gdulli, Can't comment on what has happened up until this point, but if you are interested in having me dig into this to see what can be done email me at robert[dot]demmer[at]jetbrains[dot]com. Doesn't sound like our standard procedure.
"Regardless of the actual upgrade subscription renewal date, your new upgrade subscription term will always start on the date following your previous upgrade subscription expiration date."
Sounds to me like they are making the point that you won't be "double subscribed" if you renew early -- no overlapping terms. In other words, a good thing. Did you actually talk to anyone who told you you'd be out-of-luck, or just interpreted it from that page?
On the other hand, I believe the product will not deactivate. So, if Version 2 is released on the last day of your subscription and you upgrade and let your subscription lapse, and version 3 is released 8 months later and you renew then, you sort of got a pass on the "down time" whereas active subscriptions would not.
You did not misinterpret the page, but it seems that you encountered an out of the ordinary situation. Again, I would be happy to look into this if you sent me your details.
Can you tell me how long does it usually take JetBrains to review a "Startup Discount Plan" application?
We applied about 10 days ago and haven't heard anything (positive or negative) about us...
I wasn't very hopefull given that our startup is in Mexico and the only thing we have to show that it is less than 3 years old is the incorporation papers in Spanish.
JetBrains makes realy good software but the prices are really expensive for companies in developping countries.
Just want to give an update on this. It seems that our application was somehow missed. But after we called JetBrains and re-sent the application and got our license.
Drop me a line with your dates, let me know if there's any particular team you would like to meet and what you would be interesting in seeing. robert(dot)demmer[at]jetbrains(dot)com
We are working on an interview with Andrei Ivanov, JetBrains Chief Operating Officer, that will likely answer this. For the time being, JetBrains was founded in 2000 in Prague by three software developers: Sergey Dmitriev, Valentin Kipiatkov, Eugene Belyaev. The headquarters and international sales office has remaining in Prague while the company continues to grow.