Mobile Development, I'd also be very interested in slightly more experimental fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Computer Interfaces.

In general, I'm open to all kinds of opportunities as long as they're developing my experience in some area or another!


Hey Tom, just e-mailed you regarding an opportunity at https://limejump.com. I'm part of the frontend team here. Looking forward to speaking with you.

Location: Bangalore or Gurgaon (India), otherwise remote prefered Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes after 1 year (after my graduation) Technologies: C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, Django, Artificial Neural Networks, TensorFlow, Machine Learning Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hDTy-I0xXQyzwSGW9c56AziJEIY... Email: nimitbhardwaj@gmail.com

Currently, I am a student, want to gain more experience in software engineering and development. I have a very good knowledge of Data structure and algorithms, have a good name on the competitive coding sites, am a fast learner, open-source enthusiastic and willing to work and learn.

Location: Seattle

Remote: Not at this time

Willing to relocate: Sure, especially to the East coast

Technologies: React, C++/CX, XAML, Python

Résumé/CV: Available upon request

Email: illymaccha@gmail.com

I've been working in the industry for about a year now on operating system interfaces, with a special focus on development for accessibility. I'm a recent grad with a degree in computer science and creative writing.

I'm passionate about developing with a focus on end-user experience; I like to think of user experiences more holistically than just thinking in terms of design.

I'd like to go somewhere where I can grow both as a software developer and as a product developer; I want to work on a team where design, product, data, and development all communicate heavily and work together. If that describes your team, and you're looking for an engineer eager to grow and contribute, let's get in touch!

Hey, I just got my bachelor of mathematics but I have a year of work experience with Django Rest Framework and React. Free time programming is mostly Haskell or messing with my OS, for challenges I normally grab Python. Totally technology agnostic, looking for a junior role, I am an encyclopedia of computer science concepts and am eager to work on something to get more experience behind the keyboard. Please give me that opportunity!

    Location: Berlin, Germany
    Remote: Okay but prefer not (I'd prefer to show up somewhere everyday)
    Willing to relocate: Not to the USA but anywhere else.
    Technologies: Functional Programming, NixOS, I have some experience with too many things but since I'm young no expertise.
    Resume: On request
    Email: ilmu AT rishi DOT is

Location: Quito, Ecuador (GMT-5)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity

Technologies: Fullstack Web Typed Functional Programming (Haskell, PureScript, React/Redux, TypeScript, JavaScript), Python/Django Web Development, PostgreSQL, DevOps (CircleCI, GitlabCI, Docker, docker-compose, Ansible)

Résumé/CV: http://www.javiercasas.com/CV.pdf

Email: javcasas@gmail.com

Website: http://www.javiercasas.com

Github: https://github.com/javcasas/

Software engineer with a background on web development and embedded systems.

Looking for a contract in Finance and/or Fullstack Functional Programming.

Always learning, able to work on tight deadlines, low overhead, high throughput.

  Location: NYC / New York

  Remote: No

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: Java, C, Objective-C, Android, 
                iOS, SQL, some C++, database design, 

                Xcode, Android Studio, Eclipse

  Résumé/CV: On Request

  Email: felipemnoa at yahoo.com

  Education: BS in EE, MS In Computer Science

Only interested on temporary work. Can work on anything that requires coding. i.e. If you need someone to help you finish (or debug) your iPhone, Android or web application I'm your guy.

Check out my youtube channel to know what I've been up to and to get an idea of what I do:


Location: Pune, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possibly, if the offer is good

Technologies: (Web Development) PHP, Laravel, React, Typescript, Electron, Linux System Administration, DevOps, Ruby on Rails, Nodejs, C#/WPF, Web Automation.

Résumé/CV: Please email me

Email: taraksharma17[at]outlook.com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/taraksharma/

Github : https://github.com/quantumkv

I have a year of experience in full-stack development in PHP and Laravel. I also have a year of experience in DevOps and Linux System Administration. I have open source work in React and Typescript with a project in Ruby on Rails in the works. I am interested in either full-stack or front-end development full-time role.

Hey all, I'm a Senior SW Engineer with 10+ years of professional experience. I love to code, and build reliable products and services. With a mixed bag of skills, I've tuned my experience mainly to the Web, Backend (primarily PHP, Python, Go), and system administration side. Well-versed in DevOps/System Administration, in my free time you can find me managing my own lab and colocations, have numerous years on the server end of things. I love tinkering, breaking, and fixing (not in that order). Let's get in touch!

Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Within Canada

Technologies: All things web (HTML/CSS/JS & frameworks like React, Vue), PHP, Python, C++, Typescript, Go.

Email: mike@kuby.ca

Resume/CV: Please email mike@kuby.ca for entire CV.

Blog: https://kuby.ca/

Location: Austin

Remote: if needed

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: semiconductors, Rails, Python, a little Elixir

Resume: https://LinkedIn.com/in/brianpiercy, bjpcjp.github.io

Email: bjpcjp@gmail.com

4-time product manager, 3-time R&D projects manager. I’ve usually built my own tools.

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity

Technologies: JS/ES6, SASS/CSS, React, GitHub, WordPress, PHP, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Development

Résumé/CV: See Linkedin and my web portfolio.

Email: tuckertriggs(at)gmail.com

Website: https://tuckertriggs.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/tuckertriggs

Github: https://github.com/tuckpuck

Front-End web developer specializing in using modern web tools to build user-focused websites and web applications. I have very strong web fundamentals and a versatile skill set. Experienced with working remotely and collaboratively. Problem solver looking for new challenges.

Location: Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies/Skills: UI and UX Design. HTML & CSS. Wireframing, Prototyping, Usability Testing. Sketch, InVision, Overflow, Zeplin, Creative Suite.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielamanzotti/?locale=en_US

Email: daniela.manzotti@gmail.com

I’m a versatile designer that can tackle many needs. I’ve specialized in UI/UX Design in the last years by designing responsive websites, mobile apps, and even ATMs with a user-centered and iterative approach, but my background as a Graphic Designer has given me experience with branding identity and marketing collateral as well.

I have previous experience working remotely and autonomously. If you want to see some of my work, contact me!

Hi, I am an iOS developer who is pretty dispassionate when it comes to writing code and yet is a huge fan of the whole Apple ecosystem, so I talk at the events here and there. Can help you with release pipelines, automation of CI/CD flows, solid app's architecture or just bring your iOS team to the next level (or help building it from scratch), so essentially looking for a more senior position.

Location: London, United Kingdom (on sponsored visa)

Remote: Only if part-time / contract

Willing to relocate: Yes, within the country

Technologies: All things iOS, though used to be both backend (python, Django, etc) and web-developer so have no problems with finding the common denominator when interacting with other teams.

Résumé/CV: https://drobinin.com/

Email: offers@drobinin.com

Location: South Africa (with work rights for Australia)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: DevOps, Linux system admin, Network Admin, AWS, Private Clouds, Automation

Resume/CV: Available on request

Email: alex at infraops.io

Looking for a role with DevOps teams or Infrastructure teams, also willing to the employee 01 in DevOps/Infrastructure teams. I feel motivated by solving infrastructure challenges and architecting solutions that meet clients needs. My background is strong on the infrastructure ops side and having lead multiple infrastructure teams in the past. Currently working with dev team as ops drop in supporting infrastructure architecting, provisioning and getting software out the door to our clients. Located in South Africa, but soon moving to Australia. Working remote or with a company in Australia would be a huge plus to my prospects.

Web application engineer and consultant with 7 years of experience focused on highly successful and fast-growing startups across San Francisco and Berlin (https://sinisamikulic.com/case-studies). Looking for full time engagement to help build your product.


Location: Zagreb, Croatia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript (React, Redux, TypeScript, Node.js, Webpack), GraphQL, Ruby/Rails

Website: https://sinisamikulic.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sinisamikulic

Email: contact@sinisamikulic.com


A sample project I co-founded — https://movieo.me/

Location: Miami, FL

Remote: No (explained below).

Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere within US or EU.

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KNzEBRkyzImz-4vPTBQB9zyWbJ...

Email: cngkaygusuz at google's mail

About me: I started meddling with Python practically the moment I decided software engineering will be my career path, and have been using it for wildly different things for 9 years. I started working professionally in 2013 as a backend/devops engineer, and my skillset is tuned for that role: RESTful API and relational database design, Linux system administration, git, quality assurance, distributed systems, software testing... I think you get the picture. My forte is Python, but I've also professionally written Java and Golang code, and I'm quite confident as long as the language is imperative and its lineage can be traced back to C, I won't have any issues with the programming language.

I went back to school for my master's degree to scratch my research itch, which was successful in doing so as I've published 2 papers and have a pending patent application. In the due process, I've picked up data analysis and computer security skills. Now I'm about to graduate, I'd like to specialize in either backend/distributed systems, data science, computer security or any combination of those. I require no training to be productive for backend roles.

Why no remote? I am about to graduate with my master's degree, and my next job will be the first one after two years of lab work. I would like to live within an office environment for a while to hasten my transition from academia to industry. In addition to that, nearly throughout my whole career, I've worked remotely. While not having to commute every day definitely has its perks, I consider myself an extrovert and enjoy social interaction, and right now I feel commute is a justifiable cost for that.

Location: Valencia, Spain

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: machine learning (tensorflow, keras, pytorch), web development (python, django, react), CRM/operations (salesforce.com), infrastructure (docker, selenium, dev ops), game development (UE4, zbrush, 3ds max)

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davebsullivan

Email: dave.brian.sullivan@gmail.com

I am a polyglot software engineer with broad industry exposure and a strong focus on bringing value to projects quickly. After nearly 10 years working with and starting companies in the San Francisco Bay Area, I moved to Spain to work remotely with clients. If you have an interesting project involving machine learning, web development, or business process automation, I’d love to hear from you.

Location: Salinas, CA

Remote: Yes, several years experience.

Willing to relocate: Yes, but remote preferred.

Technologies: JavaScript ES6+, React, Redux, Node, Google Cloud, Firebase, RoR, HTML, CSS, etc.

Résumé/CV: https://jtontiwith.github.io/portfolio/

Email: jtonti@gmail.com

I also have breadth of experience (I've worked in construction, as a mechanic, corporate marketing, business valuation, project mgmt, failed a startup, and more.) I know most people view that negatively, but there might be a few people out there that recognize it helps you navigate complex environments that aren't straight forward. In other words, I could be a good startup warrior, not just a coder <-although that's what I'd like to do primarily. Thanks.

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android Development, Object Oriented Development, Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse IDE, ADB, Java, C/C++, SQLite, XML, HTML, CSS, Git and Linux.

I develop Android apps for phones and tablets. I have published apps in the Google Play store. I have full life cycle software development experience, including: product concept development, product design, project planning, research and development, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.

Email and Resume/CV: http://compxpressinc.com/docs/kpcv.html

Website: http://compxpressinc.com

Recently relocated to a small town in India from Bangalore to care for my family. Lastly worked with a SV mobile finance startup as lead engineer for 6 months and previously in a YC12 cPaaS startup as a lead/manager for 2 years. Prior spent ~12 years as lead engineer/manager for big SV payment companies.

I'm good at building APIs, webapps, mobile apps, SaaS products, scaling/architecture and devops. I'm not so good at complex UI, ML, computer vision, data science. I'm also good at hiring, building teams as well as building engineering culture.

Looking for early employee/co-founder(sweat equity OK) at startups or remote jobs.

Location: Small town, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: not immediately

Technologies: Python, Golang, Java, Postgres, React(beginner), Android, AWS/GCP

Resume: Please email me

Email: kumaresan[dot]rajeswaran[at]gmail[dot]com

Location : Bay Area / SFO Remote : Yes Willing to Relocate: No Technologies : Microsoft Project/SQL/ Alteryx/Tableau/Project Managament/ UAT Coordination/ Cross-functional Team Leadership Resume/CV https://www.linkedin.com/in/priyadarshinis/ Email : priydarshini.s@hotmail.com

In my previous roles, I took some challenging roles where I fostered a strong stakeholder relationship, finalized requirements document, communicated stakeholders with updates regarding the project, on board new features, coordinated with teams to meet the timeline, drove the UAT process, and helped with post-production support.

  Location: New York, NY
  Remote: Ok  
  Willing to relocate: Not at the moment  
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
Over a decade of experience building digital products. I’m a juror at The FWA and also had experience as an instructor for React's Nanodegree program for Udacity.

I’m available for part-time freelance work; project-based or mentorship/consultancy opportunities.

Some of my recent client work features Apple, Epic Games, Oscar Health and T‑Mobile.

Technology I use the most these days are React/React Native, Electron, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node.js and AWS. I also have experience with Clojure and am very interested in distributed systems.

Email, GitHub and more information available on my website: https://rinaldi.io

Are you looking for a Graphic Designer with a fresh but solid approach, packed with influences from Lisbon and Tokyo, plus more than 10 years of experience and a PhD in Design? (And that understands how Intellectual Property works worldwide)

I'm specialized in branding, with the focus on bootstrap (effective launches of startups) and rebranding for ROI improvement.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal (Europe)

Remote: YES!

Willing to relocate: No.



   Affinity Designer, 

   Adobe Illustrator, 

   Adobe Photoshop, 

   Affinity Photo, 

   Adobe InDesign, 







Email: deniseiferreira {ат} gmail.com

Location: Boston

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes. Especially interested in Denver/Boulder area. Would also consider NYC, Charlotte, or Chicago. No west coast cities please.

Technologies: Python(Pandas, Numpy, Scikit, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Flask, etc), Kubernetes (Kubeflow), Docker, Seldon, Kafka, Spark, SQL (Postgres, Oracle), NoSQL (Redis, Hive, Neo4j), AWS and GCP.

Resume/CV: isaacmg.github.io

Email: igodfried@isaac26.com

My focus is machine learning. This includes conducting exploratory data analysis (Bokeh, Pandas), collecting/storing data (SQL, NoSQL, S3), preprocessing data (Pandas, Spark), refactoring/training models (Tensorflow, PyTorch, scikit, XGBoost), deploying models (Docker, Flask, Seldon, Kubeflow), and monitoring model's performance once in production (Prometheus, Kubeflow A/B tests, etc).

Location: USA-Midwest

Remote: not currently(have to relocate to broadband access)

Technologies: Android: java and kotlin, Flutter, web: html css and js

Resume CV: https://fred.grott.gitlab.io

email: see cv

I have just recently rebooted my life as I found out I have ADHD, see:


I am currently building some potential startup apps based on my ADHD experience and I am seeking at flutter mobile opportunity with A USA based startup. Preferably, one where I can receive startup mentoring from the co-founders.

Demo apps being built and links are in my Cv at my small portfolio site linked above.

I have mostly been a backend developer, but have started to do a little React now for my current project. As a hobby I'm learning about Phoenix now, since it seems to be an interesting framework, and it's similar to Rails that I have used in the past. I got into C++ while working in a team for a competition robot, I set up the software architecture and worked on really simple object detection.

  Location: Tallinn, Estonia
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: not likley
  Technologies: Python, Ruby on Rails, C++, Qt, PostgreSql, some React, 
    currently learning about Elixir and Phoenix, willing to learn other new languages, like Go or TypeScript
  Résumé/CV: Happy to email it
  Email: martmaa+hn [$@$] gmail.com

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Remote: Willing to consider

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Technologies: Python, Go, Bash, SQL, Linux, OpenBSD, AWS, GCP

Résumé/CV: https://organizedanarchy.net/Nick_Thobe-Resume.pdf

Email: hn-jobs@organizedanarchy.net

I've been working in the IT industry for 20+ years. While I've focused on Systems / Network Administration, I've always enjoyed doing a bit of everything, including DevOps, Full Stack Development, UX Design and Hardware Repair / Troubleshooting.

Right now, I'm looking to get back to working on a team. I've been consulting for a bit and, while I enjoy the variety of the work, I find myself missing the camaraderie of being on team, working towards a common goal.

Location: Norwalk, CT (New York City commute)

Remote: Maybe, but prefer direct interaction

Willing to relocate: Yes (Esp. Scottsdale, AZ or Bentonville, AR)

Skills: relations management with a strong technology foundation, project management, communications, UX and financial systems design, equities trading xp, licensed insurance agent

Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP (WordPress), JS (ES6+, React/Redux, Node.js), Python (Numpy, Pandas), OpenCV, SQL, 3D Printing, Photoshop, LAMP, Linux, currently learning ML basics

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/billskidd

Email: wpskidd@gmail.com

About: Arranging Funeral Director of 15 yrs. Dying to get back to full-time technology immersion and looking to help teams of good people achieve great things.

