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Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (June 2019)
88 points by whoishiring on June 3, 2019 | hide | past | favorite | 210 comments
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format:

  Willing to relocate:
Readers: please only email these addresses to discuss work opportunities.

Location: Cologne, Germany

Note! Not looking for full time positions - I only take on project work.

Remote: Yes, strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Embedded C++, Embedded C, Python, Electronics (design, layout, prototyping, testing), 3D printing, electromechanical and robotic design and prototyping

Résumé/CV: Email if needed

Email: kliment at 0xfb.com (yes, with a zero)

IRC: Kliment on the freenode network

I do custom electronics, robotics, and embedded software development - I specialize in quickly turning ideas into prototypes. I've built custom automation equipment for chemistry labs, sensors that are in use in household/utility applications, control circuitry for construction equipment, 3d printing electronics, data acquisition equipment. No project too small. Few projects too large. Deep discounts for open source hardware work.

I would also be happy to come over (anywhere in Europe) and teach any of the above skills to a small group of interested people. I've taught courses in electronic assembly (SMD), 3d printing (building/using printers, iterative 3d model design using programming) and robot design and construction. I've taught courses at several universities, hackspaces, company events and conferences.

Location: Boulder / Denver, CO

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes, USA

Technologies: GraphQL, MySQL, C++ , Matlab, Mathematica, Python, Java, LateX, Atmega micro-controllers, Solidworks, Labview, NI Circuit Design Suite, Lathes, Mills, MIG/TIG welding, Pneumatic Tools, Micro Soldering, Nano-Optics, Spanish, Italian

Résumé/CV: http://heffern.net/rob/ , https://drive.google.com/file/d/18QwC-ra6p_3Nnjmajn9gLK3w77Z....

Email: robert.heffern (at) gmail

I recently completed my MS in Bioengineering at the University of Colorado AMC with an emphasis on super-resolution nano-bio-optics. With my background in engineering and experience developing novel tools and designs, I am excited to help you develop bleeding edge products that improve both scientific research and lives. My 8+ years of experience in bioengineering, applied physics, and research makes me a good fit for your company, and I look forward to discussing the future with you.

resume/drive link seems dead

Location: Northeast Ohio

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Redis, JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Stimulus, Elm

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gZqNiu5EbKWt0jOfS2a88bz...

Email: lleolin@fastmail.fm

I have been using Ruby on Rails since 2006 as both a hobbyist and a professional, in addition to other Ruby frameworks such as Padrino or Hanami. I am seeking challenging problems that engage my creativity and desire to build neatly architected, functional, and well-tested apps. Very open to opportunities to do more front-end development (particularly in React), or move into other languages and frameworks such as Elixir or Phoenix.

Email: c410.f3r -- gmail.com

Latest project: A constrained NP-problem solver compiled to WASM (https://c410-f3r.gitlab.io/mop-wasm-playground/)

Location: Brazil

Remote: Yes

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FEmV_ni0ahOQT19zfkiIdJm14QB....

Technologies: Golang, Java, JavaScript, NodeJS, PHP, TypeScript, Rust, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker, Docker Compose, Eclipse, Linux, Httpd, Nginx, Kubernetes


Bachelor's degree, Web developer for 9+ years, Java developer for 4+ years and Rust developer for 2+ years

  Location: USA, NC
  Remote: Yes, strongly preferred
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python,R,SAS,SQL, Cheminformatics
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lougee
  Email: Lougee.Ryan@gmail.com
Currently writing Chemistry software for the United States EPA. I specialize in Computational Toxicology, and would love to continue doing something similar that can use my expertise. I also have a lot of experience using machine learning and data science in chemistry.

Looking for full remote work, but would also be willing to relocate after September.

  Location: San Francisco, CA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: BOS/NYC/CHI/LA
  Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Elixir, React Native
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-crandell-922530a4/
  Email: Justin.Crandell.Developer@gmail.com
Seasoned software engineer on the lookout for my next opportunity. I love creating tools that improve the lives of everyday people. Industry agnostic. I can find a meaningful challenge in just about anything. Please forward all inquiries/opportunities to email.

Hey Justin, I'm recruiting for a 100% remote react role with a payments app - https://stackraft.com/job/Pay-By-Group/Senior-Front-End-Engi... Let me know if this interests you.

  Location: NY but planning to relocate (see below)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes - OR, WA, CA
  Technologies: JavaScript, React, React Native, Redux, Storybook, Ruby on Rails, SQL, Linux
  Résumé/CV: https://lovescomputers.com/resume/
  Email: ho.yin.cheng at lovescomputers.com
Most recently was a lead instructor at a development bootcamp. Ideally looking to continue in the education space, but am open to any opportunity in software engineering.

Location: Bay Area / San Francisco / San Mateo Remote: not preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes, Seattle & other

Technologies: You are looking for a Data Scientist who is a star with R or maybe a Dev who is a wiz with PostgreSQL, Kubernetes, Ruby, Python, React Native…well unfortunately that isn’t me. But as you have already “command F” to here for one of those terms, stay for another 17 seconds.

You also need someone who can properly represent your up and coming product to potential clients, create marketing materials that drive home your value, run user testing, and generally make sure fires are put out …and work on processes so fewer fires happen.

I cofounded a small startup, made some mistakes with it and learned from them. Previously I ran experiential marketing deployments in the field. Just got back to the US a few weeks ago and now looking to devote my skills and towards creating and enhancing value for a company. Willing to do a deep dive and learn. Travel is ok.

If you/your company is hiring for Business Development, Customer Success, Product Management, Operations, then check out my profile. You get dedicated & hungry coworker and maybe your company gives you that sweet referral bonus money

Linkedin: http://bit.ly/generalist2019

Email: my full name (from linkedin) @ gmail

(feel free to reach out even if not directly hiring)

A few more keywords: product, marketing, sales, advocate

Front-End Angular Developer

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes, remote only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Sass, DOM, JavaScript, ES6/7/8, TypeScript, JSON, AJAX, HTTP, Web APIs, RESTful APIs, Bootstrap, Angular, RxJS, NgRx, Ionic, Angular Material, Wijmo, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor

Résumé/CV: https://nunoarruda.com/resume.pdf

Email: nuno@nunoarruda.com

Looking for: Permanent but part-time (4 hours a day) opportunities

Hi, I'm Nuno, a Result-Oriented Front End Angular Developer with a strong technical skill-set, attention to detail, and 17 years of experience. I have a passion for translating beautiful designs into functional user interfaces and building great web applications.

I actively seek out new technologies and stay up-to-date on industry trends and advancements. Continued education has allowed me to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional work to each employer I’ve worked for.

I've successfully delivered projects like a CSS UI library used by 17,000 employees, a mobile app that has 120,000+ users, and an award-winning payroll system used at 400+ sites. I've done frontend work for Adobe, Webflow, Bayer, among other companies.

I've been working remotely for the last 6 years for clients and companies worldwide. I can be flexible in order to have overlapping working hours with a distributed team.

Location: Manila, Philippines

Remote: Yes (Remote only), I always match my client's timezone

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Elixir, JS (web and node), Postgresql, Docker, Terraform, CSS, sass, html. Fullstack, DevOps, system architecture, learning Rust

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/htavenido/ | PDF available upon request

Email: htavenido@gmail.com

Location: United States, Remote: No, Willing to Relocate: Yes 2 years of software development experience (Full Stack) at Tekzenit Inc.

Education: Masters in CS at University of Florida #8 in Public Universities USA

Bachelors in CS, BITS Pilani #3 in Engineering schools, India.


Programming and Scripting - Java (Proficient), Python, C#, JavaScript, C, R, Shell

Database Technologies- MySQL, Oracle SQL

Relevant Coursework - Analysis of Algorithms, Advanced Data Structures, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Programming Language Principles, Human Computer Interaction

Frameworks - Spring, .Net

Others - Pandas, REST, Agile, Linux, AWS, Jenkins, JSON, JUnit, Tomcat, GIT, SVN, TFS

Resume/CV: https://github.com/prakashpnvps/Resume/blob/master/resume_pr....


Email: prakashpnvps@gmail.com

Location: Greater Seattle, WA area

Remote: Yes/only

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Kubernetes/k8s, Devops, Infrastructure, SRE, automation

Email: jahodges419 - at - gmail.com

Do you find yourself frustrated with a lack of visibility and increase in latency with your K8 clusters?

How about Outages? Downtime? 5XXs thrown out of the blue?

Wouldn't it be great to get back to a time when your infrastructure was just simple, functional, and 'boring'?

If you've taken a look at some of the Real-World Kubernetes Failure Stories[1], you know that with great power comes great responsibility (and great opportunity for spectacular failure).

Your engineers can tell you about that responsibility. They'll tell you that the savings you expected from Kubernetes has been overwhelmed by sunk engineering time troubleshooting, fixing, and maintaining your k8s cluster.

If you're looking for a solution that takes you back to simple, functional infrastructure, we're experts in such migrations. Reach out and send us an email (jahodges419 - at - gmail.com) to start the conversation.

We specialize in migrating your business to a simple, functional, 'boring' platform that Just Works(tm), letting you and your engineers get back to focusing on your product, without worrying when that next opaque 'notReady' error message will come from out of the blue.

If you want to migrate away from Kubernetes back to a simple, stable, reliable platform, then send us an email <jahodges419 - at - gmail.com> to start the conversation.

[1] https://github.com/hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories

Desired Role: Senior Full-Stack Developer or Senior Backend Developer (Rails & React)

Location: Berlin, Germany

Remote: Yes, strongly preferred as I will be leaving Berlin soon.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, Javascript, React, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, Heroku, AWS, Stripe API

Currently learning: GraphQL, Apollo, ELM, Elixir

Portfolio: https://vascoconde.com

Email: vc@vascoconde.com

I’m a full-stack software engineer with a love for taking ideas and turning them into useful products. I started using Ruby on Rails in 2010, and since then it has been my tool of choice when building for the web. I was responsible for shipping a dozen products to market and over the last few years, I've been in positions of technical leadership.

I'm looking to join a small to medium-sized engineering team at a remote-friendly company.

Location: Dallas, Texas Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Javascript (Typescript, NodeJS, Vue, Vanilla), Go, Python, C++, Kotlin, SQL (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite), MongoDB, Redis. Learning Rust, Jenkins. Résumé/CV: https://teksavvy.tech/res.pdf Email: joseph.nakonecznyj@utdallas.edu ---

Full stack + all the nuts, bolts and intangibles (from server provisioning to interpreting the vision of stakeholders). Constrained by class schedule, so remote strongly preferred but on site is workable if schedule is flexible. Personal website still very much a WIP, but see resume link. I like challenging projects and learning new things.

Location: United States

Education: Masters in CS, NYIT Bachelors in CS, University of Pune

Remote: No Preference

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Web Technologies- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs Language- Java, C++, SQL, Python Database- MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle Tools- Eclipse, NetBeans, GitHub, Django

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shellygupta0194/

Email: gupta01shelly@gmail.com

I am a Master's Student, graduated in May 2019. I am looking for a full-time Software Engineering job position. I am proficient in object-oriented languages like Java, Python. I have experience in working with SQL Database and building a web application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

  Location: US
  Remote: Preferred
  Willing to relocate: For established companies
    PHP (Vanilla, Symfony, Laravel), JS (Vanilla,
    Node, React, GraphQL/Apollo), C++, AWS, K8S,
    Linux, DevOps (GitLab/ci, Docker, Puppet, etc), 
    Pentesting, MySQL, Druid, ELK, Serverless,
    JetBrains IDEs <3
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: HN profile
- Primarily a web application developer

- More than ten years experience working B2B

- Seven years working remotely

- Primarily performance-marketing and ecommerce industries

- Brought multiple projects from thought to profit

- Flawless application security track record

Location: Palo Alto, CA/SF Bay Area


Willing to relocate:No

Technologies:Python (Pandas, Numpy, SKLearn, Random Forest, Decision Tree, XGBoost, Seaborn, Matplotlib, plotly, keras),Statistical Modeling: Regression, Classification, Clustering, PCA, NLP, Neural Networks, AWS:SageMaker, SQL,PostgreSQL Résumé/CV:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5nqzOhXfYQjSHlmdE9lSFZPeEJ...


Location: Zurich Switzerland

Remote: Yes, Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Google Certified Trainer and experienced administrator on a variety of EdTech LMS, SIS, MIS, VLEs including G Suite, Powerschool, InResonance, Atlas Rubicon, ManageBac, FinalSite. Fluent on hundreds of iOS and OSX apps, G Suite, Office, Trello, Slack, etc.. Always curious and learning more as tech integration (students and adults) was my job for the last decade and a half.

Résumé/CV: http://www.mpbrady8.com/resumecv.html

Email: mpbrady8 (at) gmail.com

Uncommon, actionable intelligence @ digital ecosystems: Designer and leader of digital ecosystems that organize, inform & inspire actively seeking a new opportunity as a Customer Success/Product/Account Manager. Expertise in explaining and advancing (SaaS) products with c-suite executives, decoding customer needs and leading techno-social integration transformations. Expert at taking immediate action in new environments to create a vision, evangelize, inspire, and lead project teams.

Customer account service and consulting Writing: technical, journalistic and copywriting Disruption & process re-engineering Building teams and processes to leverage data C-suite executive communications Ability to explain and sell (SaaS) products Techno-social integration leadership Feature definition and UX improvement design

Position: Web backend developer, Full stack

Location: Palo Alto, CA

Remote: Possible (USA)

Willing to relocate: California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii.

