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Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking Freelancer? (June 2019)
80 points by whoishiring on June 3, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 131 comments
Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location, and whether remote work is a possibility.

SEEKING FREELANCER. Philadelphia. Local only. We are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship. Our calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web & mobile applications, APIs, products, and services.

Pair programming, continuous integration & delivery, kaizen, and TDD/BDD aren't just ideas we pay lip service to, but core practices of our day-to-day work.

We love polyglots. We use lots of Ruby, Python, Elixir, and JavaScript (mostly React and React-Native).

As PromptWorks grows, so does demand on our engineering team. We often find ourselves fielding development inquiries from excellent clients working outside our preferred stacks and expertise or we occasionally don’t have enough staff to fill out a team with employees. In those cases, we like to work with seasoned, versatile contractors that are excited to dive in. We are seeking experienced freelance engineers to mutually expand our business.

Skills we are currently looking for:

  • Ruby & Rails
  • Elixir & Phoenix
  • Kubernetes, Docker, AWS Lambda
  • Python
  • React, Angular
  • React Native
  • .NET
  • iOS, Android

Based on what you typed here and the information on the site, it appears you meant to post in the 'Who's Hiring' thread.

The requirements and expectations posted do not fit the US criteria for contractor classification.

SEEKING FREELANCER | Technical Writers, Bloggers - Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence | Remote (anywhere on the blue planet)

FloydHub is a YC start-up building AI infrastructure and tools. We have a popular platform with a highly satisfied and growing user base.

We are passionate about the power of artificial intelligence and truly believe these technologies will make a lasting positive impact on the world. We are doing our part to accelerate the adoption of AI by creating easy-to-use tools and by educating more people about fundamental concepts, best practices and advanced techniques in AI. Our blog plays a critical role in educating our current audience and others interested in entering the field.

We are looking for bloggers, writers, and content editors to create engaging and informative pieces for our audience. If you are a data scientist or software engineer looking to write about your areas of expertise or what you are learning, we are still interested. This is a great opportunity for you to contribute to the biggest technology revolution since the advent of the internet and work alongside influencers in AI.

Come write for us. Come be part of the revolution.


I just published a piece with Floydhub, it has been a great experience!

Check out https://blog.floydhub.com/introduction-to-genetic-algorithms...

Hey. Love what you are doing.

You didn't leave info on how to reach out.

SEEKING WORK | Ottawa, Canada | Remote Ok

I'm available for part-time, project based work, or mentorship opportunities. 7+ years experience. Web/Mobile/Devops.

Website: http://redgetan.cc

Email: redge.tan@gmail.com


  - Backend: Nodejs, Express, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB
  - Frontend: React, Webpack, Backbone.js
  - Devops: Kubernetes, Docker, Chef, AWS EC2/Lambda
  - Tech: VR, HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, Video Streaming
  - Platforms: Web, iOS (Swift), Android (Java)

Examples of work I would love to do

- Augmenting Test Infrastructure - You might lack resources/time to add tests, and are currently focusing on features. I can help implement integration tests for complex micro-services, or UI tests for your react/react-native codebase.

- React/React-Native work - I've worked on React.js projects before and also have native iOS/Android experience.

- Weird Problems/Offshoot tasks - Ones that no-one else would like to do or have trouble doing. Perhaps it involves migrating old legacy software and library dependencies makes it a pain to migrate.

- Crypto related work - I've done small projects involving ethereum, nano (raiblocks) such as web-wallets.

- Mentorship - I've mentored junior developers in the past, and have also helped friends who are new to coding.

SEEKING WORK - Greater Seattle, WA area - 100% Remote

Do you find yourself frustrated with a lack of visibility and increase in latency with your K8 clusters?

How about Outages? Downtime? 5XXs thrown out of the blue?

Wouldn't it be great to get back to a time when your infrastructure was just simple, functional, and 'boring'?

If you've taken a look at some of the Real-World Kubernetes Failure Stories[1], you know that with great power comes great responsibility (and great opportunity for spectacular failure).

Your engineers can tell you about that responsibility. They'll tell you that the savings you expected from Kubernetes has been overwhelmed by sunk engineering time troubleshooting, fixing, and maintaining your k8s cluster.

If you're looking for a solution that takes you back to simple, functional infrastructure, we're experts in such migrations. Reach out and send us an email (jahodges419 - at - gmail.com) to start the conversation.

We specialize in migrating your business to a simple, functional, 'boring' platform that Just Works(tm), letting you and your engineers get back to focusing on your product, without worrying when that next opaque 'notReady' error message will come from out of the blue.

If you want to migrate away from Kubernetes back to a simple, stable, reliable platform, then send us an email <jahodges419 - at - gmail.com> to start the conversation.

[1] https://github.com/hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories

SEEKING FREELANCER | Boulder, CO | Remote | US Time Zone

At Uplift, we’re on a mission to perfect our working lives all while learning, building, and enjoying our free time. We're looking for a well-rounded software engineer with mid-level to senior experience in at least 2 of these:

* React/React Native

* Django (python)

* GraphQL, Apollo


* Freelance/project experience (most important)

* Familiar w/ Heroku or AWS

* Strong CSS skills

* Native iOS or Android experience

* Understanding of databases, SQL

Continuous learning, both within the industry & from each other is core to Uplift's values. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives. If you're self-sufficient, passionate & a good communicator, apply now!

Begin part-time and go from there.

#### To apply, please include:

* Location and preferred working hours (US-based preferred)

* Details about your experience with React & React Native and/or Django

* Details about your experience with GraphQL, Apollo or Typescript

* 1-2 references

* Current & next 3 months of availability, range is OK. At least 15 hours a week.

Email work@uplift.agency | https://www.uplift.agency/careers/


I’m specialized in development and management of large complex web-based projects (on LAMP(PHP)/Yii/Symfony/React stack) with a size of several hundreds functional components. This experience includes active work with large poorly documented code bases created by other developers. Other half of my background consists of self-financed self-studies in social sciences, biology, and arts.

My CV: http://kamil-rafik.com/docs/Kamil-Rafikov-2019.pdf

Email: mailbox@kamil-rafik.com

Skype: kamil.rafikov

SEEKING FREELANCER | Front-end and Wordpress Engineers | SF or Remote

Rootmont Research is the quantitative crypto platform for all of your trading analysis. It is the only site to offer institutional level tools to individual investors. Help us create financial freedom for everyone. www.rootmont.com

RESPONSIBILITIES - Develop investment tools. - Expand site to include additional asset class sectors. - Condense and simplify complex information into easily understandable analysis.

TECH STACK - PHP - Javascript - Angular - Wordpress

EMAIL: jobs@rootmont.com

SEEKING WORK ~ Greater New York, NY ~ 100% Remote


    • Web: ReactJs | ES6/7 | TypeScript | Redux | Node.js | Express.js | AngularJs | HTML5 | Bootstrap

    • Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework

    • Data: SQL Server | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB

    • Cloud: AWS | Azure | Docker | S3 | EC2 | SQS | SNS | RDS

    • Packages & Tools: Axios | GraphQL | Redux | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Sitecore
Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com

Résumé/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/

Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/

Github: https://github.com/rasikjain

About: Experienced (15+ years) Software Engineer & Architect with experience in FULL-STACK applications in React.js / TypeScript / C# / AWS / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud.

SEEKING WORK: Embedded/IoT development, development process consulting, product quality consulting

Location: Munich, Germany

Remote: preferred

I'm an experienced (>10 years) software engineer with management experience. I have a master's in mechanical engineering.

I've worked on all stages of embedded products, from product management, to specification, to coding, testing, and qualification. A lot of my career was spent working on safety-critical systems up to ASIL D / SIL4.

How I could help you:

  * advise in improving the quality of your product
  * close gaps in your team's embedded development expertise
  * organise and manage your development efforts
  * provide training
  * bring automated tests and continuous integration to your embedded projects (DevOps for embedded!)
  * close gaps in your team's embedded development expertise
  * help you comply with safety regulations
my current projects:

  * training and advising several German Fortune 500 companies on DevOps
  * managing a small, experienced team in the development of an industrial robot
  * advising a multinational company in the development of a highly safety-critical (ASIL D)
    automotive electronics component
  * advising a startup in the IoT development tooling space
  * coaching a startup team on improving their development workflow
Contact me at luca [at] ingianni.eu

SEEKING WORK | Berlin, Germany or remote (originally from NYC, can make trips to US east coast)

Full stack Ruby and Javascript developer with experience as a lead dev, as well as a teacher/mentor. I believe in writing clear, readable, simple code and refactoring for performance as necessary. I'm good at communicating with other stakeholders, including non-technical execs/managers, thinking about the business problem and advocating for the user.

Most of my experience is with startups and small businesses. But I also have done a smattering of big company work including at the New York Times and Cleversafe ($1B onsite file storage service acquired by IBM). Over the past few years I have worked for a niche social media company, a B2B fashion supply chain management company and on a one-off art installation project for Davos.