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: No

Willing to Relocate: Toronto Preferred (will need work permit), otherwise depends.

Technologies: C/C++/C#, Obj-C, Java, Swift, Android, iOS, Python, Django, Embedded (mbedOS), AOSP HAL, others as needed

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hormis/

Email: hormis.t2512 AT gmail

13+ years of experience. Prefer roles where I can work as an Individual Contributor, complex non UI work, using static typed languages (ask me why).

Coming off a Principal Engineer job at a startup where I built the core of their Android, iOS and Backend. Also designed and built Bluetooth LE based (nRF51) & USB based (Atmel SAMD21) IR devices to help control your devices, and HAL for Android TV platform prototypes.

Location: Michigan

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Redux, Node, Express, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo

Resume: Available on request

Email: nick.saxton@gmail.com

Currently working as a full stack developer enhancing and maintaining a large, enterprise level web application. Looking to continue to grow and learn in a challenging environment.

Location: Washington, DC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python (full-stack: Django, etc.; & ML/Deep learning: Python scientific stack, PyTorch), JavaScript (Vue.js), C, C++, PostgreSQL, AWS.

Résumé/CV: PDF @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IkJrJq0hpdsXG-Dsv5iqRSK93Tl...

Email: dewhite4@gmail.com

8 years experience working with software development and data science/ML (+ PhD in Computational Biology)

I'm a fast learner and a hard worker. I've been working on both academic and real world problems for the past few years, and am currently hunting for a full-time industry.

I am open to any opportunity to work with great people on interesting problems.

Location: Melbourne, Australia (Have PR)

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No


Professional Experience:

* Python

* Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing

* Spark and Python data stack

* SQL and NoSQL databases

* AWS, Docker, Git, Linux

General Experience:

* Scala, Go, Javascript

* Probabilistic programming

* Distributed systems

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valentin-zambelli/

Email: valentin.zambelli@gmail.com

I have a MSc in Information Systems and several years experience building machine learning services and data pipelines. My current job is in a machine learning team at FAANG and before that several early and mid stage startups in Berlin.

I am relocating to Melbourne for personal reasons and am looking for an engineering focused role in a Data Science/Machine Learning team (more Data/Software Engineer than Data Analyst).

  Location: Germany
  Remote: ONLY
  Willing to relocate: Sadly, no.
  Technologies: PHP, Drupal 7, HTML, CSS, (SASS), Javascript, (jQuery, React JS), MySQL, custom API Integrations, Stripe and other payment systems, Linux Server, UI/UX, etc.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uw6kl6r50pief2h/Gergely.Varga.Curriculum.Vitae.pdf?dl=0
Hey there, I am available for short 1-4 week contracts. I am a friendly developer doing remote work for 10 years now. Experience in working with solo founders or large teams. I can help with development, UI/UX, Product development and wireframing. Drop me an email and let's discuss. Email: g@42ds.co.uk Languages: English

    Location: San Jose/San Francisco Bay Area
    Remote: If necessary
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: React, ES6, Node, HTML/CSS, Gatsby, Next.js, Jest
    Résumé/CV: http://jillcrobinson.com/static/docs/JillRobinsonResumeMar2019.pdf / http://jillcrobinson.com
    Email: contact@jillcrobinson.com
I'm a full-stack/front-end JavaScript developer living in the South SF Bay area. I have around 3 years of experience and I'm looking for new opportunities with room for growth and learning new technologies. I'm also interested in UI/UX and design work, although my experience is more on the technical side. Thanks!

Location: London

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: corporate marketing, employer branding, marketing strategy, growth, hacky Ruby on Rails and API integrations for custom dashboards and internal tools

Resume: you can email me username@gmail.com, but broadly 7+ years of marketing experience, 10+ building hacky web application side projects, and nearly 20+ building websites.

Email: username @gmail.com

Looking for consultancy projects, part time/out of hours work, or if you have a really flexible working environment, interested in full-time. I can hack about with lots of different technologies if needed, from developing custom SaaS products for an MVP in Rails, or picking up some Flutter for an app UX experiment.

Am mainly in the employer marketing field, so if you need to attract talent, should be a good fit.

Hi all!

i'm a senior backend dev who loves JS and loves music. i've done a lot of things in my career, QA, mobile apps, managed people, but i've found out that my true love is backend developing.

I'm looking for a remote job as a backend dev, preferably for a company that develops his own products but i'm open to all remote positions.

  Location: Milan, IT
  Remote: YES!
  Willing to relocate: no
  Skills:  Backend engineering, average frontend skills, sound engineering,  netsec enthusiast
  Technologies: Nodejs, Python, NoSQL, React, Angular, Arduino/Raspberry, Processing/p5js, Threejs, Webaudio, ARKit, 
  Résumé/CV: http://sixonesixo.com/cv.pdf
  Email: marco@sixonesixo.com

Current Location: Miami Beach, Florida

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (USA/EU Passports)

Technologies: Extensive, listed below

Email: franco àt rainuzzo dòt com

Fully bilingual (English & Spanish)


* Languages: Python, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, SQL, C#, Linux/Unix shell scripts

* Tech: Apache, ngnix, AWS [EC2, S3], various analytics/tracking solutions, Wordpress, basic web such as HTML5, CSS3, etc., ..

* Marketing: Ops Director, Consultant, creation of ad creatives, Ad/Media Buying Campaigns (Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, OutBrain, etc), and the creation of traffic sources, leads and sales

* Web/Mobile security: Reconnaissance, Scanning and Enumeration, Gaining Access, Escalation of Privileges & Maintaining Access, Offline based penetration testing (red & blue team)


* Commenced with a background in marketing by learning the principles from my father who was the previous owner of DDB Argentina ($35 million/yr in billings by 1999 from clients such as Clorox, American Airlines, Johnson & Johnson, Compaq, Michelin, Mitsubishi, Danone, Ekono, Panasonic., ING, ..), and continued by progressing to affiliate marketing, learning the ropes of sales optimizations, successful product launches, tech engineering, penetration testing & website/app security, and a few other related fields.

* Ambitious, self-driven, young individual with an entrepreneurial spirit. A fast learner eager to apply new technologies and looking forward to apply my advanced problem-solving skills to a new set of projects. I've been a developer for over 5 years, and have been involved with Offline & Internet Marketing for nearly a decade. Carrying a passion for technology, ideally pursuing the ability to work on projects that will facilitate the communications and ease of interactions across people globally. Immensely resourceful, innovative, flexible and dedicated.

* Ready to learn new stacks and technologies

UI Designer, web developer and former startup founder with over 6 years of experience.

I hand code my designs straight in the browser, and am also comfortable with Node.js and Python backend development. My developer hat means that I understand technical constraints when designing. My founder experience means that I understand the business orientation and constraints of a project.

Looking for web apps in need of fresh UIs or napkin ideas in need of MVPs.


Location: NYC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Html/CSS, jQuery, Node.js, Django/Python, Postgresql, ElasticSearch, Nginx

Website: https://olivierbreton.me

Email: olivier@olivierbreton.me


A startup I founded, designed, and built from scratch — https://mktfashion.com

Location: Washington, DC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Recent Languages: Python/C++ || Machine/Deep/Reinforcement Learning: Numpy/Scipy/Pandas/Sklearn, Keras/PyTorch, DGL, OpenAI Gym || Elementary NLP/CV: OpenCV/Pillow, AllenNLP/NLTK, Transformer-based architectures (BERT, GPT-2, etc).

Résumé/CV: Available on request

Email: rmacias3@protonmail.com

~1 year full time experience + double major in CS (AI/Modeling & Simulation focus) and Math (Pure math focus) from top 5 program in the US + 1.5 years internship experience + 1 year research experience.

I've built several end-to-end advanced AI systems, and love the math behind it all. I'm able to take on entire projects by myself and bring out the best in others in team settings.

  Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Ruby/Rails and React/Node.js are the ones I've used most recently
  Résumé/CV: https://pirata.ninja/resume.pdf
  Email: carlos.monti@gmail.com
I don't want to clutter this too much with buzzwords or stuff I haven't touched for a while.

I've got plenty of experience in backend systems but I've been working on more user-facing stuff lately and I'm really enjoying that.

There's more details in my CV with links to the stuff that's publicly available.

I'm looking for jobs with relocation to Europe or anything remote that'll allow me to work from Europe, I'm an EU citizen.

Location: Toronto

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Kubernetes, BASH, C, Ruby, R, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, Embedded Systems and Circuit Design

Résumé/CV: https://notryan.com/resume

Email: ryan@rmj.us

Notable Projects: https://webfpga.io, https://github.com/ryanmjacobs/c

Right now, I'm working a 12-hour-week management gig, leading 3 software developers in creating a product: https://eternalist.io. But I could always use more hours and work on interesting projects.

  Location: Madrid, Spain
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, worldwide
  Technologies: C, Python, PHP, Docker, Azure, Serverless, EagleCAD, Altium Designer, Autodesk Inventor
  Résumé/CV: http://ricardosa.nz/cv/CV_RICARDO_SANZ_2019.pdf
  Email: me@ricardosa.nz
Hi, I'm an electronics guy shifted a (little) bit to the software world. I consider myself a fast learner and I put that ability to use whenever and wherever I can. I'm willing to relocate worldwide and I'm ready for any adventure. I love designing and building stuff.

Previous job was at a startup designing and building an IoT product for rental and real state in Spain.

I'm willing to hear and discuss any offers.

    Location: Europe 
    Remote: Yep
    Willing to relocate: Yes
    Skills: Product Management, UX + UI, HTML, CSS, some JS, some PHP, Wordpress, SEO, growth
    Résumé/CV: https://cenk.co/CV.pdf
    Email: work@cenk.co
Worked at a YC startup in Stockholm for two years as Head of Digital (small team, so product management combined with hands-on frontend work). I went full-time on my own project in the edtech space this January. Citationsy is a reference management app with 140K users. While being indie is fun and profitable, I’d like to expand on my product management skills and work for a larger company. Ideally located in London but I’m pretty flexible.

Hey Cenk, just dropped you an email regarding a role at https://limejump.com. I work on the frontend team and we are looking for a product manager. Looking forward to speaking with you.

Location: EU (changes frequently)

Remote: Yes !

Willing to relocate: Maybe


* Crypto/Blockchain - building Crypto infrastructure (multiple Blockchains), customized libraries and APIs, as well as front-end (MetaMask) solutions - Highly motivated to continue working with this.

* NodeJS/Meteor/SailsJS

* Serverless (going heavy on that one)

* Cloud technologies (AWS/Azure/GCP)

* Wordpress/CodeIgniter/Yii/Drupal (Components, Hacks, Themes) - less motivated, unless truly cutting edge (or WP VIP projects)

* CI & Unit testing - Jenkins, Mocha & Karma for JS, Toast for PHP, as well as Selenium

* Django (general Python too) - to a lesser extent

Resume: Upon request

Email: dev (at) azdv.co

Looking for Challenging projects. Most recently worked extensively with Serverless & AWS APIs, building cloud-related prototypes, before that worked as an AngularJS specialist

Location: USA

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Preferred; US only


• Rapid-prototyping of electro-mechanical systems

• 3D-printing (Cartesian, Delta), metalworking, woodworking, and machining (mill, lathe, etc)

• Mechanical 3D Modeling (PTC Creo, OpenSCAD)

• Electronic design & EDA (KiCAD)

• Prototyping using off-the-shelf electronic development platforms and custom hardware, and a range of sensor and actuator modalities

• Python (Numpy, Pytorch, Jupyter, Tensorflow, OpenCV)


• Embedded C/C++ (primarily on Atmel and ARM microcontrollers)

• Desktop and embedded Linux (primarily on Ubuntu and Debian-based distributions like Armbian)

Résumé/CV: https://garrettgoss.com/resume.html

Blog/Portfolio: https://garrettgoss.com

Email: garrettgoss at gmail

Location: Russia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: to be discussed (flexible hours and really great office are required in such case)

Technologies: I’m specialized in development and management of large complex web-based projects (on LAMP(PHP)/Yii/Symfony/React stack) with a size of several hundreds functional components. This experience includes active work with large poorly documented code bases created by other developers. Other half of my background consists of self-financed self-studies in social sciences, biology, and arts.

Resume/CV: http://kamil-rafik.com/docs/Kamil-Rafikov-2019.pdf

Email: mailbox@kamil-rafik.com

Location: Manila, Philippines

Remote: Preferably

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: (Web Development) Python, Django, DRF, Postgres, Nginx, Gunicorn, Ubuntu, Heroku, AWS

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JygA7BeURmGs9UCHJiKYck3gs4B...

Email: rbbeltran[dot]09[at]gmail.com

Looking for short-term or long-term opportunities with python projects.

Linkedin : https://ph.linkedin.com/in/ronbeltran

Github : https://github.com/ronbeltran

Location: New York, H-1B Visa

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, React, Vue, Django, Postgres, Redis, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, AWS, Google Cloud

Résumé/CV: http://dheerajs.com/files/Resume-Dheeraj-Sayala.pdf

Email: dheerosaur@gmail.com

I'm a full-stack developer working for a company building web applications for local government agencies. I've been working in small teams of two or three. So, I either take the solo frontend or backend roles. This doesn't help the team grow as individuals and explore interesting stuff together. I am looking to join bigger teams and solve bigger and better problems.

+15 years of Software Development experience, with focus on architecture and server-side systems. I have enjoyed working with a wide selection of technologies, and have been building and leading engineering teams the last 9 years. I'm used to work with startups (including YC alumni).

  Location: Chile & Argentina
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Python, Javascript (NodeJS), React
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emdagon/
  Email: emdagon@gmail.com
Thinking about scaling your team in South America? Let's talk! I have done that a couple of times! (by two orders of magnitude).

Thanks for reading!

Location: SoCal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes; if so, preferably to CH or Berlin, DE

Technologies: C++; Python; Scala; bash; embedded C; PHP; MariaDB SQL; yacc; bison; Verilog; Chisel; SAT, SMT, QBF-SAT, variants and application; Quartus; ISE (but not Vivado); DesignCompiler; Innovus

Résumé: Upon request

Email: wh3pzc7eqrx .at. riseup .dot. net

I am a life-long hacker with extremely broad interests spanning hardware design, verification, and optimization; privacy, anonymity, and information security; full stack web development; and much more. Despite the extreme breadth of my interests, I also like to go deep: I did my PhD in Computer Science at EPFL.

If you have an interesting project and are looking for a Jack of all trades who's also a master of some: Let's talk.

  Location: EU (Croatia)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: Backend/DevOps, AWS, Linux, Elixir/Phoenix, NodeJs, SQL, PostgreSQL, Serverless, CI/CD, Docker, Git
  Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/2GTMD34 (in) (for a CV please contact me  gpedic<at>gmail.com)
I have 8+ years of experience on Backend and DevOps and have been working remotely with distributed teams for the past 3 years including for a YC backed startup. I would love to continue working with Elixir as I've had a very good experience building product with it for almost 2 years now.

Fields of interest: fin-tech, productivity, informatization, crypto

  Location: KS, USA
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: yes, depending on location
  Technologies: JavaScript, Ruby, C, C#, ...
  Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/194yDEIJnUkRpbqsCuBPQC_eS2_ZIqpomGb8TWYZ4lFo
  Email: dillon.aumiller@gmail.com
10+ years experience developing. Open to working onsite or remote (have been working remote 4+ years). Focused on React and Angular in current position (web frontend lead); also love working low-level/embedded/C.

Most industry experience has been around online finance. I'm also interested in working on developer tools, internal tools, or anything with software+hardware.

Location: Europe/Ukraine

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Clojure, ClojureScript, Datomic, Java, Python, AWS, NixOS, Wolfram, Mathematica, backend, frontend, fullstack. Open to new tech, especially functional.

Résumé/CV: via email

Email: stan@immute.co

Site: https://immute.co


Experience 18 years so far in financial, maritime, media, social, gamedev, CRM, online marketplaces, cryptocurrency/blockchain exchanges.

Classic vertical apps, distributed messaging and streaming systems, microservices.

Originally from Ukraine, I am now roaming mostly in Europe and doing heavy full stack lifting as a contractor. Currently open to part, full time projects and serious gigs. Potentially open to temporary relocation for right type of the project.

Location: Brazil, Montes Claros

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Django, Docker, Postgresql, Redis, Tensorflow, knowledge building RESTful APIs, web crawlers and ETL.

Résumé/CV: Upon request

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-almeida-aguiar-878ab898/

Site: http://lucastamoios.com

Email: lucas.tamoios@gmail.com

About me: I am a backend developer skilled in Python and Django, specialized in building web crawlers and APIs. I am always trying to improve and also studying many distinct fields, but especially programming, mathematics, and philosophy.