Technologies: PHP (Yii, Laravel, Zend), MySql, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, git, LAMP, some Node.js (Express), ModgoDB, Python (Django, Scrapy), Swift.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alekseilevin/

Email: mail@alekseilevin.com

Authorized to work in United States for any employer. Highly competent, dynamic and motivated Developer with several years of progressive experience in project management, developing, requirements gathering, communication, database design, program testing as well as problem resolution. A Seasoned Backend PHP Developer with excellent knowledge of PHP 7, PHP frameworks such as Yii, Laravel and Zend, Apache, Ubuntu, MySQL and of course solid frontend skills HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4, JavaScript and jQuery. A versatile Professional possesses a high awareness of practical issues and trends, particularly in regard to accessibility, usability and emerging technologies in the IT Industry. Results oriented professional with proven ability of excellence to get results, conduct researches, ensure adequate supervision and efficiency. Good team player with a strong ability to organize and present complex solutions clearly and accurately.

Location: Nairobi

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Google Ad Suite, PPC, SEO, Analytics, Adwords, Display Ads, Account Strategy, Social Media, Content Creation

Résumé/CV: http://afrikanism.com/cv.pdf

Email: silas@afrikanism.com

I am a highly motivated and confident individual who has a successful track record of making online campaigns profitable, and who also possesses solid exposure to SEO, SEM, Social media and other related disciplines.

I have background experience in emerging trends, best practices and in evolving strategies to continually improve a sites performance in search results. Having highly technical knowledge of the industry along with a very good strategic approach to problems.

I know that you seek only the brightest and most creative people for its team. I also know that I have the training and ability it takes to produce the results required on this team. My educational background and my work experiences have taught me how to bring ideas to life on time and in budget. With over 10 years’ experience covering different aspects of the digital landscape. I draw on a unique balance of technical, sales and marketing expertise to help brands and businesses adapt to an ever-increasing digital world.

I'd appreciate the chance to meet with you to discuss more. You may reach me at the above e-mail address. I look forward to talking with you.

I'm a Senior Software Engineer experienced in a wide range of technologies, like embedded systems, system modeling, web, databases, networking, etc. My passion is to create things that help people all over the world. Love to solve complex problems.

The primary programming language is Python, but also have experience with JavaScript, PHP, Perl, C/C++, Clojure. Studied a little bit Go, Rust, D, and other not very popular languages. Have experience with embedded systems like STM32 or ESP8266 for home IoT automation.

Have extensive knowledge about how NAND (Flash) memory works. Have done many system models of SSD, especially in Python with the help of Cython, numpy, and C. Have experience with Linux Kernel Hacking, especially in the block layer.

Also have some experience with Frontend: AngularJs, VueJs.

  Location: Belarus (Europe)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
    Python, Flask, Django, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Linux, Docker, VueJs.
    Linux Kernel Hacking, NAND, Flash storage internals, System modeling (Python, Cython, numpy, C), embedded software.
  Résumé/CV: Available on request.
  Email: libbkmz.dev+hiring < ат > gmail.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ilya-plenne/

Location: Northern Florida

Remote: Yes or on-site

Willing to relocate: Yes to: USA, Canada, or Europe

Technologies: python, statistical methods, data-model comparisons, LaTeX, some experience with: C, Racket, SQL, system administration.

Languages: English (native), Spanish (basic), Germany (rusty but formerly conversational)

Resume: https://privon.com/upload/Privon_resume.pdf

Email: work@privon.com

About me: I'm have 10+ years of experience as a research astrophysicist. I primarily deal with heterogeneous datasets and apply statistical and numerical models to interpreting them. I'm 70% an observer/experimentalist and 30% a theorist -- I'm comfortable with data-driven projects as well as physically motivated models. I am particularly interested in opportunities to apply my skills to address energy or climate issues, though would consider any interesting job that doesn't center around trying to get more eyeballs on advertisements.

Github: https://github.com/privong (mostly side projects)

Examples of writing: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/search/q=author%3A%22%5Eprivon...

Location: Delhi,India

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Django, Bootstrap, React. Have hands-on experience with Rust, Development on Ethereum Blockchain using solidity and Machine Learning.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zjVWo_XrD8EfRVJtIfHsJpU7rFU...

Email: tejasav1997@gmail.com

I am Tejasav Khattar a software developer. I have spent years working on different technologies and I very well understand that what makes good software is not only how well it is technically crafted but more importantly how well it handles market trends. Developing software in such a way that it is easy to maintain is what I keep in mind while building them.

Although I have mostly worked on Python, Javascript, C++, HTML, CSS and their frameworks such as React, Django, Bootstrap, I observed that basics engineering concepts remain same in most of the tools and languages, and for the same, any specific programming language or framework is not my constraint. I can pick up things fast as per requirements. Currently, I am exploring the field of Blockchain and Machine Learning and also learning to program using Rust which I believe will be widely used in the future.

Thanks for reading it this far. If it sounds interesting to you, contact me and we can land on a common ground which will be good for me as well as for the company.

Location: Greater New York

Remote: Yes (Remote Only)

Willing to relocate: No


    • Web: ReactJs | ES6/7 | TypeScript | Redux | Node.js | Express.js | AngularJs | HTML5 | Bootstrap

    • Microsoft: .NET Core | C# | Asp.Net MVC | Web API | Linq | Entity Framework

    • Data: SQL Server | MySQL | MongoDB | Redis | CouchDB

    • Cloud: AWS | Azure | Docker | S3 | EC2 | SQS | SNS | RDS

    • Packages & Tools: Axios | GraphQL | Redux | WebPack | Babel | NPM | Git | Splunk | SumoLogic | Jira | Sitecore
Email: jainrasik [at] gmail.com

Résumé/CV: https://www.rasikjain.com/resume/

Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/1993944/rasik-jain

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasikjain/

Github: https://github.com/rasikjain

Experienced (15+ years) Software Engineer & Architect with experience in FULL-STACK applications in React.js / TypeScript / C# / AWS / Cyber Security. Worked in different roles dealing with Product Development, Solution & Enterprise Architecture, Security & Cloud.

Textio | Seattle, WA USA | Full-Time | On-Site

Selected as Washington's #1 Place to work! At Textio, we're changing the way people write. We predict how your writing will perform based on previous real-world results from similar documents. We have some of the largest companies in the world as customers, and we're hiring engineers across the board to help us solve difficult problems. We have a tight-knit, friendly, and experienced team, an incredible product, and a bright future.

Buzzwords for Keyword Searchers: AI, NLP, Machine Learning, ReactJS, SaaS

All Textio careers - https://textio.com/careers/ Check out our team - https://textio.com/team/

Open Roles: Engineering Manager - Infrastructure, Data Science Manager - Analytics, Senior Product Manager, Data Scientist, Senior Data Scientist - Modeling, Senior Frontend Engineer, Frontend Engineer, Technical Program Manager, Senior Data Journalist, Account Manager, Director of Account Management, Lead Account Manager - Strategic Accounts, Senior Finance Manager, Marketing Operations Manager, Chief People Officer, Chief Revenue Officer, Content Writer

Wrong thread.


Location: Austin Tx

Remote: Preferred, not required.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: LA/EMP, PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Linux, Bash

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbirrell/

Email: [username] at xristos dot net

GitHub: https://github.com/tbirrell

I'm interested in solving problems with tech. The industry doesn't matter to me so long as I'm able to help improve that little slice of the world. I've worked with non-profit education to design and develop solutions, as well as more currently contributed to OSS when I have the time. I'm comfortable working with both technical and non-technical stakeholders, and can easily distill retirements into solutions and finally into results.

I'm a full-stack developer with several years of professional LAMP/LEMP experience. I'm interested in job opportunities where I can grow my skills. Ideally a 70/30 relationship between tech I know and tech I don't. However, language is only syntax, and I know how to solve problems, so if someone wants me to fill a role with completely new or foreign technology, I would be excited to work there.

Infrastructure / DevOps engineer with ~13 years experience. Design, implementation, and support of large scale enterprise SaaS platforms both on-premise and cloud native environments.

Location: United States

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: AWS, GCP, DevOps, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform, Packer, Linux, OpenStack, CI/CD, git, Prometheus, Logging, Monitoring

Résumé/CV: http://jason.witkow.ski/resume.pdf

Email: jwitko1@gmail.com

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: On-prem in the city of Seattle or Remote are both fine.

Willing to Relocate: No.

Technologies: Linux, Windows, AWS, Docker/Kubernetes, Ansible, MySQL, Jenkins/CircleCI, etc.

Resume: Please see https://gvtek0.com which gives a rundown of my experience. I can provide my full resume on request.

E-mail: gvtek0@gvtek0.com (you can also use the contact page on my website)


The website above has a timeline of my experience with a bit of detail about each stop along the way. You can also contact me using the social links on the home page, if you'd like to chat. I am specifically looking for mid-level roles, I do not necessarily consider myself a senior, since I've been a generalist for my entire career. I'd love the opportunity to join a great team that includes some developers I can also learn from. My goal is to eventually become more of a full stack/Senior DevOps engineer (I also have a strong interest in working in security down the line), which is why I want to be around a solid development team. Building my programming chops is a huge goal right now, and part of that growth comes from finding the right team. I am primarily looking for a role that falls under the titles of SysAdmin/SysEng, DevOps, SRE, etc.


  Location: US
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Swift, JS, C#, React, Rx*, Design.
  Résumé/CV: https://bvr.group
  Email: dylan[@]bvr.group
I am a Developer (Swift, JS, Ruby, Obj-C, React, Rx*, MobX, Hyperapp, Elm), and Designer (Interaction Design/UI/UX). I typically consult on or perform the following:

- macOS/iOS Design & Development: Development, prototyping, design.

- Front End Design & Development - Prototyping, production, management, I've also setup processes for growing teams and established best practices for new hires.

- Product Design: Strategy, best practices, interaction design, ui design, iconography, marketing.

- Data Visualization: Static or Interactive, web, mobile, video.

- GIS: ARC GIS, Google Maps, Mapbox, interactive and time based visualizations.

https://bvr.group | http://www.linkedin.com/in/dylanrw | http://github.com/dylan | http://dribbble.com/dylanrw

You need: either 1) a professional academic to work with your AI team to produce published research, or 2) a professional academic to develop tools and curricula to "teach" AI to a non-STEM audience.

  Location: Can relocate wherever during summer, and can work remotely during the school year.
  Remote: Yes.
  Willing to relocate: During summer, yes.
  Technologies: AI, Python, R, JavaScript, PHP, SQL.
  Email: ProfSummerGig@gmail.com
Résumé/CV: Looking for a Summer Gig near warm surfing water: Not looking for a permanent job (am a tenured full professor at a university in the mid-west). I get summers off. Have studied AI via Andrew Ng's Coursera MOOC. The goal is to work with an AI team and publish peer-reviewed journal papers. I don't need pay. Preference will be given to offers involving: "enough room to lay my sleeping bag plus access to a kitchen & bathroom -- near the beach in SoCal or Florida or some such". 46 years old, born in India, U.S. citizen, language learner (basic Spanish, basic French, proficient Hindi), good cook, surfer, very active and into fitness. Have a TEDx talk.

Location: Thailand

Remote: Strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: Perhaps, depending on compensation and location

Technologies: iOS & Android (Swift, Objective-C, Java, C#, Jenkins, shell scripting, testing, Ruby, git)

Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/resume/download?savedResumeId...

Email: wolfgang.schreurs@gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/wolf81

StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/250164/wolfgang-schreurs

I speak fluent Dutch & English. I've been a mobile developer for almost 10 years. For the last year I've worked remotely through Codementor for a US client. My going rate at the moment is at least 55 USD per hour for remote work. Even though I am a primarily mobile developer, I'd also be open to positions as tester (including test automation) as I have also some experience in that area. I am mostly interested in full-time (40 hours / week) remote positions.

Location: Virginia Beach, VA (United States)

Remote: Maybe

Willing to relocate: Yes

Languages: C# (Advanced), JavaScript/TypeScript (Intermediate), C++ (Intermediate), Python (Novice), SQL (Novice)

Technologies: ASP.NET Core, EF Core, Vue, Webpack, WPF

Experience: 5+ years programming, 2 of which relate to web development. I am currently employed as a full-stack developer creating CRUD applications. I also have experience with reverse engineering proprietary binary file formats. For myself, I regularly write custom applications to replace assets such as textures, audio, and 3d models for different video games. Interested in developing for open source and/or doing more systems programming with C++/Rust.

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/PikminGuts92 | https://twitter.com/PikminGuts92 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/FranciscoXMartinez

Email: ThrowawayJune2019 [at] gmail [dot] com (Please message on Twitter/LinkedIn instead)

Location: Lahore,Punjab,Pakistan

Remote: Yes Willing to relocate:Yes

Technologies: angular JS, angular, es6, react, redux, webpack, html5, css3, sass, scss,python, Django, building restful api’s, git, grunt, mysql, postgres, redis, mongo, firebase, aws, heroku,vagrant,Flask,numpy,scipy




blog :https://medium.com/@abdur91

As a experienced full stack web developer having 4 years+ experience in multiple technologies,My main experience lies in developing modern web applications,preferably in angular 4 with backend in python mainly.The backend framework can be django,or flask depending upon the client's requirements. Having delivered many projects successfully, I know what it takes to build, lead, grow and maintain a web application

Location: Uruguay, South America (GMT-3)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, but depends on where

Technologies: iOS (Swift, Objective-C), some Javascript (Node/Express), some HTML, some CSS, Git, a bit of MongoDB, Sketch (I have a good eye for design)

Portfolio: http://pabloepiscopo.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-epíscopo-12889831/

Resume: https://bit.ly/2GCEnTn

Proud of: http://getrecordify.com

Dribbble: http://dribbble.com

Email: pabloepi14@gmail.com

I have always been attracted to building things, finding that mix between good design and a great idea. I see myself as a product person first. A senior iOS developer by day and part-time creative by night. Lifelong hyperactive, details advocate and pixel-perfect lover. Feel passion for everything that comes from startups and moving-forward thinking.

