In my version, the entrypoint is not uploading your file (where would it go??) but establishing the connection between two devices, then bidirectional transfers between them.
Anyone remember (slogan: until the weekend heals us) ? Absolutely loved that site, in a way, it was similar to hn in design and "random interesting stuff" type of content.. For me, what killed it was the now long dead "stumple upon" (well, maybe not dead, but they did something years ago to make it suck more)
How is it that the preview-videos showing how fast it is, is still slower at loading small image than it is for my old desktop to START feh AND display the window and image ?
This is quite disgusting, but at least they don't try to hide the evil behind some positive spin (which honestly, is even more repulsive).
I especially like how they portray the managers complete lack of empathy for the situation of the worker, there's absolutely no regard for why he might have a bad month.
To quote a wise guy "I prefer my Nazis in uniform" (so I can properly identify and punch them in the face without them having any "oh but you misunderstood my good intentions sir"-kind of excuse).
Yeah, I remember back when I was a cringy teenager and bought into all the propaganda about why darkmode was better for eyes and whatnot, so much stuff..
So I spent 15 years or so with darkmode, untile one day, i read somewhere that the evidence of darkmode being better was not just lacking, but that people read dark letters on a bright background faster and more accurately than the other way around.. Now this is the Internet, with a capital I so I won't back up that claim with any references, and it's not important whether anyone believes that or not, fact is, that day, I thought "hm" and I switched my editor back to light mode and thought "hm, this is fine too" and I kept it long enough that I discovered that I prefer it.. Now, my xterm, I do want white on black, but that's just something about how that bitmap font looks to my eyes, that makes me want it that way.
But honestly, I don't get what the big deal is with either preference, it's not a big deal really.. black or white.. it's fine!
I use light mode during the day and dark mode from dusk till dawn. I do this because I find it more comfortable, not because I'm told by someone or a study that it's better.
that's fair, the study didn't convince me it was better, it just prompted me to switch back to white, because, actually, I don't know, and then I found that _if_ it made any difference, it was probably positive, but, even though I sit at the screen from dusk till dawn, I find no difference in how pleasant light or dark mode it, it just makes so little difference to me that I don't care :)
I write my blog in regular old plaintext files, I have a script that adds the header text to a file named with todays date and opens it in VIM.
I wrote a small script that renders the file in HTML and CSS, does code highlight and so on, but the goal is that blog-posts should look just fine in raw text, so that it is also usable on Gopher.
Interestingly, so did server cpu thread performance, I guess we're now starting to see more direct prioritization of core count versus core performance, which I kind of understand, it's superficially simpler to think about horizontal scaling, and for very many workloads, it's ideal, and for many it's at least doable, though I fear the invisible overhead in both compute and complexity
Interesting, I've been in software development for a little more than 10 years, and just about every point I've read, I more or less agree one, will be interesting to see if it changes the next 10.
yeah, I've been forced onto it by corporate on my windows machine.. from an aesthetic and usability point of view, there's only negatives.. the ui is even worse than 10, flat and featureless and ugly, looks like a bad prototype theme for gnome, 20 years ago.
They somehow managed to take the utter mess that were the settings of windows 10 and redefine the word utter to a new low.
I'm sure there's some technical things in the kernel and system API that needed changing, but somehow I feel like they could have done that without changing anything that's on the screen..
I wonder if they actually put the thought and consideration into windows user experience that they did when they designed Chicago.
Someone who had worked on the inside commented here that the Windows 10 design team didn't even use Windows, and things suddenly made so much more sense.
I think there's been some interesting changes on the kernel and user-space API side, but it's drowning in the UI shit show.
It's very clear usability is no longer a priority, and they change things just for the sake of change.
I call this exploratory programming, though my approach aligns more with the article I posted here, than with the Wikipedia definition.
I primarily use this method as a step preceding the actual production-quality implementation. It’s not like a prototype—I don’t throw everything away when I’m done. Instead, I extract the valuable parts: the learned concepts, the finished algorithms, and the relevant functions or classes. Unit tests are often written as part of setting up the problem, so I lift those out as well.
I’ve greatly enjoyed this approach, particularly in JavaScript&|TypeScript. Typically, I solve the difficult parts in a live environment and extract the solutions when I find them. I used to use my own "live environment" (hedon.js), but I eventually reversed the approach and built an environment around the built-in Node.js REPL (@dusted/debugrepl). I include this, at least during debugging and development builds, allowing me to live-code within a running system while having access to most, if not all, of the already-implemented parts of the program.
This approach lets me iterate at the function-call or expression level rather than following the traditional cycle of modifying code, restarting the program, reestablishing state, and triggering the desired call, something that annoys me to no end for all the obvious reasons.
A large fraction of code I write at work is either network protocol reverse engineering or interfacing with physical devices. Peeling stuff open layer by layer is often the only way to approach a problem and if I had to document everything beforehand, I would end up writing the same program twenty times.
In my version, the entrypoint is not uploading your file (where would it go??) but establishing the connection between two devices, then bidirectional transfers between them.