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not currently

Technologies: JavaScript, Node, React, Redux, Material UI, Koa, Express, SQL, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, Cassandra, Docker, Kubernetes, ... Go, Rust

Resume: https://github.com/tracker1/resume -- Working on a rewrite...

Email: hn-hiring@tracker1.dev

Would like to continue with full stack, front end or more time in DevOps work. I've also been learning Rust and very interested in expanding in that area. I'm a JavaScript advocate and really enjoy JS and Node development and productivity. I've also worked with the MS stack with C# from when it was ASP+ through .Net Core 3

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, React, GraphQL, Engineering management

Résumé/CV: https://elliotec.com/images/MichaelElliottResumeJune2019.pdf

Email: me@elliotec.com

Website: https://elliotec.com

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/elliotec

I'm looking to apply my skills as a technical engineering manager at a company with plans to grow. I'm also open to engineering IC roles depending on the company.



  Willing to relocate:Not immediately

  Technologies:Python, golang and c. Azure


Hi I'm subramanian, I'm at my early stage of my career working in embedded domain, now want to get into backend engineering after getting a taste of it. I'm willing to learn any new technology/framework/stack/language. Would love to learn a lot from experienced devs and create exciting new things. Interested in the intersection on hardware and software.

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: I am willing to consider a few other places in the U.S. or Canada - I strongly prefer remote

Technologies: Go, Python, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, Elasticsearch, GIS

Website: https://dylrich.com

Email: dylan[at]neatmaps.com

Resume: Available on request

I am looking for a position primarily writing Go, but I am certainly willing to work with other languages -- Python, Rust, or Elixir would be great. I have extensive experience in geospatial, GIS and mapping technologies from frontend to backend. I currently handle productionizing data science products, including machine learning models and complex data aggregations, for a SaaS product.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C, C++, Rust, Ada, Java, Ruby, etc. Electrical design in KiCad, general metalworking, spacecraft design, aerodynamics/orbital mechanics, and so on. Familiar with embedded programming, controls, some robotics and other things. I've been getting into CoreFlight recently. Lots of Linux experience, particularly on the deeper ends of the stack.

Resume (PDF): https://jkillelea.github.io/assets/Jacob%20Killelea%20Resume...

Email: jkillelea [at] protonmail [dot] ch

General purpose engineer, getting out of school and looking into related jobs.

I’m a passionate software developer, thrilled by cutting-edge technologies and obsessed by internals. I’m addicted to hard challenges, I love learning new stuff and share knowledge with others, experimenting whenever possible embracing a fail fast / recover quickly approach. I’m obsessed with Kubernetes, microservices, event driven architectures, Kafka and NoSQL datastores. We should strive to automate everything, stream everything and be eventually consistent .

Location: Italy Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: K8S, Docker, Go, Ansible, Python, Java, Kafka, HBase Résumé/CV: upon request by email Email: username [at] terminus.space

Senior Java Developer looking for full-remote projects, preferably small distributed teams developing Java-based microservices. I have 12+ years experience of Java development in FinTech, Telco, and BigData projects.

  Location: Prague, Czech Republic EU
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Microservice architecture; Java/Spring/Spring Cloud/Hibernate/Micronaut; Messaging/RabbitMQ/REST/GraphQL; 
  TypeScript/Angular; Gradle/Docker/AWS/Infra
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dstepanov/
  Email: denis.stepanov @ gmail.com

Location: Europe

    Remote: Yes

    Willing to relocate: No

    Skills: Devops, AWS, Docker, Python, C, embedded, ROS, QA, Yocto, Linux

    Résumé/CV: https://bensoussan.xyz

    Email: david@bensoussan.xyz
Hi, I'm David, I worked for 4 years in an industrial environment, customer and product driven dealing with mobile robotics, robotic arms, embedded controllers. I did many POC for different projects involving software development, devops from scratch and QA (requirement management, test infrastructure and tests writing). Worked also as a freelancer for more than a year on devops and embedded remotely.

Lead web generalist with heavy UI expertise. Specialize in facilitating group interaction such that individuals are happier, work happens smoother, and everyone and everything continually improves. Am young and able to smoothly code switch between casual millennial-friendly chitchat and board meeting appropriate language. Plethora of other cross-disciplinary skills common to early stage startup environments. UX design, product, etc.

- Location: Austin, TX

- Remote: sure

- Willing to relocate: yes

- Technologies: web UI and javascript for the most part, Data Science B.S.

- Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/a-zhu

- Email: adam@adam.zhu

I've been working on my own startup for the last three years trying to achieve product market fit, I'm now looking for a position on a bigger company as a Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer.

  Role: Data Scientist
  Location: Florianópolis, Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, R, Matlab, JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, SQL, MySQL, NoSQL/MongoDB, Hadoop/Spark, Linux, Git, Cloud Computing, PowerBI, Tableau, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit Learn.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pedro-almeida-93691a2a/
  Email: pbuenoalmeida @ gmail.com

I'm a recent university graduate with over two years of internship experience. My internship consisted of developing an embedded system in C++. I have several projects that helped expose me to various web development technologies.

Location: San Jose, CA Remote: No Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Python, C++, JavaScript, Elixir, SQL, NodeJs, ReactJS, OOP Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q37hEKqecYws7eROWpLkh7nu... Email: enyan94@gmail.com

  Location: Bay Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (In and around the Bay)
  Technologies: Javascript, Java, Python, Tensorflow, Pandas, Unix/Linux, Numpy, Scipy, HTML, CSS, Selenium
  Résumé/CV: https://schuyler-jackson.github.io/cv/
  Email: spikej50[at]gmail[dot]com
Hi, I graduated from UC Berkeley in the Dec. and just finished studying ML with Google engineers. Looking for full time work in data science or data engineering, preferably in finance or real estate focused markets, but happy to help solve difficult problems in all industries. Let's talk about how I can help.

Location: Toronto Canada

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Skills: Project/product/production manager with 7 years of experience managing linear and interactive digital projects (web & mobile, audio/video, B2B/B2C) at agencies, enterprises, and startups; PMP and Scrum master certifications

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/imsenjanovic

Email: i.m.senjanovic {} gmail

CV and portfolio: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i8w8bwrx8mc954n/AAAe3hhZIq-WwsG6u...

Location: Chennai, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Agile, Scrum, Kanban, XP, Jira, Confluence,

Restyaboard, Data privacy

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vic-j-b1bb72188/

Email: Through LinkedIn please!

Agile Coach with enterprise experience. Of late, very much attached to open source technologies and tools:-) Hence, now prefer to work anything related to Restyaboard (open source Trello kanban board https://restya.com/board ) and migration from any legacy Agile tools. Remote is perfectly OK.

  Location: Lviv (Ukraine)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: PHP, Symfony, Laravel, JavaScript, Angular, Vue
  Portfolio: https://echoua.com/case-studies/
  Email: office@echoua.com

I'm a tech lead in a software development company. My team has experience in online retail, IoT, telecom and event ticketing software development. But now I'm looking for new offers and engaging projects. If my experience (5+ years back-end developing with PHP, Symfony, Laravel) doesn't appropriate to you, I can recommend my colleagues with experience in other tech areas (JavaScript, Vue, React).

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For part of the year

Technologies: Javascript (Node.js), Go, Python, Haskell, C, Java, and more

Resume: I keep an up to date resume at Toptal: https://www.toptal.com/resume/marcos-pereira (you don't have to hire me through them)

Email: marcospereiradev@gmail.com

Backend developer working a lot with Node.js, but also love Python and Go. Have worked on many projects with big companies, led small developer teams, modernized legacy systems, and worked on a browser extension that identified twitter bots using deep learning. Happy to try out new technologies.

Location: UK

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Possibly

Technologies: (solid knowledge of) Python, R, (stronger knowledge of) SPSS, SQL, PhP, HTML, CSS. Excellent Bash/Unix skills.

Résumé: Psycholinguistics PhD graduate (computational modelling of parsing; embodied cognition; creativity) from Russell Group UK Uni; strong investigative scientist/researcher in quant and qual; excellent communicator (particularly writing; am award-winning SF novelist); experience of building full-stack solutions, and of successively leading a 20-strong academic psychology team. Looking to develop my tech experience with interesting projects, particularly involving ML/data science.

Email: ihocking AT gmail.com

So I think it's time for a change and new adventures. I'm looking for a Head of Security role (CISO, CIO...) preferably out of Spain.

    Location: Spain
    Remote: No
    Willing to relocate: anywhere but USA (my s.o. can't practice medicine over there without starting from the scratch).
    Technologies: I am a Chief Information Security Officer in the financial industry with all the bells and whistles that comes with the role. 
    Résume/CV: under solicitation (reply with a comment with your e-mail/job offer link if any and I will send it to you!)
    Email: -undisclosed-
Thank you!

I am part of a team that got recently laid off due to startup risk. I, a UX Designer turned full stack developer, turned Product/Project Manager, would like to find clients that are considering web and cross-platform native application projects and need a full service team. My ambition is to find projects that can make use of all my affected former colleagues.

Location: Montreal, QC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Senior Front-End (Vue.JS, React/React-Native, Sencha, experimenting with Flutter and SwiftUI), Intermediate Back-End (JS Node/Express, Python, Flask/Django)

Resume: www.noetic.co (This is my personal portfolio. It is not representative of my team.)

Email: ytakahashi@noetic.co

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (Singapore)

Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, React Native, ReactJS, Redux, Laravel, PHP, NodeJS, Flutter, GatsbyJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Skills: Web Frontend, Mobile Frontend & Backend with NodeJS/Laravel

Resume: On Request

Portfolio: https://www.mobilefirst.in

Email: arpan [at] mobilefirsthq [dot] com

I have over 9 years of experience working as a freelance Software Developer and Architect on enterprise & consumer applications. I'm looking for a new freelance contract opportunity where I can provide the value of my expertise. My expertise is mobile (iOS & Android), Web (Node, MongoDB, Laravel, ReactJS).

Location: New York City Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: open for discussion Technologies: Javascript, Python, Solidity, React, Node.js, Redux Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xi1ja4520qm1hw4/Resume.pdf?dl=0 email: bchou515@gmail.com

I've been on a programming hiatus for about 2.5 years but have been studying programming for the last 6 months. I recently won the Chainlink bounty at EthNewYork hackathon. Looking for an entry/junior SWE roles at a company who wants a fast hungry learner.

  Location: Wrocław (Poland, Europe)
  Remote: Can do
  Willing to relocate: Not really (at least now)
  Technologies: JS, jQuery, React, Angular, Gulp/Grunt/Webpack, Python, Flask, Django, matplotlib 
  Résumé/CV: Available on request.
  Email: zamber88+hnhire @gmail.com
Hi, I'm a senior developer with some team leading experience. I can either do web stuff, QA, or be a team lead. I'm most satisfied as a developer though.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/piotrzaborowski/

Hi! I’m Brian, and I’ve been doing various forms of computer engineering/SRE for at least a decade now. I’m a generalist through and through, and I want a job making something neat.

Location: NYC

Remote: Sure, but preferably not F/T remote

Willing to relocate: not preferably, but willing to travel.

Technologies: automation (bash, PowerShell, Ansible, systemd, etc.), networking, virtual machines and provisioning thereof, VoIP/SIP, PKI, Nginx, Apache, PHP (including FPM), build systems, microcontrollers, PCB design, electrical engineering, and so on

Resume: Available upon request.

Email: br at hackmanhattan dot com

GitHub: https://github.com/b-

In the past, I have built a mobile app in React Native/Expo and have built PWAs (with web workers) in ReactJS. I'm interested in AI/Machine Learning/IOT. 3+ years experience with ReactJS.

  Location: Looking to move to the Bay Area. In Sydney, Australia at the moment.
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere within the Bay Area.
  Technologies: React/VueJS, Full-stack Javascript, MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, GatsbyJS, React Native
  Résumé/CV: On request
  Email: christopherlam88[at]hotmail.com
  Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clam8/

I'm a Developer/Sysadmin with 8+ years of experience. I am currently doing some Sysadmin work (1 year now) but I'd like to return to development. I only work on UNIX systems, and ideally I would like my new role to be related to cyber-security ($PREVIOUS_JOB was in this field).

  Role: Senior Developer/Architect
  Location: Rennes, France
  Remote: Yes (If not the only one)
  Willing to relocate: Not now
  Technologies: C++/Qt, Python, PostgreSQL, Linux, Docker, AWS, SQLite, Redis, MongoDB, Rust, NodeJS
  Résumé/CV: Request via email
  Email: hnh@manoz.co

Software developer and technical leader with an entrepreneurial spirit. I love building effective teams, solving technical challenges, and shipping great products. ---

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands (permanent residency; Australian citizen)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (US, Australia)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Angular|React), Python (Django|Django Rest Framework), APIs and integrations, Postgres, AWS (EC2|S3|Lambda|RDS|CloudFront|R53)

Résumé/CV: https://www.dwightgunning.com/static/downloads/Dwight_Gunnin....

Email: dwight@dwightgunning.com

Location: NYC

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Sure, globally

Technologies: Java, SQL, js/html/css, python, linux, AWS, c/asm for quake, others as needed

Resume/CV: 10 years of professional experience, varying from 4 years at Oracle to various contract and w2 positions doing web dev, full stack, 3d graphics, automation. I have worked on everything from creating new games using gpl quake to teaching java to young professionals to building websites for restaurants/small business. Please feel free to email me for anything you might need help with and would find interesting to collaborate on! :)

Email: dogchienwoof at google's email service. my first name is joe :)

Location: Sydney, Australia

Remote: Possible, but prefer onsite

Willing to relocate: Not right now

Technologies: Full stack JavaScript

Resume/CV: Message me, otherwise https://www.linkedin.com/in/jarydcarolin

Email: jaryd at upgear.com.au

Hi there! I'm a full-stack JS engineer, looking for contract/FT work at the beginning of September. Right now I lead up a team of 3 engineers and am looking for a new tech lead role with more responsibility and a proven product.

If you have a requirement for a strong engineer with good people skills and who enjoys mentoring and leading by example, then let me know!

  Location: NYC Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere in continental US
  Technologies: Fullstack web developer, Python (mostly Flask), Java, C# for backend,
    Angular 8 or pure HTML & CSS on the frontend. Open to new things!
  Résumé/CV: https://danielbeadle.net/Daniel_Beadle_Resume.pdf
  Email: djbeadle[]gmail[]com
I graduated one year ago and have been building my skills working on enterprise web applications. Now I'm searching for a role on a fast moving team building great things where I can learn a lot and make important contributions!

Your resume returns a 404

Fixed, thanks for letting me know!

Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript(React, Angularjs), Python(Django), Node.JS, ExpressJS, PostgreSQL. Will love to work with Rust. I also love learning new technologies

Résumé/CV: Will send upon request

Email: eniolaarinde1@gmail.com

I am a versatile and inquisitive Software developer who enjoys learning new technologies. I have over four years of experience in the Agile process of Software Development and enjoy working in a team. A good team player, I strongly believe the best products are built by the best teams. An avid self-learner, I constantly look forward to learning and understand new technologies(even if I don't use them at work).

Looking for short term or long term opportunities in Machine learning or deep learning domain. Have delivered end to end projects from data pipelines to mobile and web apps and machine learning previously. Top 3% & 5% on kaggle competitions.

Location: Bengaluru, India

Remote: I don't mind

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Node js, Spark, Vertica, Kafka, Scikit-learn, Pytorch, Numpy, Pandas, Mysql, Mongodb, Docker, React.js, React native, Machine learning, Deep learning, Data engineering, Web & Mobile App Dev

Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/2Nwfz4y

Email: chandureddivari[at]gmail[dot]com

Location: Lisbon Portugal Remote: REMOTE anywhere or ONSITE/REMOTE in Lisbon

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Technologies: Backend, web, mobile and embedded - Mostly Java but also some Python, C++, C# and JS. Willing and motivated to learn more.

Résumé/CV: Huge focus on software quality/readability/testability and improving complexity and deliveries. Over 10 years experience including team leading experience and setting up continuous delivery/integration an containerization. Looking big and small projects preferably with Java and/or a combination of Java, Go, Javascript, Ruby, Rust, C++ or other.