- Into iOS development since 2012.

- Into Design since 2016.

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Depends on the location

Technologies: Java, Play framework, Javascript/HTML5/CSS, ReactJS, Typescript, Python, SQL (Oracle, SQLite), Git

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-_NZrdkqJdv0rJNOa_XGgiaYFVQ...

Bitbucket: https://namedbynumbers.bitbucket.io/

Full stack developer with ~2.5 years of experience in Java (Play) and Javascript (React).

I have been working at one of the India's biggest telecom companies. I've contributed to a couponing platform, some of the things I did on the project —

* Developed a mobile exclusive React based end user application used for publishing coupons.

* Helped in redesigning the platform to incorporate multi-tenancy and targeted promotion delivery.

* Integrated with a third party system which includes publishing their coupons and having a closed loop redemption system for tracking the redemption of the coupons.

* Wrote Python/bash scripts for deployments, generating data for performance testing.

Location: Germany (Frankfurt/Heidelberg/Karlsruhe)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

I focus on solving your business problems. I have worked with many technologies in 12+ years in the software industry and 10+ years before that, and I am comfortable using whatever languages and tools necessary to help your business. Complex tasks are also welcome - I am able to involve other developers where necessary and manage the project.

Extensive experience in high-performance systems, fault tolerance, quality assurance, C/C++ tooling, automation.

Would love to work with companies that successfully scaled their business quickly (e.g. in the cloud) and are now looking at reducing costs to become profitable, speeding up their systems, or facing technical debt or security challenges.

Technologies I have used in projects in the past year: C/C++, Python, Rust, SQL, Bash, Docker, K8S, Javascript, LLVM, build systems, compiler toolchains, Dash/Flask, Plotly, Pandas.

Résumé available on request. Also see https://stackoverflow.com/story/martinrichtarsky

Email: s /at/ martinien.de

   Location: Sydney, Australia
   Remote: Yes, preferably (I have a quiet home office and 100Mbit+ FTTH internet) 
   Willing to relocate: Maybe, within AU/NZ - lets talk. 
   Technologies:  C#/.NET, Powershell, Windows, Linux (Centos/Ubuntu), Ansible, Octopus Deploy, T-SQL, Redis, HAProxy, IIS, Elasticsearch/ELK, Graphite/Grafana 
   Résumé/CV: Yes, email me. 
   Email: will@willhughes.me 
I've spent the last ~7 years working for a high traffic hotel metasearch company that was acquired late last year. My title was "Devops Engineer" but if it involved IT, our small team managed it for the whole org. I primarily supported our production infrastructure on a mix of physical and virtual hardware, and cloud services. DNS, CDN, LB, Logging, Metrics, Monitoring, Deployment Orchestration, CI/CD Build Pipeline, and more.

For my next job, I'd like a role involving IT Operations - a mix of backend dev/automation and IT Infrastructure management/monitoring/support.

Does that sound like your company? Give me a shout.

Experienced engineering and product lead with strong UX sensibilities. Focus has been in media and related product development (SEO, social, off-platform, architecture, ads, subscriptions). Background also includes various CMS, publishing, feeds, templating, frontend, prototyping, SEO, performance, and digging into backend as necessary.

Short version: NYTimes (various projects nytimes.com). Built Quartz (https://qz.com). Rebuilt The New Yorker (https://www.newyorker.com), and various other media/news sites (http://www.sfchronicle.com)

Location: Remote or NYC

Remote: Yes, unless NYC based.

Technologies: Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP, WordPress, CMS, SEO, off-platform,

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/donohoe

Personal site: https://donohoe.dev

Email: [my HN username] @gmail.com

Location: Paragonah, UT Remote: Preferred, I like living in the country. I get a lot of work done because I'm 20 minutes from nearest city. Willing to Relocate: Not at this time (except possibly St. George, UT)

Technologies (Highest experience from left to right): * Languages: PHP, Javascript ES6+, Ruby, Elixir, Python, Go, Java, Rust, Typescript * Server: Linux, LEMP stack (configure/setup with letsencrypt for ssl, and fail2ban+ufw for security), SSH, automation via bash scripts, AWS/Azure, Digital Ocean, Jenkins (CI/CD), Deployer (PHP), Forge, Sentry (Logging), Pipelines (Bitbucket), Docker, Cpanel/WHM, Lambda. * Design: Bootstrap, CSS, Vuetify(vue), Elementui (vue), Bulma, Tailwinds, Materialui(react) * Backend: Laravel, Wordpress/Woocommerce, SugarCRM, Rails, Node.js (Express, Feathers, Adonis), Phoenix Hasura/Graphql/Prisma, Drupal, Magento, Rest. * Frontend: Vue/Vuex, React/Mobx/Redux, Angular, Webpack, Babel, Quasar Framework, jQuery, * DB: Mysql, Postgres, Mongodb, SQLite. * APIs: Stripe, UPS, Fedex, Amazon Product API, Shopify, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Firebase, Digital Ocean, AWS, etc.

Began spaghetti coding html/php when I was 18 in '98, got into tech support and networking in the early 2000's, then marketing in 2009-2011 (SEO/PPC/SM), transitioned to coding since much of my marketing included setup/manage MANY wordpress sites and coding was funner than writing ad copy - but I know how to develop with marketing/business in mind.

Learned Rails in 2011-2012, transitioned to Laravel in 2013 never looked back, swapped Vue for jQuery in 2016/2017.

Resume: https://patrickwcurl.com/resume Email: patrickwcurl@gmail.com

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Very open

Willing to relocate: Open based on company and benefits

Technologies: Python, JavaScript (Node.js), Electron, React, Redux, Unity3D (C#), Arduino, Raspberry Pi, 3D Modeling, Sensors, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision

Résumé/CV: https://jddunn.github.io/portfolio/data/Johnny-Dunn-Resume-2...

Email: johnnyddunn@gmail.com

Currently looking for full-time work or contracting opportunities. I've been coding for over five years and have about three years of experience in the industry professionally. I'm a full-stack developer with strong design skills, though I prefer to focus on the backend, and I have experience with machine learning. I've successfully built multiple complex projects involving natural language processing and computer vision.

See my portfolio here: https://jddunn.github.io/portfolio/

Location: Vancouver

Remote: Preferred, not required.

Willing to relocate: Yes - worldwide.

Technologies: Elasticsearch, ELK stack, log consolidation, data modelling, security analysis, Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft Skype for Business, Cisco Call Manager, VoIP, product management, product/service creation, Powershell, basic Python (Improving fast)

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/temp-2019

Email: yvrjay at protonmail

I'm interested in opportunities involving security, data, and the cloud. Technically, I'm currently creating an Elasticsearch service and pipeline that ingests terabytes of logs per day. Logically, I'm trying to develop a data model that will work across multiple log types i.e. firewalls, routers, switches, databases, active directory, etc. All the while staying within budget and ensuring each team has the data they need for maximum productivity.

My experience has been as a systems administrator while creating products/services and rolling them out to enterprise scale clients. While at the same time, taking on roles as a product manager and technical account manager to evolve the product/service and ensure the clients needs are continuously met. I'm excited about opportunities to use my skills in regards to security within a cloud environment. Right now I'm much more interested in a position where I can grow my skillset than salary, location, or other factors. As such, I'm currently open to moving worldwide for the right opportunity.

Note 1: Interested in part time work, particularly in the security field.

Note 2: Open to technical recruiters reaching out to me.

  Location preference: Vancouver, Canada 
  Remote: Open to
  Willing to relocate: To the US
  Technologies: Python, Bash, R, statistics, strong linux foundation, some exposure to AWS, experience with medical imaging technology and protocols - interested in devops/sre
  Résumé/CV: http://anja.kefala.info/resume.pdf
  Email: anja.kefala@gmail.com

SecurityTrails.com| Senior Backend Developer| remote, full-time| https://sthr.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=3 | hello@securitytrails.com We are looking for a Back-End Web Developer responsible proficient in elixir.

Your primary focus will be development of all server-side logic, definition and maintenance of the central database, and ensuring high performance and responsiveness to requests from the front-end. You will also be responsible for integrating the front-end elements built by your coworkers into the application. A basic understanding of front-end technologies is therefore necessary as well.

Your responsibilities: Integration of user-facing elements developed by a front-end developers with server side logic Building reusable code and libraries for future use Optimization of the application for maximum speed and scalability Implementation of security and data protection Design and implementation of data storage solutions

this is "who wants to be hired?" i think you meant to post in the "who is hiring?" thread.



Willing to relocate:No

Technologies:Python, JS, Reactjs, Django, Flask, AWS, Linux, C, PostGres, MongoDB, many many more


Email: joshoconnor7113@gmail.com

Hello, I am an experienced (5 years) full stack team lead looking for the next opportunity!

Currently my day to day includes coordinating directly with clients and prospective clients, database and system administration, devops, a lot of full stack development, coordinating with team members, and planing the development and architecture of upcoming projects.

I am used to working remote at least part time and honestly work better that way (far less distractions) but I do like coming into the office at least a few times a week.

In my spare time I work building projects to learn new technologies, exercise, building physical things, and high adventure "outdoorsy" things.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, I look forward to talking with you!

Location: Seattle, WA (Bellevue) Remote: sure, why not Relocate: I guess, if the economics work... Statistics Ph.D., Caltech BSCS, 10 year Microsoft (Windows Server dev then Senior Quantitative Manager). I teach University of Washington's intro Statistical Software class (R, Python, SAS, etc.) Specialties within stats/machine learning: finanical risk (I'm a CFA and was on the FRM committee); bioinformatics (thesis and publications on statistical genetics); forecasting/optimization (current consulting work on long term adaptive capacity planning). Very into Bayesian computing and MCMC methods.

Would like to build/lead a data science team; plenty of experience translating between business and numbers, keeping fellow nerds from over-complicating data science problems.

Consulting page: RedmondAnalytics.com Resume: https://sergeredmondanalytics.github.io/ra-public/Serge.pdf


Location: Denver,CO

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: maybe

Technologies: React.js, JavaScript, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, HTML, CSS

Résumé/CV: https://arevej.me/cv.pdf

Email: tim@arevej.me

I'm very passionate and super motivated Frontend Developer who can become a net-positive asset on your team fairly quickly if I'm given a chance to! I've been published by freeCodeCamp: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-understand-django-mod.... I've been learning to code for about a year. I blogged about some things (http://arevej.me/) and made quite a few projects (http://arevej.me/portfolio/ + http://github.com/arevej)

Location: Bay Area or Remote

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: Docker, Python, Go, AWS, DevOps

  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafacan/

  Email: adige01can@gmail.com

Why did I write here?: I am pursuing a career change to become a DevOps. In this journey, I am seeking opportunities to transform myself from training junkie to someone who has hands on experience

Who am I?: Seasoned IT professional with a wide range technical experience with a main focus on Linux/Unix systems and network.Someone who is good at delivering information to different level audience. A fast learner who has target to become a DevOps Engineer of Data Systems

What do I offer?: About 6 hours daily on week days between 3 pm to 9 pm Pacific Time

What Do I expect?: An increasing responsibility with time on real life projects.

What is in it for me?: A Sharper learning curve that comes a result of high sense of responsibility

What is in it for you?: A hard working, over achiever, dependable person

When&Where?: After June 17th

For How long?: Till December 5th

Thank you! Mustafa

  Location: Moscow, Russia
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C, Vulkan, Python, Jupyter, Pandas, Numpy, Pyplot
  Portfolio: https://soslangm.github.io/Portfolio/
  Email: soslangm@gmail.com
Hello! Looking for a junior C or Python position, from Moscow. Interested in remote part-time, full-time or temporary work.

Since I've been mentoring Soslan for a bit, let me offer to do a reference call/email for any interested employers. I've been around HN a long time and can address any of the questions this audience is likely to have.

Soslan is a highly motivated entry-level candidate and I think he would be a strong opportunity for teams looking to add some incremental junior capacity at a low cost.

Do check out his portfolio, which I think shows a fair amount of polish and variety for someone at his stage of career.

  Location: Egypt
  Remote: Must be.
  Willing to relocate: not currently
  Technologies: Linux Administration (Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS, Arch Linux, Debian)
  Scripting (Bash and Python), LAMP and LEMP, Nginx reverse proxy,
  MySQL (or Mariadb), KVM, Docker (and compose), HTML, Bootstrap CSS,
  Python Flask, cPanel&WHM Proxmox (KVM and LXC), OpenVPN,Wireguard.
  Résumé/CV: (PDF) http://bit.ly/317qaWp
  Email: noureddinex<at>protonmail.com
I'm a junior, but I'm always ready to learn new technologies (especially open source tech), add to my skills and fields of expertise. I was 18 when I configured and deployed LAMP stack for the first time on my Raspberry pi, installed wordpress, forwarded ports from home router to the pi, got a .tk domain and pointed it to DDNS.

I passed RHCSA exam on my 19 birthday. I'm looking for a Junior remote Linux administrator full-time position, part-time or per contract is also fine.

Completing an IOT + AWS contract gig with one of the major "Big 5" entertainment studios here in Los Angeles, and am currently looking for work with remote-first or remote-friendly companies.

I can help out the most with Full Stack JS and AWS/Cloud based work, as 90% of my current work consists of these two areas.