Long time Rails dev (since Rails 2), more recently I've worked with Node.js/Express & React as well. Occasional smalltime open source contributor (most recently to KillBill a billing & payment platform). Not dev-ops per say but I have experience managing deployments with AWS, Digital Ocean, and Heroku. All that said I typically choose my work based on the teams and projects rather than the tech stack.

Github: https://github.com/ritchiea

Resume: http://www.andrewritchie.info/docs/andrewritchie.pdf

SEEKING WORK - Denver, NYC, or Remote

We are a remote 3-person full-stack design and dev team. Our portfolio: https://stratosphere.digital. Some recent projects we've worked on: https://divvydose.com, https://emulatebio.com, https://fitnessration.com.sg, http://shoptwigs.com, https://caster.io.

Some of the technologies we're most familiar with: Web and mobile design, UI, UX, iconography, illustration, design prototyping, PHP, Node.js, Meteor, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, CoffeeScript, WebSockets, AJAX, MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, Cordova, PhoneGap, React Native, iOS, Android, Browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), AWS, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, C, C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, Swift, QS/1, HL7, HIPAA.

We offer hourly rates and discounted monthly retainer options. Contact: via our website or you can contact me directly at eliyah@stratosphere.digital.


UI/UX designer and developer from Iceland looking to work on great projects where I can be a powerful asset in scaling a business.

Portfolio at: https://gilli.is

Over eight years of experience of working in Fin-tech, Journalism, TV and Media, Health, Science, and more.

I can provide the following for you:

- Design — Whether you need a design from scratch, a redesign, or you're having issues with a small part of you product, I can design it.

- Front-end Development — I can build the design into a pixel perfect product, this is rare among us designers and has proven to be extremely powerful for the end result since there is less wasted effort.

- Analysis — Your users know everything that's wrong with your product but have difficulty communicating it. Often it comes out in anger and frustration. That's where my usability and experience analysis comes in. I'll review your app from an outsider and expert point of view, and give you actionable feedback.

- Free advice — You might not be sure if I am the right fit and I very well might not be. I can help you figure out the best direction to go, for free.

I take my work very serious and put a lot of work into good communication, good planning, and, last but not least, properly understanding your product so that we can produce great results.

Contact me at gilli@hn.gilli.is


I am the creator of slowbreak, a python2/python3 library to connect to stock markets via fix protocol. Install by running 'pip install slowbreak'. Check it out at https://pypi.org/project/slowbreak/

Contact me via email at aurelianocalvo@gmail.com.

I can help you integrate with stock markets, pass market homologations and do algotrading.


Experienced full-stack JavaScript developer focusing on fast-growing startups.

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Website: https://www.esamsonov.com

Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/fl/esamsonov

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/esamsonov

Email: iam@esamsonov.com


Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not right now (just had a baby), but probably in about a year

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Redux, MobX, GraphQL, React Native, Kubernetes, Express, Koa, Next.js, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, Firebase, Terraform, CloudFormation, CircleCI, Codeship, GitLab, Jenkins

Resume: http://www.jasperschulte.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/curri...

Website: http://www.jasperschulte.nl

Email: You’ll find it on my site

Linkedin: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/jasperschulte

Rate: €85/hr

From 2005 until 2015 I ran my own development company. Since 2015 I’ve been using that experience to help companies and development teams take ‘the next step’. The next step in delivering higher quality products, the next step in gaining higher developer velocity and the next step in being a more predictable in planning and outcome.

I strongly believe the following factors help in taking this next step: 1. Never compromise in code quality. 2. Standardize as much as possible (to prevent reinventing the wheel and focus on adding value) 3. Automate everything 4. Create a safe to fail environment.

SEEKING WORK | Remote (or Cologne, Germany)

* Reliable and experienced (7+ years) Full Stack Developer specialized in web apps and APIs.

* Past projects were with startups, small- to medium sized tech companies, agencies and consultants.

* Type of projects have been features development, maintenance projects, greenfield projects / complete re-writes, project audits and consulting. Successfully developed my own long-term niche side-project (https://www.nachhaltigejobs.de) that has grown to ~150.000 pageviews / month and has been profitable and largely automated for a couple of years.

### Technologies ###

* Backend: PHP (Symfony, some Laravel, or even without framework), SQL (MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Doctrine ORM), Amazon AWS (ElasticBeanstalk, RDS, S3, Cloudfront), DigitalOcean.

* Frontend: JavaScript (vanilla, Vue.js, VueX), HTML / CSS / Sass (Bootstrap, Bulma)

* Other: Web Performance Optimization, Online Marketing (focus on SEO), basic nginx / Apache administration, Testing (PHPUnit, TestCafe), git (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)

Web: https://www.adria.agency

Mail: hn (@) adria.dev

Available for freelance work from 8 up to 32 hours / week

Rate: 80 € (90 US$) / hr for remote work, 95 € / hr in Cologne (Germany) area

Development Strategy: Use the best tool for the job, not the shiniest. Add value as early as possible without compromising performance or security.

SEEKING WORK - Toronto/Remote, willing to visit

I'm a full-stack software engineer with 12 years of experience, including Endeca, Vine (Twitter), and as the tech lead for Search at Shutterstock Images. I'm available for full or part-time work. I also have a bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Waterloo.

I can build a web application from front to back, providing guidance to plan a simple, iterative implementation that meets your needs. I can also lead a team of engineers.

I also have DevOps experience at TunnelBear and Vine (Twitter). Most of my experience has been building scalable web applications, making build systems and doing configuration management, and React web apps.

  * Java, Scala, Python, JavaScript + TypeScript
  * React, Redux, Angular, Spring Boot, Django
  * Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Heroku
  * ElasticSearch, Solr, Redis, MySQL, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, MongoDB
  * Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Chef, Puppet
  * GitLab Continuous Integration
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/nhooey/

Email: nhooey at gmail.com

SEEKING WORK, anywhere, remote


Location: Thailand

Willing to relocate: Perhaps, depending on compensation and location

Technologies: iOS & Android (Swift, Objective-C, Java, C#, Jenkins, shell scripting, testing, Ruby, git)

Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/resume/download?savedResumeId...

Email: wolfgang.schreurs@gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/wolf81

StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/250164/wolfgang-schreurs

I speak fluent Dutch & English. I've been a mobile developer for almost 10 years. For the last year I've worked remotely through Codementor for a US client. My going rate at the moment is at least 55 USD per hour for remote work. Even though I am a primarily mobile developer, I'd also be open to positions as tester (including test automation) as I have also some experience in that area. I am mostly interested in full-time (40 hours / week) remote positions.

  Location: US
  Remote: Yes
  Technologies: Swift, JS, C#, React, Rx*, Design.
  Email: dylan[@]bvr.group
I am a Developer (Swift, JS, Ruby, Obj-C, React, Rx*, MobX, Hyperapp, Elm), and Designer (Interaction Design/UI/UX). I typically consult on or perform the following:

- macOS/iOS Design & Development: Development, prototyping, design.

- Front End Design & Development - Prototyping, production, management, I've also setup processes for growing teams and established best practices for new hires.

- Product Design: Strategy, best practices, interaction design, ui design, iconography, marketing.

- Data Visualization: Static or Interactive, web, mobile, video.

- GIS: ARC GIS, Google Maps, Mapbox, interactive and time based visualizations.

https://bvr.group | http://www.linkedin.com/in/dylanrw | http://github.com/dylan | http://dribbble.com/dylanrw

SEEKING WORK - Istanbul, Turkey / REMOTE

Hi, I'm a full-stack developer with 10 years of experience. I worked on a wide range of projects with clients from mostly English speaking countries. Currently available. Would like to work on your MLPs (Minimum Lovable Product).

I try to work on my clients projects like they're my own and strive to do best both technically and business-wise. The thing needs to launch, but first impression matters too.

- MSc in CompSci

+ JS (React + MobX, FeathersJS, Node.js, Vanilla ES5+)

+ HTML5 (Offline Apps), CSS (Sass, CSS Modules)

+ PHP (Laravel, WordPress, Symfony)

+ Python (Data Wrangling, NLP, Scrapy), Conversion Optimization, UX, App Performance, Solr, Selenium, RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MySQL), NoSQL, Software Architecture, Docker, DevOps

I am open to interesting and challenging work, involving research and learning.

You can see some reviews about my work here: https://gasoved.github.io/testimonials/

As sample work, a side project of mine: https://metacopter.com

My rate is $50 per hour and can work up to 20 hours per week.

Feel free to drop me an email: gasoved [at] gmail

SEEKING WORK | Remote Only (located in Atlantic Timezone, ET+1)

Full stack Rails developer with tons of product management experience.

My sweet spot is helping a non-technical executive / founder with deep domain experience who is funded and needs to build a version 1. B2B SaaS is my specialty.

I've worked with the CEOs of Predictable Revenue and Headphones.com, and brands like ESPN. A recent success includes working with a client CEO to take his idea from napkin to $130M in revenue.