Email: jvilaca at gmail

Location: Bratislava, Wien (CET) Remote: Yes or partial on-site

Willing to relocate: No, but can be partial on-site for first three months or so; or 1 hour radius from Bratislava (Wien, Brno)

Résumé/CV: https://olso.space

Technologies: 6+ years worth; Typescript, Javascript, Golang, ReasonML, React, React Native, WebAssembly, Vue.js, Flow, Backbone.js, WebRTC, Apollo, Relay, Web Extensions, Node.js, Express.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, Redis, Human Code Reviews, Docker, Git, Travis, Jenkins, Web3, Ethereum, Cryptocurrencies, P2P, Dapp, Dat, ssb, IPFS, DCore

Email: olsansky.martin@gmail.com

Location: Denver, Co Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies Looking for work in Stock, Options, CryptoCurrency trading. Technologies: Trading API, Stocks, Options, Crypto Currencies, Trading, Python, PHP, MySql, MongoDB, Finance

Résumé/CV: http://www.strategic-options.com/chads_resume.html

Email: chad.humphrey@strategic-options.com

Algorithms / Strategies

-Volatility Algorithm, deploy across $150 million portfolio

-Options Implied Volatility Arbitrage strategies

-Stock & Equity Algorithms, Current tracking over 500 stocks.

-Smaller Bitcoin / Cryto currencies algorithms

Software & API:

-TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, Etrade, Ally

-Scraping techniques

  Location: Delhi, India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Android, Angular JS, Java, Node, Vue JS
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=13sTY2dGbwLtcOlj3IEcUzPLOt25jcP9AjHxYJrpr-q4
I have 4 years of experience with mobile and web application with REST API development. I have a sharp eye for latest trends in Web App and Mobile App technology. I created custom plugins for Android and IOS with Infosec security requirements. I have experience with B2C, B2B and enterprise mobile apps. Email: adityakumarverma1993@gmail.com

Location: Malaysia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Technologies: Ruby, Go, Ethereum, Solidity, NodeJS, DevOps

Résumé/CV: https://www.zulhilmizainudin.com/cv.pdf

Email: zulhilmizainudin [at] gmail [dot] com

I'm looking for remote jobs related to technologies above. Also keen for developer advocacy roles. I have more than 10 years of experience in tech and currently leading a small team in Kuala Lumpur. I'm available on Telegram (https://t.me/zulhilmizainudin) for chat.

Location: Washington DC

Remote: Willing

Willing to relocate: Not initially

Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/Garcia-Gonzalez https://bruno.business/resume

Email: brunogarciagonzalez@outlook.com

Coding bootcamp grad (Flatiron School) with a year of teaching bootcamp curriculum under my belt (as a junior instructor at the same bootcamp company). Looking for a good fit to transition from teaching into engineering.

1.5 years experience with Ruby/Rails && vanilla JS/ ReactJS

Hello, my name is Sergey and I'm a Senior Software Engineer with strong knowledge of Ruby on Rails framework, and have a long history of web applications development. I'm fluent in several programming languages. Have a positive experience of work in teams, both local and distributed.

Location: Ottawa, Canada

Remote: Yes (ONLY PART TIME)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby (Rails, Merb, Grape), SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), NoSQL (Redis, Memcached), API's (GraphQL, REST), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, GIT

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/homenko

Email: sergey@mm.st

Location: Los Angeles Area

Remote: Yes, not preferred though

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python(Pandas, Numpy, Flask, Django), React, JS, Node, HTML, CSS, Adobe Suite

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZZo6wrfjiscSEDjYpevxMQaTKAh...

Email: brandonb2124@gmail.com

I am a full stack developer currently living in Phoenix but moving to Los Angeles in the next month or so. Majority of my focus is web related and looking to join a team with interesting work allowing for a lot of room to learn and grow.

Location: Bangkok, KL, Singapore, Jakarta

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Lean hardware start-ups, Hardware/embedded_software/mechanical whole of product design, wireless, IOT architecture, location based systems, android, man machine interfaces, embedded software, SEA outsourcing and manufacturing

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niculoth/

Email: niculoth at isopargroup.com

Specialize in helping companies bring mission critical hardware and embedded software products to market. From concept to manufacturing to maintenance support.

Whilst I come from a Masters in Geography (finishing Summer 2019) I discovered GIS and would love an opportunity to combine research and data analytics. Provisionally I have been exploring environmental consulting but I am open for any position where I can explore my new found IT passion in a sustainable field.

  Location:             Edinburgh/Aberdeen/Scotland/UK
  Remote:               Yes
  Willing to relocate:  Yes
  Technologies:         R | Python | GIS/Geospatial
  Résumé/CV:            On Request
  Email:                robbie@fastmail.uk

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Golang, JavaScript (React), Python, Docker, CI/CD/Devops

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q57rvEEn0cgUJKS_k8xWcPBT9dV...

Email: matevz DOT mihalic at gmail

Hi, I'm Matevz! I have more than 10 years of experience doing full stack web development. In the last years I've enjoyed doing mostly backend in Go and CI/CD pipelines, but I've also done SPAs in React.

I'm looking for remote job preferably on the backend.

Location: Larnaca, Cyprus (Europe) Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: No Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, AWS, VueJS, some C and Swift Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/demec and upon request via email. Email: demec@me.com

I am Software Developer with 9 years professional experience. I have worked mostly for web projects using Ruby and Rails, VueJS and vanilla JavaScript. I have experience as a full stack developer and I like working mostly on the backend.

I am looking for a remote opportunity.

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: Could be convinced for the right company

Willing to relocate: No (see below)

Technologies: Java 8+, Go, JavaScript ES6, React, PostgreSQL, Linux, Python (kinda)

Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/jacobkania

Email: hire AT jacobkania.com

Hi there! I'm relocating to the San Diego, CA area later this Summer (August). I'm currently a full-stack SWE in Denver, CO and know zero people in California. I'd love to change that before moving out..! I have 1.5 years of experience with Java, React, and Postgres at my current job.

Thanks for reading! -Jacob

Location: North Carolina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (continental US & HI)

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, React, Node, PostgreSQL

RemusRésumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PtGT1UWIKTlYa1shB7kMjW1V...

Website: https://austincanada.com

Recent graduate. Self-taught. Extremely dedicated and hungry for any type of development work. Willing (and wanting) to learn new technologies and stacks if necessary.

Location: anywhere except Japan, China, Korea, and Africa.

Remote: yes!

Willing to relocate: yes

Tech: Python, Julia, some R (I dislike it), Scheme, HTML/CSS/Js, Ruby, Django/Rails. Mostly data science/analytics and web dev, but open to other fields.

Resume: mostly self-taught programmer. (I dislike being taught in the traditional sense: give me a few good books and I will learn. Lecture me and I am gone to sleepland) ...Also BA Chinese (as if it matters here)

Website: www.learnook.surge.sh

Email: jaemez@outlook.com

Quick learner, good at communication. Age 40.

Previously worked as a uni teacher for over a decade.

My favorite book (in English): the anatomy of melancholy by Robert Burton. Highly recommend it!

Location: Europe (Preferably: Paris, Berlin, London, Geneva)

Hey HN,

I recently graduated from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) majoring in Physics and Computer Science. I realized during my studies that I really like Machine Learning. I'm ideally looking for a job in vision but am open for other fields in ML. Feel free to send me an email if you think I'm a good fit!

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Tensorflow, Java

Resumé: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoine-neidecker-89b30bb7/

Email: antoine.neidecker[at]gmail[dot]com

  Location: US
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: For established companies
    PHP (Vanilla, Symfony, Laravel), JS (Vanilla,
    Node, React, GraphQL/Apollo), C++, AWS, K8S,
    Linux, DevOps (GitLab/ci, Docker, Puppet, etc), 
    Pentesting, MySQL, Druid, ELK, Serverless,
    JetBrains IDEs <3
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: HN profile
- Primarily a web application developer

- More than ten years experience working B2B

- Seven years working remotely

- Primarily performance-marketing and ecommerce industries

- Brought multiple projects from thought to profit

- Flawless application security track record


I'm reaching out from Patientco. We're looking for an Application Developer with a special expertise in security practices. Can we connect to discuss our opportunity? We're in Atlanta and we're an enterprise payments technology specifically designed for the Healthcare.

Matt Needleman matt.needleman@patientco.com

Location: Cape Town

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Not ideally

Technologies: Javascript (Emberjs, +-7yrs), Ruby (Rails, +-4yrs), Sass, HTML/CSS, etc, including many frameworks and libraries such as Cordova, Postgres, C3/D3, Leaflet etc.

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: linearza at gmail.com

Worked amongst others, since 2010, for two successful startups as an early stage engineer playing a fundamental architectural role. Highly experienced in performant, compatible UI development. Comfortable in small, fast paced environments, with high ownership factor, developing end-to-end features. Eager to explore new tech and languages, like Go, React, Vue, etc.

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Prefer no

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript ES6, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, React.js, Redux, Node.js, AWS, Docker, Jest/Enzyme

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbjp1frc7onfq7h/Anson%20Ao%20-%20R...

Email: ansonao10@gmail.com

Hi, I am a full-stack developer specialized in JavaScript, React.js and Node.js, I am also open to frontend or backend opportunities if you see fit! I am a permanent resident so I do not require any sponsorship. Cheers!

Location: Montreal, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: PHP, AWS, JS, team management, scaling, optimization, security, product management, technical leadership, cloud sysadmin

Resume/CV: je.suis.pl/cv.pdf

I've been a web developer for two decades, started doing a bit more technical managerial positions about a decade ago. Having issues finding rewarding work (seems I should've gone with frontend development tech after all), but would like to have responsibilities similar to CTO or VP of Engineering roles. Have lots of experience in technical product management/design and scaling technical teams and products.

Email: je@suis.pl

je.suis.pl/cv.pdf the link is broken.

my bad - it's resume.pdf

Back-end engineer with 10 years of experience building API's/services in AWS for startups. Only looking for remote opportunities. Location: Minnesota Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Java, Golang, Typescript, PHP, MySQL, DynamoDB AWS Technologies: Cloudformation, EC2, AutoScaling, S3, RDS, Aurora, DynamoDB SNS, SQS, SES, Route53, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CloudWatch, IAM, Lambda, ECS, API Gateway, RedShift, CloudFront, VPC, Athena, Data Pipeline, QuickSight, Kinesis Résumé/CV: On Request Email: jeremy.mcjunkin@gmail.com


I'm a Senior Software Engineer mostly focusing on Cloud based solutions and performing roles from architect to DevOps to tech lead. Basically doing what needs to be done to drive the project forward.

Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Remote: Only if temporarily, pre-relocation Willing to relocate: Yes, interested in Canada or US Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, AWS, IBM Cloud, Java stack (Spring, Spring Boot), Kafka, PostgreSQL, CouchDB, MongoDB, some experience with Javascript stack, also willing to pick up Scala/Kotlin Résumé/CV: upon request Email: logo.on (at) gmail.com

  Location: Warsaw, Poland
  Remote: Preferred, but I'd to meet everyone I will be working with if possible.
  Willing to relocate: Yes, especially SEA countries
  Technologies: C#, Azure, ASP.NET, UWP, WPF
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/konradbartecki/
  Email: konrad@bartecki.me
I will be especially happy to join a Microsoft oriented consultancy/software house, I can help you integrate various MS technologies into yours or your customer's companies. I am willing to support and develop legacy apps.

Location: Moscow

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Javascript, React, Vue, PostgreSQL, Bash, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://baraba.sh/resume.pdf

Email: alex@baraba.sh

I'm a full stack web developer with more than 7 years of experience. I've been working remotely for the past 5 years and I know very well how to deal with the challenges that come with it. I'm used to working independently on my own but also get along well with teams. I can use any kind of communication and organization system. I'm flexible, friendly and reliable.

Location: Manchester, UK.

Remote: Yes (preferred).

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: C#, ASP.Net Core (MVC/Web API), Azure, ReactJS.

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sahgilbert

Blog: https://www.simongilbert.net/

Email: sah.gilbert[AT]gmail[DOTCOM]

Full stack developer. Computer Science BSc (Hons). Have worked in multiple industries. Have launched and sold startups. Highly self-motivated and blog regularly about technology I’m using (open sourced under the MIT License).

Location: Baku, Azerbaijan

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Please check the LinkedIn "Skills" section, I can also get up to speed quite fast on any other technologies that you use

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jafarlihi/

Email: jafarlihi@gmail.com

I'm looking for internships, junior, or mid positions. Contract or permanent. SoftEng/DevOps/SRE/etc.

I'm also willing to work for free to prove competence. Just send in any kind of toy or real project assignment and I'll get to working on it ASAP.

Hello! I'm a generalist software engineer based in the Seattle area looking for full time roles in Full Stack, Front End or app development. I'm particularly excited by non profit and social impact as well as any company with a great work culture. Entry-Mid career opportunities would be best.

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, including international

Technologies: C#, .Net, Java, React, Typescript, Windows Apps, UX Design

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emeke-nkadi-4a738790

Email: enkadi13@gmail.com

I'm an experienced product consultant looking to to move to an in-house product management role. I've worked in various domains and in companies ranging from Series A startups to multinational enterprises. My favorite thing is helping teams work up to their full potential through building trust and empathy!

  Location: NYC / New York
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: SQL, Shell/Bash
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavin-schalliol/
  Email: gavinschalliol at gmail

Location: Curitiba, Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Résumé/CV: https://jamespond.co/resume.pdf

Cover Letter: https://jamespond.co/cover-letter.pdf

Email: root@jamespond.co

I am a Linux and Happiness Engineer and have been for the past decade or so.

Between 2013 and 2019, I was the Technical Team Lead at Rainmaker Digital, where I led the technical support team for StudioPress, Synthesis, and the Rainmaker Platform.

Mostly looking for a customer support position in the hosting industry =)

Role: Data Scientist

Location: Atlanta, GA

Remote: Yes but as entry-level, both parties would benefit form on-location.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Skills+Technologies: Python, SQL, popular DS/ML stack

Résumé/CV: https://iamsangy.wordpress.com/

Email: sangyh@gatech.edu

I am looking for entry-level data science generalist roles starting Jan 2020. I enjoy EDA and applying ML techniques in real-world scenarios. I have a PhD in civil engineering, MS in CSE. Never tired of learning. Please reach out to me on LinkedIn or email. I promise it won't be a waste of your time :)

Location: Anywhere provided that a relocation package is available OR Remote

Remote: Yes (preferably)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript (ES6), React.js, Redux, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, TailwindCSS, (A bit of) Django

Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/mrassiliCV

Email: hi@mrassili.com

Portfolio: http://www.mrassili.com

Github: https://github.com/mrassili

I am open for hire, contract work or freelance work right now. HMU

  Location: Orange County, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C++/C#, Java, Javascript, JQuery, VB.net, 
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marshalljeremy
             Full resume available upon request
  Github: https://github.com/jeremymarshall1
  Email: jeremymars at gmail
Currently implementing and maintaining online loan application sites for credit unions. Would love to use my skills programming on the back-end.

More than willing to do side work.

I graduated as a software engineer and I'm looking for junior/mid level remote jobs in the EU. I've worked (remote) for the past two and a half years in a company doing Django+ExtJS+Postgres+PostGIS part time.

  Location: EU
  Remote: only
  Willing to relocate: not yet
  Technologies: medium level Python and Java; Django, basic Golang, basic React, mid-level Postgres, Arduino, GIS, long time Linux user
  Résumé/CV: upon request, https://github.com/sebojanko
  Email: janko.sebastian@gmail.com

Location: Central Virginia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Would have to be very compelling.

Technologies: yocto Linux, C++, C, python

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nerdking/


I have been working in embedded system for 15+ years. Was able to get my Master's(in CS) from Georgia Tech last year. I have two young children so relocating to a large more costly area probably is not viable.

But I would be willing to travel to HQ once a quarter while working remote.

Hacking on a robot in my basement currently.(openrover.com)

  Location: Valencia, Spain
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Java, Go, Javascrit (NodeJS, Vue), HTML, DevOPs in general (Git, CI, 
  Docker, etc.)
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: enolgor at protonmail.com
Currently working as researcher in the Polytechnical University of Valencia in EU research projects mainly in the topics of IoT. I started working there after I finished my Masters Degree as Telecom Engineer and after four years (now I'm 27) I would like to start working for a company.

Location: Atlanta GA | Remote: Yes | Technologies: Python, JavaScript, Nodejs, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS | Email: ousmane.mudu@gmail.com | Hi, My name is Ousmane Seidy Diallo, I am a Full Stack and DevOps engineer with 6+ years experience.

I taught my self everything i know 8 years ago in Sierra Leone West Africa with few hours a week electricity and 2 hours a week internet access.

In the last 5 years I've worked with companies from the US, Canada, EU, Africa and Asia. I've worked with people from all backgrounds and cultures.

I am hungry and I'm just getting started

Location: Sydney, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Javascript (both ES5 & ES6+), Greensock, PixiJS, Basic WebGL, Java, SQL Databases, Basic HTML/CSS, Unity.

LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/liam-blakers-3337064

Email: lblakers@gmail.com

Games developer with 10+ years experience in slot game development along with some minor web development. Looking to expand my skillset into web development, mobile app development or to continue working on HTML5 games/applications.

Currently working in PHP monolith and around 30% of my time in Elixir/Phoenix service, but been passionate about functional and Elixir for about a year. So looking for opportunities that are 100% functional/Elixir. I'm also very interested in distributed and embedded. I love playing around Raspberries and Arduinos, too self conscious to actually post the stuff I create.

Location: Poland, but basically interested in opportunities everywhere

Remote: Don't mind

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Elixir, Phoenix, Nerves, Rust

Résumé/CV: dawidsawczuk.com (it's weird)

Email: dawid.igor.sawczuk@gmail.com

  Location: Québec, Canada
  Remote: Only (been full-remote for 4 years now)
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: React, NodeJS, anything Javascript really
  Résumé/CV: emilecantin.com
  Email: emile.cantin@gmail.com
Currently consulting full-time, would be interested in a medium-term role / contract.

I can help with: - Creating a productive and enjoyable remote-work environment - Growing your team-members as developers (I really enjoy mentoring junior devs) - Building / improving / fixing much any web app out there.

Hit me up!

Location: San Diego/Riverside Counties (California)

Remote:yes, but probably not applicable Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: quality (production test control, HALT, process evaluation and control), regulatory(product type testing, proto evaluation, and reports for formal submittals to NRTLs and Notified bodies), C, C++, Python, instrument control(GPIB,serial,ethernet), agricultural control and reporting systems. B.S. Computer Science, military class A/B/C avionics courses. Certification Seminars conducted by UL and TUVR.

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: bjoconnell@gmail.com

Security professional with a background in networking and programming. Knowledge in ISO 27001 and Risk analysis.

Location: Barcelona Remote: Yes, Preferably Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Python, Bash, C, Assembly, Java, PHP, SQL, Radare2, Burp, Wireshark, Acunetix Résumé/CV: https://moveax.me/about-me/ Email: https://moveax.me/contact/

  Location: Currently in Sydney Australia, but will move anywhere
  Remote: Willing
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: General systems administrator, ready to get to grips with anything that is needed
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dancottam/
  Email: hiring at dancottam.nl
I've worked in a few different industries normally supporting mixed environments with a focus on Linux. Looking to move in a more devops direction and find somewhere I can keep learning.

Location: Singapore

Remote: No (unless somehow being able to get a SG work permit)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: .Net (core)/C#/F#, Javascript, Linux, some Clojure

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-podszun/ - can send details on request

Email: ben@ben.sh

Languages: German, English

Senior backend (with some JS, mostly React, experience) developer looking for a new opportunity. Have (and want!) to stay in Singapore for private reasons, hence the need for EP / a local job.

  Location: Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, linux based deployment
  Résumé/CV: on request
  Email: meow@hn19.kittenme.ws
I'm available for developing prototype applications, upgrading legacy applications (i.e. Rails 2.3, Ruby 1.8), fixing and extending on e-commerce systems and devops tasks. Lots of experience in the field (20 years, 10 of them with Ruby+Rails), ran an e-commerce company for about a decade. Fluent in English and German.

I've started as Ruby on Rails dev, also some Node and that jazz, but slowly moved to positions like Project manager, Scrum-roles and Product management. I am really excited about Open-source and would love to work on something related to it (either as dev, or some product/people role).

  Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  Remote: true
  Willing to relocate: true
  Technologies: Ruby, Ruby On Rails, Electron, Product
  Résumé/CV: hovancik.net/cv
  Email: jan (at) hovancik (dot) net

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, sorry! Only remote - happy to travel onsite!

Technologies: Python, TypeScript, React/Vue, OAuth, Stripe, APIs (graphql/rest)

Website: https://www.git-pull.com

Résumé/CV: https://cv.git-pull.com

Github: https://github.com/tony

Email: tony at git-pull dot com

10+ years in startups. Open source background. Looking for remote opportunities. Team player!

Hey All,

I am iOS Software Engineer who currently works in one of the leader food-delivering app in Turkey, so I am highly experienced in technologies in SocketIO, Location Track etc. 2+ years iOS Development with Swift & ObjC & React-Native for Javascript languages and add to this, some side projects experiences in NodeJS with Postgres and ReactJS.

Location: Istanbul, Turkey Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: iOS, Swift, ObjC, TVOS, React-Native, Node.js Résumé/CV: Upon Request Email: itsemrah@protonmail.com

  Location: New Zealand

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Python, R, some JS, Electricity markets

  Résumé/CV: https://my-hugo-project.billyfung.now.sh/billy-resume.pdf

  Email: billy[at]billyfung.com
I currently do a lot of backend work building tools required for a power company to operate within a smart grid with distributed energy resources. The idea is to efficiently manage microgrids so then we can build towards a more efficient national grid.

I'm a former 4th year medical student, who switched paths to CS and now have been studying it for 2 years. I currently work at a digital consulting company. I think my medical expertise combined with my growing programming experience would be particularly helpful to a health or biomedical startup/company.


Location: Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment, later on maybe

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, C/C++, Python, Postgres

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/franhace

Email: fach a at dc dot uba dot ar

Mostly a frontend web developer, but with some backend and mobile experience as well. Looking for an interesting development position where I can do some cool stuff.

    Location: Portugal/Europe
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: Yes (within EU)
    Technologies: Typescript, javascript, react, swift, iOS, python, django
    Resume: via email
    Email: plferreira4@gmail.com
    Website/portfolio: https://nbpt.eu/ | https://bitbucket.org/drk4/

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Willing to relocate: Yes (San Francisco Bay Area or other major cities in SoCal)

Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Go, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Spring, React

Website: https://vincentxiao.com

Email: vince@vincentxiao.com

Hi, I'm a software developer coming from a background in finance. I'm looking for a role where I can help design and build APIs, services, and improve tooling.

If I'm not familiar with your stack, send me an email anyways, I'm willing to learn other languages. Thanks for reading!

~7 years of experience as a Software Engineer: SW architecture and development, server/client, testing, DevOps. Solid CS background.

  Location: Tel-Aviv, Israel
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Maybe
  Technologies: Python, C/C++, JavaScript, Bash.
                Database (Relational/KV), Web Development (Django, React), 
                Distributed computing, cloud technologies, storage and network.
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: roeyc [at] protonmail [dot] com

Ex-Facebook ML engineer and team leader. Primarily looking for EM/PM positions around ML/data projects.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Full Stack (Python, Django, Obj-C, C++, C, HTML, JS, CSS)

Machine Learning (Scikit and NLTK, Tensorflow, Keras, ANNs, GBDTs, RL, models deployed across multiple FB teams and over 1b users)

Data Science (Numpy, Pandas, analyses at billion user scale)

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/personjerry/

Email: personjerry@gmail.com

Hi, I am frontend engineer who's been building SPAs with Ember for more than three years. I have also dabbled a bit with React. My role is mainly geared towards improving the performance of the apps that I work on.

  Location: Chennai, India
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: JavaScript(Node.js, Ember and a bit of React), DevOps
  Website: https://siva.dev
  Résumé/CV: https://siva.dev/static/resume.pdf
  Email: hi@siva.dev

Location: Remote

Remote: Yes (Will match your timezone)

Willing to relocate: Depending on offer

Technologies: Node.js, ReactJS, Python, MongoDB, Redis, SQL based databases, AWS, Solidity/Ethereum blockchain.

Résumé/CV: Will email it to you

Having developed various projects over the years. I specialized in web development with JS based technologies, but also have been working with blockchain technologies such as Ethereum. My last project was building XiWATT's platform (http://xiwatt.io/)

Email: ledevzl@gmail.com

Location: Denver, CO

Remote: Yes

Willing relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#/.NET (ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core, desktop), Azure Cloud/DevOps, Solr/ELK, Angular 5+, Python, Kali/pentesting tools

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-witte-0123456/

Email: jason.witte.uab@gmail.com


Studying for OSCP with 1 failed attempt so far. Looking for an entry-level role having to do with pentesting, security, and/or development around security (tools, DevSecOps, etc).

    Location:New York City
    Remote: No (but I'm open to it)
    Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity
    Technologies: SQL, Python, Tableau
    Résumé/CV:Upon request
    Email: bmocon13@gmail.com

Currently working as an operations associate at a subscription e-commerce company. I have experience in data analysis, data visualization, product management, and project management. Looking for a role in operations or product that allows me to put my existing skills to good use!

Location: US Pacific time zone

Remote: Yes. Required.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML/CSS, JS, Grunt/Gulp, React, Rails, Sec. 508/WCAG, design systems

Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/mejarc

Email: mejarc [at] gmail

Front end developer with deep experience working alongside application engineers and interactive designers to bring their visions to Web applications. Most productive in product development teams with dedicated back- and front end engineers. Tends to leave behind improved documentation and more efficient process. Project/contract work welcome.

Location: USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, to city

Technologies: C++, C, Java, Bash, basic SQL, UML, various Linux distros, various cybersec knowledge

Résumé/CV: https://www.calebdehaan.com/img/CalebDeHaanResume2019.pdf

Email: c[at]lebdehaan[dot]com

Am about to go into my final year at Baylor University, with plans to graduate in May 2020. Am interested in cybersecurity, and I am currently on Baylor's CCDC team, which got 4th in the nation last year.

Draup is hiring for various positions in Backend, Big Data, Machine Learning and Front end teams

If you love solving problems, learning new technologies, taking on difficult challenges, finding creative solutions, and are interested in taking up a job that excites you to go to work every morning then click on the link below or drop me a mail with your cv at hr(at)draup.com

For more information visit - https://draup.com/careers/

15 years of classic LAMP stack with specialization in platform optimisation and service architecture. Some years of work in Node. Very interested in Elixir and Go.

I've mostly worked in social network and ticketing industries.

  Location: France
  Remote: Yes, preferably
  Willing to relocate: Unlikely, but everything is possible
  Technologies: PHP, JS, MySql, Redis.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mallory-mollo-40270235/
  Email: mallory.mollo at gmail

Location: St. Petersburg, FL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes; I also have an EU dual citizenship I can flex if anyone's looking for that.

Technologies: Ruby/Rails, Sinatra, React, Redux, HTML/CSS, Javascript/Node.js, SQL, and MongoDB –– some exposure to Python, TensorFlow, React Native, and Hoon.

Résumé/CV: https://przemyslaw.org

Email: przemyslaw@przemyslaw.org

I recently graduated from a programming bootcamp –– I'm interested in art, design, automation, and supply-chain esotericism.

A sysadmin practising DevOps philosophies and SRE disciplines. I have 7 years of experience, and a lifetime of tinkering and curiosity. Interested in challenges associated with security, performance, and scaling with a deep understanding of root cause analysis and security in depth.

Location. Aarhus, Denmark

Remote: Open to it

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AWS, GCP, VMWare ESXi, Docker, Windows Admin, Linux Admin, ELK, Grafana, Icinga, Saltstack, Python, Bash, Powershell, Vagrant, Packer...The list can go on.

Résumé/CV: Available on request

Email: Available on request (PM me)

would you be interested in a job at LEGO ? https://www.lego.com/en-us/careers/jobdescription/cloud-infr...

Thanks for replying. I've had LEGO in the back of my mind but unfortunately I don't think I'd cope with the 1.5hr - 2hr commute in to Billund, unless a few days of remote work could be squeezed in?

Really appreciate the reply :)

lots of people commute from arhus, usually is 1h 1:15h each way, depending where you live, there is also lot of carpooling, but working from home is something that everyone does from time to time ( once a week for instance )

  Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Scala, Java, Docker, Kubernetes, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow and other Machine Learning/Data Science related technologies, see my linkedin below. CV upon request
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teguhash
  Email: t e g u h . a s h @gmail.com
Currently working as a data scientist. Also have the necessary skills as a machine learning engineer

Location: Toronto

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Swift, iOS, XCode, Git, Python

Email: michael.chung@databites.ca

Portfolio: https://arensc.github.io/ You can find the about me on the portfolio. I am busy updating the portfolio this week so more content will be added. This portfolio is new, I have a bunch of posts coming up from years of accrued experience. I recently had time to build a portfolio since becoming a consultant and pursuing machine learning engineering.

  Location: Iowa
  Remote: Yes, Please.
  Willing to relocate: No.
  Technologies: Back End, Java, NodeJS, MongoDB, SQL
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kylejmiller/
  Email: kyle@kyle-miller.com
Senior developer/architect looking for a new opportunity. I would enjoy helping an organization "Do Good". My best work has been writing and integrating services. Open to full time, part time, contract, flexible arrangements.

  Location: Perth, Australia
  Remote: Preferably not
  Willing to relocate: Not currently
  Technologies: Java, Javascript, Python, Docker
  Résumé/CV: https://au.linkedin.com/in/gavin-fitzgerald-590b0723 - can send details on request
  Email: gavinfitzgerald [at] gmail.com
  Languages: English
Full stack developer looking for a new opportunity, preferably with a Perth based team, recenly moved here from Ireland, working remotely with Irish team.

Studied applied math and distributed computing.

Into various tech applications, computational modeling, or AI related ventures.

Willing to do both research and infrastructure work, willing to work solo or in teams, and generally able to bring projects to life from the ground up.

  Location: NYC / Tri-state area.
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: C/C++, python, MPI, SQL, linux
  Résumé/CV: https://bboutkov.github.io/cv.html
  Email: boris.boutkov@gmail.com

Location: Lagos, Nigeria,

Remote: Preferably,

Willing to relocate: YES,

Technologies: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Dapper, Entity Framework Core, Entity Framework, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, JavaScript, NodeJS, AngularJS,

CV: https://bit.ly/32b8727,

Email: nwachukwu.ugwuanyi@gmail.com

As a full stack web developer, I have been developing enterprise applications for the past 5+years using .NET and JavaScript. Looking for the next challenging task that will stretch my skill and learning ability.

Location: Melbourne, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Go/"Golang", C, C++, IoT (especially Particle.io)

Résumé/CV: https://www.wombatsoftware.com/john-barham-resume.html

Email: john@wombatsoftware.com

https://www.wombatsoftware.com/ is my personal business website and the best summary of my skill-set and experience.

Location: UK Bristol/Newport (South Wales) area

Remote: ideally 60-80% remote

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: primarily Python, C++, C, Java, experience with various others including R, JS

CV: http://tiny.cc/d7z48y

Email: on CV

Data Science PhD + 11 years academic research in statistical models, machine learning, network analysis, socioeconomic data. Also consulting/collaboration with industry and previous industry experience. Interested in work that makes the world a better place.

Location: Berlin, Germany (English opportunities only please, I'm from the US & my German is improving but still sehr schlect)

Remote: Possibly? Depends if I can reconcile that with my visa

Willing to relocate: It depends (no SF)

Technologies: Rails, Node, Bootstrap, Sass, Ruby, Javascript, more recently React & Kubernettes

Résumé/CV: http://www.andrewritchie.info/docs/andrewritchie.pdf

Email: ritchiea [at] gmail [dot] com

Location: Slovakia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: * JavaScript (React, Relay, Redux, Unstated, Node, GraphQL)

* PHP (Slim, GraphQL)

* Databases (MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB)


* https://juffalow.com/about-me

* https://www.linkedin.com/in/matej-jellus-34459713a/

* https://github.com/juffalow

Email: juffalow@gmail.com

  Location: Pune, India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: For right opportunity.
  Technologies: GoLang, Hyperledger Fabric, Docker, Python, Node.js, Java, Flutter/Dart
  Résumé/CV: Upon Request
  Email: rohanrdeshmukh7 at gmail.com
Working as a software developer for more than 6 years. Currently working as Hyperledger Fabric developer. During this time I have developed applications for desktop, mobile, servers. Besides this I am good at automation.

Location: Russia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: iOS, Objective-C, Swift, UIKit, Core Audio/Video, a little bit of Metal Framework for GPU Computing, Most of base iOS Frameworks

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasul-tataev/

Email: spartanrasul@gmail.com

I am looking for an iOS Developer job. Remote is preferred. Know very much of iOS frameworks and if needed, can learn something new with blazing fast speed.

Feel free to contact.

I'm a developer, available for remote work, been in frontend since before Ember.js and React existed.

Also am open and curious about community management / developer advocate positions, since I've been involved in communities and speaking in public for a while.

  Location: Brazil
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: JavaScript, Elixir
  Resumé: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeanlucaslima/
  Email: jeanlucaslima at gmail

Location: Toyko Remote: Open to remote Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Vuejs, React (including Native), Python (flask, django), Firebase

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daryl-cole/

Email: prodigy.daryl@gmail.com

Looking for a junior to mid level frontend or fullstack role where I can both take ownership of parts of the project but also learn from more experienced developers on the team.

