> But Mozilla is definitely wasting a lot of money on stuff that doesn't contribute to their mission.
Yes, I have noticed that too and every year they sink deeper with ads and shady choices
If they keep it lean and with a high standard the community wouldn't stop supporting it, but every 6 month or so they make a shady decision and lose more support
Tests that don't test anything come in at least two categories for me:
- test that were useless, are still useless and will always be useless
- tests that are currently useless but were used in the "wtf should i write" phase of coding (templating/TDD/ whatever you want to call it).
I'm partial towards the seconds, and i like when they're not removed, because often you understand how the API/algorithm was coded thanks to them (and its often unit tests). But ideally, both should be out of a codebase.
You joke, but I've heard more than one argument about how self-driving cars will drastically improve traffic because, for inter-city travel, they will be able to drive very close together on the highway in a long convoy, leaving almost no space between cars...
I don't think it's such a bad idea, actually. There's value in having something that can drive in a "train", but that can also disconnect when needed and drive on its own.
If you're driving long distance, you get the advantages of a train, but door-to-door, with no scheduling conflicts and no egregious stop times. If your destination is 5 minutes away, it's still a car.
Or, you know, you could drive (or bike! or waymo!) to the local train station, which should have <30 min, well-scheduled, predictable headways to major cities, then take a train that goes 150+mph, and then drive (or bike! or waymo!) to your final destination, for _far_ less total energy expenditure.
Every car in a train-caravan is schlepping along its own engine, crumple zones, airbags....and with rubber tires...
"Like I said earlier, it was always the intention that we're not going to be able to work on it full-time... [I]t was intentionally designed for this kind of sporadic development. We would get critical fixes out as soon as posible, but overall, starting with 2.0, it's mostly in maintenance mode and does not strive to be the best tool for production React apps. It is a tool to get started and get something running fast. Perhaps, it's not even best at that anymore."
I have been tempted to go back to turn of the century tech: html tables for layout with inline css for styling and smarty template for separation of concerns all driven by php.
> html tables for layout with inline css for styling
Html and css have only been getting better over the past two decades; they are not the problem; no need to resort to inline styles and tables. As for going back to server-side templating with php, this is a very good option.
CRA was never a fully official project, though there was a lot of confusion around that. It was in a weird semi-official state, it certainly had the endorsement of the React team initially but it didn't have actual resources from Meta behind it.
CRA was useful when it first appeared because the whole space was a big mess. But it very quickly outlived its usefulness, and its approach was really problematic in my opinion. The config was too complex to eject and modify compared to what you could do yourself with Webpack directly.
> CRA was useful when it first appeared because the whole space was a big mess. But it very quickly outlived its usefulness, and its approach was really problematic in my opinion. The config was too complex to eject and modify compared to what you could do yourself with Webpack directly.
Yes agree, but writing and marinating config for multiple projects just don`t scale. Not to mention we need something dirty and fast.
my 2c: still does the job without ejecting on my small project. Just reading your comment made me happy I don’t spend time thinking about webpack configuration
Until you run into any problem that you need to debug with the build process. And there are more problems today because CRA is not maintained well now.
The tools got much better, it's much easier to just set up a basic Webpack or Vite setup today compared to when CRA was originally created. And the simple configs are much simpler to debug and understand when something doesn't work as expected.