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Stories from June 19, 2014
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31. Moving product recommendations from Hadoop to Redshift saves us time and money (monetate.com)
84 points by jpat on June 19, 2014 | 62 comments
32. What Google Taught Me About Scaling Engineering Teams (theeffectiveengineer.com)
77 points by danso on June 19, 2014 | 27 comments
33. A Mysterious Sound Is Driving People Insane – Nobody Knows What's Causing It (mic.com)
72 points by ctoth on June 19, 2014 | 69 comments
34. Minimal Perfect Hashing (stevehanov.ca)
76 points by fendrak on June 19, 2014 | 10 comments
35. Show HN: Subscription Billing for Developers and Startups (billforward.net)
73 points by billforward on June 19, 2014 | 30 comments
36. Why Hypergraphs? (2013) (opencog.org)
66 points by d99kris on June 19, 2014 | 13 comments
37. Node's nested node_modules approach is basically incompatible with Windows (github.com/joyent)
63 points by tsing on June 19, 2014 | 57 comments
38. Function hooking in Swift (github.com/rodionovd)
67 points by ololoev on June 19, 2014 | 8 comments
39. I’ve Worked with Hundreds of Recruiters – Here's What I Learned (firstround.com)
66 points by ca98am79 on June 19, 2014 | 20 comments
40. Introducing Canvas – a new way to build emails (campaignmonitor.com)
63 points by nreece on June 19, 2014 | 23 comments
41. Thousands of secret keys found in Android apps (cnet.com)
58 points by matlecu on June 19, 2014 | 38 comments
42. Cracking the Brain’s Codes (technologyreview.com)
51 points by fortepianissimo on June 19, 2014 | 31 comments
43. Quickly – Giving email a mind of its own [video] (quicklyapp.co)
51 points by utkarsh_apoorva on June 19, 2014 | 40 comments
44. T-Mobile: streaming music no longer counts against data cap (t-mobile.com)
52 points by sahaskatta on June 19, 2014 | 82 comments
45. Starbucks admits it's not contributing to scholarship fund (komonews.com)
51 points by dbbolton on June 19, 2014 | 18 comments
46. OpenCog – Open Source Artificial Intelligence Framework (opencog.org)
48 points by deathtrader666 on June 19, 2014 | 10 comments
47. Bonsai Hosted ElasticSearch Is Down (bonsai.io)
53 points by sstarr on June 19, 2014 | 19 comments
48. Gofmt No Longer Allows Spaces. Tabs Only (code.google.com)
47 points by gmjosack on June 19, 2014 | 54 comments
49. Notes from Startup School NY 2014 (myusings.tumblr.com)
45 points by lorenyu on June 19, 2014 | 11 comments
50. Yhat Sciencebox (yhathq.com)
47 points by yiedyie on June 19, 2014 | 14 comments
51. Performance of quantum computer no better than ordinary PC, say analysts (csmonitor.com)
46 points by aasarava on June 19, 2014 | 42 comments
52. Critical Reasoning for Beginners (ox.ac.uk)
41 points by rfreytag on June 19, 2014 | 8 comments
53. Structured Generative Models of Natural Source Code [pdf] (jmlr.org)
40 points by dennybritz on June 19, 2014 | 4 comments
54. Why Founders Shouldn't Delegate Support Too Early (statuspage.io)
40 points by stevenklein on June 19, 2014 | 10 comments
55. Egyptian Blue: The Color of Technology (artinsociety.com)
39 points by acsillag on June 19, 2014 | 7 comments
56. Scrollback: A friendly portal to your IRC channel (scrollback.io)
38 points by jaipradeesh on June 19, 2014 | 12 comments
57. How to balance health issues with being a founder? (pastebin.com)
39 points by speeder on June 19, 2014 | 50 comments
58. Harley-Davidson announces its first electric motorcycle (chicagotribune.com)
37 points by kevin818 on June 19, 2014 | 48 comments
59. Show HN: I learned Rails and Objective-C in a year to build this
40 points by jpn on June 19, 2014 | 26 comments
60. AtlasDB: Transactions for Distributed Key-Value Stores (Part I) (palantir.com)
35 points by misiti3780 on June 19, 2014 | 8 comments

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