Location: Bay Area generalist software engineer with experience in Python. I also enjoyed compiler programming, have made a lisp using Racket. I dabbled in Clojure.

Technologies: Python, Racket, Clojure, Javascript blog: flai.svbtle.com Résumé/CV: https://www.icloud.com/#iclouddrive/0Dlg4cHwjnrKlbXc1LkBeXPz... Email: franklai@protonmail.com

Location: London

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React Native, Cordova, Javascript

Résumé/CV: https://gearoid.me/about

Email: hn@gearoid.me


I am currently a freelance app developer, helping companies get new apps up and running. My focus is on React Native now, but I also have extensive experience with Cordova and general front end development. I'm looking for either a new contract, or a permanent role at a company with an interesting challenge for an app developer.

Location: Toronto

Remote: flexible

Willing to relocate: Maybe, preferably within Canada

Technologies: Elixir, React, Rails, Python, Dart/Flutter, Elisp/Emacs, Chef

Résumé/CV: Upon request

Email: leeburk95 (*AT) yahoo (DOT) com

Other details:

- Experienced fullstack developer based in Toronto with 5+ years experience

- Early employee of a fintech startup (I know Excel very well)

- Led a team of three and mentored two junior devs.

- Nowadays mostly working on backend (GraphQL API) and a bit DevOps

- I also taught at Udemy about Blockchain related topics and had hundreds of paying students

- Looking for interesting problems to solve. Small team preferred.

Location: Bangalore ( currently traveling to SEA for work )

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Been working in Django (Python) for last 5 years. Have picked up many things along the way.

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/singh-arpit

Email: arpitremarkable@gmail.com

Bio: Tech lead for a truly multinational project. I work at a slower but steady pace. I'm a good mentor but not a good manager. ESOPs opportunity preferred.

Location: Seattle Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, C/C++, Linux, AWS, React.js, Node, Python, Firebase, DynamoDB, Maven

Email : rajeshnarayanrnb@gmail.com LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajesh-narayan-a81750123/

I’m a recent university grad looking to join a fast moving team. I’m a fullstack developer, though most of my experience is working on the backend.

Location: Curitiba, Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possibly in the long term

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, React, NodeJS, Kubernetes, Full stack

CV: On demand

Email: luiz.felipe.gp [at] gmail.com

More than 10 years of experience working with high and low traffic apps involved with all parts the development process. I've worked with many more technologies in production like Android, iOS, Go, Elixir among others but I don't consider myself an "X developer" for these - which doesn't mean I wouldn't consider becoming one :)

Engineer with 5 years experience in early stage hardware startups. I am no stranger to work environments in which I am required to take sole ownership of a variety of tasks and ensure their completion with little oversight. I am classically trained as an Electrical engineer but hoping to find a way to leverage my analytical skills to break into the machine learning and data science industry.

Location: Charlotte, NC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, Python, Keras, Linux, Altium

Résumé/CV: Email me

Email:jack.krause at gmail.com

Location: Guanajuato, Mexico

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, CSS, HTML, Postgres, React, React Native, Python, Docker

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zuzzgf8QJl2N_-775sHnbShjyW8...

Email: ulisesavila04@gmail.com

I am a full stack web developer that wants to step up his game in development while working on exciting problems.

  Location: Karachi, Pakistan
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python (Flask, Requests, BS), WordPress, some JS
  Résumé/CV: http://kashifaziz.me/kashif-aziz-cv.pdf
  Email: contact@kashifaziz.me
Currently working as remote web dev with AskBrian.ai developing Flask based web services for on-the-fly translation and document creation (Excel, Word, PowerPoint) using various Python packages and APIs.

Location: european in china

Remote: yes, can travel (20%)

Willing to relocate: only with whole family

Technologies: Linux, frontend and backend webdevelopment, prototyping.

Résumé/CV: on request (20 years experience with web development, team lead, CTO)

Email: martin+hackernews at realss dot com

i am open to remote contract opportunities as a senior developer, teamlead, part-time or full-time CTO, trainer

i am also able to build up a development team here in china, to serve your needs.


Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: To Spain/Colombia/Argentina

Technologies - iOS Native with Swift/Objective-C/C++. Android Native with Kotlin/Java/C++, Flutter with Dart

Resume CV - https://github.com/nodemaker/Resume/raw/master/resume-ios.pd...

Email - nodemaker@gmail.com

Languages: English, Spanish, Dutch, Hindi, Bengali

Location: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, adventure!

Technologies: Node.js | React | WebGL | JavaScript | C++ | Python | Rust | Ability to learn quickly what I do not know.

Résumé/CV: http://nickyvanurk.com/cv.pdf | https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickyvanurk/

Email: info AT nickyvanurk.com

Seasoned Fullstack Engineer/Leader with startups and Fortune 1000 companies. Likes recruiting and mentoring Engineers, tech evangelization

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes, Preferred!

Willing to relocate: Only if I have to.

Technologies: Javascript(React, Redux, Angular), Java, Python, Go, Spring, Hibernate, Boot, Postgresql, Oracle, Mongo, AWS.

Résumé/CV: https://goo.gl/qYj6AV

Email: anjan.remote@gmail.com

Education : Bachelors in Engineering from Bangalore University.

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Open to discussion

Technologies: Node.js (Typescript, Javascript), Clojure, Python, SQL, Blockchain

CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oHTswKqe8tNuPXdyYgyvO1kK8Y...

Email: n@boskorp.com

Backend developer with 10~ years experience in plenty of fields, most recently blockchain tech. Mostly interested in contract work, but can also do full-time employment.

Full stack web (.NET Core, MERN) and Python developer, 2 years of professional experience.

Location: Mexico, PST

Remote: Preferably

Willing to relocate: Depending on offer

Technologies: .NET Core, Python, Javascript, Tensorflow, AWS(EC2, S3, RDS), bash

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YXHUXySXajC1ydPX22KzbERz...

Email: oln.luis at gmail dot com

Location: San Francisco (proper) Remote: yes. Office visits as needed Willing to relocate: maybe Technologies: moving to Elixir/Phoenix. 8 years experience full LAMP stack via WordPress. Will be at ElixirConf to meet in person. Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mchavezi Email: mchavez@space-rocket.com

  Location: Enschede, Netherlands
  Remote: Yes/partial - open to discussion
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Java, Python, Docker
  Résumé/CV: upon request
  Email: boet@dewilligen.net
Hi! I'm Boet, a young self-taught developer who has been working professionally for about 1.5 years now. I'm looking for a challenging job with the opportunity to learn a lot while building something great.

Full Stack Web Dev, currently into DevOps and starting to dive deeper into Python. Working on websites for a decade now, 4 years of that in a professional environment for a mid-size web agency. Focus is backend stuff, but I'm open for Full Stack/Frontend.

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Maybe

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: PHP (WordPress, Drupal, Laravel, Symfony), JS, bit of Python

CV: https://kovah.de/cv.pdf

Email: mail@kovah.de

Location : Barcelona

Remote: No

Technologies: Ruby, RoR, Go, TDD, API REST, Cloud, PostgreSQL

We are looking for passionate developers with strong experience in the stack above. If you are interested in have more information, please, attach your CV to this link.


Location: Buffalo, NY, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (Only in the United States)

Technologies: Python, Java, JavaScript, NumPy, Pandas, Flask and Django.

Résumé/CV: https://yeshks.github.io/data/Yesh_Resume.pdf

Email: yeshkuma@buffalo.edu

About me: Recent Graduate from University at Buffalo with MS in CS and looking for work on my F1/EAD/OPT. Will require H1-B sponsorship in the future.

EE with with many years experience in software, ISP/networking, data center design&ops, frontend/backend mobile SPA. Presently working in robotics which I greatly enjoy.

Location: Seattle (Redmond [remote])

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: for the right job

Technologies: C, Go, Python, Embedded (Linux,FreeBSD,STM32), EE (digital,power,PCB), ECAD (Eagle, some Altium), MCAD (AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Fusion360), Networking (JNPR, CSCO), HTML, CSS, JS, ...

Résumé/CV: Email me

Email: hnwwtbh719@dev-random.org

Location: Toronto Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Machine Learning, Web, Full Stack

Résumé/CV: http://richardabrich.com/resume

Email: richard.abrich@gmail.com

I specialize in understanding customer problems, and solving those problems with data via state-of-the-art machine learning techniques. Primarily looking for consulting opportunities, but open to other arrangements for the right fit.

Location: London

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Flask, Django, PostgreSQL, redis, etc; typical python stacks on AWS; some elixir, Kafka, RabbitmQ

Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/martinskopstals (can provide a neater pdf on request)

email: mkop30@protonmail.com

Backend engineer with experience ranging from getting somewhat eclectic PoCs up, running and scalable to developing APIs in cross-functional teams. Looking for a pragmatic and curious engineering team or small, flexible startup.

  Location: Ontario, Canada
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: within Ontario
  Technologies: C++ (2.5 years)
  Résumé/CV: via email
  Email: christianmccrave@gmail.com
  GitHub: https://github.com/Cmccrave
I'm a self taught C++ programmer with a few projects related to StarCraft AI. I'm currently working in life science automation as a PLC programmer and systems integrator.

  Location: Gaithersburg, MD, 
  Remote: Yes 99% of the time if possible
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Scientific Python (SciPy, NumPy, SciKit Learn, TensorFlow, etc), C/C++, Django, Flask, Relational/Non SQL Databases, VueJS, D3
  Résumé/CV: https://Linkedin.com/in/ricleal/
  GitHub: https://github.com/ricleal
  Email: ricleal@gmail.com

I'm an experienced remote worker offering 6 years experience primarily using the Microsoft stack. I approach solutions with maintainability in mind; code should be simple to read and easy to change.

Location: Providence, RI

  Remote: yes

  Willing to relocate: no

  Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, MSSQL, nHibernate,javascript/jQuery, etc.
  Résumé/CV: available upon request

  Email: chris.s.sorrell@gmail.com

Location: Singapore

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes (with a working visa). Right now, I'm working in Singapore with a working visa.

Technologies: Ruby/Ruby on Rails, Elixir/Phoenix, ReactJS/React Native, Packer/Terraform, Docker/Kubernetes, AWS/GCP.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincentnguyenle/

Email: vinh.nglx@gmail.com

Location:New York Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Potentially Technologies: Python, Javascript, Java, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS, C#, C++, NGINX, Flask Résumé/CV: https://raminrakhamimov.com Email: ramin32@gmail.com

Full stack python developer with over 10 years of experience in developing software professionally for a variety of industries.

I've been working for 2 years now. I've built APIs, managed databases, written ML models and dev productivity software so far. Looking for places with problems I can learn from.

  Location: Trivandrum, India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, AWS, SQL, Docker, PyTorch
  Résumé/CV: https://www.arjoonn.com/cv
  Email: arjoonn.94@gmail.com

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache Thrift, git, AWS

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: briehan.lombaard@gmail.com

Hi! I'm a full-stack software developer from Cape Town with 10+ years of experience -- mostly web, a bit of devops and, more recently, network programming in combination with industrial control systems integration. Remote opportunities preferred but not a requirement.

Location: Sydney, AUS

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: R | Python | Javascript | Golang | Azure/AWS | SQL | Illustrator | HTML/CSS | Rust (Hobbyist!)

Résumé/CV: Please email.

Email: debo.bal[at]gmail[dot]com

Orginally a philosophy and maths major, I ended up working as a Data Scientist for the last three years. Lately I'm veering towards data/software engineering because I like coding. Looking forward to new projects and challenges before the robots take over.

Interested in freelance work only.

Location: Cleveland, OH

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies:HTML5, Photoshop, CSS3, Bootstrap, SASS, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Laravel

Résumé/CV: http://vmano.com/423/ https://www.upwork.com/fl/manoweb

Email: contact@vmano.com

Location: NYC

Remote: Yes please, but meeting in person is always great.

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment sorry.

Technologies: React, HTML/CSS. Node/Laravel.

Résumé: https://michaelrice.io/ or https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-rice-3b833195

Email: hello@michaelrice.io

Location: Chicago

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: maybe

Technologies: Linux, postgres, *sh, python, clojure, prometheus, pandas, visualization, ETL, geocoding, pogtgis

Email: matt@mchap.io

A little late to the party, but let's try this out anyway.

Professionally, my background is mostly in linux administration and finance with a focus on infrastructure management. Outside of professional work, I do a lot of work with the Freedom of Information act and data visualization, both using python.

Short and sweet.

Location: Colorado Springs, CO Remote: YES! Willing to relocate: maybe in the future Technologies: Splunk, Arcsight, SIEM, Qradar, and Azure + more Resume: Upon request Email: kaytlyn.matchett@csuglobal.edu I have one year of experience in cyber security and the cloud. I learn quickly and I am looking for a remote position. If it is not cyber related, I am open to entry level jobs that train.

Location: Sofia, Bulgaria

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: React Native, React, Node.js, Express.js, HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript, 
Redux, GraphQL, Serverless, AWS - Lambda, AppSync, Amplify, S3, DynamoDB, Lex; Realm, MongoDB, MySQL, Heroku, Docker, Elastic Stack, Git, Intercom

  Résumé/CV: Available on request

  Email: deyan.denchev@lexis-solutions.com

- Location: Europe

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: Maybe

- Technologies: React, AWS, WordPress, UI/UX design, Design systems

- Résumé/CV: http://metamn.io/csongor-bartus-resume.pdf

- Email: bartus.csongor@gmail.com

I'm a senior software engineer (degree in C.S) and UI/UX designer (works featured in online galleries) looking for a permanent role after years of freelancing.

Technical and marketing writer. Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not presently

Technologies: Technical writing, editing, marketing writing. CMS tools, JIRA, Confluence, SharePoint, ServiceNow, blogging platforms, Microsoft Office.

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/torontowriter/

Email: jonathanacohen+hn@gmail.com

Location: Seattle

Remote: Strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: Not right now

Programming languages: Python, Rust, C++, some JavaScript and Go

Technologies: Most of Google Cloud platform, Kubernetes, SQL (Postgres, BigQuery), RabbitMQ, PgBouncer, the Django/Celery stack, enough bash to be dangerous, CMake, Appveyor and Travis CI, some Windows COM.

Résumé/CV: https://ahicks.io/files/resume.pdf

Email: ahicks@ahicks.io

I'm an experienced backend software engineer/generalist with experience on every level of the stack. Highlights include designing custom priority queues, writing a microservice monitoring solution, debugging distributed locks, and participating in multiple AWS to Google Cloud migrations. I've been involved with 4 billing systems and wrote two of them. My favorite professional project so far is an incredibly massive Kubernetes-powered media transcoding cluster. I've also got some extensive ops experience.

My experience with lower levels of the stack comes from my personal projects. The most impactful of these was implementing a significant optimization in the Rust compiler which reorders struct and enum fields to reduce the memory footprint of your code. It's much more complicated than it sounds. I've got a write-up on my blog [0] My other sizeable personal project is Libaudioverse [1] a large C++ library for audio synthesis not dissimilar to WebAudio [2]. Highlights include a parallelizing workflow engine and hand-written SIMD optimizations.

I'm looking for a full-time position with either scheduling flexibility or at least part time remote. My favorite technology is Rust, but I'm open to anything.

0: https://ahicks.io/posts/April%202017/rust-struct-field-reord...

1: https://github.com/libaudioverse/libaudioverse

2: When I started, WebAudio was barely on the horizon. Once the spec reached a degree of maturity, I read it and realized I'd built roughly the same thing.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Direct Response COPYWRITING & Marketing. I write persuasive copy for emails, landing & sales pages, advertorials, search & social ads, etc.

RESULTS YOU WILL GET: About 10-30% increase in revenue. I also work on a trial basis. If you sell anything online, drive a good volume of traffic and earn at least $10,000 as monthly revenue, email me now.

Résumé/CV/Portfolio: Upon Request

Email: hn@fincopy.33mail.com

    Location: Southern California
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: golang, frontend, backend, full stack, mysql, redis, AWS, google app engine, php, java, javascript, customer service, openRTB, heroku, google analytics, adobe analytics
    Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/doug-b/
    Email: doug.b.barrett@gmail.com

Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Remote: Would be nice

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Go, React, Node, GraphQL, MySQL

Résumé/CV: https://1drv.ms/b/s!ArJVYO71M4zO_VxBSyaJXjqA8N-L

Email: weijiangan@outlook.com

Full stack developer with an eye for good design/UX. I'm an independent and fast learner and I have no problem picking new stuffs.