Been building and shipping software professionally for 18 years, on Rails for 11, and consulting remotely for 10+. My clients like my approach because it's pragmatic, thoughtful, and focused on business growth: I've run three B2B SaaS businesses (and sold two of them). I see technology as a leveraged tool for growing a business, not an end in itself.

Looking for projects that are ready to start soon. Ideal project is B2B SaaS with a budget of US$20k+.


- Product Management (customer interviews, product strategy, prioritization, speccing, working with dev to ship, reporting on success)

- Ruby on Rails

- Javascript, jQuery


- MySQL, Postgres

- Web APIs (in particular I've worked with GitHub, Stripe, Slack, and Intercom in depth)

Email: hn@reemer.com


What I Do

I work with established businesses to solve their problems through custom software. Typically this is building a customized CRM to store and act on your specialized data once you’ve outgrown spreadsheets and off-the-shelf CRM products.

I can take you from initial problem realization all the way to a minimum viable solution, with maintenance and further enhancement available once the solution is in use. I have over 7 years of professional experience handling everything from small one-trick-pony billing apps to CRMs that manage an entire company from the ground up.

I don't just build something and then disappear, I want to be a long-term partner that grows your business.

What I’m Looking For

Long-term, slow-burn projects. Approximately 10 hours/week. I don't move fast and break things, I help improve your business carefully and methodically.

What I’m Not Looking For

* Full-time "whale" clients that need undivided attention to their project.

* Equity

* Brand-new businesses

More Information

Website: http://inceptivecss.com

Portfolio: http://inceptivecss.com/portfolio

Email: jciskey@inceptivecss.com

SEEKING FREELANCER: Electrical Engineer

Do you want to be a part of the EETech Freelance Engineering team? Do you have the technical expertise or experience to develop high-quality content?

From blog articles to advanced research whitepapers, we develop highly technical materials for some of the biggest players in the electrical engineering industry.

Our editors are looking for experienced engineers with impressive writing skills. We take the time to pair your expertise with our extensive roster of programs to ensure your project is the right fit for your skill set and the client’s needs.

Why write technical engineering content for EETech? Our Editorial Team: Not only do we do all of the scheduling, emailing, and administrative work, but your interactions with the client are on an as-needed basis, ensuring you get to focus on the writing and research.

Interested? Send us your résumé, topic ideas, and — if available — technical writing samples to writers@eetechmedia.com



Looking for an experienced Symfony developer to update two in-house applications from Symfony 2.8 to 4.3.

Good communication skills and the ability to work as part of a remote team a must. Availability during Australian EST business hours preferred.

Experience with Zurb Foundation and PostgreSQL advantageous.

How to Apply

Email <job2019@interskilllearning.com> with clear examples of your relevant experience.

SEEKING WORK - Remote, Berlin, World - Content Marketing / Marketer


Are you looking for someone to promote your Tech Startup / Product / Idea? I love to create traction for these sorts of things. Currently I am working with other brands to get out their name. Don't hesitate to reach out to me, someone who is eager to work with you, rather than outsourcing it to a generic agency.


What I do:

- Content Production (Blog, Product, Newsletter, Push Notifications, Social Media)

- Content Marketing Strategies (Long Term SEO Optimization, Newsletter Campaign (e.g. Drip Campaigns), Mailing Lists)

- Landing Page Optimization (.e.g Guidance, SEO, Conversion Rates)

- Dedicated Content Promotion on third-party Platforms (Social Media, Reddit, HN, Niche Websites, Influencer)

- Social Media Channel Optimization / Assistance (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram)

- Landing Page or Blog Setup (e.g. Hosting, Domain Registration, Initial Setup)


I am eager to work with you or your company on these things. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Where you can find out more about me: https://www.iamliesa.com

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE (travel possible) | Los Angeles, CA

I'm a freelance developer with 7 years of experience. I specialize in helping early stage companies bring their ideas to life as new apps and websites. Beyond creating a beautiful app with you, I'll make sure we're measuring the right things so you can get the best outcomes. I build apps to allow quick iteration and short feedback loops. My experience at startups has taught me how to pick the right features to build and validate quickly, which saves you money and time. I can help you integrate marketing, analytics, and sales to get the most out of your creation.

One of the first companies I worked with, SwoopSrch, I helped take their rough idea of what they wanted to an MVP in a weekend. Then I spent a year helping them iterate on the idea. I spent a few years at Rackspace building massively scalable cloud infrastructure. Then, I started as the first engineer at a startup, Triggr Health, building apps to help people in addiction recovery and help with mental health issues. My most recent client was the University of Maryland, who I helped migrate some Flash apps to React and handle some challenging performance issues.

I've got experience with:

- React Native

- React

- iOS/Android native development

- NodeJS

- Javascript and Typescript

- Python

- Django

- OpenStack, AWS, Ansible, DevOps

Website: https://www.nang.io

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshgachnang/

Email: josh@nang.io


Location: Anywhere, remote preferred but will travel. Presence in New York, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Paris.

Resume: https://gist.github.com/ibejoeb/c777a9d899d251e2d7b92725cc83...

Two startups exited; now consulting. Hands-on technologist, engineering leader, and mentor. I like taking over existing projects, especially those that are feeling their ages or otherwise need attention. I especially love database systems. I'll cut your infrastructure cost by improving your data layer. Or let me make you a new ios and Android app with Flutter. Or let me help you onboard your new staff.

I also do compliance, audit, and that kind of thing. I'll wrangle your auditors, reviewers, opinion writers, etc., and make sure they're getting what they need before, during, and after field work. SSAE 16/SOC 1, 2, PCI, HIPAA, and others.

Key tech: Python, JS, Typescript, Django, Flutter/Dart, SQL, GraphQL, Java, AWS infrastructure.

SEEKING FREELANCER | Remote, but can visit Stanford University (San Francisco Bay Area) at least once | iOS Developer (Swift)

StopWatch ADHD Study, Williams PANLab, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine

We are looking for an iOS Developer to improve StopWatch, an iOS and Apple Watch application that can be used by youth and adults with ADHD or other focus problems. We have built a prototype of a real-time biofeedback attention training system, as well as the basic infrastructure to collect movement data to better understand how it relates to attention and ADHD. We are looking for a developer to add new features to the UI and make our data uploading iOS code more robust.

We are looking to bring someone on as a developer for a short-term contract. Interested applicants should send a resume and short introduction to stopwatchproject@stanford.edu


- Prototype and build user interface/haptic feedback

- Optimize data collection pipeline

- Participate in conversations about technical feasibility and project planning


- Experience developing iOS and Apple Watch applications with Swift


I'm a software consultant looking for some help on some of my projects.

One role is for a python data engineer to un-mangle megabyte to gigabyte sized tables. The other is for a JS/React developer.

The ideal candidate will be available 10-20hrs/week with 1-2 for an in-person meeting.

I value resourcefulness, discipline, and empathy over buzz words, brain teasers, and brilliance.

Local to Boston or local to the US? I am interested in your Python Data Engineering role. I live in NYC but have no problem commuting to Boston.

SEEKING WORK / Remote / Based in Los Angeles Designer + Developer

I have 10+ years of experience as a graphic designer and web developer. I create websites, brand identities and marketing material for a variety of companies including startups, agencies and non-profit organizations. In addition to my design skills, I have thorough knowledge of full-stack web development.

DESIGN: websites, mobile apps, logos, banner ads, marketing material, advertising, billboards, trade show displays, packaging, 3D modeling, photo retouching

DEVELOPMENT: HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, Node, PHP, Django, MySQL, Bootstrap, Foundation, REST APIs, Contentful, Webhook, Wordpress, Modx, Git, Grunt/Gulp, <3 Static Site Generators

PORTFOLIO: http://sunderlandstudio.com

LINKEDIN: http://linkedin.com/in/stevesunderland

CONTACT: stevesunderland[at]gmail.com

SEEKING WORK. Embedded Software / DSP / Test Automation / Code Rescue

I can bridge low level and high level work.

I travel frequently between Kalamazoo, MI and the Leuven/Brussels area, so remote+visits preferred. CV and contact info at http://zwizwa.be?hn

Currently looking to fill a small gap (weeks). I'm a quick starter.

Looking for a longer term 50% FTE commitment as well.

Past and current projects are mostly in the field of embedded systems: ASM, C, C++, Rust, on bare bones uC, RTOS and Linux, various architectures. I've ventured into simple analog circuit design and FPGA work on ice40, but my main field is software.

I do code rescue, code cleanup, prototype firmware refactoring. If you're familiar with embedded software you know what this is about.

Apart from the low level exposure, I've had a good dose of Functional Programming in the last 15 years. I use Erlang on embedded Linux, and Haskell and Racket for validation and code generation.

SEEKING WORK | United States | Remote contract work Data analytics, reporting, metrics, and monitoring

I can architect and build the analytics and reporting you need to make full use of your company's data.