  Location: Greater Los Angeles Area/Orange County

  Remote: Yes, Strongly preferred at the moment 
    (Onsite availability in the fall)

  Willing to Relocate: On temporary or provisional basis

    Javascript (Node.js, D3.js, React, Jasmine, Karma, legacy jQuery, vanilla no framework)
    SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL) 
    AWS Serverless (API Gateway, Lambda)
    AWS Data (DynamoDB, Redshift, S3, Kinesis)
    AWS CI/CD (CodePipeline, CodeCommit, CodeBuild)

  Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/cv/johnpangilinan

  Email: john.pangilinan1[at]gmail.com

Senior Dev. / Quant Applied math, scientific computing, ML, NLP, AI.

Interested in Fintech, Robotics, Secure Systems (formal methods), analysis of distributed systems... The list is not limitative really but please no PHP website.

ME The University of Tokyo + European Engineering degree

Location: Seoul Remote: YES Willing to relocate: If $$$, otherwise no.

Technologies: C++, C, FPGA acceleration, Cuda, Python, Erlang/Elixir, C#, Scala, Java, Haskell, Ocaml, and a few others (used in the past)

Currently learning TLA+/F* and similar technologies (Ada Spark, Frama-C, Coq, Gappa...) with misc. levels of success for now. Past experience with embedded (80C196), now playing with ESP32 at home - for smart farming as spouse is farming now.

Résumé/CV: on demand Github: https://zeta1999.github.io/renoir42/index.html (public part currently being built) Email: renoir42@yahoo.com

Forgot to mention: former speaker as CUFP (functional programming conference)...

Location: London, UK

Remote: Prefer partial but not completely remote.

Willing to relocate: Yes, to major cities in United Kingdom / Germany / Benelux / Switzerland / Austria / Ireland / Scandinavia / Canada.

Technologies: PHP, Python, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS3, .NET (PowerShell and a bit of C#), Angular, Vue.JS, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and others.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d8-j-iotBXeJ5aUZPzh9o4VXBb...

Email: tyteen4a03@gmail.com


I'm looking for junior to mid-level full-stack / backend positions. I have 2 years of experience in the industry (at graduate placement) level but have worked on projects and shipped libraries inside my companies.

I require visa sponsorship in all locations. I currently hold a Tier 4 visa in the UK and will need sponsorship to transfer to Tier 2. In Germany I can work under the EU blue card scheme.

` Location: US Based Remote: Yes. 8 years remote experience Willing to relocate: Open to opportunities in the North East. Technologies: Ruby on Rails / Node.js / React / etc.. Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiwatson/ Email: tiwatson@gmail.com `

With over 20 years of full stack web development experience under my belt I am now looking for new interesting opportunities. I have senior level production experience with Ruby on Rails, React and Node.js.

Check out my side project for an example of what I can do:




Location: Vilnius (Lithuania)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: .NET [Core] (C#, F#); ASP.NET; JVM (Clojure, Java, Scala); Python; AngularJS; Vue.js; React; iOS (Swift); AWS (wide range of services); databases: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Datomic, Couchbase, Redis, Event Store

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: contact[at]8bitstudio[dot]dev

We are a three-person full-stack highly professional development team with extensive experience in online advertising and fintech. We can consult on architectural problems, work as a discrete unit or a part of another team on implementing the solution.

Describe us your task, project or idea and we will provide a timely response with estimates and a plan. We offer very flexible rates and will help you with suggestions on how to best optimize the development effort.

For contact details and other information please visit: https://www.8bitstudio.dev/

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: (see the following lines)

-> Programming-wise: Python, for scripting or with flask or sanic. Bash. Some rust, C# and PHP. Git, SVN. PostgreSQL, Redis, SQLite.

-> Sysadmin-wise: Linux, Redis, nginx, apache2, PostgreSQL, Proxmox, LXC (with or without Proxmox), docker, ejabberd, (a bit of) asterisk. Jenkins CI, Gitlab CI, Travis CI. Azure, AWS, GCP. Gitea, Gitlab. Ansible. I also have experience with managing physical, remote or virtual servers.

Résumé/CV: Please email.

Email: hnjobs@ave.zone

I'm looking for Python Developer, Linux System Administrator or DevOps positions. I have strong communication skills, good English skills (spoken and over text), experience with working in a team environment.

https://gitlab.com/ao https://github.com/aveao

Location: Lincoln, NE

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Python, JavaScript, ReactJS, AngularJS, Node.js, native Android, scikit-learn, Pandas, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS

Résumé/CV: https://bvrsilva1.github.io/files/bruno_resume_2019.pdf | https://www.linkedin.com/in/brunovieirabh/

Email: bvrsilva1@gmail.com

I have experience in developing solutions from zero to hero (RESTful APIs, web services, database design, machine learning models) with Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Python, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJS, AngularJS, Node.js, Express, C++, Android, scikit-learn, Pandas, SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQL Server, Git and AWS. Let's connect!

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Remote: Very strongly preferred.

Willing to relocate: Would strongly prefer not to.

Technologies: Very strong algorithmic knowledge, so I'd prefer to do something related. Also recently finished 2 year (~Master's level) degree in Data Analysis and Machine Learning ( https://yandexdataschool.com ) and my most recent and relevant experience is with speech analysis, but I did other work too.

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RgYMJouUU13SWIMRyep2r9sh...

Email: yuriy@znovyak.com

I've been working on my startup, but this doesn't seem to work out very well :/. Also used to work at Facebook and Google, if that interests anyone.

Location: Detroit, MI US

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Languages : PHP, JavaScript/TypeScript, C/C++, Java, Golang, CSS, HTML, shell

Databases : MySQL, PostgresSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Redis, MongoDB

Tools/Frameworks : Laravel/CakePHP, VueJS/React, Android, React Native, Git, Docker

Familiar : CI/CD Tools, Linux, BSD, Ansible/Puppet, AWS/DigitalOcean/Azure

General : Software Development, Systems Admin, DevOps, Project Management

Résumé/CV: https://etbus.ch/resume.pdf

Email: me@etbus.ch

https://www.linkedin.com/in/etbusch | https://github.com/etbusch

Seeking a software engineering position with a focus on web technologies and product development where I can apply my generalist skillset.

Location: Bangalore, India | London, UK

Remote: Yes

Relocation: Yes, including internationally; Holding UK Tier 4 visa until Mar 2020; Right to work in India

Technologies: Python, C# .NET Core, Javascript, MSSQL, MySQL, Redis, Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, Spark, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Neo4j, Haskell, Jenkins, AWS, Azure, JIRA

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tvamsisai | https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9GMqSXGKAneMjZkeFNKU3I0YT...

Email: tvamsisai [at] outlook [dot] com

Previously worked as a Full-Stack Software Engineer on ETL pipeline using microservices on the cloud. Graduating with Masters in Data Science in Sept 2019. Looking for ML Engineer / Data Engineer opportunities.

Experienced UI / UX Designer, directing UX teams in designing and developing innovative products for enterprise, e-commerce, and mobile. I led teams in telecommunication, hospitality, and entertainment.

Created end-to-end user experience solutions with a focus on user needs and business goals directly responsible for delivering all aspects of design, from defining customer needs to delivering concepts, prototypes, and UI specifications.

Partnered with leaders in Product Management, Strategy, and Development to establish more iterative and collaborative processes across the full product development cycle.

Location: Anywhere Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: UX / UI / Interaction Design / User Research

Résumé/CV: https://wouterbron.com/resume

Email: hello@wouterbron.com

Website: wouterbron.com

Location: NYC; Remote: Yes;

Willing to relocate: Yes;


* Primarily python for scientific/numerical programming (numpy, scipy)

* Strong machine learning background (pandas, scikit-learn, imblearn)

* Experience in text analysis, topic modelling, LSA with NLP( gensim, NLTK, spacy)

* SQL and distributed systems (Hadoop, AWS) experience

* Some experience with web programming in Flask and javascript

* I have a background in Astronomy (Ph.D.) and Data Science and am looking for work that has a strong focus on successfully building and executing machine learning pipelines but I'm open to data science/data engineering generalist roles as well. (A combination of the two would be ideal!)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/nityamd/nityamd.github.io/blob/master/cv/...

Email: nityamd@gmail.com

Location: EU (Kraków, Poland)

Remote: OK

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies — languages: Go / Golang (expert), C & C++ (strong experience, but currently preferring read-only use), Lua, Nim, Elm, SQL (PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite), Nix, some x86 Assembly, some C#, basic JS/HTML/CSS, basic Rust, basic Python, basic OCaml, & more (polyglot programmer)

Technologies — other: Docker, Linux & bash, Windows & WinAPI & (D)COM, Git, Ansible & SaltStack, distributed systems (incl. networking, concurrency/parallelism), binary protocols / formats, & more

Résumé/CV: on demand; basic overview: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mateuszczaplinski/

GitHub FOSS projects: https://github.com/akavel (HN Top 1 achievement: https://github.com/akavel/up)

Email: czapkofan@gmail.com (other contact: https://keybase.io/akavel)

Please don't contact me with offers related to: Ads, FinTech, Gambling, User tracking, Bitcoin.


Go language expert (contributor), polyglot, backend/full-stack. Longtime experience with C & C++ (first languages) — I understand them well, however prefer not to write in them unless absolutely necessary (because UB etc.) Career-long experience with distributed systems, concurrency/parallelism. The domain I'm working in is important to me, I especially like / am motivated doing stuff that helps people / improves their lives / advances the wellbeing of humanity (can be indirectly).

Possibility of part-time (4/5) employment is a plus.

Location: Sarasota or Clearwater

Remote: Please

Willing to relocate: W central or SW Fla

Technologies: New product development; Embedded/firmware/bare metal or FreeRTOS and *nix/RF/crypto/; Kinetis KE Cortex M0+ & M4, Nordic Semi's M4 SOC, ST's M4 ARMs, Espressif's ESP8266, Microchip dsPIC; realtime; IAR, MCUXpresso and MPLAB-X IDE; Embedded FreeBSD; Embedded Linux on Raspberry Pi / Broadcom BCM2837, gcc, gdb; clang; UML; debugging development prototype hardware; embedded HTTP server; grid support power generation systems; TCP and UDP over IP; Ethernet; power line communications; RS-485; RV-C CANBUS; Bluetooth LE; LoRA; storage scopes; visual studio; c#; Java w/Android Studio; GNSS; NEMA cybersecurity council member. Licensed attorney & pilot (ASEL/IA); amateur radio extra class

Resume: Please request by email

Email: hginfla@gmail.com

Location: Anywhere US, prefer NYC/Bay Area (I'm a Canadian, just got my green card)

Remote: Okay, but I like working in offices.

Willing to relocate: Yes

Shtick: Looking for full-time work as a Tech Lead/Senior Software Engineer on emerging platforms: Spatial Computing, Wearables, Telepresence. I've productized bleeding-edge Computer Vision and Machine Learning systems, have a PhD, am wizard. The past four years, I've worked at a series of venture-funded startups (as an engineer, as founder), but but now I’m looking to build interesting product at an established company. I've published 10 academic whitepapers, have 4 patents.

Technologies: Augmented Reality, SLAM, Computer Vision, SceneKit, C++, Obj-C, Rust, Swift, Python, Unity, Generative Adversarial Networks. Almost every new job I started has required me to learn something new, productize it, and then teach other engineers about it.

Résumé/CV: https://dustinfreeman.org/files/DustinFreemanCV.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustin-freeman-65b82993/

Academic Page: http://dustinfreeman.org/academic/

Demo Reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd8g9HqfUe0

Twitter: https://twitter.com/dustinfreeman/

Github: https://github.com/dustinfreeman/

Email: dustin.freeman@gmail.com

Location: Dallas, TX Remote: Willing to work remotely Willing to relocate: No (but willing to be on-site 3 days a week anywhere in the continental US)

NLP Machine Learning Engineer / Data Scientist with MBA from UCLA - I have a proven extensive track record utilizing deep learning (TensorFlow) and machine learning to solve difficult problems at scale for large corporations.

I am especially interested in Natural Language Processing use cases involving:

- Transfer Learning - Information Extraction - Question / Answering

Technologies / Keywords: TensorFlow, PyTorch, NLP, Python, Keras, Linux, bash, Spark, Hadoop, AWS, GCP, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, SQL, Hive, Deep Learning, Machine Learning

Additional details: https://ralphabrooks.com/about/ralph_brooks

I'm a blockchain engineer with 6 years of experience. Been developing software in the space since 2013 when Mt Gox erupted. I have broad experience: built DEXs, p2p networking stacks, smart contract protocols, and other decentralized systems.

Currently looking for a company with a good remote culture and nice people. Doesn't have to be blockchain related. My basic requirement to do my job well is to have access to an automated, deterministic, build system. Unless my job is to do dev ops, I need this to avoid wasting anyones time.

Style of work:

- If I'm a project lead I need to have strategic expectations written down, with those doing the strategy signing off on what I think the project is and how I should go about doing it so the project gets off to a good start.

- If I'm working as an engineer I prefer having responsibility over clearly defined tasks. I've worked best in the past when I've had detailed specs to work with written by another engineer.

Tl: dr; What this comes down to is good developer tooling and clear communication. IMO, you need both to be productive in remote jobs.

  Location: Tasmania, Australia
  Remote: Preferable
  Willing to relocate: No
  Keyword spam: Just listing some skills from my resume. Left out a bunch.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.docdroid.net/XIo5XXV/matthew-roberts-1.pdf
  Email: matthew@roberts.pm

  Bitcoin Script + TXs, Solidity (Ethereum) + TXs,
  Python, Javascript, Node, C, PHP, * (lang agnostic),
  Distributed systems, Unix sockets, DHTs,
  peer-to-peer networking, 'ledger technology',
  'blockchains', smart contracts, applied cryptography,
  decentralized exchange and trading systems,
  future contracts, 2/3/4g cryptography,
  basic: front-end / dev ops / sys admin / UI mockups,
  back end, R & D. Can pick up most things.