Current cs/ce student, looking for internship for summer 2020, please contact me with any opportunities, very willing and able to learn anything

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, Python, Java, React/React Native, Javascript/HTML/CSS, Swift, Go, Ruby on Rails

Résumé/CV: http://ridouh.me/resume.pdf

Email: zakridouh (at) gmail.com

Location: Charlotte, NC Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No  

  Technologies: R, Bioconductor, SQL, MLOps, PowerBI, Tableau, Ubuntu  

  Résumé/CV: Available by email

  Email: danieljbourguet@gmail.com

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AWS / PHP / ... People?

Résumé/CV: On request - or http://ie.linkedin.com/in/danielhunt/

Email: daniel@danielhunt.ie

I'm a deeply technical leader with a passion for cloud infra & automation.

Looking for new leadership opportunities, happy to work remotely but have preference for Dublin.

Location: Seattle

Remote: Yes, not preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes, preferably intl.

Technologies: I made hardware. Undergrad industrial design, just finished MBA @ Foster, been doing Surface prototypes and hardware dev for 5 years. I am interested in building and running high performing organizations.

Resume: http://crudo.soy/yque.pdf (or ask, been busy)

Email: ilegal@crudo.soy

  Location: Chicago
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Rails, JS, Rust
  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b54m04lx314732e/BrianKungProgrammer.pdf?dl=0
  Email: reverse this: zyx.gnuknairb@nh
Long time Rails engineer diving headfirst into Rust to learn systems programming. Happiest when fed JSON API requirements ;)

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, SQL + SQL administration + db design, Javascript, VueJS, Python

Résumé/CV: Real thing on request; summary: two years of professional development experience with several years prior of informal experience (writing code as QA), a few years of analyst and IT work, and before that, some more years in freelance web development & design (nearly 10 years ago).

Email: tallain@gmail.com

Location: Anywhere in US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Python, Node, CI/CD, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Microsevices

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/siddiqui-danish/

Github: https://github.com/danish9412

Email: danish9412@gmail.com

  Location: Remote (Colorado, USA)
  Remote: Only
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Fullstack Web + VR / AR / Game Dev
  Résumé/CV: https://jordanmajd.com/cv.html
  Email: me at jordanmajd dot com
Looking for opportunties a Sr Fullstack Developer or as a VR / AR / Game Dev. See my portfolio at jordanmajd dot com.

  Location: New York, NY
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: C++, Java, Python, SQL
  Résumé/CV: via email
  Email: ncontino@protonmail.com
Working professionally for about 2 years now. Mainly interested in backend development, high throughput systems in particular. Very much hoping to escape NYC's 90+ degree summer weather :)

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Yes, if needed. I've managed and worked with remote engineers and have access to good a co-working setup (the Factory in Berlin).

Willing to relocate: No; but occasional travel would be possible.

Technologies: Kotlin (backend), Elasticsearch, AWS/Docker, Java, Stellar and lots more.

Résumé/CV: jillesvangurp on Github/Linkedin/Twitter/HN/etc. email me for a full CV

Email: jilles AT jillesvangurp.com

I'm looking for contracts for backend engineering work and am comfortable in senior/tech lead/CTO type roles. I'm mostly specialized in Kotlin/Java but also looking to branch out to other tech stacks. Anything involving Stellar, Elasticsearch, or location based services would be a good match for me.

Things I've done recently:

- Build Kotlin clients for Elasticsearch and Stellar (Github)

- Set up ELK based logging and analytics using Elastic Cloud. If you'd like to modernize your logging, security auditing, monitoring/metrics, apm, etc., I can help.

- Build Inbot (I've been a 1 person dev team for the last year+) - Stellar based reward program where our users earn InToken for rewards issued by our customers.

- Build the search engine for matmatch.com using Elasticsearch; a material and metal alloy search engine.

- Lots more for Inbot, Nokia/Here, and others.

What I can do for you:

- Generic Java/Kotlin projects. I've done Spring Boot, servlets, data crunching, and much more. I've been doing stuff using Java since 1996 and Kotlin for the last few years.

- Jump start converting your Java code base to Kotlin. I'm good at refactoring and modernizing legacy code bases. Kotlin makes Java fun again.

- Get you started with gaining insight into what is happening in your systems via Elastic based tools.

- Architecting a search engine and guiding your product managers through the process of adding search, autocomplete, did you mean, and other search related functionality to your product

- Get you started with a block chain based product using Stellar, Ripple, or similar. Also interested in getting you started with the Libra tech stack and learning along with you what that entails.

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, PHP

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chathuras

Email: chathuras at <no sp@m> gmail dot com

Currently leading a team in a US based company in Sri Lanka. Looking for any full-stack role in a different city. Full Time | Permanent | Contract

  Location: EU/Portugal/Azores (GMT)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Mobile/Desktop Hybrid Applications, Webservices, Backend (preferred) and Architectures, IoT, M2M.
  Hobbies: Reverse Engineering, IoT Hacks.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mlluis/
  Email: mlluis.pt gmail com

Location: Montreal, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Computer vision, machine learning, C++, Py3, SLAM, visual odometry, perception for autonomous driving

Resume/CV: https://jimaldon.com/cv.pdf https://jimaldon.com/about.html

  Location: Manila, Philippines

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: PHP (Laravel, Symfony, CI, WordPress), Javascript (Vanilla, jQuery, React, Angular, Vue), Python (Tensorflow, Pytorch, Django, Flask), CSS (LESS/SASS)

  Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/cyril-yu-49769573/

  Email: cyrilbenson47[at]gmail.com

  Location: Malaysia
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Android, React, React Native, Phoenix
  Résumé/CV: Upon request.
  Email: hazmiirfan92[at]gmail[dot]com
I am mainly a front-end developer but also dabble with back-end as a side project. Currently looking for opportunity that allows me to work on Elixir/Phoenix.

Location: Provo, UT

Remote: Yes (Part time and contract work preferred)

Willing to relocate: Not at this time.

Technologies: Ruby (extensively), Ruby on Rails, Postgres/MySQL, Redis, Golang, Docker, SCSS, VueJS.

Résumé/CV: on request and https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnbolliger/

Email: john_hn_jobs (at) consyse.com

Location: Toronto

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: will consider within Canada

Technologies: Python, NumPy, Scikit-learn, Keras, MySQL, TensorFlow

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elaineye/

Email: elaineye983@gmail.com

I am looking for a data scientist/machine learning full-time/contract, let me know if you have an opening!

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android, Kotlin, Java. Proficient in Python, JavaScript, SQL, Linux, etc.

Résumé/CV: https://caleb.dev/android/

Email: mail@caleb.dev

5 years of Android experience, and 2 years as an independent contractor. Available for contract work (potentially to hire, with the right fit).

Location: Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: well, it depends

Technologies: Java, C, Python, Javascript, NodeJS, AngularJS, Angular2, jQuery, D3JS, Bootstrap, APIs, React, SQL, XML, XSL, GIT, MySQL, MongoDB

Resumè/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-della-marca-25b55b26

English level: Excellent

Email: s.dellamarca@gmail.com

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka

Remote: Yes (Part-time preferred)

Willing to relocate: May be

Technologies: Deep Learning

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vpjayasiri/

Email: v p j a y a s i r I [a t] g m a i l . c o m

Spent around 8 months full time learning machine learning. Worked mostly on reinforcement learning projects for games.

I helped over 20 companies in creating great mobile apps (three of them were in the top 100 on App Store in its category). I was consultant, project manager and a lead software architect working for small startups and big players (like Amazon or Thomson Reuters).

Location: Poland

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: iOS | C++ | Kotlin | Node.js | IoT | Bluetooth | STM32

Résumé/CV: I'll send it upon request.

Email: lang.cpp AT gmail.com

Location: Philippines Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Xcode, Swift, Android Studio, Kotlin Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1DRdekk5dVmxudGL2IQBwMqIJIS... Email: lawrence@livinideas.com

Full-stack engineer. Most proud of: https://github.com/gautamtata/watershed-guardians.

I'm a recent grad w/ a BS in CS. Looking for full-time opportunities. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: YES

Technologies: React, Node

Résumé/CV: resume.gautamtata.com

Email: gautam AT gautamtata.com

Location: NYC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Vue, Angular, Postgres, MySQL, Node.js

Resume: Can provide one if needed.

Email: technologyexpert@protonmail.com

Software Engineer/CTO looking for a part time gig. I would like to work remotely few hours a week (depends on the project). I can write code but also do project management and lead a development team.

I can pick up new technologies pretty quick. Let's talk soon.

Location: Karachi

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possible

Technologies: Automation, Scraping,ETL Pipelines in Python, Spark, and Airflow. Web Development in PHP Laravel, Flask and Django

Résumé/CV: http://adnansiddiqi.me Blog: http://blog.adnansiddiqi.me

Email: kadnan @ gmail.com

15 years experience, full-stack JS engineer, looking to relocate to Seattle.

Applying to big tech but would be interested in smaller companies.

Visa/Relocation required.

Location: QLD, Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, Seattle

Technologies: JavaScript, ES6, NodeJS, React, serverless, AWS (Lambda, Dynamo, S3, Kinesis, SQS, SNS), Neo4j, Docker, PHP

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hX9A3T_V9VxNcBmKPOE6SvzkzLW...

Email: im@alex-joyce.com

Location: Remote:would consider it

  Willing to relocate:yes
  Technologies: Go, React, Graphql, Typescript, PHP
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/topaz-t/
generalist full-stack software engineer with 2 years experience leaning towards backend. looking for a mid-level role.

Location: Portland, OR

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: (Digital Marketer) Marketo, Hubspot, Salesforce, Front-End Development, GTM, Go0gle Analytics, Google Optimize, Demandbase, Sitecore, AEM and more...

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garrettgillas/

Email: garrettgillas@gmail.com

Location: Seattle Area Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Linux, NixOS, Python, Docker, iOS, Networking. Résumé/CV: Available upon request. Email: admin [at] psophis.com

Looking for a mid level devops position somewhere in the Seattle area. Currently working as a Network/Linux Admin and sole developer at a local small school district.

  Location:  Burleson, TX
  Remote:  Yes, and I have experience working remotely
  Willing to relocate:  Yes
  Technologies:  Go, Rust, Java, c++.  Senior full stack developer for a large code base.
  Résumé/CV:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-vincent-7236746/
  Email:  brainn /at/ gmail.com

Location: Athens, Greece.

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yup

Technologies: Python, Javascript both frontend & NodeJS, *SQL, CouchDB, Sysadmin stuff (Bash, Ansible, heavy Linux/BSD user, Docker etc etc), Devops, plus Bitcoin know-how.

Resume: Upon request

GitHub: antanst

mail: antanst at antanst dot com

Experience: >13 yrs in engineering/devops/sysadmin.

Current position: CIO at Bolooba Datacentres AB Sweden.

Ideally looking for a remote team leadership position.

Location: Latvia, Riga Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Java, Elixir, Go, Clojure, PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka. Distributed systems, Software architecture.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deniss-murmanis-6267b9aa/

Email: fordarkside3370@gmail.com

Currently in Princeton, NJ, open to remote and willing to relocate.

Technologies: Prefer backend, Google Cloud, Python, App Engine, Cloud SQL - led engineering for dailyharvest.com from seed to post-B as the founding CTO, currently open to consulting.

Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/savraj

Email: savraj [at] gmail.com

  Location: UT, Greater SLC area
  Remote: Yes! On-site works, too, though.
  Willing to relocate: Depends.
  Technologies: (Data engineering & architecture + Cloud) GCP, AWS, Python, SQL, Talend
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mdeaver/
  Email: mattrdeaver at (g mail) dot com

Location: anywhere in United States Remote: open to it Technologies: Node, React, Vue, Angular, AWS, Azure, GCP, Python, C++, IoT Resume: https://mish.one Email: mishftw[at]umich[dot]edu Looking for short term or long term opportunities starting September 2019

  Location: San Francisco
  Remote: Yes, I have remote experience.
  Willing to relocate: Yes,
  Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node, Mongo, MySQL, PostgrSQL, AWS, JS Testing frameworks & CI, etc.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonyriggi
  Email: anthonyriggithree@gmail.com

Location: Kerala, India

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Vue, Nuxt, ES6 and Modern JS stuff, Node.js, i18n, SCSS, Elixir novice, FP & UX enthusiast

Resume: www.linkedin.com/in/althaffe

Email: althaf AT protonmail DOT com

Looking for Front-end/Full-stack Engineer positions in companies solving interesting and valid problems. Extra points if you care about accessibility and hacker ethic

Location: Orlando, FL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes!

Technologies: Full Stack JavaScript: HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Node, Express, React, MongoDB, SQL, Linux, Git, Bootstrap, some React Native and Python

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adapalmer/

Email: apalm112@gmail.com


Location: Los Angeles

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: primarily a Java developer, but I have been paid to write Ruby, Scala, PHP, Python, etc... Back-end developer with a strong focus on search and data. Elasticsearch committer.

Résumé/CV/Email: https://pastebin.com/zBKrT0N3

Location: Paris

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C, C++, Java, Bash, Python, Node.js, Dart, Qt, Flutter, SQL, Docker, Embedded Software, Desktop Software

Résumé/CV: https://nicolas.chauv.in

Email: nicolas.chauvin.dev [at] gmail [dot] com

Wishes: Full libre & Open-source development, Full remote, Working less than 32h/week

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: .NET Core, GoLang, Python, Angular, React, JavaScript/TypeScript, Node.js, Express, SQL, Docker, Startup Product Development

Résumé/CV: By Request

Email: andrew+hn@a-scales.com

Couple years of dev experience. Have worked around startups before, looking to make a move in my career to somewhere more fulfilling.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Flask, TypeScript, React, scikit-learn, Keras

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolemargaretwhite/

Email: nmwhite0131@gmail.com

Looking for Machine Learning Engineer or Full Stack Engineer positions.

Location: Seattle

Remote: Yes, not preferred

Willing to relocate: Anywhere in CA or WA

Technologies: React, Vue, Ruby on Rails, React Native, SQL, GraphQL, others

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noah-ezekwugo/ - Detailed resume on request

Email: noahezekwugo@gmail.com

Very interested in large scale distributed systems. I have a lot of experience in a wide array of technologies. I've been a software engineer for the last 6 years. Please reach out.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possibly. West coast US only

Technologies: Elixir, Erlang, Rust, Go, Ruby, Python, Javascript, AWS/GCP

Resume: Upon request

Email: throwaway56875@gmail.com

Location: SF bay area

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes, in US 48 states

Technologies: python

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sbZaZhO1v80Djc0EStYNnDlq...

Email: frances.liu168@gmail.com

Location: New Jersey Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: NO

Technologies: Front End Developer / UI/UX Developer (ReactJS, NodeJS, PHP)

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-serrano-patron/

Email: joshuapatron@yahoo.com

Location: Philadelphia Suburbs

Remote: Highly Preferred

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: .NET, Javascript, HTML/CSS, SQL, React, Node.js, PHP

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o25p4zuiy1ij9u6/Resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: keith.p.wagner@gmail.com

10+ years of experience in all things web.

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Vue.js, Node, Elixir, Phoenix, Ruby, Rails.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rodrigoddalmeida/

Email: rod (at domain) dealmeida.xyz

  Location: California

  Remote: Preferred, actually

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Design, UI, UX, HTML, CSS, Sass, JS, Adobe Suite, Sketch, Principle, Framer

  Resume/CV: https://makki.pro/damian-makki-resume-2019.pdf

  Email: damian@makki.pro

  Location: Bangkok, Thailand
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Flask/Vue/Nginx/Supervisor/Gunicorn/Docker/Vim
  Résumé/CV: https://jingz.github.io/djing/resumes/index.html
  Email: wsaryoo@gmail.com

  Location: Cagliari area, Italy
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Angular, React (for React I need mentorship and/or time to learn)
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamghelfi/
  Email: william@williamghelfi.com

Location: Germany (NRW)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Embedded, C++ 11/14/17, QT, Yocto, Linux, Python, Networks, IPv6, willing to learn new stuff

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/syedamergilani

Email: syed.amer at gilani.eu

  Location: Nottingham, UK
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: strong - C#, .NET Core, Javascript, React, 
  SQL Server, Server Admin, Azure, Azure DevOps, 
  Résumé/CV: Available upon request (6 years exp)
  Email: rjdeveloper30@gmail.com

Location: Florida

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C/C++, C#, WPF, Asp.Net, Docker,Angular2, TypeScript, image processing, DICOM, HL7, FDA regulations

Email: in my profile

I have around 20+ years of experience in various SW engineering R&D functional disciplines in a big healthcare company. Created products that are market leader in the segment.