Do you need help with application monitoring or infrastructure monitoring? Let's discuss!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heliodor/

Email: heliodor.j+hnh [at] gmail [dot] com

Github: https://github.com/heliodor

If you work(ed) in New York City, check my LinkedIn profile. We probably have some connections in common in the tech ecosystem.

A few keywords for people using search: business intelligence, data analytics, data warehousing, data pipelines, ETL, data visualization, dashboards, reporting, time series, AWS, Redshift, PostgreSQL, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Graphite, TimescaleDB, StatsD, Grafana, Django, Python, D3.js.


Location: Boulder/Denver, Colorado (CO), USA and San Francisco Bay Area, California (CA)

Remote: yes

Technologies: JavaScript (React, Native, Vue, NodeJS), GraphQL, python (Django, Flask, AppEngine)

Résumé/CV: https://www.uplift.agency

Email: hn@uplift.agency


We are product-minded engineers. Build full-stack sites or native-mobile apps and take them to market.

Marius & Paul are engineers turned freelancers who started Uplift to build amazing software and solve complex problems.

As experienced consultants and former founders, we understand tech companies. Running a business is hard. You have to wear many hats. Let us wear the ones we're great at!

We specialize in React, React Native, GraphQL and Django/python.

We’ve worked with companies like Credit Karma, ClearCare, NerdWallet, MIT, Humble Bundle (W11), FlightCar (W13), Mozilla and more.

For more details, previous work, testimonials, please visit: https://www.uplift.agency

SEEKING WORK - Croatia - Remote

Has your developer abandoned the project? Do you need a bug fixed urgently? Need an MVP or a prototype built? Prompt response. Immediate availability. Quick delivery. Money back guarantee

I’m ready to take over the project your developer has abandoned. Can help you fix that bug that makes your business lose money. Would happily help you develop a prototype so you can validate the idea, start selling, or get funding.

Not married to any technology. Used them all. Most versed (but not limited to) at Python, PHP (vanilla, Laravel, Symfony, as well as WordPress, Magento, NextCloud), JavaScript (vanilla JS and NodeJS), Ruby, C#. Worked on integrations and building extensions in Shopify, PropertyWare, Elastix, GSuite, etc. Generally problem solving focused rather than tech stack obsessed. Fine about using whatever gets the job done.

Some of my clients: https://assurasoftware.com https://europeanjewishfund.org https://earnix.com/ https://www.acamica.com/ http://homeriver.com https://ridesharevending.com https://wcf.co.nz https://lightfollowsbehaviour.com

No client is too small. Happy to help small businesses as well as corporations tackle unique issues they are facing.

Prompt response. Immediate availability. Quick delivery

miloszorica1701@gmail.com +385977311912

SEEKING FREELANCER, anywhere, remote only

Looking for experienced network engineer. Familiarity required with IPv4/IPv6, MPTCP, overlay networks (including IPSec, OpenVPN, tinc, PeerVPN, WireGuard, Tor and OnionCat) and Tor onion services (v2/v3). Competitive rate, in Bitcoin. If interested, email <wx13p@firemail.cc> to discuss specifics.


- Full stack front-end / back-end developer / engineer: React, GraphQL, AWS, WordPress

- UI/UX designer: Design systems, works featured in online galleries

In short: I'm transitioning from 10+ years of WordPress / SCSS / BEM stack to React / GraphQL with AWS Amplify / AppSync or a headless CMS backend which might even be WordPress with Gutenberg.

If you are planning to move your old WordPress stack to this new microservices / component era I might be a very valuable help.

On UI/UX design and development: I'm always open to new exciting projects indifferent of tech and stack. What really matters is to create something interesting, unique, which doesn't looks like the other 99%.

More info: http://metamn.io, https://morethemes.baby or in email. Thanks!

SEEKING WORK - Android developer - remote

Hello! I have 7 years of experience in the IT industry, 4 in fast-paced startups (Facebook, Hailo, Deliveroo), often in remote teams. Looking to do freelance work and make valuable business relationships.

Based (usually) in London.

Skills: Android, Android Studio, Kotlin, Java, SQLite, RESTful, RxJava, Dagger 2, CLEAN architecture, MVP, MVVM, analytics, continuous integration, Play Store...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabor-biro-29322b27/

Github: https://github.com/gaborbiro

CV: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XHia7hebAZiWCX9owvM4...

Contact: gabor.biro@yahoo.com

SEEKING WORK | Pacific Timezone | REMOTE (preferred) - timezones any

Completing an IOT + AWS contract gig with one of the major "Big 5" entertainment studios here in Los Angeles, and will be available for remote freelance work of all types (full time, part time, short to mid term to start, longer engagements if it's working). Can be available 10-20 hours to start, with more time later once I've winded down my current gig.

Small to medium size companies would probably be the companies that I can best help with my current skillset - Full Stack JS (12+ years Front End, ~5 years Full Stack), AWS Serverless (Lambda/Kinesis/Redshift/DynamoDB/S3/Athena), AWS CI/CD (Git/CodeBuild/CodePipeline workflow), and legacy LAMP.

Please contact me at john.pangilinan1 (at) gmail.com for info, questions, inquiries, discussions about the problems you're trying to solve.

SEEKING WORK - Based in Cologne, Germany, remote or Europe preferred

I do custom electronics, robotics, and embedded software development - I specialize in quickly turning ideas into prototypes. I've built custom automation equipment for chemistry labs, sensors that are in use in household/utility applications, control circuitry for construction equipment, 3d printing electronics, data acquisition equipment. No project too small. Few projects too large. Deep discounts for open source hardware work.

I would also be happy to come over (anywhere in Europe) and teach any of the above skills to a small group of interested people. I've taught courses in electronic assembly (SMD), 3d printing (building/using printers, iterative 3d model design using programming) and robot design and construction. I've taught courses at several universities, hackspaces, and conferences.


Location: Vilnius (Lithuania), Remote.

We are a three-person full-stack highly professional development team with extensive experience in online advertising and fintech. We can consult on architectural problems, work as a discrete unit or a part of another team on implementing the solution.

Describe us your task, project or idea and we will provide a timely response with estimates and a plan. We offer very flexible rates and will help you with suggestions on how to best optimize the development effort.

Our technology stack: .NET [Core] (C#, F#); ASP.NET; JVM (Clojure, Java, Scala); Python; AngularJS; Vue.js; React; iOS (Swift); AWS (wide range of services); databases: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Datomic, Couchbase, Redis, Event Store.

For contact details please visit: https://www.8bitstudio.dev/


I'm a developer and consultant with a focus on Python-based B2B SaaS web apps. Past clients/projects range from designing and building a Django-based multi-tenant ATS for a client's multi-national bank and retail customers to remediating performance issues in a Flask application resulting in a 50% reduction in hosting costs. Typically work directly with business owners and/or tech leads. Unavailable to fill hourly quotes but happy to chat if you have a specific problem or goal that needs solving.

Tech includes Python, Django, Flask, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Vue, etc.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benlopatin/

Web: https://wellfire.co

Email: ben@wellfire.co

SEEKING WORK | Peoria, IL | Remote


Hi I'm Reuben. An MIT trained data consultant, open source contributor, and speaker. I specialize in creating data-driven web applications, dashboards, and visualizations.

In previous projects I've integrated with and developed backend APIs, customized an open data platform, ported an outdated Angular application to Mithril, created interactive graphs, and automated marketing analytics reports.

Rate: $5k / wk

Tech stack:

* Python (Flask, SQLAlchemy, Pandas, CKAN, ERPNext)

* JavaScript (Node, Express, D3, Leaflet, Mithril, KeystoneJS)

* cloud (Heroku, DigitalOcean, AWS, TravisCI)

* DB (PostgreSQL, SQLite, Memcache, Redis, MongoDB)


* https://reuba.no/about

* https://reuba.no/portfolio

* https://reuba.no/talks

SEEKING WORK - Seattle, WA (Bellevue) - remote yes Statistics Ph.D., Caltech BSCS, 10 year Microsoft (Windows Server dev then Senior Quantitative Manager). I teach University of Washington's intro Statistical Software class (R, Python, SAS, etc.) Specialties within stats/machine learning: finanical risk (I'm a CFA and was on the FRM committee); bioinformatics (thesis and publications on statistical genetics); forecasting/optimization (current consulting work on long term adaptive capacity planning). Very into Bayesian computing and MCMC methods.

Consulting page: RedmondAnalytics.com Resume: https://sergeredmondanalytics.github.io/ra-public/Serge.pdf


SEEKING WORK | Chittagong, Bangladesh (GMT +6) | REMOTE ONLY

Web Application Development, Data Mining & Extraction, Web scraping & Automation.

3+ years of working experience as a Software Engineer. Checkout my Website/Linkedin for works, client feedback/recommendation.