Kindly prefer no recruiters or coding challenges. Please see my projects section for proof I have the skillz to implement fizz-buzz or sort a list.

Location: London, United Kingdom

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Knowledge / Skills: Product Management, Ops, Executive Leadership Previously ran a retail technology venture, venture studio and corporate innovation agency. Recently acted as a UK GM for US startup. Looking for Product Leadership, COO or UK GM role. Currently contracting. Looking for a permanent position (available at one month's notice).

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/178fECsS4iZXVNyskk99IwaMPGWs...

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daniellevy1/

Email: daniellevy123 (at) gmail (dot com)

Location: New York

Remote: Yes (on/off since 2007)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Swift, Postgres, Node.js, Python, Redis, devops, React, JavaScript, web dev, iOS dev, adaptable...

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/fictorial/resume/blob/master/Brian_Hammon... or https://github.com/fictorial/resume/blob/master/index.md

Email: brian+hireme@brianhammond.com

"full-stack" senior software engineer

20+ years experience

creative problem solver

crystal clear communicator

master of the deep dive; lover of learning

I am tired of one-off client projects and am looking for a product or service I can really sink my teeth into.

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android Development, Object Oriented Development, Android SDK, Android Studio, Eclipse IDE, ADB, Java, C/C++, SQLite, XML, HTML, CSS, Git and Linux.

I develop Android apps for phones and tablets. I have published apps in the Google Play store. I have full life cycle software development experience, including: product concept development, product design, project planning, research and development, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.

Email and Resume/CV: http://compxpressinc.com/docs/kpcv.html

Website: http://compxpressinc.com

Location: Amsterdam, Dublin, Paris, Berlin, London

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (incl. Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow), Java, R, SQL, Prolog/Datalog

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BqLGtXGF6h4APmsQWZzaMvYQOkg...

Email: kamisligul@gmail.com

I’m a master’s student in Computer Science at Oxford (graduating in September). I am enthusiastic about data science and machine learning with an interdisciplinary education in industrial engineering and computer science. Interested in a full-time position where I can utilise my current skills and knowledge, and I can further develop these skills in a practical and fast-paced environment.

Seeking Work | 5 year+ backend/fullstack web dev (Ruby/Rails mostly, but open to new stacks)

Location: Midwest US/occasionally Europe (US Citizen with EU work permit)

Remote: Only looking for remote work at this time

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, API design, integrations, microservice or monolith architecture, TDD, ops stuff, enough React/JS to fill in for your FE dev for a week or two, but not forever

Learning: Elixir, Elm, open to new stacks.

site/resume: https://ericstiens.dev/

li: https://www.linkedin.com/in/estiens/

github: https://www.github.com/estiens

  Location: London or Lisbon
  Remote: Sure
  Willing to relocate: Sure as long as visa sponsorship is included.
  Technologies: SRE, Python development, Linux, Kafka, Clojure, Salt, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos, Elasticsearch, Redis, Postgres, Monitoring/Metrics
  Résumé/CV: http://sampegler.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/sam_pegler_cv_130918.pdf
  Email: jobs (at) sampegler.co.uk
Spent the past 4 years working in Adtech so have developed skills in running low latency applications at global scales. Senior level SRE (has managed a team of 5) or mid level Python developer. Looking for a job with some interesting technical problems and a fun team. Open to anything really.

Location: Washington DC metro area Remote: No Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Link analysis tools, basic database skills, basic data visualization and GIS skills

Résumé/CV: Looking for new challenges and opportunities - note, I don’t have a traditional HN dev background, but I suspect more than a few companies on this board intersect with my world...


- Strong background in navigating and managing the US government contracting process from both sides of the table as both a federal manager and a government contractor

- Experience and insight into working with the US National Lab complex

- Demonstrated success in managing globally distributed teams that bring multimillion-dollar projects in on time and on budget with a high degree of quality

- Successfully negotiated security agreements and contracts with dozens of foreign government agencies

- Proven history of building diverse, deeply integrated teams, with diverse skill sets (security, intelligence, science, logistics, engineering, IT, and communications) to design solutions to complex problems in very challenging environments

What I do now:

- Program Director working in a National Security field holding an active Q/TS/SCI w/ poly

- Manage a ~$100M+ annual budget w/ oversight of 150+ FTEs organized into distributed teams working on complex projects in 30+ foreign countries across the globe

- GS15 equivalent with both a policy and program implementation background at senior USG leadership level

Previous work includes: physical and political risk assessments for clients operating in potentially dangerous environments, sub-contractor as a national security subject matter expert for multiple US National Laboratories, sub-contractor for Palantir sub (back when they used to use other companies for forward deployed), research analyst at a policy institute on defense and intelligence topics, other interesting stuff…

Email: JayCeeJobOffers@gmail.com

Position: Web Developer, Full-Stack, Frontend Location: SF Bay Area Remote: Willing (USA) Willing to relocate: California preferred, USA Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, React, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, PostgreSQL, Python, Flask, Express, Bootstrap 4, Git, Selenium, Heroku. Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathanchin-hoshi/ Email: nchoshizora@gmail.com

Authorized to work in US for any employer. Full-stack web developer, inclination towards frontend. Looking for my first position as a software engineer/web developer. Strong fundamentals, good understanding of JavaScript and how the web works.

Location: Boulder / Denver, CO

Remote: Prefer onsite, available remote if required

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Linux, Docker, JavaScript, Full-Stack Generalist, InfluxDB, TimescaleDB

Résumé/CV: https://resume.erikj.me

Email: resume [at] erikj.me

I'm a full-stack generalist w/ a background in Physics. I excel in collaborative positions based in science and remote-sensing data, and I'm always learning new things. I'm currently exploring using message queues like RabbitMQ in the pipeline for writing environmental data to time-series databases like InfluxDB and TimescaleDB, and visualizing the data in Grafana. Also taking some stabs at learning Elixir / Phoenix, as time allows.

Location: Boston / Cambridge, USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: All aspects of full-lifecycle software engineering process at principal/senior level, R&D and research, seat-of-pants programming, many programming languages (professional work in Scheme, Racket, JS, C, C++, Java, Lisp, Python, shell), Web backend/frontend/full-stack, GUI/UI/HCI/UX, AWS, other programming niches and domains, open source software and hardware and communities, privacy and security, GNU/Linux, remote working

Personal site: https://www.neilvandyke.org/

Email: neil@neilvandyke.org

I'm open to funded startups or established companies right now. Positive societal contribution is a big plus.

Location: Porto, Portugal

Remote: yes, and only part-time

Willing to relocate: no

So far I have some Fullstack experience:

PHP (Laravel), Python (Django), Ruby on Rails, Javascript (Typescript, VueJS, React, a bit of Angular), CSS (Bootstrap, SASS) SQL (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite), A bit of mongoDB


C/C++ (did some Linux kernel work with C), Rust, C# (Xamarin, Avalonia), Scala, Java (did some backend server stuff, http client, app), Golang, Bash scripting (built some helper scripts), Devops tools (mostly gitlab CI, Docker)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/Ross65536 | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rostyslav-khoptiy

Email: rk65536@protonmail.com

  Location: EU (Croatia)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: Backend/DevOps, AWS, Linux, Elixir/Phoenix, NodeJs, SQL, PostgreSQL, Serverless, CI/CD, Docker, Git
  Résumé/CV: https://bit.ly/2GTMD34 (in) (for a CV please contact me  gpedic<at>gmail.com)
I'm a generalist with 8+ years of experience on Backend and DevOps who's been working remotely with distributed teams for the past 3 years including for a YC backed startup. I would love to continue working with Elixir and bring with me a bit less than 2 years of production experience on a good sized Elixir project.

Fields of interest: fin-tech, productivity, informatization, crypto

Location: EU (changes frequently)

Remote: Yes !

Willing to relocate: Maybe


* Crypto/Blockchain - building Crypto infrastructure (multiple Blockchains), customized libraries and APIs, as well as front-end (MetaMask) solutions - Highly motivated to continue working with this.

* NodeJS/Meteor/SailsJS

* Serverless (going heavy on that one)

* Cloud technologies (AWS/Azure/GCP)

* Wordpress/CodeIgniter/Yii/Drupal (Components, Hacks, Themes) - less motivated, unless truly cutting edge (or WP VIP projects)

* CI & Unit testing - Jenkins, Mocha & Karma for JS, Toast for PHP, as well as Selenium

* Django (general Python too) - to a lesser extent

Resume: Upon request

Email: dev (at) azdv.co

Looking for Challenging projects. Most recently worked extensively with Serverless & AWS APIs, building cloud-related prototypes, before that worked as an AngularJS specialist

Location: Russia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: to be discussed (flexible hours and really great office are required in such case)

Technologies: I’m specialized in development and management of large complex web-based projects (on LAMP(PHP)/Yii/Symfony/React stack) with a size of several hundreds functional components. This experience includes active work with large poorly documented code bases created by other developers. Other half of my background consists of self-financed self-studies in social sciences, biology, and arts.

Resume/CV: http://kamil-rafik.com/docs/Kamil-Rafikov-2019.pdf

Email: mailbox@kamil-rafik.com

Hi, Living in SF. Took a sabbatical for the last two years and have been focusing on growing Android development skills and learning new technologies. Spent time learning Java Spring backend, Amazon Lambda (alexa skill), and am in the process of learning Kotlin.

I recently celebrated the birth of my first daughter and am looking to get back into development.

  Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Domestically
  Technologies: Android SDK, Java, willing to learn more
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MfKpd38qBvR3EY2rk4trf9Cb7TQMc2PT/view?usp=sharing
  Email: AlfredThomasIII@gmail.com

Location: Boulder, Colorado

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: For the right opportunity

Technologies: JS/ES6, SASS/CSS, GitHub, WordPress, PHP, Bootstrap, Responsive Web Development

Résumé/CV: See Linkedin and my web portfolio.

Email: tuckertriggs(at)gmail.com

Website: https://tuckertriggs.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/tuckertriggs

Github: https://github.com/tuckpuck

Front-End web developer currently specializing in building custom websites. I can build static websites or custom WordPress themes.

Location: Morocco (now)

Remote: Yes (Will match your timezone)

Willing to relocate: Temporarily

Technologies: NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Redis, AWS, SQL based databases, Solidity/Etheureum

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a1s7be2Fw--L97v2hq8_7iE17yZ... - My experience is mostly a mix of freelance work and bootstrapped projects. I also have a Master's Degree in Big Data. My last stint was building XiWATT's platform (http://xiwatt.io/)

Email: ledevzl@gmail.com

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: For part of the year

Technologies: Javascript (Node.js), Go, Python, Haskell, C, Java, and more

Resume: I keep an up to date resume at Toptal: https://www.toptal.com/resume/marcos-pereira (you don't have to hire me through them)

Email: marcospereiradev@gmail.com

Backend developer working a lot with Node.js, but also love Python and Go. Have worked on many projects with big companies, led small developer teams, modernized legacy systems, and worked on a browser extension that identified twitter bots using deep learning. Happy to try out new technologies.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (Singapore)

Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, React Native, ReactJS, Redux, Laravel, PHP, NodeJS, Flutter, GatsbyJS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL

Skills: Web Frontend, Mobile Frontend & Backend with NodeJS/Laravel

Resume: On Request

Portfolio: https://www.mobilefirst.in

Email: arpan [at] mobilefirsthq [dot] com

I have over 9 years of experience working as a Software Developer and Architect on enterprise & consumer applications. I'm looking for a short-term & contract opportunity where I can provide value and grow with a good organization. My expertise is mobile (iOS & Android), Web (Node, MongoDB, Laravel, ReactJS).

Location: Bozeman, MT

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (pandas, scikit-learn, Flask, etc), PostgreSQL, R, MATLAB, some web development (JS, Ruby on Rails, React), Adobe CC

Résumé/CV: https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-30846880/docum...

Email: g.egnew@gmail.com

Biological engineer (process & dynamic control, kinetic modeling, differential modeling, genomic data management, etc) very keen to move into software development. Strong analytical skills, fast learner, excellent writer, very collaborative.

Location: Europe/UK/US/Australia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Functional, Clojure, ClojureScript, Datomic, Java, Python, AWS, NixOS, Wolfram, Mathematica, backend, frontend, fullstack.

Résumé/CV: https://immute.co

Email: stan@immute.co


Experience 18 years so far in financial, maritime, media, social, gamedev, CRM, online marketplaces, cryptocurrency/blockchain exchanges.

Classic vertical apps, distributed messaging and streaming systems, microservices.

Originally from Ukraine, I am now roaming mostly in Europe and doing heavy full stack lifting mostly as a contractor via own UK company. Currently open to part, full time projects and serious gigs.

  Location: NYC Area
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, anywhere in confidential US
  Technologies: Fullstack web developer, Python (mostly Flask), Java, C# for backend,
    Angular 8 or pure HTML & CSS on the frontend. Open to new things!
  Résumé/CV: https://danielbeadle.net/Daniel_Beadle_Resume.pdf
  Email: djbeadle[]gmail[]com
I graduated one year ago and have been building my skills working on enterprise web applications. Now I'm searching for a role on a fast moving team building great things where I can learn a lot and make important contributions!