I don't see your email in your profile. Can you reach out to me? eric@f9teams.com

Location: Indiana Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: No STEM background Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanmercer317 Email: RyanMercer@gmail.com

Location: San Diego, CA

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: Expert on Insurance Pay Per Click Ads Spending 150k per year (generating lots of sales!), SQL, HTML, CSS

  Résumé/CV: http://www.george.work/

  Email: gscott@officeroam.com

Location: Moscow, Russia

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: iOS SDK, Swift, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Résumé: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnug5zqvzrdk50c/Artem%20Kirillov%2...

Email: artemkirillov@gmail.com

Location: South Bay Area, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, C++, Windows, Database, Firmware, Software, Medical Devices, Embedded Systems

Resume: http://kenwrightconsultingllc.com/Resume/

Email: ken.wright@kenwrightconsultingllc.com

Location: India Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: ASP.NET Core, Web services, Azure Cloud Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajmalvh/

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: Yes, preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Haskell (2 years industrial experience), knowledge of languages such as ATS and J as well

Résumé/CV: http://vmchale.com/static/resume.pdf

Email: vamchale@gmail.com

Location: Detroit area

Remote: Yes, can work remote

Willing to relocate: Maybe (depending on job, area)

Technologies: Embedded, Automotive, micro-controllers, C, C++ Python, Simulink, Motor Control, Computational Geometry, would enjoy learning something new.

Resume/CV: On request - 20+ years of varied experience

Email: Same as ID at gmail

Github: Same ID as here

Location: India Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: Yes Technologies: Python, Go, Java, Django, Flask, Postgresql, REST API Resume/CV: https://umangparmar.me Email: umangjparmar@gmail.com

Location: SF Bay Area

  Remote: Willing

  Willing to relocate: yes

  Technologies: Ansible, Terraform, Python, AWS, Linux 

  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-greene-a9616a29/


Location: Delhi, India

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Powershell, Ansible, Chef, Docker, AWS, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/varun-chopra/

Email: v [at] chopraaa [dot] com

Location: Shanghai,China

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C++/C, Python, javascript, threejs, nodejs, linux, MySQL.

Résumé/CV: Available upon request

Email: aceway [at] qq.com

I like programming and math. I am working as an engineers manager in a comanpy that develop children/young games. I would like enjoy programm in spare time.

  Location: Chicago, IL
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: MATLAB, Python, C, Machine Learning, System Identification, Embedded Systems, Applied Mathematics
  Résumé/CV: Upon Request
  Email: michael.ezen [at] gmail.com

Location: Burnaby, BC, Canada (also Vancouver area)

Remote: Preferred, Experienced

Willing to relocate: Yes (conditional)

Technologies: 2+ years worth in React, Django, Python, JavaScript, C#, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, ASP.NET Core, Bootstrap, Angular, jQuery, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, Git

Résumé/CV: By Request

Email: pngen93@gmail.com

Location: Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Python, PHP; some Rust and Go

Résumé/CV: https://linkedIn.com/in/dcavuotti

Email: dario.cavuotti@gmail.com

+7 years experience working at startups; generalist and team player.

  Location: Milan area in Italy
  Remote: YES
  Willing to relocate: NO
  Technologies: MySQL,JavaScript,Php,Centos sysadmin,Moodle, Totara,Learning Management Systems,DigitalOcean
  Résumé/CV: jeisch.com
  Email: eischen at hotmail dot com

  Role: Developer/Designer
  Location: Denver, CO
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: React, ES6, Typescript, CSS, SCSS, Go, Kotlin
  Resume: https://j.holmes.codes/resume/
  Email: j@holmes.codes

Location: SF Remote: No preference Willing to relocate: Yes Résumé/CV: carsonkahn.com/who Email: carson@carsonkahn.com

I’m a moderately successful serial founder, most recently CTO promoted by F100 Board members to CEO.

Very open-minded about opps, given unique background.

Location: US

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Unix, Backend, Databases (Postgres, Mysql, Cassandra, Mongo, etc), Scaling, Mobile Hybrid, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, go, python, php, java, javascript, typescript, etc, etc.

Looking for 10-15 hours part time work since I spend all my days in meetings.

Email: segmond AT gmail

  Location: Guadalajara, Mexico
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: JavaScript, Node, React
  Résumé/CV: https://guillermo-jimenez.xyz/files/CV.pdf
  Email: guillermo_jimenez@outlook.com

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Why not!

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies/Skills: Python, Spark, SQL, R, AWS, MsC Statistics & Computer Science, ML/AI

Resumé: Headline: Senior Data Scientist, full page on request

Email: nicolas@edwards.fr

I can help you build (big) data and modeling pipelines to solve interesting problems.

Location: Atlanta Remote: Sure. Willing to relocate: Yes. Technologies: Web Dev across the board, E-commerce, Pentesting, Python, JavaScript, C++, Web Apps, Network admin, QA Résumé/CV: Upon request. Email: bennyv@protonmail.com

Location: Chittagong

Remote: Yes (Preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Django, Scrapy, Pandas, selenium, requests, BeautifulSoup

Résumé/CV: request it via email

Email: https://wasi0013.com/contact/

Location: Dubai

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C++, SQL

Résumé/CV: https://www.icloud.com/#iclouddrive/0mnURQQtjRa8PtczF2lVNHzf...

Email: rishunk16@gmail.com

Location:Athens,Greece Remote:Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python,Kotlin,Scala,Java,Clojure,Android, etc

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/serepasf

Email: serepasf@gmail.com

Location: Washington D.C

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate : if the offer is good.

Technologies : Java, Spring, Javascript, NodeJS, Kubernetes, Kafka, [Oracle & MySQL & SQLServer] DB, Cloud Native Microservices , Fan of Reactive programming.

Email : rudra_inbox [at] outlook [dot] com

Resume: On Request

Total Experience : 13+ yrs.

Location: NYC Willing to relocate: San Francisco / San Diego (family) Technologies: Python, Javascript Résumé/CV: github.com/rodcoelho & linkedin.com/in/rodcoelho Email: rod.de.coelho@gmail.com

Location: Oporto, Portugal

Remote: Yes, only remote/freelance

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: PHP, Python, Wordpress, MySQL and lots more. Special skills: Web security audition, PHP and Python backend development and crawlers/scraping.

Email: tiagoportugal [at] mail [dot] com

Thanks for reading!

Location: Netherlands Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: Yes Technologies: Sys Admin, Network admin, Automation of Microsoft products using powershell. Resume/CV: Available upon request Email: javiercordero20@gmail.com

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: .net, node, sql, frontend
  Résumé/CV: http://www.pabbasian.com/payman-cv.pdf
  Email: info_at_pabbasian.com

Location: France

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, may require sponsorship

Technologies: Rust, Python, Haskell, Elm, Nix{,Os,Ops}, Linux

Résumé/CV: https://ldesgoui.xyz/resume.pdf

Email: ldesgoui@gmail.com

Location: Oklahoma city, USA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: SQL developer and Application support or open to any technologies Résumé/CV: upon request Email: pooji2696@gmail.com

Location: Seattle, WA, but seeking warmer climate

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: UI/UX Design

Résumé/CV: http://linkedin.com/in/bradenhamm

Email: braden.hamm@gmail.com

Location: Amsterdam

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not immediately

Technologies: iOS (native) -- Swift, Objective-C

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmgargs/

Email: saurabh@gargs.com

  Location: Rabat, Morocco
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: .NET Core, React, electron, WPF
  Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/halidcisse
  Email: halidoucse@gmail.com

Location: Indiana

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Vue

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamdanhogan/

Email: dan@belowthebenthic.com

Location: Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Python, C#, Node.js, SQL, Scala, Swift

Résumé/CV: Upon request

Email: branko.bajic@outlook.com


Recent CS grad with two internships under my belt looking for challenging opportunities (preferably with mentorship opportunities available!).

Location: Boston

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Image Processing, Computer Vision,Python ML/Deep learning: C, C++.

Résumé/CV: Upon Request

Email: nkmah2@gmail.com

5+ years experience working in Image Processing & ML (+ PhD in Computer Science)

Experience in both academic and industry.

Location: Atlanta, GA or Austin, TX

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: for the right job. Prefer Atlanta.

Technologies: Go, Rust, XMPP, message bus and event sourcing

Résumé: available by request; 6+ years of professional experience in backend development.

Email: sam@samwhited.com

Location: Traverse City, Michigan, United States

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Unlikely but ultimately depends

Technologies: .NET Framework, .NET Core, Python, PHP, Go, Rust,

Javascript, Linux, Docker, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra

Résumé/CV: Upon request

Email: wjmiller2016@gmail.com

Location: Seattle

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, Pandas, PyTorch, Machine Learning, Data Science

Résumé/CV: https://gpir.es/cv.pdf

Email: mail [at] gpir [dot] es

Note: Need a visa.

Location: Brazil, Valinhos

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes, but only if offered a deal good enough to abandon my current business.

Tecnolodies: C, C++, Lua, lots of random stuff. Lately using PHP-GTK

email: mauricio.gomes -at- coderofworlds _dot_ com

Location: Chicago IL

Remote: Preferred, experienced

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JS, TS, CSS, HTML, SPAs, Angular, etc

Resume: By Request

Email: ${hnUserName}chris@gmail.com

Site: https://thoughtpalette.com

I'm an iOS developer with close to ten years experience building apps, some of which have multiple million downloads and are used daily by hundreds of thousands of people. I've worked for large corporations such as BMW and Daimler (Mercedes Benz) as well as digital agencies and early startups. Recently, I was head of product for a sales enablement startup and worked on user interface, architecture and mobile strategy.

I also love designing things and spend a lot of time thinking about UX. Some ideas I posted up:

App Switcher for iOS: https://twitter.com/marcedwards/status/422287961778970624

Convert a screenshot to a PSD: https://github.com/vpdn/MMLayershots

Clickwheel for iOS: https://dribbble.com/shots/1814927-Click-Wheel-iOS

I’ve been working on mobile apps since the dark days of j2me: When SMS were still expensive, a friend and myself developed and sold a mobile app, that would allow people to squash up to 400 characters into a single SMS, instead of the usual 160 characters.


I'm looking for a company that welcomes remote work and has a mission I can relate to (latter is really important to me, the best ideas come in the shower). Companies that I admire from the outside include Stripe, Plangrid and YNAB. If you're also a fan, I think I'd fit right in.


Location: 🇩🇪Offenburg, Germany

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Unlikely (my wife also has a career and we both love the Black Forrest )

Technologies: iOS

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5d5znls0jq71rdl/resume.pdf?dl=1 Email: vp at dinhmail·de

Tags for the CMD+F folks: [iOS, Swift, Objective-C, mobile, product, designer, UI, UX]

Location: Copenhagen

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Sure, if SF, NY or Tokyo

Technologies: Swift expert, former management consultant, ran a small quant fund and a drone startup, serious about mathematics

Résumé/CV: happy to email it

Email: gk@primusmotor.tech

  Location: Dallas, TX
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Agile, Lean methodologies
  Résumé/CV: Please email
  Email: mcphail.career @ gmail

Location: N/A

Remote: Only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Front End Developer, GoLang, NodeJS, Mongo, sql

Résumé/CV: http://jiteshmanglani.com

Email: jjmanglani01@gmail.com

Location: Sydney, Australia

Remote: Willing

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: .Net, JS/TS, TSQL, Salesforce, lots of reporting, BI, d3.js etc. Would love to move into Rust/Go dev work.

Résumé/CV: Can provide

Email: danni.uptlen[at]gmail.com

Location: Bangalore Remote: yes Willing to relocate: depends on the job Technologies: javascript, php Résumé/CV: via email Email: naveeniam@protonmail.com

Location: Berlin

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Mostly React and Redux (4 years exp.)

CV: Frontend engineer with inter-disciplinary focus, please email me for more information

Email: efrome [at] fastmail [dot] de

Location: Kansas City, MO

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: NodeJS | React | Javascript | SQL | MongoDB | Unity3D | C# | Blender | Python

Resume: Please Email.

Email: joshleap [at the well known gmail.com]

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Machine learning, artificial intelligence, image processing, game development, web development, apps

Résumé/CV: victorribeiro.com

web developer looking for a 6-8 months contract in the greater london. skills: nodejs, react (my angular is a little bit rusty). £430/day. start date: second half of august. contact: marvelous.wololo@gmail.com. experience: i've been recently working with dashboards for big data and fintechs.

Location: london

Remote: no

Willing to relocate: where?

Technologies: javascript

Résumé/CV: by request

Email: marvelous.wololo@gmail.com

Location: US/NYC

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: YES

Technologies: Python, Java, Docker, SQL, Elastic, Solr, Linux

Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/parmeshwor

Email: thapa.parmeshwor@gmail.com

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Open to Bay Area

Technologies: Go, AWS, Javascript, Ruby, Java, WebRTC datachannel

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: stcredzero@gmail.com

  Location: Orlando, FL
  Remote: Preferred, but open to other arrangements
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Project management, iOS, Python, AWS
  Résumé/CV: http://jacobharris.org/Jacob-Harris-Resume-Q1-2019.pdf
  Email: jacob@jacobharris.org
I have seven years of software development and management experience. Here are a few of my recent projects:

• I managed the development of an in-store e-commerce app for iPad. I was responsible for high-level technical specs, including information architecture, mockups, deployment planning, and API schema and design.

• I released an iOS app called Trumpet (https://www.trumpetapp.co) for sending postcards to the President. I built and managed the entire app from start to finish, including front- and back-end engineering and third-party API integration for processing payments and postcard mailing data.

• I managed the development of a platform to enable the training, transport, and veterinary care of bomb-sniffing dogs. I was responsible for estimating the scopes of work and planning and road-mapping releases. I instituted and led daily scrum meetings for a team of six, and we delivered completed projects on time.

Full-stack developer with around 4 years of experience. I've worked with several startups in bringing their web products to life from scratch, and have worked on all sides of the problem (sometimes even helping them with market research).

I really enjoy working for companies that put an accent on improving the lives of their customers and afford their team the trust they need to get things done.

Very into optimizing code and usability when I get the chance. I've been the sole developer for a course website since 2016 (mostly pro-bono during my spare time) where I've been using a mixture of Google's services and internal tools to max out speed, and we handle a decent traffic load on the web hosting equivalent of a toaster as a result.

I also maintain a browser extension that counters GDPR/privacy spam, and that's brought on a slew of fun performance problems to tackle as well.

Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania (GMT+3)

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: No.

Technologies: PHP (Laravel 5.x), Javascript (jQuery, Vue.js, learning React), some DevOps (setting up and securing servers via VPS or AWS, setting up CI/CD /w Docker images + Gitlab/Bitbucket/Your Service of Choice and monitoring), design sketches and implementations (PS -> CSS).

Résumé/CV: Happy to provide via mail.

Email: victor@whitemantle.com

Location: Miami, FL

Remote: Open to Discuss

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C++, Git, Angular

Résumé/CV: Upon Request

Email: simon.a2013@gmail.com

Location: NYC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Java, Ruby, Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, Protractor, NodeJS


Email: hussain.arif305@gmail.com

I want to create value and receive value, preferably working with innovation and research on information technology, because of my formation on computer science, but any peaceful activity is valid.

These are some of the labels with which I identify myself: anarchist, atheist, abolitionist, homo economicus, libertarian, objectivist, capitalist, cosmopolitan, scientist.

Location: Brazil (a horrible place with horrible people and I want out of it, so I would like to find a company that takes Ethics seriously)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, very

Technologies: basics of PHP, Matlab, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SysAdmin

Résumé/CV: http://www.andersonnnunes.org/download/en_UK.pdf

Email: rnd.t.hn.hired.19.07.v5wy64@andersonnnunes.org

Location: EU

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby on Rails

Email: arnis.lapsa@gmail.com

Just corrected somethings


Hi! I'm a language agnostic web dev in NYC. I'm currently mostly doing contract work, but I'm open to full time too. For business problems big and small feel free to reach out, always happy to talk :D

Location: NYC

Remote: sure, prefer onsite with some flex

Relocate: I want to stay in NYC.

Technologies: Full stack web dev. React, node, python, golang, java, kotlin. Docker/kubernetes/basic cloud networking. Jack of all trades web dev.

Resume/CV: linkedin.com/in/peterweyand, github.com/patientplatypus.

Email: pweyand@gmail.com.

Location: Greater Toronto Area

Remote: Absolutely

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Databases, Swift, Android / Java, C++, Back-end systems, financial systems, web applications. Just love a challenge

CV: See https://dennisforbes.ca/articles/about.html will provide more details on request.


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