Tech: Python, Selenium, Beautifulsoup, requests, Django, pandas, postgres, Scrapy, git

Work Hours: 10-30 hours (per week)

Website: https://wasi0013.com/

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/wasi0013

Github: https://github.com/wasi0013

* Contact details are available in my [website](https://wasi0013.com).


Location: Vancouver, BC

Remote: yes

I work with early stage and established businesses to solve their problems through software.

Proficient throughout the stack. Long time Ruby and JavaScript developer. Rails since v2. Communication is a strong suit, both with technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Latest project was taking an idea from napkin-stage, speccing and leading development on a non-trivial React Native offline-first iOS app with a Rails backend on a two-man technical team.

Plenty of experience managing deployments on AWS, Heroku, and VPSs. I solve dirty problems that others are loathe to tackle such as upgrading infrastructure/frameworks.

I'm pragmatic with a focus on speed and iteration; the customer/user of the software is always at the forefront of my mind. Two-time founder with one exit.




SEEKING FREELANCER, anywhere, remote only, fixed price

Looking for experienced developer who can deliver a responsive landing page for our webapp. It can be either quite low level with eg a bootstrap template or with a cms. a good loading speed is required. contact oliver@footstock.com for more info.

SEEKING WORK, Big Data Engineer, Primarily Remote (based in Eindhoven, NL)

Strong data engineer who specializes in large-scale distributed systems and streaming pipelines.

Core Skills:

● Stream Processing At Scale: Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming

● Cassandra (Data Modeling, Troubleshooting Performance And Operational Issues)

● Programming Languages: Scala (highly proficient, 8 years exp.), Python (proficient)

Other Skills: Zookeeper, Avro, Airflow, Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes/GKE, JVM tuning for big data.

Educational Background: Computer Science.

Solid experience working remotely.

All of my recent work history (8 years) is exclusively with startups. I have recently architected and engineered the platform and big data pieces of an end-to-end, turnkey ML platform. References upon request.

Profile: https://angel.co/dan-serban

Rate: $135/hour.

E-mail address in the profile.

SEEKING WORK | Karachi, Pakistan | REMOTE

2 years experience with Python, 6 years with SEO and WordPress. Currently working as part-time remote dev with a German startup.

Well versed with web scraping, data mining and transformation. Can build apps using Flask.

Tech Stack: Python (Flask, Pandas, Requests, Selenium), SQLite, WordPress

Website: https://www.kashifaziz.me

Some of the the web scraping / data transformation tasks I performed: https://www.kashifaziz.me/web-scraping-data-mining-services/

Github: https://github.com/kashaziz/

Contact: contact@kashifaziz.me

SEEKING WORK - Remote Freelance


ABOUT ME: For the last 6 years, I helped startups and fortune 500 delivered end-to-end experiences and engaging design, including Dribe, Under Armour, Purina, Pepsi, Mopro...etc. Together, these projects have grown to many millions of active users. Over the years I have helped deliver web and mobile application for clients raised over $5 million in funding.

WHAT I DO: Expert Level UI/UX Design, Company Branding, App Branding, Visual Design, Style Guide.

TOOLS: Sketch, Invision, Adobe XD, Zeplin, Figma, Photoshop.

PORTFOLIO: https://gigijychang.com/


EMAIL: gigiC.Design {at} gmail {dot} com

SEEKING WORK - Boise, ID or remote

I've been a professional web developer for 12 years. I'm primarily a back-end developer with PHP and related techs, but I've done a fair deal of front-end work, system administration, and some iOS development as well. I've worked on a wide range of site types for a wide range of companies over the years. Let's talk and see if I can help your company out as well.

Check out my web site for more about me and some of the things I've worked on: https://albright.pro/

Keywords in no particular order: PHP, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Drupal, WordPress, CodeIgniter, JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Nginx, Ubuntu, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Swift.


Remote: Yes


  - Backend: Nodejs, Laravel, PHP, Express, Ruby on Rails, MongoDB
  - Frontend: React, Redux, Bootstrap, Webpack, Backbone.js
  - Devops:  AWS, Heroku, Google Cloud Engine
  - Mobile: Swift, Flutter, Objective-C, React Native, Kotlin 
  - Database: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MySQL
Resume: https://mobilefirst.in

Email: arpan@mobilefirst.in

Recent Work:

* Building eCommerce platform for Ring Customisation

* Working with NFL & NHL teams Coaching Applications to improve Players Performance (Featured in NYT & WSJ)

* Working on Player Scouting Application for Major Leagues

* Working on ClassPass for Wellness & Health benefits

* Working on Global Skill based Immigration program which works with 16 most popular programs

* Working on AI based Auto Insurance recommendation engine

SEEKING WORK | Waterloo, Canada | Remote Only

I'm available for part-time contracts to help out with SaaS development, UX, and product development strategy.

Personal site: http://www.alexpineda.ca Github: https://github.com/alexpineda

UX user research, UX design, Supporting Product teams in creating strong project plans and development strategies, ensuring the right problem is being solved and in a manner that suits the business (time vs money). I'm a creative synthesizer and work well with detail oriented people. Outside of my work I've recently released two Twitch.tv extensions as a hobby.

SEEKING WORK | Philadelphia, PA or Remote

I specialize in backend web programming using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL. On top of that, I can do a little bit of everything web-related, particularly:

- frontend (JS, jQuery, basic React)

- AWS (EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, RDS)

- Docker

- databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Redis, Elasticsearch)

- microservice architecture (if necessary!)

- Linux administration

My experience at startups has helped me learn how to build systems, and how to keep them running, simply and with minimal resources.

My latest project is a chess training site at https://www.checkmatechamp.net/ . That site runs on the Google Cloud Platform and uses Python and PostgreSQL on the backend. The frontend is a mix of vanilla JS and OCaml (using js_of_ocaml).

Contact: tomplick AT gmail.com


Highly experienced VP of Engineering & Blockchain consultant.


* Crypto/Blockchain - building Crypto infrastructure (multiple Blockchains), customized libraries and APIs, as well as front-end (MetaMask) solutions - Highly motivated to continue working with this.

* NodeJS/Meteor/SailsJS

* Serverless (going heavy on that one)

* Cloud technologies (AWS/Azure/GCP)

* Wordpress/CodeIgniter/Yii/Drupal (Components, Hacks, Themes) - less motivated, unless truly cutting edge (or WP VIP projects)

* CI & Unit testing - Jenkins, Mocha & Karma for JS, Toast for PHP, as well as Selenium

* Django (general Python too) - to a lesser extent

Seeking: Challenging projects. Most recently worked extensively with Serverless & AWS APIs, building cloud-related prototypes, before that worked as an AngularJS specialist.

Example work: Upon request

Location: EU

Contact: dev (at) azdv.co

URGENTLY NEEDED: React Native Engineer (Remote)

Company: US Software Development Company Work Type: Remote, Part-time or Full-time Working Hours: 9:00AM to 6:00PM Pacific Standard Time Working Days: Mondays to Fridays

Job Duties:

- Build React Native applications using Expo - Build stateless functional react components - Work with Redux + Saga

Job Requirements:

- At least 5 years of experience working with JavaScript(ES6)/TypeScript - At least 3 years of experience working with React + Redux - Previous experience working with React Native or Expo - Basic programming fundamentals - Bonus Points: - Live application in the App Store - CI/CD Experience - Computer Science Background - Experience working with Apple App Store or Google Play store

Pls submit your application to email: tony@superteam.io

SEEKING WORK | Mexico | Remote

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS.

Résumé: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marc-abonce-seguin/

Email: marc-abonce @ mailbox . org

GitHub: https://github.com/MarcAbonce

I'm a web developer from Mexico looking for freelance or remote gigs. I'm a junior developer experience-wise, but I can still build a good web application that will fit your user's needs. I can also learn any web/MVC framework fairly quickly, so I'm not limited to the technologies mentioned earlier.


Location: Boulder, Colorado

Remote: Preferred

Technologies: JS/ES6, SASS/CSS, GitHub, WordPress, PHP, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Development

Résumé/CV: See Linkedin and my web portfolio.

Email: tuckertriggs(at)gmail.com

Website: https://tuckertriggs.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/tuckertriggs

Github: https://github.com/tuckpuck

Front-End web developer currently specializing in building custom websites. I can build static websites or custom WordPress themes. Experienced working collaboratively and building with clients.

SEEKING WORK | New York, NY | Remote Ok

Over a decade of experience building digital products. I’m a juror at The FWA and also had experience as a teacher for React's Nanodegree program for Udacity.

I’m available for part-time freelance work; project-based or mentorship/consultancy opportunities.

Some of my recent client work features Apple, Epic Games, Oscar Health and T‑Mobile.

Technology I use the most these days are React/React Native, Electron, TypeScript, GraphQL, Node.js and AWS. I also have experience with Clojure and am very interested in distributed systems.

Email, GitHub and more information available on my website: https://rinaldi.io


We're a small, US-based (NY) software development agency with senior consultants mostly from Europe (Europeans not too shabby :), actually they are really good) so that it's cost-effective for your company.