  Location: United States
  Willing to relocate:Yes
  Technologies: Java, Python, SQL, C#, C, AWS, MySQL, Web services.
  Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/shristika-yadav
  Email: shristika.yadav@gmail.com
I recently graduated (May, 2019) from Rochester Institute of Technology where I was pursuing Maters in Computer Science and I am looking for full-time Job opportunities as a Software Engineer/Developer or Data Scientist starting July 1st. Right now, I am in the Santa Clara area. I am very well versed with the knowledge of multi-threading, algorithms, data structure.

Location: Boston

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes to other eastern cities like NYC, DC, and Charlotte. Also open to Denver/Boulder and Chicago.

Technologies: Python, Tensorflow, PyTorch, scikit-learn, XGBoost, Docker, Kubernetes, Airflow, Spark, Flink, Kafka, Hive, SQL, AWS

Resume/Profile: https://isaacmg.github.io

I have 2+ years of experience related to a variety of data tasks. I'm interested in machine learning engineering and data scientist positions. I'm might possibly be interested in data engineering positions as well depending on the tech stack and the amount of ML involved.

Chicago, IL (or Remote US) Possible Relocation | Backend Architect/Engineer (.NET)

Experienced web developer (20 years)

- ASP.NET (including ASP.NET Core), SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Redis, ElasticSearch, GraphQL, Hangfire, Kafka

- Extensive LLBLGen Pro experience

- Docker and virtualization

- Continuous Deployment with Octopus Deploy

Email: steve [at] smwsoftware LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/underwhelmed/ CV/Resume: https://stackoverflow.com/cv/swright33

Location: Mykolaiv, Ukraine

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but can consider

Technologies: JavaScript (NodeJS, TypeScript, React, Redux), Python (Django), PHP

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tv6EtPKZalkkoKMIzMQaHw2D9eG...

Email: evgeniyfilatov@gmail.com


Looking for a remote job with good development practices. I enjoy writing reliable tested code, but this is not always valued in corporate environment. Love solving difficult problems, diving into code to pinpoint and fix exact cause. Also, have experience working remotely.

Location: New York City, NY (NYC)

Remote: OK but onsite preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Web Development, Machine Learning, SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL), Linux, Javascript, some Q/kdb+, PHP, Go

Résumé/CV: https://sethdandridge.com/resume

Email: sethdan@gmail.com

Full-stack Python engineer creating software for 17+ years. I have a passion for solving difficult problems with cutting-edge technology and delivering products that people love. Currently in the financial/legal industry focused on system architecture, back-end web services, data pipelines, and machine learning.

Location: Los Angeles

Remote: Preferred, but whatever the business needs

Willing to relocate: Yes, was expatriated to Asia for 10 years, conversational Mandarin and a bit of Tagalog

Technologies: COO/CIO/CTO typically, 20+ years Tech-agnostic but built everything from Microsoft ERP solutions to FOSSy Full-stack eComm from paper napkin to over a million users in 18mo and $1.7mm MRR with exits (IPO/M&A) that were on Forbes, recently interested in IoT, decentralization, PWAs, food as medicine, Vipassanā.

Résumé/CV: https://docdro.id/fCwRrkw

email: resume-hn@f5.si

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Willing to relocate: Yes (San Francisco Bay Area or other major city in SoCal)

Technologies: Java, Kotlin, Go, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, React

Website: https://vincentxiao.com

Email: vince@vincentxiao.com

Hi, I'm a software developer coming from a non-traditional background in finance. I'm looking for a role where I can help design and build APIs, services, and improve tooling.

If I'm not familiar with your stack, send me an email anyways, I'm willing to learn other languages. I'm also open to internship-to-full-time hire programs. Thanks for reading!

Location: Eastern Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: maybe

Résumé/CV: https://gildedhonour.me

Technologies: different, depending on a task

Email: https://nullurl.xyz/7jykCWMr


I'm Alex. I'll solve your problem in building custom software for you. Mostly I create with web apps.

Other areas I've been working in and interested are:

1) security

2) machine learning

3) marketing


My latest projects 2 ecommerce stores I've built from zero, they're live.

Full list: https://gildedhonour.me/projects

Location: Chicago

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Unity3D, python/django, tensorflow

Résumé/CV: www.vannorman.ai -- http://vannorman.ai/static/img/resume.pdf

Email: charlie at vannorman dot ai

I am full time employed and am not planning to leave my day job (though, you never know ;-) I prefer medium sized (10-50k) contracts and specialize in 3D app development, VR, AR, and prototyping. I am highly responsive, communicate well, and am comfortable managing projects from start to finish, including hiring and managing small teams.

Location: Denver, Co

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies Looking for work in Stock, Options, CryptoCurrency trading. Technologies: Trading API, Stocks, Options, Crypto Currencies, Trading, Python, PHP, MySql, MongoDB, Finance

Résumé/CV: http://www.strategic-options.com/chads_resume.html

Email: chad.humphrey@strategic-options.com

Algorithms / Strategies

-Volatility Algorithm, deploy across $150 million portfolio

-Options Implied Volatility Arbitrage strategies

-Stock & Equity Algorithms, Current tracking over 500 stocks.

-Smaller Bitcoin / Cryto currencies algorithms

Software & API:

-TD Ameritrade, Interactive Brokers, Etrade, Ally

-Scraping techniques

Location: UAE

Remote:Yes, strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: No


Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f6PpBDeyjXX0inry4MM79amE...

Email: mgorabbani@gmail.com

=== Currently working on http://opencrvs.org as a core contributor in github. details about me at https://rabbani.dev

  Location: India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Expert in RDBMS from development to Database Design to Peformance Tuning, Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Spark, Kafka and other Hadoop components. Wroking expirence with GCP and Azure Cloud.
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mukesh-kumar-bigdata-ml/
  My Website: http://ammozon.co.in/
  Email: mukeshfromharyana@gmail.com
Big data, Machine Learning, GCP and Azure professional along with proven experience into multiple domains.

Location: Lithuania (Europe)

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: Not currently

Technologies: Node.JS, Typescript, React, Redux/Mobx, PHP, HTML/CSS, PostgreSQL, Redis

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v1LcC6_Bb-v6fnVmeu5R04eHlf0...

Email: david.senkus@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-senkus-673058186/

Location: Santa Clara, CA

Remote: OK, prefer at least twice weekly onsite

Willing to relocate: Only to Oakland, CA or nearby

Technologies: Python for scientific computing, complex systems analysis and simulations, and ML/AI. I have experience in scientific research, manufacturing, supply chain, and linked data, as well as a strong mathematical background owing to my Physics and Complex Systems degrees.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukasmericle/

Email: Please reach me through LinkedIn

Location: Istanbul/Turkey Remote:Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: - Java, Spring Framework - NodeJS - Python (Flask) - AWS | Dynamodb, SQS, SNS, Lambda, Redshift, API Gateway, S3 etc.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/burakaktas/

Email: buraktas@gmail.com

I have around 5 years of backend experience and +3 years of full stack development. I designed and implemented distributed, high-performance and scalable systems meanwhile providing the maintenance and integrating new features of them.

Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL

Remote: No Preference

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, SQL, Apache Spark and Python libraries such as pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, scikit-learn, XGBoost, NLTK, Keras, Plotly, Gensim, SciPy Machine Learning, Apache Spark, AWS

Résumé/CV:https://www.datadetour.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/mernegar-dorgoly-74562941/

Email: mernegar@datadetour.com

Location: Anywhere provided that a relocation package is available OR Remote

Remote: Yes (preferred)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, React.js, Redux, Vue.js, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, (A bit of) Django

Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/mrassiliCV

Email: hi@mrassili.com

Portfolio: http://www.mrassili.com

Github: https://github.com/mrassili

I am open for hire, contract work or freelance projects right now. HMU

Location: Mexico City

Remote: Gladly

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (TensorFlow, Keras, Django); Javascript (Node, Express, React), C, x86 asm, AWS

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16SD9x7MS0o0FrivFVzPCZTOu...

Email: aalvarado (at) thinkful.com

I've worked for a few years as a Linux Systems Admin and later as a systems developer in Python and C. Lately I've moved into machine learning and data science, which is a blast.

Location: BC, Canada

Remote Only

Technologies : C, C++, SIMD, OpenGL, JS/Typescript, Rails, PHP, SQL, Many CSS preprocessors, AWS, Heroku

I'm a competent C and C++ programmer. The C++ spec weighs a lot, so I'm hesitant to call myself an expert, but I have a good working knowledge of the languages. For a previous employer I worked on a commercial Windows IDE for ~3 years.

I've been working on the foundations of a 3D game engine for ~3 years, which has taught me a great deal about C, systems and graphics programming on both Win32 and Linux. I chose to build it without libraries (Handmade Hero style) which began as a learning exercise, but ended up turning into a way of life. I'm in the process of porting to WebGL.

I can configure and maintain webservers, proxies and load balancers having worked with the web for 10 years.

I have a good understanding of the Linux network stack and APIs at the systems level - I've worked on several custom TCP + UDP protocols in the past.

I love building tools. Sometimes I feel like I was made to build tools. I build all kinds of tools - tools for computers, tools for automotive maintenance, tools for making tools. I've been building a game engine, which I would consider a collection of tools, for years and I still enjoy working on it.

Lastly, and I think this is interrelated with the tools thing, I'm a systems programmer at heart. I love having direct access to the chip and needing to understand the hardware architecture, as opposed to the internals of an interpreter, to write well-working and well-performing code.

That's the cliff-notes on my technical background. As a person I'm friendly and easy to get along with. I like the phrase "Have strong opinions, weakly held".

I enjoy backcountry skiing, snowmobiling, rock-climbing, hiking, biking and beer! I live on Vancouver Island, BC Canada and would strongly prefer to work remotely. I've been working remotely for several years for companies in the Bay Area and just love it.

If you think I could be a good fit for your team and would like to chat I can be contacted by email at jesse.hughes.it@gmail.com



    Location: Austin, Texas
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: Yes for the right opportunity
    Technologies: Semiconductors (Memories, CPU design, IP), Python, Rails, Machine Learning
    Resume/CV: linkedin.com/in/brianpiercy, github.com/bjpcjp
    Email: bjpcjp@gmail.com
4-time technical product manager, former R&D projects manager & recovering developer. I'm told that I'm great with customers & developers alike. Open to both PM and developer opportunities.

I am a certified iOS Engineer and fluent full stack engineer with over 5 years of professional engineering and leadership experience. Developed a multitude of applications for iOS, macOS, and web, offering users intuitive and friendly experiences. When I'm not developing things, I enjoy playing Golf, watching sports, and more.

Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana

Remote: Not Required

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Swift, JavaScript, Node.js, PHP, Python

Résumé/CV: https://tyschenk.com/resume.pdf

Email: ty@tyschenk.com

Vouching for Ty. Been working with him on brainblocks.io for the last few years, the guy is a solid engineer, leader, and a fast learner. Had a fantastic experience working with him!

  Location: Bay area
  Remote: Yes, or Bay Area
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Java, Javascript, Node.js, TensorFlow, Keras, HTML, CSS, Linux & bash
  Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/y2rzsp5w
  Email: spikej50@gmail.com
Hello, I am looking for a junior position in machine learning / data science roles. I have a BA in applied math from Berkeley, and I just finished 10 weeks studying under Google engineers in applied machine learning. Highly motivated to work.

Fullstack Developer Location: Europe Willing to relocate: Yes Remote: Yes Technologies: PHP (vanilla, Laravel, WordPress, Symfony, NextCloud), Python (vanilla, Flask, Django, Pandas, Scikit, Numpy, Bottle, BeautifulSoup), CSS/HTML, JavaScript (vanilla, Node, Vue, jQuery, D3), Linux (non-containerised) Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miloszorica/ Email: miloszorica1701@gmail.com

  Location: Not in Tokyo yet
  Remote: Remote from APAC ok
  Willing to relocate: To Tokyo
  Technologies: Lua, C, Python, Go, Linux, other things I don't like as much, whatever you want me to use
  Résumé/CV: www.burke.ro/resume_rburke_201901.pdf
  Email: jobposter@swordgirls.net
Backend generalist, deep knowledge of http, hls, automated trading, instant messaging, and games. Dabbled in web UI, machine learning, firmware, scraping, and writing bots against totally undocumented APIs.

Location: Atlanta, GA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C/C++, Python, C#, Java, HTML5, Django, SQL, Unity3D, OpenGL, CUDA

Résumé/CV: http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~dmondal6/Resume.pdf

Email: dibyendumondal14@gmail.com

I am a recent MS in CS graduate from Georgia Institute of Technology. I've specialised in Computer Graphics. My main interests are in Animation, Simulation, Rendering and AR/VR. I'm also open to basic Software Engineering roles.

Location: Boston, MA Remote: No Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: SQL, Python, R, SQL Server, MySQL, Mongo DB, SSMS, SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, TOAD, PowerBI, Tableau, Alteryx, JIRA, Advanced Excel, R Studio, Spyder, Minitab, Lingo, Visio, Balsmiq Résumé/CV: www.hfgoswami.com Email: goswami.h@husky.neu.edu

Graduating in August. Looking for full time opportunities in Data domain. Interested positions but not limited to Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Wrangler, Data Scientist, Business Intelligence

  Location: Philadelphia, PA or Austin, TX
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes, to Austin or Philly
  Technologies: C++, Embedded, Python, Jenkins, ARM, Bluetooth, OpenThread
  Résumé/CV: https://tinyurl.com/y3vl7o9a
  Email: mattpenn94@gmail.com
Two years of new product development and working with the high quality internet of things platforms. I'm relocating to a city my significant other has job offers in.

Feel free to drop me an email for a phone or technical screen.

Location: Bremen, Germany until August; Fort Collins Colorado after that.