Let's meet in NY and discuss your project idea.

Website: https://devsdata.com/ Email: general@devsdata.com


    • Web: ReactJs | Vue | ES6/7 | TypeScript | Redux | Node.js | Express.js | AngularJs | HTML5 
    • Back-End: Python | Go Lang | NodeJS
    • Cloud: AWS | Docker | S3 | EC2 | RDS | Google Cloud
    • Mobile: iOS | Android
    • ... and others

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE | Technical Content Writing

I write programming tutorials and other technical content to help your company's blog, email list, or other publication deliver fresh, original, and quality content.

Contact philip@kiely.xyz

Recent work:

An article for FloydHub: https://blog.floydhub.com/introduction-to-genetic-algorithms...

An article for mkdev: https://mkdev.me/en/posts/how-to-send-sms-messages-with-aws-...


Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For part of the year

Technologies: Javascript (Node.js), Go, Python, Haskell, C, Java, and more

Resume: I keep an up to date resume at Toptal: https://www.toptal.com/resume/marcos-pereira (you don't have to hire me through them)

Email: marcospereiradev@gmail.com

Backend developer working a lot with Node.js, but also love Python and Go. Have worked on many projects with big companies, led small developer teams, modernized legacy systems, and worked on a browser extension that identified twitter bots using deep learning. Happy to try out new technologies.

SEEKING WORK | Infrastructure & Backend Engineer | Remote (USA-based)

10 years' experience in all things infrastructure:

+ Servers/API and databases

+ Cloud architecture (inc. AWS & GCP)

+ DevOps, CI/CD/testing, monitoring

+ Java, Python, Bash / scripting / configuration

+ Keeping the lights on

Most importantly, I tell clients my top two technical skills are 1) listening, and 2) delivering.

I'm open to any kind of project centered on making your infrastructure work, so please reach out if you'd like to chat.

Yash Parghi

Email: yash@daybydaycoding.com

CV: https://yashparghi.files.wordpress.com/2019/05/parghi-cv-1.p...


I've been a professional marvelling and growing the IT industry since 2011 and I'm currently seeking freelance Laravel backend work. Ping me for 1-6 month projects and expect my rate to be 30-100$/hr.

Keywords: PHP, Testing, Selenium, Wordpress, Typo3, JS, Jquery, UML, Win, Bash, Embedded (arduino, raspi), Laravel, IntelliJ, AWS, IAM, EC2, RDS, Route53, Agile, homestead, vi, gi, composer, ssh, postman, coaching, team, feedback.

Email: ciuculescu.andrei.dev@gmail.com

More info: https://anrei0000.github.io/cv

SEEKING WORK | Chicago, IL (or Remote US) | Backend Architect/Engineer (.NET)

Experienced web developer (20 years)

- ASP.NET (including ASP.NET Core), SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, GraphQL, Hangfire, Kafka

- Extensive LLBLGen Pro experience

- Docker and virtualization

- Continuous Deployment with Octopus Deploy

Email: steve [at] smwsoftware LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/underwhelmed/ CV/Resume: https://stackoverflow.com/cv/swright33

SEEKING WORK - Florianópolis - Remote preferred

I'm a developer who specializes in building scrapers and crawlers. I can either build them from the ground up, or help optimize crawlers you already have.

I build fast and efficient crawlers by analyzing the scraped source and determining best possible method for it; be that parsing HTML, querying APIs directly or using webdrivers optimized to run headless and skip downloading unnecessary resources such as tracking scripts and images.

My preferred tool is Python, but I'm comfortable if some interop is necessary too.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have.

Contact: my username at gmail.com.



We are a team of two who do heavy full stack lifting with Clojure/ClojureScript as a primary weapon of choice.

Experience so far in financial, maritime, media, social, gamedev, CRM, online marketplaces, cryptocurrency/blockchain exchanges.

Classic vertical apps, distributed messaging and streaming systems, microservices. A lot of Datomic under the belt. iOS/Android upon request.


Website: https://immute.co

Email: stan@immute.co

Phone: +442080896901

Keywords: Functional, Clojure, ClojureScript, Datomic, Java, Python, RabbitMQ, AWS, NixOS, Wolfram, Mathematica, backend, frontend.



Website: https://aqil.dev/

Email: see website

Languages: English

Location: Toronto, Canada


Hello HN, I'm available part time, with an availability of 10-20 hours/week. Experience as a data scientist and data engineer. Recently worked with Go, Python, SQL, R, various visualization tools. I typically consult on:

- Algorithm design/analysis

- Data science


- Data visualization

Check out my site at https://aqil.dev/ and get in touch if you think there is something I can help with! We can start with a sample project and move forward from there. -A

SEEKING WORK. Amsterdam based, remote opportunities welcome. NodeJS, React, GraphQL, AWS Lambda. Javascript, Typescript.

Developed Adidas.com Pdp, banking middleware services, dashboards. Interested in graph databases and working more on the backend/nodejs side of things.

Cv: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11xPxAhExhmyNLZh37ATEOTc2...

I speak: English, German, Italian, French, Dutch

Rates are current market rates. Average of 80 eur/hr.

+31643998429 David.leonardi@gmail.com


Location: Eastern Europe

Remote: Yes

Résumé/CV: https://gildedhonour.me

Email: https://nullurl.xyz/7jykCWMr


Hi, I'm Alex. I'll solve your problem in building custom software for you. Mostly I create with web apps.

Other areas I've been working in and interested are:

1) security

2) machine learning

3) marketing


My latest projects are 2 e-commerce stores I've built from zero, they're live. Full list:



Do you feel like you should be growing faster?

Are you mostly winging it when it comes to marketing your product?

Lack focus for your marketing initiatives?

I can help your B2B SaaS business sell your product to more software engineering teams. I'm uniquely able to help you because I'm both a software engineer and marketer. That allows me to understand your product, speak your language, and write code to scale your marketing.

I'm available part-time for one project in a couple of weeks and more in the coming months.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, I can be reached via the email in my profile.

SEEKING WORK | Remote | Application Security Engineering

We love challenging and interesting projects! Our focus has been testing web applications, and prefer white box testing. Projects have ranged from:

- Threat modeling systems to mitigate risks against nation state actors

- Reviewing protocols relying upon cryptography to recover or forge messages

- Uncovering memory corruption vulnerabilities in routers

- Reporting serious vulnerabilities in investment applications allow attackers to steal money

- Much, much, more!

Email us as at info@oneupsecurity.com for any interesting projects you are looking to secure, or just if you would like to network.


I have always been attracted to building things, finding that mix between good design and a great idea. I see myself as a product person first. A senior iOS developer by day and part-time creative by night. Lifelong hyperactive, details advocate and pixel-perfect lover. Feel passion for everything that comes from startups and moving-forward thinking.

• Into iOS development since 2012.

• Into Design since 2016.

Location: Uruguay (GMT-3), South America.

Remote: Yes, please.

Willing to relocate: Yes (the US only).

Portfolio: http://pabloepiscopo.com

Email: pabloepi14@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote I'm a freelance web developer based in Morocco. I do specialize in front-end web development and can also build simple backend applications. Stack/Technologies:

• React/Redux

• Vue.js

• HTML5/CSS3/Sass ...

• (A bit of) Django

My portfolio can be found here : http://www.mrassili.com

You can also check my repositories on Github : https://github.com/mrassili

I am available for freelance projects/contracts right now.

You can reach me via hi@mrassili.com


Currently I have part time availability of 10—20 hours/week

  - React Native
  - iOS (Swift, Objective-C)
  - Web and Node.js 
  - UI/UX
  - Docker/DevOps
  - Postgres
https://dribbble.com/mromanuk | https://erudito.io | https://pixdeo.com

Let's talk martin@pixdeo.com

SEEKING WORK | Bay Area | Remote is chill

Hello, I am looking for junior positions in machine learning / data science roles. I recently graduated from Berkeley in applied math, and I just finished studying under Google engineers in a 10 week applied machine learning intensive. I'm highly motivated to work.

Skills : + Python + Java + Javascript + Node.js + TensorFlow + Keras + HTML + CSS + Linux&bash

Resume/CV : https://tinyurl.com/y2rzsp5w

Email : spikej50@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK. UK Based, remote. NodeJS, React, CSS. 20+ years experience, fully recovered Flash developer. Worked on everything from microsites to large scale UI frameworks for startups/corporate.


  . Javascript, React, Redux, Redux-saga, Preact etc etc 
  . CSS/JS animation 
  . NodeJS 
  . A little Python, learning more all the time 
  . CSS, responsive, PostCSS, SASS, LESS 
  . Contentful, Netlify, Docker etc
Available NOW, full or part time. Rates ~£45/hour

Remote only unless you're in South West UK.




Role: UI/UX Design & Branding ·· Portfolio: http://bit.ly/jeanm-portfolio ·· Name: Jean Massad ·· Email: jean@lftmda.com ·· Languages: Spanish & English


Over 5 years of UI, UX and Branding work specifically with startups in Healthcare, eLearning and Lifestyle companies. I enjoy taking responsibility through the full product lifecycle.

I work with Sketch, Figma, Invision, Zeplin and Adobe Creative Suite.

Feel free to email!


Remote: yes

Stack: Rails/React/Postgres/AWS.

Friday (fridayfeedback.com) is async communication software for teams who want to spend less time in boring status update meetings and more time doing deep work. We're rebuilding the app and could use some help :)

Specifically, we could use some help us with backend engineering/architectural decisions. I'm flexible on hours and when you work, but for the Summer, up to 20 hours/week would be ideal.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to talk more luke [at] myfridayfeedback [dot] com.


15+ years full-stack JavaScript/node.js developer.

Location: Wuhan

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Website: https://blog.kazge.com/

github: https://github.com/imhazige

medium: https://medium.com/@imhazige

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/imhazige

Email: imhazige@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Certified AWS Solutions Architect

| Node.js AWS Python | REMOTE

Currently I'm available for a gig between 10 and 20 hours/week.

I'm based in Europe (EU).

I've got experience with:

- Vue.js/Node.js full-stack applications and RESTful APIs

- Terraform and Cloudformation

- AWS consulting, implementation and devops

My Github: https://github.com/spejss My Node.js course on Udemy: https://udemy.com/kurs-nodejs/

Email: miki@mikiwawrzyniak.com

SEEKING WORK | US citizen | Remote only (or Guadalajara)

Tech: The past 5 years, I've mostly been working on server applications with Node + Postgres and web client applications with React or Elm.


I've been the first hire of the largest bitcoin casino. I've built a popular forum from scratch with Node. I'm open to short-term work and longer term work, part-time work and full-time work.

Just shoot me an email: danrodneu@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Remote (live in NYC Area, but travel frequently to UK)

I'm an ASP.Net/C# web and product development consultant. 13 year of experience. I built (at the time) the most used SaaS tools in the SEO industry. Available for hourly or project based consulting.

Résumé/CV: http://jeremyaboyd.micro.blog/uploads/2019/dd75fda14e.pdf

Email: hello at jeremyaboyd dot com

SEEKING WORK - Regina, Canada - 100% Remote

I am one of few people in the world who excels at both building and writing. I’m currently working on another startup, but I’m looking for freelance writing work to bring in some money.

My greatest gift as a writer is taking complicated technical concepts and making them easy to understand and engaging. My background in startups has blessed me with years of experience writing sales copy for technical products - I know what works and what metrics to measure.


SEEKING WORK | Remote === I can devote 10-15 hrs per week. I am looking for PoC or RnD kind of work in Data science, Automation or tooling(linux at present) I am comfortable with Linux, JavaScript, Golang, Java, C and Web Technologies like Css, Html, WebAPIs etc. If you are reading or building anything from CS technical papers let me know, I would like to be part of it

GH Profile: github dotcom neophyt3 E-Mail: pradeepchauhan91 at gmail dotcom

PS: I am not into web page or web design kind of work

SEEKING WORK. Based in Frankfurt - open to remote.

Worked with python for the last four years. The last two I've worked with Django. Also able to tackle frontend challenges but backend is where I shine.

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathansundqvist/ Personal site https://www.argpar.se

SEEKING WORK | Uruguay, South America | Remote

We are Hattrick (https://hattrick-it.com), a boutique mobile apps development shop based in Uruguay.

We are looking for cool projects to collaborate on.

You can see some case studies here: https://hattrick-it.com/work

Email me at martin@hattrick-it.com if you want to chat about a possible project or just connect.

SEEKING WORK | California | Remote

Technologies: GIS analysis, d3, javascript, python, web mapping

Résumé: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-erichsen-6752573/

Email: christen.erichsen @ gmail . com

Environmental scientist with water quality and pollution + GIS expertise, recent into business intelligence. Build B2B SaaS application in beta. Strong proficiency with web mapping solutions.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (from Poland) - Fullstack Developer

I'm full stack developer with more than 6 years of experience. My primary technology stack includes: Python, Django, JavaScript VueJS. You can find more on me, technology and projects I'm developing on http://napcode.eu/pawel

I'm interested in part time offers up to 25 hours per week.

I prefer to work around standard working hours in CET.

SEEKING WORK | Austin, TX | Remote Only

I'm available for project based work, architecture design, or mentoring. 8+ years experience. Front-end/Back-end/Database. Both large companies and start-ups

email: inquiries+hn@eastaustinsoftwareconsulting.com


  - Backend: Nodejs, .NET WebAPI, C#, Entity Framework, ADO.NET, SQLAzure
  - Frontend: Angular, VanillaJS, Webpack
  - Devops: GitHub, Visual Studio Online
  - Platforms: Web, Azure, Chrome Extension

SEEKING WORK | American currently in Europe REMOTE | Business Intelligence Analyst / Business Analyst

I am a business analyst who specializes in working with SMBs to implement business intelligence tools.

Dream gig: Working with a company providing mid-market supply chain planning solutions.

Available up to 25/hrs a week


  *  Power BI / Tableau, etc.
  *  SQL
  *  ETL
  *  R
  *  Python (if needed, not my specialty)
email: tstein.prog@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Indianapolis, IN, USA | Remote

Messaging and real time collaboration using XMPP, WebRTC, and distributed databases (i.e. CouchDB, Riak).

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Elm, Haskell, Erlang, XMPP, iOS

GitHub: https://github.com/ericnething

Website: https://levelsaga.com/

Email: eric@levelsaga.com


I am data analyst with expertise in Advance Excel, Python, SQL,R,SAS,HTML5, CSS,Bootstrap,Java. Machine Learning is my current love and we are deeply in love. Pro at creating dashboards, visualisation and websites.Currently in Melbourne,Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes(Canada & US only)

Website: https://cheesepotato.github.io/

Email: m.ravi2963@gmail.com.com

SEEKING WORK - Canada Remote

Experienced with building business analytics solutions using python, R, SQL and VBA. I love automating business problems and designing new processes that take business to the next level.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Website: https://edimaudo.com

Github: https://github.com/edimaudo

SEEKING FREELANCER | TypeScript/Node | REMOTE (US Timezones) Looking for someone with significant Typescript experience (or at least a lot of NodeJS). Ideally with TS/Node on the backend, front end is good too.

This is a paid, part time position. Side hustle ok, though this company is ramping up and the position will like turn full time.

Remote is fine, but need to work US timezones.

Email me at jobs@backstop.it for more information!


I am a French independent data engineer and software developer.

I extract - transform - analyse data for big companies (L'Oréal, ...) or institutions (UCSF, ...).

I use R/PowerBI and NodeJS/C#/python.

We can start on an initial 3-day test project on a data pain point and build the relationship !

More on my website: https://www.geoquants.com sylvain@geoquants.com

SEEKING WORK - US Remote - Full-stack Developer

I’m a full-stack developer with over 9 years of experience working on web applications. My expertise is working with React and Rails, but I’m proficient with PHP and Elixir. I've also worked extensively in e-commerce and can help with any Magento or Shopify projects.

Happy to talk with you about your project, you can contact me at the email below.

Location: Orange County, CA

Email: david@diweirich.com

SEEKING WORK | Reno, Remote

We are two freelancers, technology & marketing, specializing in strategy, and productizing our integrated PPC + Landing Page offerings. Significant experience in international e-commerce and major marketplaces.

Especially interested in finding additional US partners in LA & Phoenix, and European partners in Berlin & Budapest, where we co-locate ourselves regularly.

SEEKING WORK - Europe/Remote

Python/Django Expert, 7+ years

Django-Channels (1.x/2.x), Celery, Scrapy, DRF React/jQuery

https://www.linkedin.com/in/slyapustin/ https://github.com/inoks/


Artistic research, experimental UI/UX, frontend development.

Portfolio: https://rybakov.com/

Example: https://rybakov.com/blog/open_tabs_are_cognitive_spaces/

Mail: michail@rybakov.com


We're the produktmacher, a digital product agency from Munich. We do product management, design, tech & data. We're experts in AWS, node.js, react & react native. Looking for remote work. Get in touch:

+49 089 / 18946540




Location: Sonoma, CA

Remote: Yes

Technologies: Currently, I'm enjoying working with Go, Rails, React, Next.js, and Kubernetes.

Portfolio: https://www.lukeheuer.com/portfolio/a7f

Résumé/CV: Please email some project details so that I can provide a resume outlining my relevant experience and skills.

Email: luke@heuerlabs.com

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE (Will match your time zone)

Profile: Software architect, Full-stack web developer (NodeJS/ReactJS), Blockchain Engineer

Github: https://github.com/devzl

Hi you, if you want someone to take on your project and develop it from grounds up, then I'm your man, contact me!