Remote: Preferred. I most frequently work with clients in the US and London.

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: 15 years of experience. Python for web development and data engineering, React, Docker, AWS, Terraform. Excited about DevOps and using tooling and processes to increase velocity and stability.

Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/story/jimjkelly

Email: pthread1981@gmail.com

- Location: Europe

- Remote: Yes

- Willing to relocate: Maybe

- Technologies: React, GraphQL, AWS, WordPress, UI/UX design, Design systems

- Résumé/CV: http://metamn.io (ask for more details)

- Email: bartus.csongor@gmail.com

I'm a senior software engineer (degree in C.S) and UI/UX designer (works featured in online galleries) looking for a permanent role after years of freelancing.

I provide solutions based on best practices for progressive businesses, organizations and brands.

If your profile is altruistic we can negotiate sub-market rates.

  Location: Romania (US Citizen)
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Javascript, Flask, Django, Godot, 
  webdev,  Unity3d, adobe creative suite
  Résumé/CV: philipreed.codes
  Email: phil.holtzman@gmail.com
I am really open to anything, especially remote work, systems admin, webdev, etc. I took a web development bootcamp and I speak English/Spanish fluent, currently learning Romanian. I am really trying to build my portfolio, thank you

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Angular.js, Vue.js, Node.js, PHP

CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xkvmzwxi26ztgah/CV.pdf

Email: dheerajjoshi1991@gmail.com

Github: https://github.com/djadmin

I've 5 years of experience in Web Development & Application Security. Adept at writing javascript, an open-source lover & regular speaker at Developer Conferences.

Location: Uruguay, South America Remote: Yes

We are Hattrick (https://hattrick-it.com), a boutique mobile apps development shop based in Uruguay.

We help startups build their apps and we are looking for fun projects to collaborate on.

You can see some case studies here: https://hattrick-it.com/work

Email me at martin@hattrick-it.com if you want to chat about a possible project or just connect.

  Location: Pittsburgh, PA
  Remote: No preference
  Willing to relocate: Yes
      Languages and Tools: Python, MySQL, Tableau.
      Libraries: sklearn, pandas, SciPy, NumPy, matplotlib, PySpark, TensorFlow, Keras, Flask.
      Devops and Engineering: Google Cloud Platform, Git, Docker.
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1S_fkHwmH4ArOmewkBlxDhDWgvx3dkkK9
  Personal site: https://shashanksira.wordpress.com

  Location: Bengaluru, India
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Android, Java, Kotlin
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tushar-kawadkar-1a960b118/
  Email: kawadkartushar@gmail.com
Leading mobile tech at Piggy | Ycombinator ( PIGGY S17). Django, Android, iOS developer with 4 years of experience. Developed and headed projects like e-commerce, social networking, workforce and salesforce management softwares.

Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: AWS, Linux administration, Python, Ansible, Chef, Docker, Kubernetes, Networking, etc.

Certs: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate and CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate (Routing and Switching)

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/csouto/samplecode/blob/master/Cesar_Souto...

Email: cesar(dot)souto(at)gmail.com

Location: New York, NY

Remote: Yes, Prefer On-site

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C, Flask node.JS, react.JS, Typescript, Flask, Bash, mySQL, SQLAlchemy

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevanlucchini/

Email: kevan.lucchini (at) gmail

New Grad focused on back-end technologies and passion for DevOps. Recently learned React and having fun with it. I love working with people and am looking for a team to learn and thrive in.

  Remote: Phoenix, AZ
  Willing to relocate: NO
  Technologies: Java / J2ee / Python / Flask / Javascript / jQuery / Bootstrap / PHP / Bash / Linux / SQL / Accessibility (I'm blind)
  Résumé/CV: http://0x6561.net/code/javascript/resume/resume.html
  Email: Edgar.ea6561 ]AT[ gmail.com
I am a US Citizen, looking for an Entry-Level to Junior role

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Flask, Git, PostgreSQL, R, SQL, Java(Exposure)

Resume: https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=https://github.com/kishva...

Email: kishore(dot)vancheeshwaran(at)gmail(dot)com

I am an aspiring data engineer and an amazing problem solver who can get things done.

  Location: Copenhagen
  Remote: OK, prefer office
  Willing to relocate: Within Scandinavia or close-by
  Technologies: Python, C, Assembly. Experience with Android
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jan-mezník-325175b7
  Email: Please use LinkedIn
Graduate Masters in Computer Science this summer. Interest in low-level hardware, OS/kernels, embedded, but generally interested in exciting projects!

  Location: Canada
  Remote: Sure
  Willing to relocate: Anywhere
  Technologies: C++, C, C#, Linux, OpenGL/WebGL/GLSL,
    computer vision, computer graphics, CNC and 3D printing,
    linear algebra, Python, MySQL, Shell script,
    Raspberry Pi and Arduino, electronics, TCP/IP/HTTP,
    Boost.Asio, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS
  Résumé/CV: http://garysinitsin.com
  Email: gary at [domain above]

    Location: London UK
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Python, Pandas, Django, Typescript, AWS
    Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tfmwhite/
    Email: tfmwhite@gmail.com
Experience architecting and building SaaS software, leading teams, and guiding tech strategy. Looking for full-time tech lead/architect position in or near London, or possibly remote.

Location: Denver, CO

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocation: No (but happy to visit the office)

Technologies: Python (Flask, AWS/Serverless Lambada, Pyspark, Presto), Ruby on Rails, React (novice), Terraform, AWS DevOps stuff

Email: concat(weston, platter) at gmail dot com

Github: https://github.com/westonplatter

Note - really good with financial type work. Built a product to calculate SasS MRR/Metrics on top of Stripe API data.

Location: Berlin, Germany (English opportunities only please, US-citizen)

Remote: Possibly? Depends if I can reconcile that with my visa

Willing to relocate: Not before April 2020

Technologies: Rails, Node, Bootstrap, Sass, Ruby, Javascript, more recently React & Kubernettes

Résumé/CV: http://www.andrewritchie.info/docs/andrewritchie.pdf

Email: ritchiea [at] gmail.com

More on my work background in my freelance posting: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20089657

  Location: Rochester, NY
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Major cities
  Technologies: C# ASP.NET Core, Javascript (Angular & Knockout), MongoDb, SQL, Java, Azure
  Résumé/CV: Upon request
  Email: HN profile
6+ years experience. Currently a Senior Full Stack Software Engineer working on a rapidly growing web application. Joining a company with a good culture is very important to me.

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (depends on offer and Visa sponsorship)

Technologies: Python, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Node.js, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Apache Thrift, git, AWS

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: briehan.lombaard@gmail.com

Hi! I'm a "full-stack" engineer with 10+ years experience -- mostly web, a bit of devops and, more recently, scientific instrument control at my current org. Lots of experience with the non-programming aspects of software too.

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Remote: Preferred

Willing to relocate: I am moving to the east coast in one year

Technologies: Python3, NodeJs, Docker/k8s/OpenShift, linux-user

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B270A8MYgd0TOW1kbWU1bnVHMnJ...

Email: bzupnick+whoshiringjune@gmail.com

Experienced full-stack JavaScript developer focusing on fast-growing startups.

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

Remote: I don‘t mind;

Willing to relocate: No;

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React, AWS;

Website: https://www.esamsonov.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/esamsonov

Email: iam@esamsonov.com

Location: London

Remote: Yes!

Willing to relocate: No(ish)

Technologies: Android, Android Studio, Kotlin, Java, REST, RxJava, Dagger 2, CLEAN architecture, MVP, MVVM, analytics, continuous integration, Play Store...

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XHia7hebAZiWCX9owvM4...

Email: gabor.biro@yahoo.com

Looking for NLP/ML engineering roles, preferably with a research bent.

Location: Boston, MA

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Javascript, Tensorflow, d3.js, HTML/CSS, Keras, among others

Résumé: https://github.com/pratikmehta14/Resume/blob/master/resume_P...

Email: psmehta@cs.umass.edu

I am a software engineer with over 18 years of experience, and a strong desire to build and help others to build clean, well-tested, SOLID software. My focus recently has been on the back end, but I have experience across the board. Location: Chattanooga, TN

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: Currently in a lease, but yes after that.

Technologies: PHP, Javascript, MyQL, DDD, TDD, SOLID

Résumé/CV: Available on Request

Website: cleanandsolid.com

Email: lee.wilkins@cleanandsolid.com

Location: Chicago IL

Remote: Preferred, experienced

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JS, TS, CSS, HTML, SPAs, Angular, etc

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YAp7JLca9qCtv2fxZ4_NfX98UPX....

Email: ${hnUserName}chris@gmail.com

Site: https://thoughtpalette.com

Location: Mexico City, Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Probably not, but we can talk about it.

Technologies: Javascript (React), PHP (Laravel), Databases (Mainly MySQL, small usage of PostgreSQL), HTML, CSS, bits of server management

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ereveles/

Email: me@osiux.ws

Note: Mainly looking for project work, but open to full position.

Location: San Francisco

Remote: Willing to work remotely

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, R, SQL, PySpark, AWS, Data Visualization (ggplot, plotly), Machine Learning.

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/keck343/data_visualization/blob/master/Qu...

Email: keck.quinn@gmail.com

Location: India Remote: YES Willing to relocate: YES Technologies: Python, Django, Flask, Pandas, Numpy, Databases Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaditya-agrawal-ab860336/ Email: adityaagrawal9960@gmail.com Experience : 6+ years

Location: Manila, Philippines

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: PHP (CI, Laravel, Symfony), JS (Angular, React, Node, Vue), UI/UX using frontend frameworks, DevOps (Linux), Python (Django, Flask, ML), Go/Golang.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cyril-yu-49769573/

Email: cyrilbenson47[at]gmail.com

Location: Coeur d'Alene, ID / Spokane, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Linux, Rust, Python, Django, Shell, Golang, Lisp, C, SQL, DBs, ETL, AWS, Git, abstraction, data structs, algorithms, formats

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1oS5CRjfVg9-zRFO5CVCmgUI1eY...

Email: hire.derick@pm.me

Location: London UK

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: mostly C++, bits and pieces of Python and Java.

Résumé/CV: https://funchal.github.io/

Email: gafunchal AT gmail.com

I'm an experienced engineer who worked on a lot of different things in different industries. I have been doing a lot of product and people management recently. Looking for my next opportunity.

Location: Toronto, Canada Remote: Yes Willing to Relocate: Yes Technologies: Python, Java, Tensorflow, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Django Resume/CV: http://bit.ly/jayresume19 Email: jay@jaysyko.com

Software Engineer of ~4 years looking to transition into a Data Science/ Data Engineering role

Location: Sonoma, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Currently, I'm enjoying working with Go, Rails, React, Next.js, and Kubernetes.

Portfolio: https://www.lukeheuer.com/portfolio/a7f

Résumé/CV: Please email some position details so that I can provide a resume outlining my relevant experience and skills.

Email: luke@heuerlabs.com

Location: Brasil

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, Python, PHP, Java, Machine Learning, Image Processing

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/victorqribeiro

Email: https://www.linkedin.com/in/victorqribeiro/

Location: Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: well, it depends

Technologies: Java, C, Python, Javascript, NodeJS, AngularJS, Angular2, jQuery, D3JS, Bootstrap, APIs, React, SQL, XML, XSL, GIT, MySQL, MongoDB

Resumè/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-della-marca-25b55b26

English level: Excellent

Email: s.dellamarca@gmail.com

Location: Near Washington DC

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies: Java, JavaScript, NoSQL (MarkLogic), SQL (Oracle and Postgres), Node.JS and basic fluency in C# and Python

Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IuZhqxzikwJciPE1xYCrU1cAaq...

Email: paul.hoehne [at] gmail [dot] com

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: NYC, East Coast North America

Languages: Python, C#, C++, Golang, Javascript, shell

Technologies: Unity3D, Flask, Django, PostgresSQL, TravisCI, Docker, Git, Cypress, Augmented Reality

Resume: https://sonalranjit.com/files/sonal_ranjit_resume.pdf

Email: sonal.ranjit3@gmail.com

Lightstream | Chicago | Full-time | ONSITE, REMOTE (US - CA, CO, IL, MI, MO, NE, OH, TN, TX) for strong candidates | Must have authorization to work in the US | https://www.golightstream.com/

We’re building the future of live streaming. We empower streamers on Twitch, Mixer, etc. to be successful with creative tools and analytics. We’ve got a ton of momentum including a $9M Series A, a strategic partnership with Microsoft and acquisition of analytics company https://arsenal.gg

We build with Typescript, React, Node, C++, Kubernetes and great technical operations are critical to our success.