Contact: ledevzl@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK If anyone needs a combination of great content creation (writing, design) + data science (python, pandas, sql, web scraping, etc.) + ability to create beautiful visualisations and putting it all together into unique data-backed articles, studies, white-papers etc., I'm free for remote: winedynamo@gmail.com


I'm a software engineer with 15 years of experience in various areas including graphics, image processing, GPU programming, and performance optimization.

Technologies: C, C++, Python, CUDA, Common Lisp

Email: info@nathan-weston.com Web site: https://nathan-weston.com


Experienced DevOps Engineer and consultant looking for part time work. I can help you with cloud automation using tools like Terraform, Server Configuration with Ansible and Chef or with setting up complete CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins, CircleCI or Travis.

Email: morettirenaud@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Full stack web | Berlin, Germany or REMOTE

20 years of experience in building web applications for small agencies, startups and large corporations.


- Modern JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Node, NPM

- React, Redux, Vue, Vuex

- Scala, Java, Ruby


- Docker, OpenShift, DevOps

- Project/ppl management


- SoundCloud

- Gawker Media

Available NOW, full & part time

marton@salomvary.com | https://salomvary.com/

> "building web applications for over 20 years"

You built a "web application" in 1999? Would love to hear more.


Looking for an expert for Android NDK / CMake to port an existing C++ project to Android. More information here: https://www.upwork.com/jobs/~01602382ea2d19bf06

Looking for ( H1B opportunity ⋃ Remote research ⋃ volunteering ⋃ scientific adviser )∈{ science ⋃ robotics ⋃ computer vision} https://www.viziochron.com contact: andre ⋃ domain of the startup above

SEEKING WORK - Brazil | Remote available for full time if needed

Full Stack Developer

- React, jQuery - NodeJS, PHP - Docker - MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB - UI/UX - Sketch / Adobe XD - GraphQL

I can build systems from the from the ground up, I’m interested in Golang and pentesting

Contact: navas.souza at gmail.com for sample projects and designs


SEEKING WORK | Calgary, Canada | Remote

Seasoned macOS/iOS Developer looking for a new challenge!

Technologies: Swift, ObjC, Core Data, Core Audio, AR Kit, Rest kit, Android (Java).

Website: http://montagetech.com

Email: info[at]montagetech[dot]com

SEEKING WORK | Location: Seattle, WA | Remote

Are you an eCommerce company who is looking to save money on hosting through extensive automation?

Working with iOffer[1], an established eCommerce platform, we cut their hosting costs by 80%, while matching the previous hosting provider's SLA. This added up to more than $500,000 per year in hosting cost savings.

Here's what iOffer's CTO had to say about the outcome of our work together:

> “If you point to any particular piece of our infrastructure, Fuzzy Logic has improved it. Everything is automated – all the provisioning, new services. We have a complex setup with all the applications, databases, storage and search servers. Fuzzy Logic set it up in a way that we’ll be able to continue to grow each of the services.” – Ian James, iOffer CTO

As the Principal of Fuzzy Logic, a Seattle-Based DevOps consultancy, we have deep experience in providing our clients with the business results they need through technical solutions:

- Infrastructure deployment - Code-checking/deploy - CI/CD - Best practices for on-premise or public cloud management

Clients who have worked with use have experienced great results, including:

+ Savings in excess of $1.4M/yr through environment-wide migrations from Rackspace fully-managed hardware to a private-cloud Openstack environment

+ A 33% savings from previous OpEx through optimizing public-cloud spend, replacing expensive SaaS products with internal services, etc

+ An 85% reduction in 'time to first commit' for DevOps engineers (going from two weeks to two days) through improvements to documentation and optimizations to the onboarding process

You can read more about the outcomes we've helped our clients achieve through technical solutions here: https://fuzzy-logic.org/page/project_sections/

## Your Next Step

If you're an eCommerce company that's looking for help achieving business results through technical solutions, let's have a conversation about where your business is going and what we can do to help get you there.

Contact Fuzzy Logic at hnhireme (at) fuzzy-logic.org.

[1]: https://www.fuzzy-logic.org/file/FuzzyLogic-iOffer.pdf


I'm available for React and React Native projects.

Some of my works can be found here: http://goshakkk.name/works/

Contact: hey@workwithgosha.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote/SF/Missouri

iOS - Android - Mobile - Web - Design - Machine Learning

Portfolio & Information: http://quarkworks.co

Contact: contact@quarkworks.co



16+ years of web dev, and just completed another Firebase project for a fintech.

SEEKING WORK, Remote work possible, India iOS Developer with 4.5 years of experience and with 7-8apps on appstore and work on 10-12 apps which are developed in swift and objective-c.

SEEKING WORK Location: Atlanta GA, USA Remote: Yes Technologies: Python 2&3, Django (DRF)

I specialize in building software that works. Years of experience in Startup and Enterprise projects.


SEEKING WORK South Africa Remote yes

Agile product manager / leadership. UX minded. Product research, planning and execution. Bridging the gap between technical and commercial.

Website: yonibalkind.carrd.co


Bargain PHP / JS work offered from the UK.

I'm looking for work to gain experience and build a stronger portfolio. Cheap rates can be negotiated, or fixed fee for project work.

I am able to work with:





Large or small projects considered.

Email: bargainphpdeveloper@protonmail.com


Generalist developer, checkout my portfolio: https://legdaytech.com/

Contact: mark@legdaytech.com

SEEKING WORK | Hungary | REMOTE only | Fixed price only

15y+ experience with various technology stacks, recently angular/node.

If your project is stuck in any way, contact me, we will figure it out.


San Francisco or Remote

Hi there! I am a product designer at BuzzFeed and am available for part time freelance work.

Portfolio: nogaraviv.com

Contact: ravivng at gmail dot com


Need some Android UI development work and a beautiful landing page for an app we are building. Email in profile.

Want to talk shop with a B2B marketing specialist? I'm up for it.

I've scaled online customer acquisition campaigns for 9+ years for companies from seed stage to post-IPO. I specialize in leadgen and B2B/SMB targeting, but have clients in a variety of verticals. Some companies I've worked with include Zenefits, Segment, MasterClass, Wyng and OnDeck.

Just email me from the profile address.


Location: SF

Remote: Maybe

Relocate: Sure

Tech: 10/10 on the generalist scale, full stack, ML, NLP, DLT, hardware, R, Flink, C++

Edu: Reedie, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science

Edge: Translating between biz/design/product and hackers; empathic egalitarian intellectual

Preference: Creative/edu/science missions + offbeat projects + something different.

Nope: Anything eyeballs/funnels/conversions, treating users like cattle. Except in DLT.

Lineage: Son of a Sun+SGI+LLNL engineer so I grew up reading and re-reading Christopher Alexander, Donald Norman, Douglas Hofstadter, and doing weird LISP things. Years at a Zen monastery. Since CogSci+PhilSci curriculum is about abstracting the gory detail of how people think and collaborate, I have some X-ray vision normally absent from tech teams.

Email: ycomb@pm.me

SEEKING WORK | Edinburgh, UK or remote | Web & mobile software consultant

Portfolio: https://www.seanw.org/

Email: sw@seanw.org


Summary: I'm a software consultant with 10+ years of experience who can take your web or mobile project from concept to delivery. I've assisted well known global companies like Just Eat and Triumph Motorcycles, created my own commercially successful apps and have a PhD from Edinburgh University so you can rely on me to deliver high-quality solutions on schedule. I can take charge of requirements gathering, design and development of apps, web services and MVPs as well as giving recommendations on solution design, software architecture and team workflow improvements.


Previous work experience: Full stack development (JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Java, OCaml), modern web frameworks (Express, Vue, React, WordPress, Django), mobile app development (Android, iOS, PhoneGap/Cordova), cloud hosting (AWS, Google, Heroku, Firebase) and website optimisation (performance, security & SEO).


Portfolio: I've independently created two commercially successful apps where I was responsible for the concept, design, development, graphic design, UX and marketing.

- Checkbot for Chrome (https://www.checkbot.io/), a website auditor browser extension that checks 100s of pages at time against 50+ SEO, speed and security web best practices. This included developing a system for subscription based payments and authoring a modern web best practices guide (https://www.checkbot.io/guide/). Technologies: TypeScript, Vue, Node, Express, Firebase, Netlify, Paddle.

[ Rated 4.9/5, 20K+ active users, 100s of paying subscribers ]

- Fresco for Android (see https://www.seanw.org), a digital painting app which was one of the first on the platform to support layers. Features customisable brushes, image filters and robust undo/redo/autosave while being highly optimised for devices with low resources. Technologies: Java, C, JNI.

[ Rated 4/5, 500K+ free downloads, 10K+ copies sold ]


See https://www.seanw.org for my portfolio, client endorsements and more on my background.

Email sw@seanw.org with details about your project so we can arrange a call and work towards a quote. I'll get back to you within one working day.


I am able to work with:




React or mithril js


Email: iamaroott@gmail.com

Join us for AI Startup School this June 16-17 in San Francisco!

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