Right now we’re particularly focused on hiring for:

Growth Lead: https://strea.mr/2JsCeMc (Chicago Only)

Site Reliability: https://strea.mr/2vg6wJ8

Web: https://strea.mr/2VjNgZT (Chicago Only)

Video: https://strea.mr/2IDvDhK

All job postings are here: https://strea.mr/2GE4qsY

Interested in us but don’t see what you like? Hit us up at jobs@golightstream.com

Location: Europe/Russia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: will consider

Technologies: JavaScript (react, d3, node, ...), HTML/CSS, userland C, Linux/Unix superuser, picking up Lisps (Common Lisp mostly)

Résumé/CV: https://orangeshoelaces.net/vasilii_kolobkov_cv.txt

Email: vasilii@orangeshoelaces.net

San Francisco

Data Engineer

Node - Python - MongoDB - PostgreSQL - AWS - Heroku - Keras - Tensorflow - Pandas - Scikit-learn - R

Resume: 2 years Founder @ Coinward, 3 years Product Manager @ Vertafore.com, 3 years Analyst @ Bimini Biological Field Station

Computer Information Systems & Management BA from University of Miami

Graduate of JHU Data Science Toolkit Mooc and School of AI Machine Learning courses


Position: Full stack, Front End, Back End, General Software Engineer

Location: New York, NY

Remote: I guess (USA)

Willing to relocate: California, Seattle

Technologies: React, Redux, Ruby on Rails, Flask, Express, JavaScript, Python, Java, Node.js, SQL, Git, AWS S3, Elasticsearch, D3

Résumé/CV: https://derekdai.com/

Email: derekodai@gmail.com

check out my website :)

  Location: NYC Area
  Remote: Preferable
  Willing to relocate: To UK
  Technologies: ASP.Net/C# (core and framework), MSSQL, Xamarin, and various other Microsoft-stack systems
  Résumé/CV: http://jeremyaboyd.micro.blog/uploads/2019/dd75fda14e.pdf
  Email: hello at jeremyaboyd dot com

Location:Melbourne,Australia Remote:Yes Willing to relocate:Yes(Canada,America) Technologies:R, Python, PowerBI, Excel,Advance SQL,SAS, Tableau,HTML5, CSS,Java Résumé/CV:https://cheesepotato.github.io/ Email:m.ravi2963@gmail.com

Location: San Jose, CA Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: Node, React, Mongo, Python, Django/Flask, Jenkins, HTML/CSS, C/C++, Linux, Windows, Docker Résumé/CV: https://quinoutland.com Email: qoutland@gmail.com

Location: Boston/Waltham Remote: yes or no Willing to relocate: no Technologies: Windows based applications; Google applications; some SAP Resume: Can forward on request Email: mlanderson79@hotmail.com

I am an experienced Executive Assistant looking to change companies due to restructuring. References and resume upon request.

Location: Philadelphia, PA Suburbs

Remote: Yes/Preferred

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: .NET, C#, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Some Node.js, Some React, SQL

Email: keith -at- kpwags.com

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o25p4zuiy1ij9u6/Resume.pdf?dl=0

Location: Vancouver, BC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, Canada area.

Technologies: Python, Ruby, Rails, Django, Backbone.js, CoffeeScript, RSpec, FactoryBot

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nidhi-dhammani-7299a44a/

Email: nidhidhammani@gmail.com

Location: Moscow/Russia.

Remote: Preferable.

Willing to relocate: Can consider relocation, but prefer remote.

Résumé/CV: https://send.firefox.com/download/185201b100c0e837/#XsOFGge1...

Email: warrior2031@mail.ru

Location: Moscow, Russia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Java, Spring, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/175f20Dw7Orn7sJKk5SROyd2p...

Email: vadik011093@gmail.com

Location: Seattle.

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate: In most cases no.

Technologies: JS, MVC, Sql/NoSql, DevOps.

Resume: I just built www.blendful.com which is essentially like Illustrator online.

I'm very design oriented also built www.beaver.digital; list of projects at www.nikkwong.com.

I'm a one man shop for creating attractive design oriented solutions to hard digital problems.

Email: nikkwong0@gmail.com

  Willing to relocate: YES
  Technologies:PRODUCT MANAGER
  Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DX7472XlBUWnZL8Fjl0WUG4qn2TWvyM6/view?usp=sharing

Location: Poland (GMT + 2) Remote: Yes, Only Relocate: NO Technologies: Python, Django, JS, VueJS (more on resume) Resume/CV: http://napcode.eu/pawel Email: pj[at]napcode[dot]eu

I'm interested in part time job offers only.

  Location: San Francisco
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: CTO / cofounder / Product Manager: scaled three companies from 0 to 1MN+ customers 
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakobmichael/
  Email: michael@jakob.tv

Location: Germany

Remote: yes, fully

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: AWS, Terraform, Cloudformation, Node.js, Python, Docker, Vue.js

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikolaj-wawrzyniak-20644695/

Email: miki@mikiwawrzyniak.com

  Location: Canada, Ontario
  Remote: Preferred, on-site potentially
  Willing to relocate: Potentially
  Technologies: .NET Core, Azure, Full-Stack
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-sheppard-9a224a141/
  Email: brandons.519@gmail.com

Location: Charlotte, NC

Remote: Yes, strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C#, .NET, SQL, TypeScript, PowerShell, any language you want me to learn.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffmastry/

Email: jeff@mastry.net

Location: Los Angeles

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: devops generalist

Resume: https://gitlab.jonleibowitz.com/jon/resume/blob/master/resum...

Email: jon@jonleibowitz.com

Back-end Java Developer

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Worst case, within Canada

Technologies: Java, REST, Message Queues, Python, Docker, Linux

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luizfzsaggioro

Email: luizfzsaggioro+hn@gmail.com

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Remote: As long as it is during regular local working hours

Willing to relocate: from 2022

Education: Le Wagon Full Stack Coding Bootcamp

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, PostgrSQL, SQLite, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Heroku

Background: manufacturing procurement, distributed ledger technology (DLT) marketing

Résumé/CV: on demand

Email: phdalberti () gmail.com

Location: USA, NY

Remote: Ok, on-site preferred

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Node, Redux, D3.js, HTML/CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Python

Résumé/CV: https://www.sahilkolwankar.com/resume.pdf

Email: sahilkolwankar@gmail.com

  Location: San Francisco Bay Area
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, Full stack development, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
  Résumé/CV: linkedin.com/in/shiveesingh
  Email: shivee18@gmail.com

Junior R&D / Software Engineer

Location: Paris, France

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, React, Django REST

Resume : Available on request

Email : p.mor awian <at> <gmail> .com

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/pawel-mo/

  Location: Singapore
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes (EU/India/Asia) I am Indian Citizen
  Technologies: React/Frontend Engineer
  Résumé/CV: http://amitkolambikar.com/resume.pdf

Location: Singapore/India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: YES (EU/UK Preferred)

Knowledge / Skills: React/Frontend Engineer

Résumé/CV: http://amitkolambikar.com/resume.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amitkolambikar/

Email: amit007kolambikar (at) gmail (dot com)

Location: London / United Kingdom

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes(Europe,USA,UK), will need visa

Technologies: Python, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Java, C++, C#, SQL, PIG, Prolog, Racket.

Résumé/CV: www.linkedin.com/in/aras-yıldız-977911124

Email: ay1218@imperial.ac.uk

MSc. Machine Learning at Imperial college. Graduating 2019.

Location: Concepción, Chile

Remote: Yes

Relocation: Will consider

Technologies: JS ES6+, Meteor, GraphQL(Apollo), MongoDB, React, Material-UI. Also sql and rails.

Resume: https://github.com/noincomedev

Email: diego@hemployeed.com

I like to create MVPs!

  Location: Lagos

  Remote: Yes, remote only

  Willing to relocate: No

  Technologies: React, Node, GraphQL (All things JS)


  Email: ayinlaolajide@gmail.com

Location: Hyderabad, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React.js, Node.js, Javascript/HTML/CSS, MySQL, Pivotal cloud foundry, AWS

CV: https://sreekar.ch/cv/

Email: chigurupatisreekar@gmail.com

Location: San Francisco Remote: No Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Python, R, SQL, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Statistics, TensorFlow Résumé/CV: deepmaniyar.github.io Email: deepmaniyar93@gmail.com

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (Flask, Requests, Selenium, Pandas)

Résumé/CV: https://kashifaziz.me/kashif-aziz-cv.pdf

Email: contact@kashifaziz.me

Location: North West UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No (only looking for remote)

Technologies: Engineering Lead working on designing Kubernetes infra, containerisation, automation, testing, devsecops, low level Linux, packaging, IoT, ETL etc

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: joel@smashthesystems.com

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React/Redux, Node/Express, MySQL/PostgreSQL/Any RDBMS

Résumé/CV: SreekanthME.com

Email: sreekanthme@gmail.com

I am a JavaScript fullstack developer / architect and am open for remote work / freelance work.

Location: Trivandrum, India

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: python/webservers/pytorch/gitlab

Résumé/CV: https://www.arjoonn.com/cv

Email: arjoonn.94+hn20083793@gmail.com



Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python,Kotlin,Java,Clojure, etc

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/serepasf

Email: serepasf@gmail.com

Location: St Petersburg, FL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Elixir, Vue, JavaScript

Resume: http://chriscombs.me/resume/resume.pdf

Email: hey (at) chriscombs.me

Location: Moscow

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: probably

Technologies: Java

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomashpolsky/

Email: nordmann89@gmail.com

Zagat + The Infatuation | New York, NY | Product Engineers | On-site | Full-Time

The Infatuation is a restaurant discovery platform and our goal is simple: to bring you the most honest and trustworthy opinions on where to eat in every situation. We're in the process of building a new Zagat after acquiring it from Google last year, with a focus on user generated content and are looking for senior engineers to form the backbone of our organization.

Our tech stack revolves around React, Vue, gRPC, Go and Kubernetes.

To apply: https://boards.greenhouse.io/theinfatuation/jobs/4129950002

Location: SF Remote: ok Willing to relocate: no Technologies: Any kind of data stack Email: <username>@gmail

Experienced backend dev, former founder, looking for a variety of roles

Location: London, UK

Remote: Yes (only)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: React, Redux, JavaScript, CSS-in-JS, SCSS, Webpack, Babel, ESLint, Prettier

Résumé/CV: Please request and I can email it

Email: mrseanbaines@gmail.com

Location: Portland, Oregon

Remote: Yes, strongly preferred

Willing to relocate: perhaps

Technologies: Java, Go, Postgres, Docker, AWS(various)

Resume: on request

Email: samvanryssegem @ gmail.com

Competent backend generalist with ~5 years experience.

Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Remote: Yes!

Willing to relocate: No...

Technologies: TXT, XLSX, ODT, HTML

Résumé/CV: Been working on Upwork 6 years now. Time to start branching out.

Email: ch1co23 ät yahoo.com

Startups: Save tens of thousands of dollars per year by contracting out to an experienced team.

I have 15 experienced full time developers ready for action. Your wish is their code. :) We have been in business since 1997.

Location: Ukraine / USA Remote: 100% Willing to relocate: NO Technologies: Swift, PHP, Java, MySQL, Wordpress, Magento Résumé/CV: abovebits.com Email: abovebits.com contact form

Location: Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Security, Python, Networking

CV: On demand

Email: lormayna (at) gmail (dot) com


Location: SF

Remote: Maybe

Relocate: Sure

Tech: 10/10 on the generalist scale, full stack, ML, NLP, DLT, hardware, R, Flink, C++

Edu: Reedie, Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Science

Edge: Translating between biz/design/product and hackers; empathic egalitarian intellectual

Preference: Creative/edu/science missions + offbeat projects + something different.

Nope: Anything eyeballs/funnels/conversions, treating users like cattle. Except in DLT.

Lineage: Son of a Sun+SGI+LLNL engineer so I grew up reading and re-reading Christopher Alexander, Donald Norman, Douglas Hofstadter, and doing weird LISP things. Years at a Zen monastery. Since CogSci+PhilSci curriculum is about abstracting the gory detail of how people think and collaborate, I have some X-ray vision normally absent from tech teams.

Email: ycomb@pm.me

SEEKING WORK | Edinburgh, UK or remote | Web & mobile software consultant

Portfolio: https://www.seanw.org/

Email: sw@seanw.org


Summary: Currently contracting but interested in seeing what's out there - I'm a software consultant with 10+ years of experience who can take your web or mobile project from concept to delivery. I've assisted well known global companies like Just Eat and Triumph Motorcycles, created my own commercially successful apps and have a PhD from Edinburgh University so you can rely on me to deliver high-quality solutions on schedule. I can take charge of requirements gathering, design and development of apps, web services and MVPs as well as giving recommendations on solution design, software architecture and team workflow improvements.


Previous work experience: Full stack development (JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Java, OCaml), modern web frameworks (Express, Vue, React, WordPress, Django), mobile app development (Android, iOS, PhoneGap/Cordova), cloud hosting (AWS, Google, Heroku, Firebase) and website optimisation (performance, security & SEO).


Portfolio: I've independently created two commercially successful apps where I was responsible for the concept, design, development, graphic design, UX and marketing.

- Checkbot for Chrome (https://www.checkbot.io/), a website auditor browser extension that checks 100s of pages at time against 50+ SEO, speed and security web best practices. This included developing a system for subscription based payments and authoring a modern web best practices guide (https://www.checkbot.io/guide/). Technologies: TypeScript, Vue, Node, Express, Firebase, Netlify, Paddle.

[ Rated 4.9/5, 20K+ active users, 100s of paying subscribers ]

- Fresco for Android (see https://www.seanw.org), a digital painting app which was one of the first on the platform to support layers. Features customisable brushes, image filters and robust undo/redo/autosave while being highly optimised for devices with low resources. Technologies: Java, C, JNI.

[ Rated 4/5, 500K+ free downloads, 10K+ copies sold ]


See https://www.seanw.org for my portfolio, client endorsements and more on my background.

Location: San Diego, CA

Remote: preferred

Willing to relocate: I would consider relocating for the right opportunity.

Technologies: html, css, sass, js (es6+), react, node, graphql, apollo-client/server, postgres

Resume: Available upon request

Github: https://github.com/kyle-villeneuve

Email: kylevilleneuve@gmail.com

I am open for hire, contract work or freelance projects right now. HMU. I am very interested in joining a well capitalized startup.

Location: Russia Remote: Not necessary willing to relocate: for the right price if you need a professional coder/programmer, pen test, hacker etc reach out to littlegreenman93@gmail.com

Join us for AI Startup School this June 16-17 in San Francisco!

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